Elf on the Shelf: Kindness Edition

This year, I’m having our Elf encourage my kids to show KINDNESS. Couldn’t we all benefit from a little more Kindness?

Here are TWO WEEKS worth of ideas to use in your home.

Each of these can be written on a card beside your elf, or use a dry erase marker and leave their daily ‘kindness’ task on the mirror in the bathroom or on a window.


Day 1: Smiling’s my Favorite. Your mission: Smile at every person you see today!


Day 2: Make a card for your school bus driver, garbage man, or someone who serves you.


Day 3: Hold the door for people behind you today.


Day 4: Help your sibling do their chores today.


Day 5: Write a note or draw a picture for your grandparents and/or for someone in a nursing home.


Day 6: Leave a treat in the mailbox for your mail carrier.


Day 7: Put one of your coins in the Salvation Army bucket.


Day 8: Leave a treat or gift at your neighbors door.


Day 9: Go through your toys and donate one to charity.


Day 10: Write a note of thanks to your parents or teacher.


Day 11: Make someone laugh today.


Day 12: Do something helpful WITHOUT being asked.


Day 13: Clean up a mess you DIDN’T make.


Day 14: Say something kind to each of your siblings today.


Happy Holidays! May these will bring a little more joy to your Christmas season.

Click here to read other simple Elf on the Shelf Ideas.

Do you have a kindness idea? Leave a comment!

Kathryn: I am a mom to four young boys and wife to one handsome man. I love hot coffee and good books! I'm a midwest girl living and loving life in Minnesota. I'm originally from Indiana, but have lived in: Ohio, Florida, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, and NOW Minnesota!!
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