I’ve read some fantastic books this year, and here are my top 4 recommendations!
If you don’t love reading, listen to the audiobook.
1. Endurance by Alfred Lansing

A captivating and inspiring tale of exploration, human endurance and survival. It’s hard to believe this is a true story. An amazing book for anyone ages 12 or up.
2. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

This book was a breath of fresh air for my soul! It reminded me to slow down and live with intention.
The authors words and methods were simple and life-giving. He doesn’t give you more to do, but plows the path towards less. He shows the reader how to ENJOY this ONE life we’ve been given.
“Through life-giving practices, grounded in the life of Jesus, we gain access to life power beyond our own.” – John Mark Comer
3. Benjamin Franklin by Janet Benge

Benjamin Franklin was a fascinating man with so much creativity and wisdom. I loved learning about his life and adventures (and antics)! I had no idea that so many things we use today were thought up by HIM. I loved this story – it would make a great book to read to kids ages 8 and up!
4. Chop Wood, Carry Water by Joshua Medical

This is the #1 book I recommended this year!
An entertaining story with valuable life lessons in every chapter – the perfect book for boys ages 12 and up!
Honorable Mentions:
A fantastic book on faith and parenting: Growing Grateful Kids

An entertaining family read-a-loud: The Best Christmas Pageant Every

An interesting biography by my favorite author – Paul Brand by Janet Benge

This book is about a missionary doctor who made discoveries in remote India that impact the world of medicine today.
An insightful memoir: Born Again by Church Colson

A wonderful devotional that will take you through the entire year: Prevail by Susie Larson

A powerful book on Prayer: The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson

An engaging fiction book: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Click here to read my favorite books of 2022.
Click here to read the top ten of 2021.
Click here for the best of 2020.
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1 Comment
February 25, 2024 at 7:45 pmI just read The Women and highly recommend it. It’s the story of nurses in Viet Nam during the war. Very little has been written about women in the Viet Nam war and this book does a wonderful job. I laughed, I cried. It was one of those very few books that I didn’t want to end.