Becoming Colorado home owners!

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. – Melody Beattie

In 2015, Ted received a job offer for a position at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). This was a company he had followed for over a decade, reading and using the material they produce on leadership. What an honor to now get to be a part of their team!

We decided to first “rent” a home until we knew which part of town we wanted to live in. After living in Colorado Springs for about 6 months, we were getting familiar with this great city, and knew which area of town where we wanted to buy a home. After looking at several houses, we found the one that we knew was our ‘home.’ From the first time we walked inside, we could feel the love and comfort in this home, and could imagine ourselves living there.  We would soon find out that the family selling the home had moved here from Naperville, Illinois (not far from where we previously lived) and attended the same church as us!

We put an offer on the house and included a letter about our family – why we wanted their home and what we loved about it. The house had only been on the market 6 days and we knew others were interested, but thankfully, we got the house! They let us know that the letter was what made them want to sell their home to us.

We set a closing date for the end of April, but the lease for our rental home was through September. I called the Rental Agency about breaking our lease. They quoted all the fees involved for doing that, and my heart sank for a minute. Then I remembered a conversation I had with someone who knew the owners of this rental home. I remembered her telling me that the owners were planning to moving back soon after living overseas for five years. I wondered (to myself) where the owners would live since our family was renting their house.

I asked our rental agency if they would contact the owners of our rental home to see if they might want their house back.

Amazingly, the owners said, “YES!”

We did not have to break the lease or pay any fees for moving out early!!!!


We are now Colorado homeowners and absolutely love it! We are grateful to get to live in such an amazing place. I share more specifically about what we love to do here in this post.

I hope you’ve enjoyed following us in this journey as much as I’ve enjoyed telling you! It’s been fun to look back and see how God has gone before us, opening doors at every step. We took a leap of faith and flew. I hope it’s inspired you!

CLICK HERE to read 10 things I didn’t know about Colorado until I lived here! 

Click here to read a post I wrote about 10 things you MUST do in Colorado Springs! 

Kathryn: I am a mom to four young boys and wife to one handsome man. I love hot coffee and good books! I'm a midwest girl living and loving life in Minnesota. I'm originally from Indiana, but have lived in: Ohio, Florida, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, and NOW Minnesota!!

View Comments (6)

  • I have loved reading your story and can't wait to see what the next blog brings! I have taken my next step with faith and know that listing our house for sale is NEXT. It is scary knowing it could sell fast and we are not sure where we are goinv when it sells, but your story has given me hope that it will all fall perfectly together as it happens.

  • I remember when we were called to minister in Birmingham but had only lived in our house in North Atlanta less than a year. Terry felt impressed to call the builders of our home to see if they wanted to buy it back and guess what they did! I love that God always orders are steps when we walk with Him!

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