“In-laws” have a bad rap. In fact, I went to Pinterest and Google and searched “in-law quotes” and could not find one GOOD quote. They were all negative. So, I’m here to put some positivity out there and say that GREAT in-laws do exist in this world! Let me tell you about two of them.
Kevin and Shirley Egly (my in-laws) are as good as they get! When people talk negatively about their in-laws, I for one, can’t even comprehend it. And two, have nothing but good things to say about mine.
Let me brag on them a little bit!
First of all – the raised Ted Egly! I could just stop there…but I won’t…
They love their grandsons and me so well. They encourage us and help whenever possible.
They watch (aka: wrangle/chase/spoil) all four of our boys so that Ted and I can get away! OHHH SOOO NICE!
While we are gone and when we get back, they help with lots of stuff around the house. Kevin completes household projects and Shirley helps me clean and organize.
Not only does Papa do yard work, he teaches our sons how to do it too!
They also play lots of “UNO!” I love that all four #eglyboys can all play now! (Luke is on “my” team)
We do take breaks to eat and explore. For instance, I had to take Kevin and Shirley out to experience King Chef’s Diner.
Every time I go to Red Rock, I spot different types of wildlife. Once, a deer crossed the trail right in front of me. On this visit, we discovered a big Hawk’s nest with baby hawks inside.
Luke didn’t want to hike, he wanted me to hold him. Since this will probably be the last summer I can “hold” one of my babies while we hike, I held him for the first half of the hike. Then we crossed paths with a kind lady and her adorable dog. Luke wanted to walk alongside the dog and followed him through the second half of the hike and all the way to the parking lot. (This made me want a dog.)
Thank you, Little Dog Lucy, for giving Luke something to chase while we hiked!
While the Egly’s were in town, I also had to take them to Hurts Donuts. Papa loves donuts, and so do his grandsons.
I’m grateful for such amazing in-laws! They set the standard high. I hope that I have the same relationship with my daughters-in-law one day!
Kevin and Shirley, I love you and am grateful for you!
#twinning or Raggedy Anne and Andy?! Me and my father-in-law
Can anyone else share a good “in-law” story! Please leave a comment!
Also, if you have a GOOD quote about in-laws, share that with me as well. I still haven’t found one!
Another year has come and gone. (They just keep coming faster and faster!)
42 trips around the sun.
I don’t love getting older. I’m trying to learn how to embrace it and even enjoy it. I do enjoy life in general; I just don’t like the idea of getting older. I used to get so excited about my birthday and would count the days until I turned 10, 15, 20, 25…
Now, I wish it wouldn’t come so fast. I don’t like the new wrinkles I see; I don’t like that my metabolism isn’t working as fast. I don’t like saying that I’m in my 40s.
I’m sure if you’re older than me, you’re rolling your eyes over my complaints. And if you are in your twenties, you may be wondering if the arthritis has set in. (No, it has not, thank you)
Though I dread getting another year older, I’m incredibly grateful to have another year of life, of health, and memories. Another year of marriage and motherhood. A year to grow wiser and kinder.
Though I may not get excited about turning another year OLDER, it is always fun to celebrate and be celebrated.
My husband’s cousin invited us to rent a condo with them in this beautiful mountain town. It was a perfect weekend! It was fun getting to explore with people who know this town so well – where to eat, where to play, and what to do/when to do it! All of us had a GREAT time!
The last time Luke played on this playground, he was ONE, now he’s FOUR. How does time pass so quickly?
George loved the water features around town!
I went to the Starbucks in Vail and ordered a super fancy birthday drink. Because I’m a Gold Card Member, I get a drink for free on my birthday. Because I knew it would be free, I ordered a super fancy, LARGE coffee. Everything costs more in Vail, so when the Barista rang me up and told me my coffee would be almost $10, I didn’t care – I would redeem my FREE BIRTHDAY DRINK. I showed her my Gold Card and she said, “Oh, we don’t accept those here.” So…not only did I not get a free drink…I had to dish out almost $10 for COFFEE on my birthday!!!! From now on, I will ASK before I ORDER!!!
Birthday #43 was even more unique than 42. I decided to make it about giving, instead of receiving. Click here to read about it.
