50 Simple Ways to Find Joy (& Delight) in the New Year


If you’re anything like me, finding joy in January might be a struggle. The holiday cheer is gone, the thermometer has plummeted, and it’s a daily struggle to peel ourselves from the cozy cocoon of blankets. But fear not! Amidst the frosty gloom, JOY can still be found. I am your joy detective, here to uncover the gems that winter has in store for us. Let the January joy hunt begin!


Winter Beauty
Winter Birds


You must arrange your day so that you experience deep contentment, joy and confidence in your everyday life with God.

– Dallas Willard


Here are 50 little things that can bring BIG joy:


  1. A hot beverage on a cold morning
  2. The first bite of something delicious
  3. Relaxing after hard work
  4. Laughter
  5. Taking a walk in nature and breathing in the fresh, cold air
  6. Listening to a great song
  7. Thinking “I’ve done good work today!”
  8. Spending time with people you love
  9. Saving money
  10. Prayer / Thinking about God
  11. Singing along to a song you love
  12. Watching kids play (or playing with them!)
  13. Petting a dog
  14. Reflecting on a happy memory
  15. Completing something I feel good about
  16. Giving time to something that’s important to you
  17. Smelling a candle or warm soup
  18. Watching my team win
  19. Listening to a funny comedian
  20. Giving (or receiving) a compliment
  21. Learning something new
  22. Watching a sunrise or sunset
  23. Looking at the moon or stars
  24. Finding something you needed to buy, on sale
  25. Selling something
  26. Social networking
  27. Playing in the snow
  28. Soaking in a tub or sauna
  29. Catching up with an old friend
  30. A great find at a thrift store
  31. Getting a card or letter in the mail
  32. Someone smiling at you
  33. Driving and getting all the green lights
  34. Feeling inspired by something you read or hear
  35. Making a gratitude list
  36. Wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket
  37. Dressing up and looking good
  38. Dressing ‘down’ and feeling good
  39. Making cookies and sharing them
  40. A simmering pot of homemade soup
  41. Playing a game with family or friends
  42. Watching birds eat from a bird feeder
  43. Putting your cold feet into warm socks or soft slippers
  44. Crawling into bed after a busy day
  45. Getting a good night’s sleep
  46. Giving or receiving good news
  47. Taking a deep breath
  48. Putting something on your calendar that you are excited about
  49. Forgiving or being forgiven
  50. Feeling LOVED


Winter walk
Winter Walk
Good books!
Dressing up and looking good
Winter joy


I hope this list sparked JOY and made you smile.

May 2024 be the year of JOY as you SLOW DOWN and pay attention to the small pleasures of life, and truly savor them.


Two things I would add to my personal list:

51. New subscribers! Please consider subscribing if you haven’t already.

52. Receiving an email or comment from a reader about how something impacted them.


What would you add to the JOY list? Please leave a comment by clicking that little box next to the title.

Kathryn: I am a mom to four young boys and wife to one handsome man. I love hot coffee and good books! I'm a midwest girl living and loving life in Minnesota. I'm originally from Indiana, but have lived in: Ohio, Florida, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, and NOW Minnesota!!
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