An Easy way for a Parent to Invest in your Child

Written by my husband, Ted:

Today I had father-son time with my oldest, George, who is going into middle school next week. I used our time together not only to have fun at the Mall of America, but also started a tradition with my boys who are going into middle school (and in a few years, high school). I was able to capitalize on this transition as an opportunity to invest in him, and talk about leadership and many other topics.

During lunch I shared (or re-shared) with him:

* Picking quality friends. We become like those we surround ourselves with, for better or for worse

* The power of a growth mindset (Instead of “I can’t”… “I can’t, YET”)

* The value of integrity

* The importance of kindness

* Going first (e.g. saying hi…first; smiling first; encouraging first)

* That his mom and I are always here for him (during good and bad times)

* The power of courage and taking action when you are afraid. Action cures fear.

At one point I teared up during our time (I know…I know…a little sappy), realizing I have the wonderful privilege to father him and his brothers.  

Cheers to a great year, George!

Ted Egly is my awesome husband and father to our four cowboys. He loves good books and adventure races. He does Executive Development for Target.

Kathryn: I am a mom to four young boys and wife to one handsome man. I love hot coffee and good books! I'm a midwest girl living and loving life in Minnesota. I'm originally from Indiana, but have lived in: Ohio, Florida, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, and NOW Minnesota!!
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