How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Rating: 10/10
Review: I read this many years ago, but decided to listen to it this time. Wow. Why have I waited so long to listen to this fantastic book?? It was written nearly 100 years ago, but applies to life today. The book covers topics such as:
- dealing with difficult people,
- navigating tough conversations,
- making a positive impression,
- speaking so others listen, etc.
This is a MUST READ for anyone age 15 and older. And if you are like me, and it’s been more than 5 years since you’ve read this book, I recommend you re-read it or listen to the audio edition!
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley

Rating: 7/10
Review: Ted’s had this book for years and I saw it on my hoopla app and decided to listen. The book shared myths about millionaires, and some insight into how some millionaires gain their wealth, which included:
- Living below their means,
- not purchasing items for ‘status’
The book also gave some investing and saving strategies, as well as career options for obtaining wealth.
Shadow of the Almighty by Elizabeth Elliot

Rating: 7/10
Review: I thought this was going to be a traditional ‘biography,’ but was actually made up of Jim Elliot‘s letters and journal entries he wrote over the course of about 10 years.
It was well written, but dragged on at times. I was impressed with the depth and detail that Jim put into his letters and journal entries. It has inspired me to write more letters! After finishing the book, I hand wrote TEN LETTERS, and hope to keep it up.

Share your stuff, I’ll go first by Laura Termaine

Rating: 8/10
Review: This book is very easy to read and pretty entertaining. Each chapter the author asks a question then ‘shares her stuff.’ She then encourages the reader to do the same. The questions Laura posed in this book really inspired me to write more stories about who’s impacted my life, what pivotal moments changed my life, magical moments that occurred in my life, and more.
A picture book I read with my boys that’s worth mentioning:
Honeybee by Candace Fleming
Rating: 10/10
Review: I have a whole new respect and appreciation for bees after reading this beautiful book:

What about you? What have you been reading? What do you want to read? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a comment by clicking on the tiny ‘comment box’ next to the title of this post.
I’m “almost” finished reading Front Desk with one of my sons. We are absolutely loving and don’t want it to end – I’ll give you a full review next month. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss that post.
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