0 In 2024/ Book Review

5 Book Reviews and Recommendations


1. Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

Rating 9/10

Review: “The Covenant of Water” is an incredibly well-told story. The writer does a phenomenal job of developing the characters and the storyline, making it both believable and beautiful. My only complaints about this book are its length and the abundance of characters with complex names, which can make it challenging to keep track of everyone.

The book begins with a young girl, only 12 years old, engaged to an older man. This initial premise is both shocking and disturbing. However, the man is equally taken aback by the match with a child. He takes her home and provides a safe place for her to live and grow until she comes of age. The story follows this young girl throughout her entire life and continues even after her death.

I enjoyed how the author skillfully wove different storylines together, creating a rich tapestry of narratives. Although it took a long time to read, it was worth the effort. The depth and complexity of the characters and the intricacies of the plot make “The Covenant of Water” a compelling and memorable read.


2. I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger

Rating: 10/10

Review: I recently discovered “I Cheerfully Refuse” by Leif Enger after seeing that the author was about to speak at a nearby event and also receiving a recommendation from a friend in Colorado. I decided to download this audiobook and was captivated by the story, which is written in a unique and beautiful way.

The main character, Rainy, and his wife live a simple and happy life when a young stranger shows up with car troubles. The story unfolds, taking us on an adventure that beautifully captures the essence of human connection and the unexpected turns life can take. Enger’s writing is engaging, drawing you into the world of his characters with ease.

Rainy’s journey, sparked by this chance encounter, is filled with moments of heartbreak, humor, tenderness, and reflection. The narrative is rich with vivid descriptions and heartfelt dialogues that make you feel a part of their lives. The characters are well-developed, each with their own quirks and charms, adding depth to the storyline.

“I Cheerfully Refuse” is not just a tale of an adventure; it’s a story about resilience, kindness, and the beauty of simple, everyday moments. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a touching and thought-provoking read. Leif Enger has crafted a novel that stays with you long after you’ve finished reading (or listening).


3. The Multiplication Factor by Mark Walker

Rating 9/10

Review: I was given an advance copy of this book because the author is a friend. It’s a memoir of his life – how he became a successful businessman and what what he’s learned along the way.

Here are five gold nuggets I pulled from the book:

  • Everyone was created to make a difference in people’s lives and make the world a better place. The enemy wants to do everything he can to turn your attention to your problems, cause fear, and distract you from your life’s purpose. His goal is to keep you in survival mode, but God wants to give you a life of significance.
  • God uses imperfect people to accomplish extraordinary things. When God gives a promise, He releases us from logic to imagination. What unique partnership is God inviting me into? “The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” (Proverbs 11:25).
  • God can create solutions to any problem. He may prompt us to do something unexpected and unconventional. If we listen and follow His prompting, we will have an amazing and fulfilling journey. You don’t have to fear your competitors when you and God are a team. Invite God into every one of your problems and challenges.
  • Adversity can hurt or help you. God can turn impossible circumstances into something good. God’s voice is edifying, truthful, positive, and full of love. It brings peace. His voice does not demean, accuse, or condemn. We may feel convicted that something in our lives needs to change, and God is there for every step.
  • Take a five-minute vacation: Sit and allow God to show you His love. During negative times, read and meditate on God’s word. Remember the times He has turned bad situations into good ones. God’s word is one of the greatest weapons for defeating the enemy and overcoming obstacles.

If you are a person of faith and business owner, or a young person who wants to be an entrepreneur, this book is for you!


4. Becoming Elisabeth Elliot (volume 1 or 2)

Rating 8/10

Review: Elizabeth Elliot was one of my heroes as a young person. I read her books, listened to her speak and learned so much from her in the 90s. This book captured Elisabeth’s years on the mission field. First, with her husband as a young bride and then as young parents. Elisabeth’s husband was killed in the jungle by Indians and left her a widow with a 10 month old daughter. The book shares how Elisabeth and her daughter ended up living among those same Indians, learning from them and growing to love them. I thought this book shared fascinating insight into the life of a missionary. If you are a fan of the Elliots, or interested in mission work – this book is for you!  


5. Being Elisabeth Elliot (volume 2 of 2)

Rating 10/10

Review: While I enjoyed the first volume, Becoming Elisabeth Elliot, I absolutely loved the second one, Being Elisabeth Elliot. The first book delved into much of the information I already knew about Elisabeth, albeit in much greater detail. However, this second volume shares the latter half of Elisabeth Elliot’s life, and it felt like reconnecting with a friend I hadn’t chatted with since college and it was such an enjoyable visit.

This book tells the story of Elisabeth’s life after her time on the mission field. Upon returning to the United States with her daughter, Elisabeth embarked on a journey as a writer. The narrative follows her through the significant events and challenges she faced, including her second marriage and the heartbreaking loss of her husband to cancer.

Ellen Vaughn excelled in weaving together hundreds of journals, articles, and letters to create a compelling and heartfelt story. Her goal was to tell the truth with love, and she certainly achieved that. The meticulous research and profound respect for Elisabeth’s life are evident throughout the book, making it a truly enriching read.


Thanks for reading and please comment with your book recommendations!

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