Today is Easter Sunday and as I scrolled through Instagram, I noticed many people celebrating the “Resurrection” today. They even posted: “Happy Resurrection Day!”
What is the Resurrection and is it really worth celebrating?
The Resurrection means going from death to life. We, as Christ followers, celebrate Easter as a way to remember that Jesus conquered death and came back to LIFE.
Is there evidence of this? Yes. There is.
Let me introduce you to a guy named Lee Strobel. Lee graduated from Yale with a Law degree and then became a journalist and legal editor for the Chicago Tribune.
He was also an atheist.
One day his wife came home and told him that she had become a Christ Follower.
Lee describes that day as one of the worst in his life. The first word that came to his mind was DIVORCE.
He was trained to research, investigate, and pursue truth and he was sure that his legal and journalism training could be used to disprove the Christian faith.
He started with Easter and the Resurrection. He knew that Jesus claimed to have been raised from the dead. If he could PROVE that this did not happen, he could prove to his wife that there was no basis for her faith.
He thought it would just take a couple of days of investigation and research to disprove the Resurrection, but after a year and nine months of research and study – he realized that the evidence for the Resurrection was clear and compelling. He could not deny the truth of the Resurrection of Jesus … and chose to become a follower of Christ.
Here are four E’s he found that summarize the truth of the Resurrection:
- Execution – No one has ever survived a crucifixion. Jesus was Dead. The death of Jesus by crucifixion is indisputable.
- Early accounts of Jesus’ resurrection – Some people think that the story of Jesus’ Resurrection is a legend. However, legends take time to develop but we have written evidence of Jesus’ death and Resurrection written within months of the event.
- Empty tomb – Even the opponents of Jesus admit that the tomb was empty after 3 days. So HOW did it get empty?
- Eye witnesses – We have many ancient chronicled witnesses that all confirmed that they saw Jesus after his death.
Further proof of Jesus is that we have tons of ancient literature that predicts the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. It would be mathematically impossible to fulfill all of those predictions. Yet, they are fulfilled.
The evidence is there…will you open your heart to believe these truths?
To all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
John 1:12
So if you believe in Jesus based on the historical data, the next step is to receive the free gift of God’s grace. A gift of forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus purchased on the cross when He died for our sins as our substitute.
When we receive the gift … we become sons and daughters of God!
I am grateful to be a Child of God! It has forever changed my life.
A prayer for you if you’d like to become a child of God:
Jesus, as best I can I believe, you are the Son of God. I want to receive your free gift of eternal life. Thank you for dying for me and for paying for the things I’ve done wrong. Today I choose to follow you.
If you’ve made a decision to become a Christ follower, send me a message!
If you want to hear Lee Strobel share this story and more, you can listen here: Lee Strobel Podcast
To read more about the evidence he uncovered, you can read his best-selling book, The Case For Christ.
Thanks for reading and Happy Resurrection Day!
Click here for a fun and unique way to teach kids about the resurrection.
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March 19, 2021 at 6:32 pm[…] Why do we celebrate Easter? Is there TRUTH and FACTS behind the Christian faith? […]