Superbowl and Puppy Plays Ball

Now that I have a house full of guys who enjoy football, I’ve started watching the actual football game and not just the commercials (though those are fun too!) My favorite commercial is at the end of this post.
On Super Bowl Sunday, I made some chicken wings and Jalapeño Stuffed Peppers.
During halftime, the boys were playing “flag” football in the family room, and Wrigley joined in the game. It was all fun and games – until Wrigley missed the flag and bit Paul on the side of the leg.
Clark had always dreamed of having a dog that could play football with him, and his dream came true on Super Bowl Sunday!
Also, Clark asked why the background dancers had underwear on their faces during half-time. My friend Jessica explained that it was for a good purpose, but it still looked ugly and was a weird halftime show!
I was COMPLETELY impressed with Tom Brady and the Buccaneers. What a game!
Serving With Our Neighbors

In 2020, my neighbor asked if we’d want to get together for a service projects on a regular basis. Um YES!
This month we met at a local Feed My Starving Children site to pack food for the hungry. It was an amazing experience, and as we were leaving, Clark asked how soon we could come back.
Baby it’s COOOOLLLLDDD outside

We’ve had a fairly mild winter, but February was FUH-REEZING! Though most of the south shuts down when it gets to subzero temps, Minnesotans are almost un-fazed by it.
Since I’m not a true Minnesotan, I prefer to be INSIDE when the weather dips below zero. The boys and I have been playing games like Spoons, Rat-a-tat cat and Skipbo. We’ve also tried a few things from this list.
Egly boys make People Magazine!

The boys made it into People Magazine (and NOT because they are the sexiest men alive) If you haven’t seen it yet, click here to watch the video that was shared by People for “small acts of kindness day!”
Our hope is that this video inspires other small acts of kindness. If 1 out of every 100 people who watch this video are inspired to do something kind for someone else – that means more than 30,000 acts of kindness were done!!!
Back to Basketball

There was a six week hiatus from sports, but now Paul, Clark, and George are all playing basketball again. They are so fun to watch. Follow me or Ted on instagram to see their best plays.
Clark, Paul and I joined Luke in going back to school. The three of them are finally in school full time and I’m teaching a couple days each week. Because of Covid, no parents are allowed to have lunch with their kids, but when I’m teaching, I get to eat with my boys! What a treat!

It was TRICKY and HOT teaching with a face shield AND mask. Thankfully, as of last week, shields are no longer required!
Valentine’s Day Fun

Clark wanted to ‘sWish’ everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day Paul hopes your Valentine’s Day was a touchdown!
Life with Wrigley

Wrigley is sleeping through night and mostly ringing the bell when he needs to go out. He likes people and playing catch. The boys love him sooo much!
What I’m listening to:
I love Bob Goff and enjoy his podcast. This episode was so inspiring!

What I’m watching:

Has anyone watched this series on Apple TV? It’s so good!
What I’m reading:
This book is amazing!

My favorite Super Bowl commercial:
What have you been up to? Leave me a comment!
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