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4 In 2023/ Faith/ Family/ Finding our place/ Inspiration/ Joy

6 Lessons I Learned in 2023


When I was planning this post, I really wanted to write ’23 things I learned in ’23.’ That was taking too long to write and some you wouldn’t care about anyway. (I mean, do you really want to know what apps I learned to use to help me connect with my child’s school?) I decided to SCALE back and focus on what I learned that impacted my life in a positive way, and might be useful for you too.



Lessons I learned in 2023:


1. Smile when things are hard. It makes it easier!

On a psychological level, smiling can trick your mind into perceiving the difficulty as more manageable. The act of smiling is known to release endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that contribute to an improved mood and reduced stress levels. P.S. Try it during a test, when you are angry or when working out. Read more here.



2. Make space for QUIET.

Quiet allows your mind to process what you are thinking and feeling. It moves out some of the ‘sludge’ from constant noise and busyness. It also opens up time for prayer and reflection. Being quiet allowed me to be more ‘present’ – to God, to myself, and to others.

“The noise of the modern world makes us deaf to the voice of God, drowning out the one input we need most.”

– John Mark Comer



3. Do ONE thing at a time.

I’m a serial mulit-tasker. In 2023, I learned that doing ONE thing at a time was more effective than doing multiple things poorly.



4. Slow down and pay attention to what is happening in the moment.

All the best stuff happens in the present and I don’t want to miss all the little moments of JOY.



5. Less input leads to better output.

In 2023 I learned that reducing the amount of input enhances the quality of output. Previously, I would consume up to 60 books a year and listen to countless podcasts. However, in 2023, I deliberately scaled back. This shift has allowed me the time to process and apply what I’ve learned. Creating this mental space has not only fueled my ideas, but also increased my motivation for writing, speaking, and teaching.



6. Change might seem too big and too hard, do it anyway.

When we began talking about moving to a different house, I was hesistant. I didn’t want to leave my comfort zone, the work involved with moving seemed overwhelming, and I was distraught over leaving our wonderful neighborhood. After lots of discussion, prayer and planning – we sold our house and bought another. The change turned out to be exactly what we needed. It was a LOT of work. It was really heard to say goodbye to our amazing neighbors, but the change was exactly what we needed for our family. And, it didn’t just take me out of my comfort zone, it EXPANDED my comfort zone. We’ve met so many new friends, while staying connected to our old ones. It made me (and all of us) a little more adaptable to different situations. Embracing change, though challenging, proved worthwhile.


Those were a handful of the many lessons I learned in 2023. Which of these should you practice in 2024?


What did you learn in 2023? Leave a comment by clicking on that little text box by the title of this post!


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2 In Faith/ Finding our place/ Inspiration/ My Journey

Rediscovering Joy: A Journey of Self-Reflection, Resilience, and Faith


In the winter of 2018, I found myself in an emotionally challenging place, feeling disheartened and discouraged. We had recently uprooted our lives (again!) to a new state that was experiencing one of the coldest winters in years, I had very few friends. The days were cold and dark and the boys continued to pass around every type of cold. The demands of raising four boys was high and my energy was low. I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The sense of isolation began to gnaw at my spirit. As the days passed, I struggled to find motivation and meaning, and know my purpose in this new place.

I’m normally a person who’s positive and sees the bright side, but I couldn’t in this season. What made it harder was comparing myself – to myself! The person I’d been just a year ago was so different than the girl I saw in the mirror.

The previous year was marked by remarkable growth and progress:

  • I set big goals and accomplished most of them.
  • I published a children’s book.
  • My blog had a strong following.
  • I loved my job and felt like I was making an impact.
  • We lived in one of the most beautiful places in the world.


Then all of that changed. We moved to a new place. I no longer wanted to set goals, to write, and was living in (what felt like) Antarctica.


Isn’t life supposed to move up and to the right?


It was certainly moving to the ‘right’ as time continued its relentless march forward. The “up” part seemed elusive. Why had things shifted so drastically from the year before?


