Earning a little extra money through Swagbucks

I joined swagbucks a couple of years ago to earn a little extra income – it’s not income that will pay the mortgage, but every dollar helps our bottom line! I consistently earn about $50 a month with only a few minutes of my time each day. Here’s how to earn some easy “swagbucks” that convert into ‘real’ bucks: I use swagbucks as my search engine – every few searches earns you 5-30 swagbucks Take an occasional survey Answer the daily poll Invite friends to join. When you invite friends, you both get swagbucks and you can keep earning swagbucks. You earn 10% of everything they earn! Those are a couple ideas but there are SO many other ways to earn extra “bucks.’ If you are interested in earning a little extra money, go here: http://www.swagbucks.com