One of our family’s favorite Easter traditions are making Resurrection Rolls together. Not only is it a fantastic object lesson, it’s DELICIOUS!
Making the rolls together is a fun and tangible way to teach your children about the Resurrection. They make a wonderful treat for Easter weekend.
This year, I was making rolls early to take pictures for this post, and only two of my sons were available. When the other two heard we did this without them, they were disappointed. I gladly promised we’d make another batch before Easter.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 8 large marshmallows
- 1/2 stick of butter, melted
- Crescent Roll Dough
- 2 Tbsp. sugar
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- Cooking spray
- Tin pan
What You’ll Do
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Read John 19:38-42 to your children. Explain to them what each ingredient represents.
3. The butter represents the embalming oils. Put butter in a shallow dish in the microwave for 20-30 seconds to melt.
4. The marshmallow represents Jesus, white and pure because He was without sin. Dip the marshmallow in butter.
5. Pour some cinnamon sugar in another shallow dish. The cinnamon sugar is like the spices they used to prepare His body for burial. Roll the marshmallow in the spices.
6. Spread out one section of the crescent dough on a plate. The crescent dough represents the linen cloth they wrapped Jesus in. Place the marshmallow in the triangle of dough and wrap the marshmallow completely.
Option – Dip it in the butter again to keep it from sticking to the pan. Or place directly in a muffin tin covered in cooking spray.
7. Place the rolls in the ‘tomb’ – (the oven). Bake for 12-15 minutes.
8. When the muffins are barely brown on top, take them out of the ‘tomb’ and let them cool for about 5 minutes.
9. Let your kids open up their roll and discover what happened. (Spoiler alert) The roll is empty!
Here’s a short video showing you what to do:
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