In my quest for answers and to regain a sense of equilibrium, I realized I needed to make some changes. It was time to unplug from the constant noise, to halt both the input and output, and just be. After all, we are human beings, not human doings.


I took a break from writing and blogging. I removed Facebook and Instagram from my phone. I unsubscribed from the podcasts that left me discouraged and overwhelmed.


Instead, I listened to positive music, I played with my boys, I read my Bible and a couple of encouraging, life-giving books. I carved out time to make new friends.


To burst out of a cold, dark winter… Into the brightness and life of spring takes a lot of SHOVELING of gray thoughts that have become a blizzard in our minds… So thick we can’t even see our hands in front of our face.

Deb Freeman


Through this process, I learned a valuable lesson: Life doesn’t always follow a linear path. It ebbs and flows, bringing both good and challenging times. It oscillates between loneliness and fullness, happiness and sadness. The lows serve to deepen our appreciation for the highs.


Life is like a book. You take it one chapter at a time. Often one page at a time or one paragraph at a time. Some paragraphs are written better than others.


What I WANTED my life to look like was different from ‘reality.’

life chart


My previous assessment of life was a linear progression. Growth and more growth! Life and more life! Up and further up! Add, don’t subtract.


However, I’ve come to understand that ‘reality’ is far more complex. Life involves a series of steps forward, interspersed with occasional steps backward, sideways meanders, and even ‘exhilarating’ loop-de-loops.


In a world characterized by constant change, I’m thankful for a God who never changes. Who’s love is always certain.


I am deeply grateful for the nourishing wisdom found in the pages of the Bible, for the solace and inspiration that uplifting books and music provide. My heart brims with gratitude for the friendships that have woven their way into my life and the ‘date nights’ shared with Ted at new restaurants. I’m grateful for the ways my boys make me laugh and how they teach me knew things. I love that nature soothes and time heals. Every day that passed made me stronger, more able to live in (and even love!) this new place.


Look for the good, even in the dark. Once you train your eyes for little glimpses of goodness, you’ll get better at seeing them. 

Shauna Niequist


Each of these elements brought me back to a place of joy. In the midst of this journey, I rediscovered that my truest calling was wife, mother, and cherished child of God. All other pursuits, at this moment in time, occupy the periphery.


How about you? What sustains you during life’s challenging moments? Where do you find hope and support? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment by clicking on the little box by the title.





Here are 2 books I found LIFE-GIVING:


1. Anonymous by Alicia Britt Chole


I opened the book and instant tears as I read:

“Have you ever moved to a new place or entered a new environment where no one knew who you were, what you could do, or what dreams ignite your soul?”

(How could this author read my mind?) She goes on to say:

“Have you ever moved from leader to learner?  Went from being sought out to left out? 

Potential seems to hibernate and you wonder if spring will ever come?  Praiseworthy strengths become dormant.

Did you realize that 90% of Jesus’ life was spent in obscurity? Only ten percent was in the public eye. And all of His life was indestructible.  When we state our desire to “be like Jesus” we are usually not referring to his anonymous years. Jesus hidden years empowered him to live an eternally fruitful life. 

Why would Jesus announce the birth of His precious Son with a full angelic choir, then hide this priceless Gift for three decades?  What is hidden is not unimportant.

For instance, when a baby is hidden in the womb, those months are priceless and formative. If the baby is removed from the hidden place, the results can be tragic.

Jesus’ hidden years gave him time to grow and become. It was sacred. Time for rest. Unapplauded but not unproductive. Hidden years are the surprising birthplace of true spiritual greatness.”


The author suggests how to rest:

Take long walks through the woods. Paint a picture no one will see. Watch the stars. Wander through an art museum. Play piano when only God can listen. Write in your journal. Plant a garden.


Savor the anonymous season. Respect it’s potential.

-Alicia Britt Chole


This book was everything I needed for that challenging season. If you are in a “new, waiting, or starting over” season – Anonymous may be the perfect book for you!