Voted one of the best parks in the US – everyone should visit Garden of the Gods at least ONCE in your lifetime. You can park anywhere and find an amazing and beautiful hike! The main parking lot gets crowded, so start early. It was our favorite place to hike when Luke was in a stroller because the paths are paved. However, you can park anywhere in this incredible park and find an easy path to explore.
2. Fox run park:
Fox Run Park
Fox Run Regional Park is on the north side of Colorado Springs and has lots of trails, a pond, a creek, and a couple of play areas! You could spend the day here or just an hour. My kids love this place. Click this link for a map of the trails.
3. Palmer Park:
Enjoying the view at Palmer Park
Palmer Park is an amazing place to visit at least once. You can drive up to the top of the mesa and enjoy the breath-taking view of the city and Pikes Peak. There are some easy trails at the top or bottom. Make time to stop at the huge playground off Maizeland on your way out. Click here to look at some trails.
4. Red Rock Open Space:
Red Rock Canyon Open Space
Red Rock Open Space is similar to Garden of the Gods, but even more “natural” – meaning no paved areas, no bathrooms and lots of winding trails. There are beautiful hikes no matter where you start! I could go here every week for a year and find a new trail. It gets a little confusing – trails split and you need to understand the “map” they have provided on signs throughout the park (I’m not that good). However, if you just keep walking, you’ll find your way again (or, ask someone else hiking which way to go). No matter what your age – two or 92 – you will love this place! Click here to view the trails.
5. Paint Mines:
Paint Mines
The Paint Mines Interpretive Park is about 30-40 minutes outside of Colorado Springs, but worth the drive for an awesome adventure. Your family will love the gentle hike through the colorful caverns.
6. Bear Creek Nature Center:
Bear Creek Nature Center
and the
7. Fountain Creek Nature Center
Fountain Nature Center
George – Bird Watching at the Fountain Creek Nature Center
Take a hike around the lovely grounds and enjoy the shaded trails, creeks and marshes. Then stop by the Nature center(s) to play with the interactive exhibits and learn about the animals that live in the region.
Helen Hunt Falls is a gorgeous spot to visit any time of the year, but with kids, I recommend you visit in the summer. There are lots of steps and they get slippery/icy in the winter. There’s a handrail all the way up to the top of the falls. Then, enjoy a beautiful and easy hike at the top. The Starsmore Nature Center is nearby with beautiful and easy hikes all around as well. We absolutely love Cheyenne Canyon and all the adventure it offers our family.
10. Seven Bridges:
Seven Bridges makes us Crazy for Colorado
We love Seven Bridges. It’s a fantastic spot to explore and take in the beauty of Colorado Springs. With all four of our boys (ages 3, 5, 7 and 9) – we only made it to the FIRST of the “Seven Bridges” and then played in the creek before we hiked back. As they get older, we hope to conquer ALL SEVEN Bridges!
Would you like to purchase a copy of our book? It’s a great souvenir! The Egly boys take a hike up Pikes Peak and teach the reader about animals that live on this glorious mountain.
The town has great shops and delicious restaurants. It’s walkable and clean.
When my mom came to visit, we decided to spend a Day Downtown – enjoying the city, eating and getting pampered! I wanted to show her to all the best things to do downtown in one day.
We started the day at Loyal Coffee. This place is BEAUTIFUL and has GREAT coffee, and delicious food!! I loved the soft boiled egg on toast. (I now try to re-create this dish at home. Mine’s not as good)
Loyal Coffee – Beautiful inside!
Loyal coffee can get crowded, so you may have to take coffee to go.
After breakfast and coffee, we got pampered at the Beauty Bar. The beauty bar is incredible inside. Super CLEAN, industrial-feel, with a friendly staff. They do hair, makeup, manicures and pedicures. Mom and I got our nails done and enjoyed the complimentary fruit infused water. They also have a bartender on staff to make you any drink your heart desires!
Next: shopping.
One of my favorite store in town is Terra Verde. This shop has a little of everything. Beautiful clothes, unique decor, lovely jewelry, good books (including MINE!), and gift ideas for any person you can imagine. They do complimentary gift wrapping too!
My mom bought me some new earrings! Thank you Mom!!
After Terra Verde, we stopped by Poor Richards. This is such a unique place – it’s three stores in one! One part coffee shop/restaurant, one part bookstore, and one part toy store.
