Here’s what we’ve been up to recently:
“Snow” much SNOW:
The pond behind our house is frozen – at least 12 inches of solid ice – so it’s become the boy’s blank canvas to ‘create!’
They’ve made an ice rink to play soccer and skate, they’ve made forts, trails and whatever else they can imagine!
Clark’s snow angel Their ice rink
After a recent snow storm, the boys noticed an elderly woman shoveling her driveway all by herself. All four boys grabbed their shovels and helped her finish.

So many books, so little time
I have a goal to read 50 books this year…here are a few I plan to read. Have you read any of these? Which one should I start with?

Life with Wrigley:

Having a puppy really is like having a new baby – so I’m kind of exhausted. The boys are amazing at taking him out during the day – but I’m up with him EARLY!
We’ve been “sleep training” him by putting him in the crate at night. The first two nights he whined a lot, but is now sleeping through the night. At first he was up by 5AM! He woke me and Luke up with his barking and whining. Now he’s sleeping til 6AM. That still feels too early, but I know he’s a baby and all my ‘babies’ like to wake up early.
Wrigley enjoys playing outside. Usually he’s only out for 30-60 minutes. We take him for walks (or he takes us for a walk)…and he plays with the neighbor’s doodles.
Wrigley is WELL LOVED!
Wrigley and Ted Wrigley and Clark
Paul and Wrigley Luke and Wrigley Clark and Wrigley

Luke’s first week of school:

Just as we were getting in a rhythm of distance learning, Luke started school again.
Luke completed his FIRST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL! Though kindergarten began in September, he’s never spent 5 full, consecutive days in the classroom until now. Clark and Paul will start in February and George will continue distance learning for now.
How’s your new year been? Leave me a comment!
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