2. I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet: Discovering New Ways of Living When the Old Ways Stop Working by Shauna Niequist


This book shares Shauna’s journey back to joy in the midst of some really challenging circumstances. Here are bits of advice she gives:

Get outside and be on the lookout for beauty, especially in nature, read books for comfort. Fresh air helps everything. The world is still good, still beautiful, still interesting and worth savoring. God is still good, still faithful, still kind.

Keep walking, keep loving, keep writing, keep praying. Keep learning, keep forgiving, keep apologizing, keep moving forward. Keep inviting, keep listening, keep opening my arms to all of life.

It doesn’t help to pretend everything is okay. Tell the truth. Allow yourself to be supported by friends and family.

I trust more deeply in the goodness of God than I ever have. I’m more aware of the darkness and more grateful for the light.

I’m learning home isn’t singular. You don’t lose one, instead, your world and your heart expand with each new home and new set of experiences. The old ones stay and the new ones make your heart and your world bigger.


Both books brought me SO MUCH JOY as I realized I am NOT alone. Others have been through similar challenges and came out stronger. And God is always with me, cheering me on.

(Books are affiliate links)


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0 In 2023/ Faith/ Family/ Memories

Celebrating the life of my Grandpa, Ned Freeman: Palm Tree Eulogy


On May 24, 2023 my grandfather finished his race and peacefully passed from earth into heaven as he held my sister’s hand. I was honored to be asked to speak at his funeral, and here is some of what I shared:


My favorite memories of my grandfather are our trips to Florida.

I remember feeling pure joy when we’d cross the Florida state line and spot the first PALM TREE. They would be standing tall, waving and welcoming us in. The palm tree reminded us to breathe deep, relax and enjoy time together. 

I’ve always had a special place in my heart for palm trees, partially because we never see them in the midwest, they represent WARM WEATHER and family time, but also because they remind me of my grandfather.

As I thought about the palm tree, I realized it represents who my grandfather was and some of what he taught me.



Palm trees are unique in that they have inner strength that is unlike any other tree. Instead of trying to stand firm and rigid like the other trees, the palm tree sways with the wind. The palm tree’s flexible, almost elastic structure allows it to bend with the force of the winds and sway right back into place once the winds and storm pass. The palm tree’s roots actually get stronger with every storm it endures. 

Just like the palm tree, my grandfather wasn’t about outer adornment, he focused on strengthening his inner core. That inner strength came from his faith in Jesus. 

In life, there are times where he stood firm on his convictions, but he also knew how to be flexible, how to show grace, forgiveness and love. 

I am a better person because I was loved by Grandpa Ned. 

My grandfather taught me that the combination of inner strength along with flexibility (or grace), are the keys for enduring the tests and trials of life’s storms. He taught me that no matter how big the storm may seem, storms don’t last forever. And we serve a God who is bigger than any storm. 

Storms made my grandfather stronger because he sought God’s wisdom and planted his roots in the soil of faith in Jesus.  

When you see a PALM TREE, I hope you remember him. May it remind us of his inner strength and his grace, and may you consider how you can show that grace, forgiveness and love to others. 

  • Eulogy by Kathryn Egly, June 1, 2023


Read his obituary here.


Click here to read a post about his wife, my grandma Alma.


0 In 2021/ Faith/ Family/ Inspiration/ Joy/ Minnesota/ Raising boys

Our Focus Determines Our Feelings

Do you want to have a better day? Then let me ask you a question: What do you see when you look at this image?

Did you say a black dot?

You’d be right.

HOWEVER, do you notice anything else besides the black dot?

If you thought: “white space,” then you’d be right again! There is actually more WHITE space than black.

Very few people point out the WHITE space. It takes a little more effort to even notice it.

Let’s say this dark spot represents the problems in our world. The white space is the GOOD stuff happening. There is ALWAYS good stuff, we just tend to overlook it. The black dot GRABS out attention. It’s EASIER to notice, and it’s TALKED about more! 

If you watch or read the news, the focus is almost exclusively on the ‘black dot.’

We need to PAY attention to what we are PAYING Attention to! 

We can’t control the negativity in the world. We can’t prevent the ‘black dot.’ We CAN control what we watch, what we listen to, what we talk about, and what we FOCUS on! 

