Paul. He is one special kid.
He came into this world to two rough and tumble brothers. They loved him so much – and maybe a little too hard.
From the time he could talk he knew how to be loud and let his voice be heard. From the time he could walk he was running and wrestling. In fact, he was the first child in a cast!
He’s been extremely strong-willed since the day he learned the word “No!”
There was a full year where he wore the same outfit nearly every single day! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have wondered why I never changed his clothes. Well, believe me, I wanted to -I just didn’t think it was a battle worth fighting. For my birthday, my in-laws watched all four boys overnight. I laid out each boys clothes for the next day. Except for Paul. My mother-in-law asked what she should put on him the next day. I told her that he could where tomorrow what he has on today. After wearing that under armor shirt 350 times, it’s still going strong! The shorts finally ripped beyond repair.
I’m learning that these strong-willed ones have a something special about them if you can just hold on, choose your battles, and survive the tough moments.
- He potty trained himself!
- He taught himself how to ride a bike without training wheels!
- When we go on trips, he packs his own bag (and doesn’t forget his underwear!)
- He was the youngest to be interested in the things of God and to have a relationship with his Heavenly Father.
He’s also the child who’s caused me to call 911!
It was 2015, we had just moved to Colorado and I was leaving the grocery store with Luke, age 1, Paul – 3, and Clark – 5 (George was in school). I get to the back of the car to start loading groceries and ask Paul to go get into his car seat.
I load the groceries, come around to buckle him in and he is not there. I call for him and he does not answer. I scan the car and don’t see him. I look under the car. No Paul. I look around the car. Don’t see him.
My heart starts to race. I begin to ask people around me if they’ve seen a little boy in a red shirt.
A sweet mama offers to stay by my car with Luke and Clark while I race around to find Paul. I run into the store and let them know I can’t find my son. They lock the store down and send people out to scour the parking lot.
I’m looking at every car driving away and hoping that my son isn’t in one of those cars.
I decide to call 911 at the same time I remember to pray.
I’m talking to a man on the 911 call and asking God for help. “God, please help me find my son!”
Just after I prayed, I felt like I needed to look more thoroughly through my car.
I climb in and look up front, through the middle, and then under the back seat…and there. is. Paul. Hiding under the back seat.
I’m still talking to 911 at this point, giving them all the details and then stop: I found him! He’s okay! I found him! He’s fine!
I remember the kind man on the other end saying, “Good! I’m glad he’s okay! Are YOU okay?” I realized I was breathing hard and in panic mode. I took a deep breath and told him I’d be okay soon.
I hung up and told the people searching that my son had been found. I thanked them for their help and then asked Paul WHY he was under the seat.
“I was just playing hide and seek, mama!”
“Please don’t ever play that game again without letting me know FIRST that you are hiding!”
It took me several hours (maybe days?) for my heart to stop racing. My heart is racing again just typing this story.
Thankfully, we all survived to tell the story! Thankfully, he’s never played hide-and-seek again without inviting me to play first!
This is one story that explains why I ask God for help every day. I don’t know what I’d do without His wisdom, His love, His patience, and His strength as I’m raising these young boys to be great men!

Happy 6th Birthday Paul!
November 27, 2017 at 6:07 amI loved this post, Kathryn! I really feel like I got to know Paul (and what it’s like to raise him) better by reading this. Happy 6th birthday, Paul!
November 27, 2017 at 7:07 amThank you Corey!
November 27, 2017 at 7:56 amHe is a great kid! Love him to pieces!
Hiding like that sure gave you a scare. I would have been scared myself.. Little turkey😂😂😂