The bookstore is fun to browse because they have new and used books of all genres and for all ages. I purchased a copy Ferninand the Bull. My boys enjoyed the movie and I wanted them to have a copy of the book to read!
Found my book inside Poor Richards! (I’m not excited or anything)
Get a copy of my Colorado Springs Children’s book by clicking here!
Our next stop was Pikes Peak Lemonade. You must stop in and try a free sample of their delicious lemonade! We met the owner and bought some jalapeno lemonade to take home. It’s amazing!
Pikes Peak Lemonade
For lunch, we visited Rabbit Hole. I love that you walk into what looks like a phone booth in the middle of the street, go down a staircase, and enter into what really feels like a “rabbit hole.” They serve lots of yummy ‘rabbit food.’ It’s on my list of BEST restaurants in Colorado Springs.
After dinner, I’d recommend we sneak into Brooklyn’s on Boulder for the experience of visiting a “Speakeasy.” You have to enter an indiscreet door, stand inside what feels like a large closet, knock on another door with a small window. Someone peeks through to ask “what you want.” When you let him know you’d like to go inside, he asks you to show your ID and then quickly escorts you in.
Inside this place is a VERY cool vibe. Get a drink or order an appetizer and imagine what life was like during the Prohibition era.
Doesn’t my day Downtown sound fun?! Do you see why I love this place?
If you’ve spend time in Colorado Springs, what do you like about it?
Again, here are a couple of shops to visit on your day downtown:
I went to church and invited the congregation to be a part of Summer Serve! We are asking for people to help with Supernova Kid’s Camp (VBS) and/or jump in to serve three times this summer in New Life Kids – once in June, July and August.
Afterwards, I ran to the store to grab a couple of things. Luke found a tub of cheeseballs. He’s been begging me to buy them for weeks. They were on sale this week, so I agreed. He was so happy and wanted to carry them all around the store – even though the tub was almost as big as him. When we got to the car, he began to buckle the container into his car seat. He was more worried about his snack making it safely home than himself.
Luke and his precious cargo!
That night I went out with some girlfriends to Till Kitchen to celebrate their birthdays!
Sunday evening we met some friends at Venezia park for a nerf gun war! My boys had so much fun. I loved watching them run and play and laugh with their friends – all different ages, all playing together – and NO TEARS from anyone! (And no one asking for, or playing with electronics!)
I usually do as little as possible. Luke and I take it easy, read and play.
Relaxing with Luke
Luke spent some time riding his “motorcycle” …then found one little dirty spot and proceeded to use an entire bag of wipes to clean it. I sent the picture to my mother-in-law (Nana) and she sent a similar picture to me – Papa was doing the same with HIS motorcycle!
Mondays are the busiest days for the big boys. They have school, then go to chess club (they LOVE Chess club!), then I pick them up, pass out snacks, cleats and shin guards, and take them to soccer practice.
This season has been my favorite sports season so far. We signed the boys up for YMCA Soccer. George and Clark are playing on the same team. I found a time slot where all 3 big boys have the same practice time on the same field each week – which is only 5 minutes from our house. All games and practices are on this one field! There is also a playground for Luke. I can push him on the swing and watch all three boys practice! I love it. Plus, because we are members of the Y, it was cost effective. I wish every sport would make it this easy on mamas. Paul is having fun and Y soccer is the perfect fit for him. George and Clark say it’s not as competitive as the previous league they played with, but how competitive does it need to be for 8 and 10 year olds?! Anyway, with four busy boys, it’s probably the only season that will be this easy on me – so I’m savoring it!
For future reference – any #boymoms have any advice on how you handle sports schedules and still have sanity and family time?
Luke had preschool, so I got to grocery shopping ALL.BY.MYSELF. It’s a vacation to walk the aisles slowly and methodically, all by myself. Then, I met my friend Beth for lunch. This lady was my FIRST friend in Colorado Springs. We met in the church parking lot on our family’s first Sunday morning at New Life Church. We had both just moved to Colorado Springs, and connected from our first ‘Hello!’ Unfortunately, she is moving this summer. They’re an Air Force family and her husband will begin working in the Pentagon this summer – so they are headed to DC! We had a delicious Thai lunch and could have kept talking for hours, but I had to pick up Luke from preschool.
I’ll miss you Beth!
