On May 24, 2023 my grandfather finished his race and peacefully passed from earth into heaven as he held my sister’s hand. I was honored to be asked to speak at his funeral, and here is some of what I shared:
My favorite memories of my grandfather are our trips to Florida.
I remember feeling pure joy when we’d cross the Florida state line and spot the first PALM TREE. They would be standing tall, waving and welcoming us in. The palm tree reminded us to breathe deep, relax and enjoy time together.
I’ve always had a special place in my heart for palm trees, partially because we never see them in the midwest, they represent WARM WEATHER and family time, but also because they remind me of my grandfather.
As I thought about the palm tree, I realized it represents who my grandfather was and some of what he taught me.

Palm trees are unique in that they have inner strength that is unlike any other tree. Instead of trying to stand firm and rigid like the other trees, the palm tree sways with the wind. The palm tree’s flexible, almost elastic structure allows it to bend with the force of the winds and sway right back into place once the winds and storm pass. The palm tree’s roots actually get stronger with every storm it endures.
Just like the palm tree, my grandfather wasn’t about outer adornment, he focused on strengthening his inner core. That inner strength came from his faith in Jesus.
In life, there are times where he stood firm on his convictions, but he also knew how to be flexible, how to show grace, forgiveness and love.
I am a better person because I was loved by Grandpa Ned.
My grandfather taught me that the combination of inner strength along with flexibility (or grace), are the keys for enduring the tests and trials of life’s storms. He taught me that no matter how big the storm may seem, storms don’t last forever. And we serve a God who is bigger than any storm.
Storms made my grandfather stronger because he sought God’s wisdom and planted his roots in the soil of faith in Jesus.
When you see a PALM TREE, I hope you remember him. May it remind us of his inner strength and his grace, and may you consider how you can show that grace, forgiveness and love to others.
- Eulogy by Kathryn Egly, June 1, 2023
Click here to read a post about his wife, my grandma Alma.

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