What we FOCUS ON determines how we FEEL!!!!!

Let me say that again in a different way…

Our focus determines our feelings

A couple of months ago I told my boys we were going to the arboretum. In typical kid fashion, they were like

“The arboretum…to look at trees? Mom, that’s BORING!” 

So I turned it into a game. I let them bring their school iPads and I said: “Whoever takes the best picture, gets $1.” 

Suddenly, their attitudes changed.  It was a competition! They had a goal. They had something to focus on.

Look at these incredible pictures and the beauty they found that day:

We got home and my boys proudly showed their dad the pictures they captured. My husband pointed out that our boys would have missed this beauty if they weren’t on the lookout for it.

They FOUND beauty because the LOOKED for it!

You FIND what you LOOK FOR! 

Beauty and goodness aren’t hard to find, they are just overlooked.

What’s wrong is ALWAYS available, but so is what’s right. We find what we look for.

Change your FOCUS because: Your FOCUS determines your feelings!

Thanks for reading and please consider subscribing.

Click here to see more pictures and read about our day at the Arboretum.

Here’s the YouTube version of what I wrote above:

Please share this post with whomever might benefit from it.

1 In 2021/ Book Review/ Faith/ Product Recommendations

The Best Bible and Devotionals for Kids ages 2-12 – Plus a Giveaway!

Easter is the best time to get your kids a new devotional or Bible. If you have a hard time getting your kids to read their Bible or a devotional, do it with them. I like to read with my kids when they first wake up or right before they go to bed. Also, my kids are always required to read something before they get on electronics.

Here are some of my favorites!



I Can Learn the Bible

For ages 2-10

We just discovered this one at our local library and love it. It has a devotion for each week of the year, a memory verse and an excellent lesson.


How Great is our God

For ages 5-15

I’ve shared before how MUCH I love Louie Giglio’s first devotional for kids called: Indescribable. This is Book 2 and I love this one too.


The Purpose Driven Life for Kids

The Purpose Driven Life (for Grownups) is one of the best selling books of all time. The ones for children are really good too!

I’d recommend this book for ages 8-14:

This illustrated one is great for children 2-8:



Jesus Storybook Bible

For ages 1-10

This is the Bible in “storybook” form. It’s BEAUTIFULLY written and all my kids have enjoyed listening to it. It’s received about 8,000 five star reviews on Amazon. This is the perfect “FIRST” Bible for kids! However, my 11 year old still asks me to read it to him!

The Action Bible

For ages 6-12

This is a great Bible for kids who love Graphic Novels.


Bible Storybook

For ages 2 and up

This Bible is easy-to-read and has an accompanying app that little ones enjoy playing.


A Children’s Holy Bible

For ages 5 and up

A real chapter and verse Bible for your child, if they don’t have on yet, is a great gift to give them for Easter. My favorite bible for kids is the New International Reader’s Version. This version makes the Bible easier to read and understand.

Need more Easter Basket ideas? Read this post!

Five fun Easter crafts and actives for kids! Click here!

For unique Easter egg hunt idea that will delight your kids and neighbors, click here!

Why do we celebrate Easter? Is there TRUTH and FACTS behind the Christian faith?

Thanks for reading! Please share this post!

0 In 2020/ Faith/ Finding our place/ Inspiration/ Marriage/ Motherhood

Focus less on ‘WHAT’ and more on ‘HOW’

Most of the time when we think about our lives we think…

“WHAT does God want me to do with my life?”  


“WHAT should I do for work?”   


“WHAT are my talents?”


“What am I doing with my life?”

We usually think in terms of “What.”


However, SCRIPTURE suggests to us that the HOW is more important than the WHAT.

23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24

In other words…

God’s will is more about “HOW” we live than exactly WHAT it is we do.

What if we found out God’s big plan for our lives is that we wouldn’t spend so much time trying to figure out a big plan for our lives? Perhaps He just wants us to love Him and each other.

Bob Goff

This thought should recalibrate how you approach your day.  

