Tattling. Tattle-telling. Whatever you want to call it – it’s been around since the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:12-14). I haven’t found a way to stop my boys from pointing out what their brothers have done wrong, but my husband and I found a tool that helps them watch for a what they are doing RIGHT!
We use something called the “Awesome Jar.”
We stumbled upon the idea of the Awesome Jar and have used it in our family to help us live out Philippians 4:8. To notice and call out things that are excellent, praiseworthy, right, noble and admirable.
The Awesome Jar is just a glass container that sits on our counter. My husband and sons decorated it with stickers and some duct tape!

Awesome Jar
We use this Jar to celebrate the good things in our day. When something happens that is admirable, excellent or praiseworthy, my kids, my husband or I will write it down on a slip of paper and add it to the Jar. You’d think we’d remember all these good things, but somehow we forget. This “AWESOME” Jar is a like our “remember the good” Jar. It’s a way to highlight the small wins and bright spots that occur throughout the day.
Recently on my son George’s 10th birthday we put a note in our family’s Awesome Jar that simply says: “Clark’s birthday Surprise for George.” Let me tell you about it. Clark, my 8-year-old, gathered the neighbor kids and gave them each a gift bag. Each of the kids put random (used) toys in each bag, placed them by our front door, rang the door bell, then hid. When George answered the door, they all jumped out and shouted, “SURPRISE…Happy Birthday!” George opened the silly gifts, and we all laughed about each one and enjoyed a few minutes there on our porch – brothers and neighbors. It was awesome!
Every few weeks we sit down and pull out the notes from our Awesome Jar and “relive” those sweet moments. It also reinforces to my kids what they’ve done right. It encourages them to keep thinking about these things, doing these things, and looking for times when their brothers are doing these things!
Find a container and make it your family’s AWESOME Jar. Make it a habit to add one thing each day. It might be something like:
“(My son) cleaned up the play room without being asked.”
– or –
“(My daughter) befriended the new girl at school.”
If it was a really hard day, then you have even more reason to pause for a moment, reflect on the day, and identify at least one thing for which you are grateful. Was it an event, a moment or a person? Write it down and put it in the jar.
When you look for the GOOD, you will find it! And the more “good” things you notice today, the more you will notice tomorrow. Not only YOU, but your CHILDREN as well. My sons have started to say, “Mom, did you see/hear that, it should go in the Awesome Jar!”
Do they still tattle? Yes. But they are also noticing and calling out things that are excellent, praiseworthy, right, noble and admirable! And that is AWESOME!
I was honored to be asked by Homefront to write an article for their magazine. Homefront Magazine equips parents to create fun, spiritually forming times in their homes. This magazine helps re-center our focus and align our priorities to what is best! It’s filled with helpful articles and activities that equip us to become the parents that we want to be!
Check out the Homefront website for good articles, game suggestions, and printables. You can also subscribe to the magazine or buy a digital copy from their site. I love receiving my copy each month! It’s the only magazine that I read cover to cover.
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