Today was a work day for me. We all arrived early for rehearsal. We have planned something special for all those coming to The Gathering Conference next week.
New Life Family Ministry Team Rehearsal
Then we had a staff meeting to go over every detail – hour by hour – of the event. It’s going to be so good – phenomenal speakers, good music, fun activities, lots of fabulous “breakout” sessions, great food – I can’t wait!!!! Ted’s taking care of the boys so I can be there for all of it.
I also spent time on Wednesday preparing for our Friday night service, as well as a Breakout Session I’ll be leading at The Gathering on Volunteerism.
PS – If you want to join us for The Gathering, PM for a discount code!!!
Luke had preschool so I ran errands, did some cleaning and some writing.
The boys had no school today so we met some friends to play at Fox Run Park. This is the park where Clark found a snake, tried to sneak it home, but instead LOST it in the car! The big boys played soccer and the little guys went looking for fish, frogs, and turtles in the pond. Paul got his hands on a turtle and they all begged me to let them keep it. (I said no.)
There is parking all around the building that costs $0.75 an hour – so bring some change with you.
Walk inside and ENJOY the beauty of the marble lobby. You’ll also see an antique cash register that was used in 1912. You and your children can push the buttons to see how store owners collected money 100+ years ago!
One thing I love about the Pioneer Museum is that they change the displays on a regular basis. Every time I visit, I see and learn something new about Colorado Springs.
My first visit taught me all about the Waldo Canyon fires – with videos, pictures, and items on display donated by local residents.
Right now, the theme is “Colorado Springs from A to Z.”
The entry way … check out the antique elevator – SO FUN!
You learn something interesting about Colorado Springs with every letter of the alphabet. For example, A is for the Antlers Hotel. Pictures and artifacts from Colorado Springs FIRST hotel are on display.
Artifacts from Colorado Springs original hotel
Z is about Colorado’s first Zoo!
The room my children love most is on the main level – it’s a “Play Room” for kids. They have hands-on stations and toys that teach children about our city’s history. My boys set up shop, played on an Indian drum, road a horse, and played a game of checkers.
Paul playing at the Pioneer Museum
Luke loves the teepee
They also enjoy visiting the small gift shop. We bought them each a GEODE – rock that they could take home and break open to reveal beautiful crystals hidden inside.
Clark with a Geode – he couldn’t wait til we got home to crack it open
They also sell our book! Pick up a signed copy if you don’t already have one!
Another thing we all love at this Museum is the antique elevator that takes us up to the second floor.
On this level, you can walk through the original courtroom and imagine what it was like to be a judge, juror or lawyer 100 years ago.
The 2nd floor also has part of Helen Hunt Jackson‘s original home built into the museum.
You can view Indian artifacts and learn about the Indian heritage in Colorado Springs.
I won’t tell you about every exhibit, because you really must see and experience this place for yourself. If you’ve been, what do you love about this museum?
George getting into character in the photography room
It’s always a good week when Mom’s in town. She only comes to Colorado once a year, so we make the most of our time together when she’s here.
She flew in Tuesday night, and the first thing she got to do was babysit my kids!
I work on Wednesdays and thankfully, she loves to spend time with her grandkids.
That night we went to New Life for the First Wednesday service. It was an incredible night of worship. We went with all four boys – thankfully it’s a relaxed family service, so they got to dance around with their friends. If you live in Colorado Springs, you’ve got to come! It’s the First Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM.
Thursday morning Luke had preschool, so mom and I got to go our Mom’s group/Bible study. Up until now, my mom has only participated with the group online, so I loved getting to introduce her to so many of the ladies in person!
Thursday afternoon my mom kindly offered to pay for a pedicure while she watched the kids. (I’ve got a good mom!)
George decorating cookies with Grandma
I went to a salon close by that I’d never been to before. My pedicure was a little uncomfortable … at one point I felt a sharp stab in the corner of my toe. By that night, my toe was swollen.
Friday my toe was still hurting but I got through the day by wearing comfy shoes. At church that night we baptized about 30 people. I love being a part of those special nights. Two of my sons were baptized a few months ago (I wrote about it here).
All the people getting baptized Friday night came up on the stage for prayer.
We to the Pioneer Museum and then to LarkBurger for dinner. My mom agreed that their chicken sandwiches and fries are some of the best things she’s ever eaten!