“HOW” you work has an impact on your:

  • attitude,
  • work ethic,
  • integrity,
  • reactions.

HOW you go about your day and HOW you do your work is MORE important than the specific job you are doing.

Maybe we will never get to what we are hoping for, until we learn how to have the right attitude about where we are right now.

Why would God get you to the where…if HOW isn’t working for you?

What if HOW you get your work done and HOW you interact with others were the most important things?  

The HOW is critical in your marriage and parenting.

What if WHO you are married to is not as important as HOW you are married to that person?  

Maybe if WHAT your kids are doing is less important than HOW you are responding to them.

You can love them well.  You can serve them well.

Sometimes when we are not doing WHAT we want to be doing, we aren’t paying attention to HOW we are doing it. But, the HOW is more important than the WHAT.

I had a job I loved before becoming a mother. When my 3rd child was born, I became a full-time homemaker. I  was no longer recognized or rewarded for the work I was doing. My kids never said “Good job mom! Thanks for waking up so early. Thanks for always doing the dishes, washing our clothes, playing with us, changing our diapers, making all that food and cleaning up our messes.” In spite of this, I asked God for strength and JOY in what I was doing. I wanted to enjoy my kids and my role in motherhood. I wanted to savor these years and keep a grateful heart and a good attitude. I knew God saw me.

I did wonder if I’d even have any marketable skills after taking care of babies for so long. And guess what, when I went back to work, I found that I hadn’t lost the skills I had before parenting. In fact, I was probably more efficient and a little more effective.

Wherever you are…whatever you are doing…approach it with gratitude and the right attitude.

Perhaps you are a full-time mom, wishing you could escape that roll some days. God has you there, ask Him for strength and allow Him to use you.

Perhaps you are a full-time employee, wishing you could quit. God has you there, ask Him for strength and allow Him to use you.


You may not be doing WHAT you want to do. But you still need to think about HOW you are approaching what you do.

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.

I Peter 3:8

Let’s look at this verse:

For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

Maybe the questions we need to ask ourselves are:

  • HOW am I working well in my job? 
  • HOW am I living well in my neighborhood?  
  • HOW am I loving well in my marriage?
  • How am I modeling well in my motherhood?

Maybe for you, a simple exercise is writing down areas that you can improve, with God’s help:

  • Talk to your spouse about “how” to love or serve him better…
  • Get feedback from your neighbors, co-workers, or boss on “how” you can be of support to them…
  • Have your kids write down 3 or 4 things that you can do to help your relationship with them (reading a story, putting away your phone so you can stay engaged, listening better when they are talking about their day, or investing in areas that you see they are gifted in)

Looking at “how” you are living a significant life is a great exercise in self-reflection.  

Remember, life is less about WHAT we are doing than HOW we are doing it!

This post was adapted from a sermon my husband gave many years ago when he was a teaching pastor. Thanks for reading!

0 In 2020/ Faith/ Inspiration

God’s Got you Bubble Wrapped

I have four young sons – four rumble, tumble, fearless sons.  I have often said that I wish I could wrap them in bubble wrap to keep them safe.

My son Luke wrapped himself in bubble wrap (AFTER a fall from his bike and a cut on his forehead)!

I think we could all use some bubble wrap right now. This year has us feeling a little beat up.

As I read scripture, I see that God already has us in “bubble wrap!” The Bible tells me that He goes before us, He is with us, in us and behind us.  We do not have to let the world beat us up! We are wrapped up in His LOVE, GOODNESS, and protection!

Scripture tells us that God goes BEFORE us:

“The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

He is WITH Us:

“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” Psalm 73:23 NIV

“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

His name, Immanuel, literally means GOD WITH US!

He is IN US:

“Do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?” 2 Corinthians 13:5 NIV

His Goodness FOLLOWS behind us:

“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23:6

He watches over us:

“The Lord will keep you from all harm— He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:7-8

God’s word not only “wraps” us, it strengthens us from the inside out!

When you are feeling afraid, overwhelmed, or plain “beat up” – read God’s word! I’ve been reading Psalm 91 or Psalm 121 nearly every day.


