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0 In 2024/ Family/ Motherhood/ Parent Tip

Family Tip #5 – Don’t Compare Yourself with Others


Today’s Family Tip: Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

God has placed unique gifts and talents inside  you that the world needs. Don’t try to be like someone else, become the best version of YOU!


Suggestions for how parents can help their children not to compare themselves with others:

  1. Encourage your children to focus on their own progress and accomplishments to develop a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. Acknowledge and celebrate the progress you see in them.
  2. Every child is unique with their own set of strengths, gifts and abilities. Ask God to give you insight into how He’s made them, and share what you learn with your children.  This will help them recognize and appreciate their own unique qualities.
  3. Model for your children how to have appreciation for others’ successes rather than feelings of resentment.
  4. Focus less on external markers of success (grades and achievements) and more on personal effort and growth.
  5. Help your children set personal goals and strive for self-improvement. This fosters a growth mindset where they see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats to their self-worth.




The world needs you to be who God created you to be!



Click these links for more family tips:

Family Tip #1 – Model Gratitude

Family Tip #2 – Play!

Family Tip #3 – Smile!

Family Tip #4 – Teach Your Children how to Introduce Themselves


Here’s a post I wrote on COMPARISON in Motherhood.


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0 In 2024/ Parent Tip/ Raising boys

Family Tip #4: Teach Your Kids How to Introduce Themselves



Helping your children develop the valuable skill of introducing themselves, will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Most kids do not instinctively know how to greet adults (beyond “Hi!”) so we can model and instruct them on how to do this with politeness and confidence.


This simple skill has so many benefits. It makes a great first impression, boosts their confidence, opens doors for them and makes others feel respected and welcome!


This skill is taught with 6 simple steps:

  1. Stand up straight
  2. Make eye contact
  3. Smile
  4. Give a firm handshake
  5. State your full name
  6. End with “Nice to meet you.”



I recommend you practice this at home, and then review it right before meeting new people. Make it a fun! Compliment your kids when they introduce themselves in this manner, even if it’s not ‘perfect’ – acknowledge effort and improvement.


Find more tips by clicking on the links below:

Family Tip #1 – PLAY


Family Tip #3 – SMILE


Thanks for reading!