Recently I was asked to interview a handful of 5th grade students in preparation for an upcoming field trip. The students were going to BizTown where they would have a “job” to do.
Before I asked the first interview question, I was to watch for and answer this question:
“Did the student come in and shake your hand, make eye contact and state their name?”
Honestly, most 5th graders came in and looked down, nervously. They didn’t know how to introduce themselves.
However, I watched as George came in, reached out his hand, gave a firm hand shake, made eye contact, and stated his full name with a smile on his face.
This simple action made my heart swell – I was so proud of him and I know he made a great first impression!
However, I can’t take the credit for teaching him how to do this. My husband, Ted, started teaching our boys how to introduce themselves from the time they started talking. George also learned and practiced simple manners, like introducing himself, in Cotillion.
Ted or I will often remind our boys how to meet new people before we enter a building where they may encounter strangers or new friends. The morning before his “interview,” I practiced with George and reminded him how to introduce himself.
Parents, it’s really easy to teach our kids how to make a GREAT first impression. This is NOT something that our children inherently know how to do, but we get to teach them how to do it! This simple lesson will be a GIFT to them!
A proper introduction is a tool they will use, and benefit from, their entire lives!

A fun book to read with your kids about manners:
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