God goes before you, He is with you, He is in you, and His Goodness follows you (and your children)! You can relax in His “bubble wrap!”

For 12 verses to combat fear and build faith, click here.

Here is a song I love about the Goodness of God:

6 In 2020/ Faith/ Inspiration/ Motherhood

12 Verses to replace Fear with Faith, Courage, & Peace

Did you know that there are 365 verses in the Bible about fear? A verse for EVERY SINGLE day of the year! Nothing surprises God. He knew that every single day of our lives, we’d have something to fear. So, he gave us a Scripture for every day to combat our fears.

I’ve created a list of 12 verses for you. 12 of my favorites. One for each MONTH of the year.

Print this off, cut them apart and put them around your house – on your bathroom mirror, in your car, by the kitchen sink…and work on memorizing one each month of the year. Memorize each verse with your kids!

Allow these powerful Scriptures to replace your FEAR with FAITH!

1. Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

2. Psalm 118:6

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.

3. Isaiah 41:10

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. NLT

4. Joshua 1:9

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

5. Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

TIP: Read (and memorize) ALL of Psalm 23!

6. 1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

7. Psalm 34:4

I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.

8. Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

9. Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

10. John 14:27

Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.

11. 2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

12. Psalm 91:15

He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

(I recommend reading – and even MEMORIZING – all of Psalm 91!)

Also – read Romans 8.

I could go on and on with verses and chapters because the bottom line is that …

Scripture BUILDS your faith, while simultaneously reducing your FEAR!

There is always something to fear – God knew this. Way before we were born and had our first fear, He created a path for PEACE and courage.

Focus on Him and His word and not on the trouble, and allow Him to replace your fear with faith!

For more on combating worry, read this.

Thanks for reading. Please comment and share your favorite verse, quote, or method for combatting fear!

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0 In 2020/ Faith/ Family/ Inspiration

13 questions with The Voice Contestant Jon Mullins

Jon Mullins is married to my cousin Whitney, and on NBC’s reality singing show called The Voice.

Jon and Whitney’s wedding day. I lived with Whitney, her sister Courtney and my aunt and uncle through college. This family is very dear to my heart!

Jon’s audition was March 9th, 2020 and I’ve included it at the end of this post! (I’ve also included his incredible new single.)

Blake Shelton said that it was his GREATEST day of his coaching career on The Voice when he got Jon Mullins on his team!

Kelly Clarkson said that Jon’s voice gave her chills. His voice fills a room and he should be on Broadway.

Nick Jonas wants to “snatch him up” if he get the opportunity! (Update – he DID get the opportunity and was good on his word! Jon spent some time on #teamnick.

Here is my recent conversation with Jon:

ME: Jon, one thing I’ve always admired about you is your love for people. When you are in a room, you are not on your phone. You are engaged and interested in every person in the room – whether it’s our 90-year-old grandpa or our 5-year-old niece. As a parent, I’d love to see my kids engage the way YOU do.

Question 1: Where does your love for people come from, and how can parents cultivate it in their children?

Jon: I’ve always been outgoing. As a 4 yr old…I’d be at family gatherings, walking around, talking to everyone.

My parents cultivated it by not trying to hold me back. 

Both of my parents are caring and engaging with people, and I’ve learned from watching them.

Little Jon with his sister

QUESTION 2: When did you first realize you had a gift for singing?

Jon: At 14 years old I became curious about singing. My choir teacher asked me to audition for an Acapella group and I made it. That’s when I discovered that maybe I could sing.

QUESTION 3: You play several instruments. When did you start playing and how often did you practice?

Jon: I began playing the trumpet as an 11 year old. Once I got that thing, I never put it down. I’d play all.the.time. Even sitting on the toilet.

I got my 1st guitar at 14 and took 3 months of guitar lessons and was hooked.

I’d practice at least four hours a day.

I’d fall asleep with a guitar in my hands. 

QUESTION 4: How can parents motivate their kids in music?  Or help develop a passion for it? 