That night, Ted stayed home with the boys and my mom and I went to see The Apostle Paul movie. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was a GREAT movie…I recommend you see it! It truly brings the Bible to life and I hope more movies like this are made! There are some frightening parts, so it’s probably best for children 12 and up.
Toe is still sore – wearing comfy shoes and limping.
The boys took the day off school to spend time with Grandma. We planned to visit Cave of the Winds, but Luke was up sick the night before, my mom wasn’t feeling good, and my foot was only getting worse, so we decided to stay closer to home and hike in the Garden of the Gods. That’s always an amazing place to visit.
Mom and Luke resting
That afternoon I decided to go back to the nail salon to show them my swelling toe and they told me it was an ingrown toe nail. They soaked it and then DUG at it with a knife. This is the toe that I didn’t want to touch because it was hurting so bad. The lady DUG at it with a knife. And she wouldn’t stop. She kept digging until she got a piece of my toenail free. It hurt so bad I just start crying right there in front of everyone. She squeezed it at the end and asked if it was better. “NO! You just dug at it with a knife – please stop SQUEEZING it!”
Luke had preschool so mom, and I got to be Tourists in our Town. I got to show her all around town and drop copies of “Climb, Soar, Swim, Soar” off at Terra Verde and the Pioneer Museum who now have them available for sale! I’ll write about where we ate and what we did in a future post.
Mom and me time!
That night mom watched the boys so Ted and I could go to dinner.
I had to take my mom to the airport. It’s so hard letting her leave because I’m not sure when I’ll see her again. Mom, I love you and visit again soon! Thank you for spending the week with us!
My toe continued to get worse. I should have gone to the doctor rather than back to the scene of the crime. The lady who was digging at my foot caused a serious infection. My entire foot got so swollen that I couldn’t wear shoes. It hurt to walk. I was putting everything on it to make it heal, but nothing worked so I finally went to the doctor and got antibiotics. The doctor said I could lose my toenail. What was supposed to be a nice, relaxing gesture from my mom – turned into two weeks of severe pain and possibly the loss of my toenail?! I’m not sure I’ll ever get another pedicure!? Have any of you ever had that happen? I have pictures, but they are really gross. If you want to see a picture – I am going to post some under my review of this nail salon here: YELP REVIEW. https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=GrsJ5Nir8YjXaNN91ZzTUg
Thanks for following along on week with mom! I’ll post out our DAY DOWNTOWN soon! Subscribe so you don’t miss a post.
This area is called the “GRANDEST MILE OF SCENERY” in Colorado and I think that describes it pretty well! It really is spectacular and absolutely worth a visit or two (or seven)!
My husband took me to Seven Falls for my birthday a couple of years ago. We went on a “double date” with my sister and her husband. It was amazing. I definitely recommend this place for a date or double date spot! You get to chat, enjoy the scenery, connect with each other and with nature, all while getting some exercise! We LOVED it!
We’ve wanted to get back here ever since that first visit, so we decided to take all four of our boys during their spring break. We weren’t sure how it would go because our youngest two sons were only 3 and 6-year-olds and there is a lot of walking and climbing involved. Read on to find out how it all went!
To get started, park in the lot at the Broadmoor off of 1st street – next to the Golden Bee Restaurant. Parking is free, and a complimentary shuttle picks you up right there. After an 8 minute drive, you are dropped off at the ticket gate. The cost in the winter is $10 for adults, and $5 for children. Summer is $14.50 for adults and $9 for children over 2. Seniors and military $12.50. (Prices may change)
After you pay the entrance fee you are 0.8 miles from the base of the Falls, so you have two choices:
Jump on a tram that will drive you to the base of the Falls. The cost is $2 per person. Seniors are free.
Walk to the Falls. Walking allows you the opportunity to absorb this grand mile. The 6 of us chose to walk. Well, our 3 year old got a piggy back ride for most of it.
The Grandest Mile and my iPhone doesn’t do it justice.
When you arrive at the base of the Falls, I recommend that you start by walking through a tunnel inside the mountain. The corridor is lined with pictures and artifacts from history.
Tunnel through the mountain to the elevator
At the end of the tunnel is an elevator that will take you up to Eagle’s Nest landing. After spending a few minutes taking in the magnificent view…walk down the steps or ride the elevator back down.
