Saturday was a day we were going all different directions! I went to a friend’s baby shower in the morning, then took the 3 big boys to a birthday party at SkyZone. Luke and I ran errands while they were at the party. That evening I spent some time with my Help Club friends, celebrating their birthdays. We had a great dinner then made Bath Bombs together.
Can I give you moms a tip? If your kids fight you on bath time – introduce them to The Bath Bomb. All the sudden, bath time becomes the best time!
Sunday we went to church where Pastor Brady taught on Psalm 23. After church I made some snacks for the Super Bowl game. We set up a table in the living room (Clark’s request – he wanted to eat and not miss a second of the game). I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the game! I can’t believe that the Eagles beat the Patriots.
Monday the boys went to school and Luke and I went to the store, then I let him play and eat at ChickFila. That evening we did homework and the boys played outside. The weather here has felt like spring and I love it!

Luke Loves Chick Fil A – especially their ice cream.
Unfortunately, Monday night we lost a great man named Micah Flick. Micah is local police detective, a father, and husband and was shot while serving our city. He, his wife and two children attended New Life and are a precious family. I am heart broken for them. However, I have been astounded by how our community is gathering around them with love and support. One of our moms from church has created a spread sheet for Micah’s wife with information on every person who has expressed an interested in supporting her long term! The sheet includes our names, numbers and how we will help. Our church and the local police force are setting aside money for the family as well. These are the times when I see how important it is to be a part of a community.
Tuesday I stopped by the Garden of The Gods Trading Post (the largest and oldest gift shop in Colorado) to talk to them about carrying my book. Unfortunately, the person I needed to speak to was not there. I got her info and emailed her and she said she does want to get a copy of the book to review for the store! After that, I drove over to New Life to get some work done until Luke was done with preschool.
Tuesday evening I took George to Cotillion where he’s learning manners, etiquette, and ballroom dancing. I love watching these young men and women learn to be leaders!
Wednesday I worked for part of the day, then picked the boys up from school. One of our favorite restaurants, Larkburger, was having a customer appreciation day. If you wore green, you got a free side item with your sandwich. We went during happy hour (3-5pm every day) – so the sandwiches are only $3! Then we got some incredible Truffle Fries and Edamame for free!! My friend Leah and her children met us there. We posted pictures on instagram with #LarkBurgerLove because they will choose one of the posts and give that person free food for a year! With four sons – I can use all the free food I can get.
After dinner, I dropped the kids and some food off for Ted, and went back to New Life for “First Wednesday.” It’s a monthly night of worship (and a few words from one of our pastors). It was extra special this week as we mourned the loss of Micah and worshiped God in spite of the pain.
Thursday, George and I both woke up not feeling that well. We took some Tylenol and I felt completely better and it helped George a little. In fourth grade, they do most of their work on iPads and computers and he knows that being on electronics make his head feel worse, so I let him stay home and hang out with me. We took Luke to preschool and took copies of “Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore!” to the first store in town that asked to carry my books! Why Not Books? is a cute bookstore that specializes in used books and new books by local authors! George and I found a couple books to buy and left some to sell!!
Next, went to Safeway and George was so excited that the “monopoly” game is back. With every purchase you make at Safeway, you get little prize tickets. George is SURE that we are going to win a million dollars. (I like his positivity!) He’s also decided that we are going to divide it equally between the six of us since he’s the one taking care of the tickets. Clark is hoping we will win a sports car. I’m wishing for a family vacation (but I’d happily take a million dollars)!
That evening we tried out Prime Jui Juitsu. George, Clark and Paul all got to participate in a class together. They loved it. I loved it! Not only do they teach self-defense, but they work with them on respect, team work, and your attitude. The teachers were incredible and if it weren’t so dang expensive, I would have signed them up that night! (However, if we win that million…)
Friday Luke and I stayed home and cleaned. Ugh, I hate cleaning. I mean, I LOVE a CLEAN house, but don’t like that it’s a NEVER-ENDING JOB! Thankfully, a sweet girl named Idera came and helped me to earn money for an upcoming missions trip she’s taking.
That afternoon we went to Clark’s school to watch his 2nd grade performance.

George and his friends, waiting at school for Clark’s performance
Friday night I trained several new volunteers for New Life and then heard Andrew preach on Psalm 22 – a great message on mourning. So timely for this difficult week.
Saturday was Deputy Micah Flick’s funeral at New LIfe Church. I was overwhelmed to tears with the number of Police Officers that came to show their love and respect for him (thousands!). The staff at New Life set up every room in the church with breakfast, snacks, lunch, pastries and hot coffee for all of the officers. I had the honor of hosting a room set up for Micah’s team – the men and women who were his partners – who were there on the night he died. Please pray for them as you pray for Micah’s family. They considered Micah a brother and are hurting. The service was powerful and I was so thankful to be a part of such a beautiful day.
Thanks for stopping by! I’d love for YOU to share with me something about your week. You can leave a comment by clicking on that little box beside the title of this post.