Jon: If your child is showing interest in an instrument, even drums, or any musical aspect, ENCOURAGE it! 

I wish I would have started lessons before 11.

If you can’t afford lessons, ask a family friend to give you lessons. (You can also find lessons on youtube now!)

My parents never got annoyed by my constant playing and singing. Or if they did, they didn’t mention it. They always encouraged it.

QUESTION 5: You are an extremely talented, powerful singer. Kelly Clarkson said your voice fills up the room. Are you 100% talent…or do you still have to work at it?

Jon: First of all, thank you for saying that.

A singer’s vocal technique is ALWAYS a work in progress. Every popular music artist you can think of (Justin Bieber, Usher, etc) STILL has a vocal coach traveling with them and teaching them how to use their ‘instrument.’

I am ALWAYS a student of my ‘instrument’ (my voice). I’m always learning about how to use it properly so I don’t lose it. 

QUESTION 6: Can you tell me a little about your faith?

Jon: Since I was young, my parents attended church. It was fun to me. I grew up in church. At about 5 years old, I felt a tugging on my soul. I talked to my dad about it and I prayed and invited Christ into my life at that young age.

My relationship with God has grown from there.

I am depending on God through this whole thing. Asking for peace and trusting HIM along the way. I’m asking that He open doors that should be open, and close the ones that need to be closed.

Also, if you saw me on stage with my hand raised, it’s because I’ve been a worship leader in the past, and I just start raising my hands when I sing.

I’ve gotten a feedback about my audition – that it was almost like a worship experience. My prayer is that people will see God through me.

QUESTION 7: How did you get on The Voice? 

Jon: A friend of mine was in the audition process. They told the producer to reach out to me and they did.

I was REALLY hesident. I’d been on American Idol in 2010 and wasn’t excited about doing any more reality TV.

I had a conversation with Whitney, my wife. She said, “If God opened this door, walk through it. Maybe this is a good time to step out in faith.”

Then, I was at an eye appointment and there was a sign in the waiting room that said: 

The biggest mistake you can make is a being afraid of making a mistake. 

So, I felt like God gave me a LITERAL sign.

QUESTION 8: What was it like singing to the backs of four chairs and knowing that in those chairs sat Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Nick Jonas?

Jon: I went into the whole situation determined not to concentrate on the chairs. I focused on the meaning of the song! Because of this journey I’ve taken with my wife, the song had SO much meaning to me.

So, I told myself ‘Don’t focus on the chairs – focus on the message!

If you focus on the chairs, only nerves will come through! 

QUESTION 9: What would you say has been your favorite moment in the competition so far?

Jon: Can I say two? 

First, I’ve loved getting to know and grow close with the other artists. We all text and hang out, outside of the show. It’s now a family. 

My other favorite MOMENTS … when I was able to step on that stage and sing that song about my experience. And then…


When Blake said, “This is the best day of my coaching career,” I nearly fainted.

Question 10: If you look down the road, 5 years from now, what do you hope to be doing? 

Jon: Maybe with a kid!?

I’ll still be living in Nashville. 

Touring and playing – music is in my blood, so I’ll still be writing and singing!

Whitney still continuing her successful Lularoe business. Click here to find her stuff!

QUESTION 11: Speaking of Whitney, how is she doing?

Jon: She’s about 85 percent.

About 4 years ago, she fell and hit her head in the front. She damaged the part of her brain that controls important cognitive skills like emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language and anxiety.

After the fall she started having severe panic attacks. Agoraphobia …anxiety…

It’s getting better but she still gets occasional anxiety and panic attacks.

QUESTION 12: How can we pray for you?

Jon: Pray for Whitney – complete healing for her and peace through this process

That God continues to open and shut the doors for us.

Pray that the right people come into our path! 

QUESTION 13: Where can people find you and follow you?

Jon: The HUB for me is

Other places:

@jonmullinsofficial on insta and facebook

You can listen to me on youtube here – JonMullinsMusic

Twitter: @jonmullinsmusic

Jon, we are so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

Check out Jon Mullins amazing new release here: