The winter of 2019 was so cold we didn’t get to spend a lot of time outside. 2020 has started much more MILD and we’re all happy about that. “Mild” in Minnesota means the temperature is a “warm” 30 degrees.
Here are some fun things we’ve been doing this winter:
Luke learned to ski! I signed him up for a 90 minute class, and 6 hours later…he still didn’t want to stop skiing!
George and Clark joined the Ski Club at school. Once a week they go directly from school to the ski hill with their classmates.
Luke learning to ski and LOVING it! Clark and Paul about to begin George and Clark

We found a huge sledding hill near our home!
Clark’s “homemade” sled…it didn’t work that well George’s new sled – Christmas gift from his Grandma and Papa Chris Luke
George and Clark are earning extra money by shoveling for neighbors.

Christmas was a fun family day with just the 6 of us. We made pancakes and played lots of games.
The boys playing Hungry Hippo Clark got a new jersey and signed card from Don Beebe RataTat Cat – fun family game! Luke, Paul and Ted playing Yeti in my Spaghetti
A Visit from Family
My sister and her family came to visit from Indiana. We got to go out to dinner, swimming, sledding, and visited Mall of America. This is their second annual trip to Minnesota. They come up and spend the New Year with us – and we spend 4th of July with them in Indiana.
Fun Day at MOA Date night at Colita
George, Clark and Paul are finishing their first season of basketball and they’ve loved it. We were all surprised how much fun this sport it. They’ve enjoyed playing, and the rest of us have enjoyed watching them play

Winter is for watching Movies:

Little Women – A friend invited me to go see this with her. It’s nominated for a bunch of Oscars and now I know why – it’s an INCREDIBLE movie! Watch it!

Where’d you Go, Bernadette? I really enjoyed the book and thought the movie was fantastic! (Get it from Redbox or the library)
Something we have NOT enjoyed this winter: The FLU 🙁
It started with Paul, jumped to Luke, and then to Ted. Thankfully, I only had one rough night! We are all better now!

What have you been up to this winter?
Click here to read my Minnesota Bucket List!
Click here to read How Not to Hate Winter!
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