Mama, are you tired?
Do you ever wonder if you are failing?
Do you feel like you just aren’t enough for this ‘mom’ job?
Jesus understands what you are going through! He had 12 disciples and I imagine it felt to Jesus like having 12 children. Now granted, they were all potty trained and dressed themselves but still…
they didn’t always listen to him,
they fought over who was his favorite
they fell asleep when he desperately needed their help.
one ultimately betrayed him.
Jesus gets it. He understands our exhaustion and frustrations. He wants to help us.
Here are some ways to partner with him throughout the day.
Start the day with “Help.”
Help me to be the mom you want me to be. Speak through me. Love through me. Help me to be PRESENT and engaged. Holy Spirit fill me. (Holy Spirit is God in us!)
Try to start the day by getting up a few minutes before your kids. If that’s a struggle for you (it is for me!) Ask God for help! He will help you get up so you can have a few minutes to spend with Him, to fill YOUR tank, before you give all day long.
Just like we prefer a mid-day cup of coffee…don’t forget your midday cry for HELP!
God is available all day long. When you are tired, He gives your Strength. When you need wisdom, ASK! The Holy Spirit will reveal things you need to know about your children.
Start the night with “HELP!”
Night can be so hard. I am so exhausted by the time I put my four boys to bed. But bedtime is an important time to invest in your children. Kids are most vulnerable at bedtime. They will suddenly share things that they haven’t said all day. I take time to climb into bed with each of my boys – to listen, sing a song and say a prayer.
My mom did the same thing with us and it brings back such sweet memories.

Me in the center, my mom on the left, & 3 of my 4 sisters.
Let me share an awesome story about how our nightly prayer time had an impact on one of my boys.
Each night when I prayed with George, I prayed 5 Ls. I asked that God would help him to be:
– a strong LEADER,
– a good LISTENER,
– a fast LEARNER, and
– to know God’s LOVE and show God’s LOVE.
I got his report card and his teacher wrote that George has “Enthusiasm for LEARNING, is a superstar LISTENER and is a Kind to his classmates!”
It thrills my heart to see how God is answering our prayers.
Not only do our prayers cause heaven to work on our behalf; we are inspiring our kids and reminding them of who God has made them to be!
Through our nightly prayers, my boys are reminded that that are Leaders, Listeners, Learners – boys who know God’s LOVE and show God’s Love!
“Forgive my son for being a BAD boy!”
Pon’t do that! That will make your children feel ashamed and NOT want to turn to God when they mess up.
- Pray prayers that inspire and encourage your children. Prayers that give them something to live up to! “Thank you Lord for making my son Strong and Courageous, Kind and Bold!”
- Pray Scriptures with them and over them!
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind! 2 Tim 1:7
My favorite prayer book is The Power of a Prayer Parent. I received this book as a gift from my sister Kara when I was pregnant with my first son in 2007. I’ve read it over and over since then. It gives you specific and powerful prayers to pray over children. It teaches you how to pray for your children. I love this book.

Remember that God chose YOU to be the mom to your children and wants to help you be the best mama that you can be! If you have a bad day, that’s ok, we all do. We get a new start every day. Please know that You are loved by your heavenly father, you are chosen! You have what it takes. You’ve got this!

Please feel free to leave me your prayer request in the comments section (the little box to the right of the title) and I will pray for you!
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Deb Weakly
January 16, 2018 at 8:35 amOh my goodness Kathryn! I loved doing our video together! Your words and prayers were filled with truths from God’s amazing Word and I know all of those mamas were blessed by you! You are truly the “wise woman who builds her house” and I’m so honored to walk this ministry road together with you!❤️
January 16, 2018 at 11:17 amThank you so much Deb! I appreciate you!
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March 14, 2021 at 3:07 pm[…] us, changing our diapers, making all that food and cleaning up our messes.” In spite of this, I asked God for strength and JOY in what I was doing. I wanted to enjoy my kids and my role in motherhood. I wanted to savor these […]