Leaving Hawaii, Keeping Aloha

Today I have a guest post by my sister Krista!

Krista is a loving mom to four beautiful kids, a wife to her childhood sweetheart, and an Interior Designer in Indiana.

Krista and her husband Nate

Since arriving home after our family vacation in Hawaii, I’d been feeling a sense of longing for something I can’t put my finger on. I am sure the gray weather hasn’t helped, but it’s something more. While away, I had many awakening moments, and felt so much joy and peace. Even simple things like driving a Jeep with the rag top off, my hair blowing in the wind, the sun warming my skin and the tunes lifting my soul, felt almost supernatural; especially with the backdrop of the Hawaiian scenery unfolding before me with each twist and turn of the road! I had a few ‘once in a lifetime’ adventures like hiking 8 miles along one of the most majestic and rigorous coasts in the world, to a breathtakingly beautiful waterfall; it seriously did take my breath away for a moment. Another incredible moment was when my daughter Kate’s prayer was answered. Since the moment Kate heard we’d be visiting Hawaii, she’d been praying each night for God to let her meet one of her role models: Bethany Hamilton. God answered her prayer when we happened to be in the SAME place at the SAME time as Bethany!

Kate is SO happy to be meeting Bethany Hamilton!
Krista and the waterfall
The green church we visited on Easter Sunday

I can remember sitting in a quaint green church on Easter morning trying to hold back tears. I was feeling a sense of awakening to how I was made, how God made me, as well as what makes me feel alive and engaged with who I am and the life around me. It also was an awakening to some ways I’m conforming that aren’t really true to how I am made – conforming to my environment and people for one reason or another.

 Back at home, I was cleaning up breakfast, doing laundry, and picking up toys (that were just picked up). I felt a since of sadness and frustration wash over me. I thought, “Is this all I’m ever going to do?”  I turned to Nate sighing. He asked what was wrong and what was fluttering through my mind. I told him how I wanted to feel the way I did in Hawaii. In Hawaii, the mundane chores were enjoyable. I wanted to go back to the way we were in Hawaii-completely natural-with no make up and no hair brush. I loved how I could let the ocean water and air style my hair, and it was beautiful. We could walk barefoot almost everywhere, even shopping!  I felt a sense of belonging and at home in a place I’d never been.

Nate reminded me of what the Hawaiian pastor taught one Sunday in a Hawaii…  

Pastor Steve, in a small tent with maybe 100 people, taught from a passage in Philippians. This passage talks about praying with joy. He went on to describe how amazing it is when you think about Paul and all he went through. Paul wrote about JOY while in prison! Throughout Paul’s life, he had times where he was in need, and other times when he had plenty, he experienced the best and worst of life. Paul encourages us, as believers in Christ Jesus, to choose contentment and joy in all things, situations and places. Paul tells us to count it “all” joy. Pastor Steve paralleled this all to the deeper meaning of Aloha.

Aloha means ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye,’ but it also mean SO MUCH MORE. Aloha means joy, and more specifically, finding joy in the mundane…maybe even choosing joy in the mundane. It is being in harmony and unity with your REAL self, with God and mankind. It involves being honest, truthful, patient and humble. Aloha (joy in the mundane) isn’t just something to experience in Hawaii, it’s found…WITHIN!! Even though I experienced it in such a deep way on an island in the Pacific, it doesn’t stay there. I can experience “Aloha” wherever I am! Joy is on the inside of me and I will CHOOSE it!

There is a part of me that wants Heaven on earth and life to be easier than what it is, for me and for others. I’m beginning to see that the longing itself is beautiful. We were made to long for more. The longing actually leads us to “Aloha”. It can lead us to unity and harmony with our real self, God and humanity. I am a living example that He does satisfy, amaze, and leave us at peace like nothing else when we seek Him in what He is saying and doing in the mundane. I believe true Aloha only comes from Him and is also a journey with Him. 

So I leave you with a heart full of Mahalo. Mahalo simply means “Thank you!” However, the deeper meaning involves thankfulness to God for our past, present and future. I’m hoping it touches a part of your heart and awakens you as it did me!

Krista and her 3 oldest kids – Kate, Mason, and Jack
Kathryn: I am a mom to four young boys and wife to one handsome man. I love hot coffee and good books! I'm a midwest girl living and loving life in Minnesota. I'm originally from Indiana, but have lived in: Ohio, Florida, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, and NOW Minnesota!!
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