You don’t have to spend a lot of money on Christmas to make it memorable. Get a game or two and PLAY together. Your kids will remember your PRESENCE more than your PRESENTS!
Teenagers may act like they aren’t interested at first, but if you set the game up and ask them to play “just one round,” many will do it.
There is SO MUCH VALUE in playing games with our kids. You learn together, laugh together, and just get to BE TOGETHER.
Here are our family’s favorite games:
1. Uno
Ages: 5 and up
This is a classic family game and we love it because you can play with multiple ages and multiple people.
2. Telestrations
Ages: 7 and up
This game makes us laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. It’s like Pictionary but every person has their own “book” instead of a board. It’s so fun to play with a group of 5-6 people.
3. Wit and Wagers
Age 6 and up
We love this game because you are learning fun facts and learning while having fun! This is a great family game for kids ages 6 and up.
We don’t play by the regular rules, here’s what we do:
- one person asks a question from the card
- every player puts an answer on their little board
- every player puts their color circle on who they think has the best anser
- the person who’s closest to the correct answer gets a “chip,”, If your guess is exactly right, you get two chips, and if you put your vote on a winning answer, you earn a chip
4. Rat-a-tat Cat
Ages 5 and up
I like this game because it’s small and easy to travel with. It’s also fun and easy to play.
5. War/Garbage/Spoons
There are so many game you can play with a simple deck of cards.

6. Sequence

Ages: 10 and up. Needs four players.
7. What do you Meme? (*Family Edition only!)

Ages: 6 and up
This game will have everyone cracking up. It’s similar to Apples to Apples (which is another fun game) but with PICTURES. You pick the best words to go with the “Meme.”
8. Spot it

Ages 3 and up
This is a fun and easy-to-play game for kids and adults of all ages. You just have to SPOT something matching on the card you are holding with the card on the top of the deck. If you are the first one to spot a match, you get the card. The person with the most cards wins!
9. Rummikub
Ages: 5 and up
This is a fun game to play with friends. Best with 4-6 players. You make a row of matching numbers or ordered numbered tiles.
10. No stress chess/Chess

Ages 5 and up
My boys learned how to play Chess with the No stress chess game. Now they can play the real game.
Honorable Mention:
Heads up app
This isn’t a board or card game, but is basically a ‘charades’ or guessing game you can download on your phone. It’s super handy if you have a long wait with your kids!

Does your family have a favorite board game? Leave a comment!
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