Recently I was lying in bed at night with fears that were keeping me awake. Those fears included:
– What if something bad happens to one of my kids?
– I’m failing as a mom. Do I have what it takes?
My mind would follow this dangerous path of negativity making me feel so much fear that I could not sleep.
After a couple nights of this, I decided that I would no longer allow let these thoughts steal my joy…and my sleep!
I got up, and I wrote down what was scaring me – The LIES. Then I found TRUTH from scripture and wrote that down.
Truth vs Lies
This works! Every time those negative thoughts try to fill me with fear and steal my joy…I speak the TRUTH. It quenches the fear and allows me to move forward in confidence, joy, and sleep in PEACE!
Don’t let fear and anxiety rule (and ruin) your life. Write down your fears, and replace them with statements of faith! Every time a negative thought tries to bring you down,
speak truth,
speak faith,
speak life!
We get to choose what you dwell on! I chose thoughts of FAITH and it made all the difference!
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View Comments (10)
Loved and needed this!! 🙌🏼 Thank you, Kathryn!❤️
Thank you Melanie! And I love how your pic shows up. I'm trying to make that work for me. Is it a gravatar?
Love this Kat!!!!!!
Thank you Abbi! I'm so happy you commented!!!
This is so true Kathryn! Thanks for the reminder. :)
Thank you Jen!
Oh, wow. What a brave post, Kathryn. Thank you so much for sharing. So powerful.
Thank you for saying that Corey!
Thanks Jenelle!