Clark finds a snake
After spending a day at the park, my boys and several friends piled into my minivan for the ride home.
A few minutes into the drive, Clark (age 7) says, “Hey mom, remember that snake we found at the park? Well, I snuck him in the car, and he got away from me.”
WHAT!? There’s a SNAKE slithering around my car?!
All I can think about is this snake laying babies under a mat, then eating all the crumbs in my car and growing six feet long before we can find it.
There is also a sweet little five-year-old friend, whose parents have entrusted to me, going into a full-on freak out! He hates snakes. He puts his hands straight up, lifts his legs off the floor and starts yelling:
I don’t like snakes!
I hate Snakes!
Don’t let the snake get me!!
I’m scared! Help!”
He’s freaking out … I’m freaking out (on the inside – trying to keep it together on the outside)!
Meanwhile, Clark is totally calm. George (age 9) is entertained. Paul (5) and Luke (3) think this is the best day ever.
I pull over into the first parking lot I can find and tell Clark to FIND THE SNAKE.
“We aren’t leaving until you REMOVE the snake from my car.”
After looking around for a few minutes, Clark finds the snake and puts him outside where he belongs.
Sweet and panicked five-year-old friend calms down. I calm down.
We all get home safely.
And this, friends, is just another day in the life of a #boymom!
If you want to know more about life with Clark, click here!
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Best story EVER!!!!!
I love this!!