Next, walk past a trout pound and watch for the HUGE fish that occasionally jump up to say hello! Then, take a deep breath and begin the climb up the 224 VERY STEEP steps. Thankfully, there is a landing halfway up the staircase so that you can take in the view, rest your legs and catch your breath.
We didn’t know how our young boys would handle climbing more than 200 STEEP steps. Our three oldest sons did not complain ONE TIME. My husband carried our 3-year-old most of the way. I can’t imagine having to carry 30+ extra pounds up all those steps. I was exhausted just getting myself to the top. However, 224 steps isn’t difficult for Ted, who climbs the Manitou Incline on a regular basis. The Incline is 2,744 steps – more than 10 times as many steps as Seven Falls.
If you make it to the top, you are rewarded with a gorgeous hike!
First, you’ll encounter a Ponderosa Pine Tree that’s more than 450 years old! Stop here and try to wrap your arms around this gigantic tree. It took all four of our sons touching hands to get their arms around the trunk of this beautiful tree.
Next, you’ll come to a fork in the path. Go to the right for an easy, 20-minute hike. Go to the left for a hike that will take you about an hour. If you have children in tow, I recommend the shorter hike – we loved it. My sister took the long hike and said it was incredible. If you have the time and the energy, do both!
Next, SLOWLY walk down all the stairs. The climb down is easy but VERY steep and sometimes crowded. Keep ahold onto the handrail!
Stop at the bottom and relax in one of the wooden rocking chairs. Take a few minutes to enjoy the view and reflect on that beautiful hike you just completed.
Rocking Luke and enjoying the view
Take time to watch the trout play in the pond.
Hungry? Eat at the fabulous Restaurant 1858. I recommend the Chili Con Queso nachos. They are made with homemade wild boar chili, chips, cheese and pickled jalapeños.
For all my favorite restaurants in Colorado Springs, click here!
Slowly make your way back to the entrance where a shuttle will pick up and drop you off at the parking lot.
Before you leave, take time to stroll around the lake at the Broadmoor Hotel! This is one of the most beautiful hotels in the country and you’ve just got to see it – or stay the night.
I absolutely recommend that you make some time to visit Seven Falls in Colorado Springs. Add it to your bucket list now, and thank me later!
Watch to see how many #eglyboys it takes to hug the Ponderosa Pine!
For my top ten places to visit in Colorado Springs, CLICK HERE!
For the top ten things to do in Manitou Springs, CLICK HERE!
For 20 FREE things to do in Colorado Springs, CLICK HERE!
To get a signed copy of my Colorado Springs Children’s Book, CLICK HERE!
We loved spending a week being “tourists in our own town” over Spring Break! This “staycation” was exactly what we needed. Time together, exploring our beautiful city. There are still SO many things on my bucket list to do an see around town, but we got to check a few things off the list.
We weren’t sure how our boys would do with all the walking and climbing, but they were TROOPERS! They enjoyed it and didn’t complain at all!
We walked through a mountain cave to an elevator which took us up to the Eagle’s Nest Landing – once you are on the landing, you get a spectacular view of the waterfall.
Next, we walked up 224 VERY steep stairs alongside the Falls. The boys did surprisingly well – I was in front and George actually asked me to “go faster!” (Ted carried Luke most of the way!) If you conquer all those steps, you are rewarded with a beautiful trail to explore.
We spent time exploring at the top before we came back down and watched the very large trout play in the pond.
After all this hiking, we were hungry and everyone wanted Larkburger for dinner. We all love this place, and I love that we can get sandwiches for $3 during Happy Hour!!
Being a member of the YMCA means that you get access to all the campuses around town… each place has something unique for families to enjoy. Today we spent a few hours at the Cottonwood Creek Rec Center. They have a wave pool, lazy river and huge slide – it’s like a smaller version of Great Wolf Lodge.
I went to work in the morning for a couple of meetings and to do some Easter preparations.
After work, we went to another YMCA – the Garden Ranch location – where they have Rock Climbing and Jumpy Castles for kids!
Clark rock climbing
First – in honor of Easter – we quietly snuck outside to “egg” our neighbors before they woke up. Go here to read about that.
After that, we went to the Western Mining Museum. Our oldest son George, age 10, had been begging us to take him back here since his first visit a few weeks ago with his class on a field trip.
