It’s been awhile since I’ve given you a peek into our week. I’ve been busy living life and have not taken the time to write about. So, I’ll try to quickly catch you up on our Minnesota life.
My Mom was in Minnesota!
I was so excited to welcome my mom back to Minnesota. It had been 2.5 years since her last visit. January in Minnesota is not the best time to visit, but we made the most of it.
Volcan Snow Park
Neither of us love the cold, but we got bundled up to check out the Vulcan Snow Park in St. Paul. The sculptures were works of art and the maze was super cool!
Como Zoo and Conservatory
We took mom to one of my favorite places in the Twin Cities – the Como Zoo. She discovered why I love it here so much. I always enjoy the beauty and warmth of the Conservatory, especially in January in Minnesota.
The flowers smelled heavenly.
We explored the quaint town of Northfield, MN
The picture of Clark and Mom was taken in front the bank where locals put a stop to the Jesse James Gang.
Sisterhood Ladies Night
Another highlight of Mom’s visit was the ‘Sisterhood’ ladies night at my church, with guest speaker Susie Larson.
My mom has loved Susie for YEARS. She listens to her podcasts, reads her books, and sends us her books. When I found out that Susie was speaking at our church on the week my mom was coming to town, I was THRILLED and felt like it wasn’t just a ‘coincidence,’ but a way for God to show us His love. Susie Larson is an amazing communicator, and mom LOVED getting to finally meet her.
When I moved to Minnesota, I attended this ladies night called “Sisterhood” all by myself. I came alone, sat alone, and went home alone. It was a good night, but not my favorite way to attend a ‘ladies night.’ Fast forward three years, and I can’t tell you how happy my heart was to come with a bunch of sweet neighbors and friends (plus mom). We came together (in three cars), sat together, and went back to our neighborhood together and it meant SO much to me.
Before mom left, I snapped this picture. This will be the last picture where George is smaller than Grandma.
Thanks for coming to visit us Mom!
My mother-in-law in Minnesota
In February, my mother-in-law came for a visit.
Mill City Museum
We took Nana to the Mill City Museum. This was once the home of the General Mills flour plant.
Did you know flour can be as explosive as gun powder?
A flour explosion destroyed most of the building. What remains is now the “Mill City Museum.” The General Mills factory has relocated to another town.
Nana and Paul Nana and Clark
George ‘reenacting’ a pose from our visit almost 3 years ago.
George with my mom 2.5 years ago, and with Nana in February:
Click here to read more about the Mill City Museum.
We found a beautiful old window at the museum and stopped to take some pictures.
Nana George and Clark
The boys and Nana were being goofy. I loved how this elderly woman on the side was watching them.
It did warm up enough one day for us to take a winter walk.
Thanks for coming to visit us Nana!
We finished the basketball season with a weekend in Iowa. Clark’s team got invited to a regional tournament, and it was a great way to end the basketball season.
I’m thankful for these sweet basketball moms One mom put these on every door Clark and a few of his teammates
Wrigley’s World
I can’t give an update without a peek at Wrigley. He is such a good dog. We are crazy about him!
My neighbor sent this picture. Wrigley walked over to see if her dogs could play. He was peeking in the window as if to say, “Come out and play with me!”
The boys had Wrigley try on their hats:
George’s hat Clark’s hat
Thanks for reading! Hope you are having a great week. Leave me a comment and let me know what you’ve been up to!
View Comments (2)
Thank you so much for sharing this post and peek into your weeks, Kathryn! I loved it! I especially loved the theme of comparisons - then vs now with friends (so so touching), the growing boys, cold vs warm. Wonderful ❤️
Thanks for reading and for your kind comment.