The Awesome Jar

Awesome Jar

On our counter sits the “AWESOME JAR.” It’s just a glass jar that we use to celebrate the good things in our day. When something happens that brings us JOY, my kids or I will write it down on a slip of paper and add it to the jar. You’d think we’d remember all these great things, but somehow we forget. This “AWESOME” Jar is a like our “remember the good” Jar.

Yesterday, for George’s birthday we put a note in our family’s Awesome Jar that simply says: “Clark’s birthday Surprise for George.” Let me tell you about it. After school, Clark gathered the neighbor kids and gave them each a gift bag. The kids put random (used) toys in each bag, placed them by our front door, rang the door bell, then hid. When George answered the door, they all jumped out and shouted, “SURPRISE! Happy Birthday!” He opened the silly gifts, and they all laughed about it and enjoyed a few minutes together for George’s birthday. It was awesome.

Every few weeks we sit down and pull out the notes from our Awesome Jar and “relive” those sweet moments. It also reinforces to my kids what they’ve done well and it encourages them to keep doing it! The notes in our JAR fill us with JOY!

Find a container and make it your family’s AWESOME Jar. Make it a habit to add one thing each day. It might be something like:

“(My son) put his dishes in the sink without being reminded”

– or –

“(My daughter) responded kindly when her sister was mean to her”

If it was a really bad day and you can’t think of anything, then write, “We all survived today!”

When you look for the GOOD, you will find it! And the more good you notice today, the more you will notice tomorrow. Not only YOU, but your CHILDREN as well. My sons have started to say, “Mom, did you see/hear that, it should go in the Awesome Jar!”

Leave me a comment about one “awesome” thing that’s happened in your house this week. And don’t forget to subscribe by putting your email in the box on the right hand column!

Kathryn: I am a mom to four young boys and wife to one handsome man. I love hot coffee and good books! I'm a midwest girl living and loving life in Minnesota. I'm originally from Indiana, but have lived in: Ohio, Florida, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, and NOW Minnesota!!

View Comments (6)

  • Two things come to mind- my oldest child, Ethan, started his "big boy job," as he puts it. He is commuting by train to Chicago and has 12-hours-away days now. It's a transition for us all, but a positive one. Also, last night, my husband and I took both our dogs for a walk around the block. It was a nice night, and it refreshed us and contained peace. (I used to routinely walk our past dog alone in the evenings and always found it to bring me much inspiration, energy, clarity, and peace. I haven't been back in that groove with our new dogs for a few reasons but was so happy to experience that feeling again last night. It gives me hope and I hope I (or we) will continue the walks.) I know just the container to use- I happened to take the lid off a decorative container last night wondering what was inside- it was empty- perfect timing! Thanks for the positivity idea!

  • Hi, Kat! I've had a week of awesome but my most awesome is morning coffee chats with my momma. She always makes time to chat with me in the mornings and it fills up my cup. Also, endless supplies of Oreos. :)

  • Our 16 yr old son told my husband that he is best man he knows - I'm sure this was a glimpse into heaven considering we feel like we mess up so often as parents. It was an awesome moment to be reminded God is faithful!

    • This just made me get all teary. That is the best compliment any daddy could get. I love that. Truly AWESOME!

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