The boys loved “mining for gold” (aka “playing in mud”). They found some fun little gems and everything you find; you get to take home!
There are lots of machines and hands-on stations. I recommend taking the guided tour that happens twice a day. The tour guide explained how the machines were used and fired each one up so we could watch how they work. The Guide taught us a lot about the history of Colorado mining. Outside the museum, there are more machines to climb on and explore, plus tons of room to run and play.
In the morning, all four boys went to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned. I love our dentist’s office – they have a room with four chairs and all my boys can get their teeth cleaned at the SAME TIME! Can I tell you how much I love that?! It’s a pediatric dentist – so the lobby is well-equipped for kids, the staff are GREAT with kids. Since the boys all did well during their visit – they each earned a “token” which they redeemed for a small prize. There is even a playground as you exit the building!
That afternoon we enjoyed a couple of hours downtown. First we stopped at Story Coffee. It’s the cutest little coffee shop next to Acacia Park. And when I say little, I mean TINY…as in TINY house TINY. It’s not a place you’d sit and enjoy a private conversation or a board game. However, just outside the coffee shop is a park with tables. My latte was perfect and the baked goods we ordered were delicious.
After Ted and I loaded up on caffeine and the boys on sugar, the boys threw a football with Ted and played in the park.
That evening I went to New Life Church to serve in the children’s ministry during our incredible Good Friday Service.
contain endless opportunities for adventure and discovery
To end our week of “Touring our Town,” we had dinner at Phantom Canyon. This was a restaurant we visited during our first trip to Colorado Springs almost three years ago. The ambiance of this place is very cool – it’s in an old building downtown with large windows, tall ceilings and exposed ductwork. The staff is friendly and the restaurant has quality service. However, I wasn’t crazy about the menu. Lots of fried food. We ordered hamburgers and fries for the kids, which they enjoyed, but the hummus, soup and salad Ted and I shared were okay – but not something I’d care to order again. This place won’t go on my list of best restaurants in Colorado Springs.
I arrived New Life church by 7:00 AM to prepare for the guests that would be arriving for the 8:00 AM service. Ted and the boys arrived later and we attended the 10:00 AM service together. I stayed to serve again for our third service. It was great day at New Life!
After church the boys enjoyed opening their Easter baskets and hunting for eggs in our backyard.
They had a second egg hunt to look for Resurrection Eggs. After the boys found all 12, we opened them one-by-one together and talked about the Easter story using the little items inside each egg. This was a fun activity, and you can probably find the eggs on clearance at Hobby Lobby and save them for next year. (That’s what I did last year!)
We enjoyed (and when I say enjoyed, I mean I couldn’t stop eating) a White Chocolate Raspberry Nothing Bundt Cake given to us by the Newman family. That cake is dangerous. It’s way too good!
That wraps up our week of adventure in Colorado Springs. We are grateful for time together as a family exploring our beautiful city! This was SO MUCH better week than last week!
If you don’t have a copy yet – a recommend you purchase my Colorado Springs Children’s book entitled – Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore!
Today the weather is COLD, but we had a BEAUTIFUL weekend in Colorado Springs!
Saturday we went exploring in Garden of the Gods. Paul found a large hole and decided that, “a bear must live there…but he’s out hiking right now.” (Watch out for the hiking bear!)
Thankfully, we never found the hiking bear, but we did find a herd of Big Horn Sheep!
A purchaser from Garden of the Gods trading post asked me to drop off a copy of my book so that she could review it to consider selling in their store! We dropped it off and then went to our favorite spot to take in the view. George watched his VERY first sunset and was SO excited! He said, “Did you see that? The sun just dropped behind the mountain, that was SOOO cool!” I love experiencing things through my kids eyes!
At home, Clark built his own Bear Cave:
Sunday we went to the Cottonwood Creek Rec Center – it’s part of the YMCA, so as members of the Y, we get to use this awesome facility. It’s almost as nice as Great Wolf Lodge!
That afternoon lots of the neighborhood kids played in our cul-de-sac while the parents gathered to catch up and chat.
Monday the kids were out of school for President’s day so we met some friends and played at Monkey Bizness. Afterwards we came home and made some cookies. While Luke napped, George and I edited a video for their YouTube Channel – Free Range Eglys.
What did you do over the weekend!? Leave me a comment!