That’s what we had tonight and I just had to tell you about it!
Here’s how we spent so little on this dinner:
Pasta Sauce was on sale for $1 per jar
Spaghetti Noodles: $1
Turkey Meat: 1 Lb for only $1.50*
Loaf of bread: $0.50 **
Garlic Butter topping (See recipe below): Less than $1
Total: Dinner for 5 hungry men = Less than $5!!!
*When grocery shopping, look for meat that is on sale. King Soopers/Kroger was selling 1 pound packages of turkey for $1.50 because they were about to expire. I bought several packages and put them in my freezer.
**Did you know that Jimmy Johns sells day old bread only $.50 per loaf? We get these on a regular basis to make subs at home, or for garlic bread, egg casseroles, etc. They can be frozen too!
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
1 TB garlic
1 TB Italian Seasoning
Thick slices from a loaf of bread
Soften butter, add other ingredients and mix.
Spread a thick layer on each slice of bread. Toast in oven for about 5 minutes. Enjoy!
We loved spending a week being “tourists in our own town” over Spring Break! This “staycation” was exactly what we needed. Time together, exploring our beautiful city. There are still SO many things on my bucket list to do an see around town, but we got to check a few things off the list.
We weren’t sure how our boys would do with all the walking and climbing, but they were TROOPERS! They enjoyed it and didn’t complain at all!
We walked through a mountain cave to an elevator which took us up to the Eagle’s Nest Landing – once you are on the landing, you get a spectacular view of the waterfall.
Next, we walked up 224 VERY steep stairs alongside the Falls. The boys did surprisingly well – I was in front and George actually asked me to “go faster!” (Ted carried Luke most of the way!) If you conquer all those steps, you are rewarded with a beautiful trail to explore.
We spent time exploring at the top before we came back down and watched the very large trout play in the pond.
After all this hiking, we were hungry and everyone wanted Larkburger for dinner. We all love this place, and I love that we can get sandwiches for $3 during Happy Hour!!
Being a member of the YMCA means that you get access to all the campuses around town… each place has something unique for families to enjoy. Today we spent a few hours at the Cottonwood Creek Rec Center. They have a wave pool, lazy river and huge slide – it’s like a smaller version of Great Wolf Lodge.
I went to work in the morning for a couple of meetings and to do some Easter preparations.
After work, we went to another YMCA – the Garden Ranch location – where they have Rock Climbing and Jumpy Castles for kids!
Clark rock climbing
First – in honor of Easter – we quietly snuck outside to “egg” our neighbors before they woke up. Go here to read about that.
After that, we went to the Western Mining Museum. Our oldest son George, age 10, had been begging us to take him back here since his first visit a few weeks ago with his class on a field trip.
The boys loved “mining for gold” (aka “playing in mud”). They found some fun little gems and everything you find; you get to take home!
There are lots of machines and hands-on stations. I recommend taking the guided tour that happens twice a day. The tour guide explained how the machines were used and fired each one up so we could watch how they work. The Guide taught us a lot about the history of Colorado mining. Outside the museum, there are more machines to climb on and explore, plus tons of room to run and play.
In the morning, all four boys went to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned. I love our dentist’s office – they have a room with four chairs and all my boys can get their teeth cleaned at the SAME TIME! Can I tell you how much I love that?! It’s a pediatric dentist – so the lobby is well-equipped for kids, the staff are GREAT with kids. Since the boys all did well during their visit – they each earned a “token” which they redeemed for a small prize. There is even a playground as you exit the building!
That afternoon we enjoyed a couple of hours downtown. First we stopped at Story Coffee. It’s the cutest little coffee shop next to Acacia Park. And when I say little, I mean TINY…as in TINY house TINY. It’s not a place you’d sit and enjoy a private conversation or a board game. However, just outside the coffee shop is a park with tables. My latte was perfect and the baked goods we ordered were delicious.
After Ted and I loaded up on caffeine and the boys on sugar, the boys threw a football with Ted and played in the park.
That evening I went to New Life Church to serve in the children’s ministry during our incredible Good Friday Service.
contain endless opportunities for adventure and discovery
To end our week of “Touring our Town,” we had dinner at Phantom Canyon. This was a restaurant we visited during our first trip to Colorado Springs almost three years ago. The ambiance of this place is very cool – it’s in an old building downtown with large windows, tall ceilings and exposed ductwork. The staff is friendly and the restaurant has quality service. However, I wasn’t crazy about the menu. Lots of fried food. We ordered hamburgers and fries for the kids, which they enjoyed, but the hummus, soup and salad Ted and I shared were okay – but not something I’d care to order again. This place won’t go on my list of best restaurants in Colorado Springs.
I arrived New Life church by 7:00 AM to prepare for the guests that would be arriving for the 8:00 AM service. Ted and the boys arrived later and we attended the 10:00 AM service together. I stayed to serve again for our third service. It was great day at New Life!
After church the boys enjoyed opening their Easter baskets and hunting for eggs in our backyard.
They had a second egg hunt to look for Resurrection Eggs. After the boys found all 12, we opened them one-by-one together and talked about the Easter story using the little items inside each egg. This was a fun activity, and you can probably find the eggs on clearance at Hobby Lobby and save them for next year. (That’s what I did last year!)
We enjoyed (and when I say enjoyed, I mean I couldn’t stop eating) a White Chocolate Raspberry Nothing Bundt Cake given to us by the Newman family. That cake is dangerous. It’s way too good!
That wraps up our week of adventure in Colorado Springs. We are grateful for time together as a family exploring our beautiful city! This was SO MUCH better week than last week!
If you don’t have a copy yet – a recommend you purchase my Colorado Springs Children’s book entitled – Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore!
If you are thinking raw eggs, a mess, and upset homeowners – perhaps something you’ve participated in (shame on you!) …. You aren’t familiar with this new era of EGGING! This egging leaves no mess, wastes no eggs, and leave everyone SMILING!
This is how the Egly boys Egg-ed our neighbors:
They simply placed 12 plastic eggs on their front lawn and left a little door hanger on their door.
The note told our neighbors to find 12 eggs – 11 filled and 1 empty. The empty egg represents the empty tomb: Jesus is Risen!
My boys had fun filling the eggs, hiding them, secretly hanging the door hanger on our neighbor’s door, then watching through our windows to see when their friends discovered the surprise!
If you’d like to participate in this fun little Easter activity, it’s simple!
Gather 12 plastic eggs,
Fill 11 of them with treats or prizes and leave one empty,
Easter is just around the corner, and my kids are so excited! I’ve been slowly collecting little things for their Easter Baskets. If you’re interested in any of the items for your family, click on the picture and it will take you directly to that item on Amazon. If you decide to make a purchase, I will receive a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.
Do your kids go through socks as fast as mine do? This is why my kids are getting socks for Easter instead of candy. (I’m only halfway kidding) Thankfully, my boys still LIKE getting new socks, so this is FUN for them!
I like for my kids to have a BLANK pad of paper somewhere close by at all times. Whether you have a child who is 2 or 22 – they will DRAW and draw and color and draw if given blank paper and pencils. This set I’ve linked to below is a pack of four for only $7.99- perfect if you have more than one child’s basket to fill.
The erasable colored pencils below are something my son has asked for, and they are only $3.39 on Amazon right now – less than half of what they cost in the store. The twistable crayons are a great price too! I’m getting my bigger boys the pencils and the little guys the crayons.
This Devotional has amazing reviews Amazon and was written by a fantastic author and speaker: Louie Giglio. We just received ours in the mail and LOVE IT!!!! It’s got fascinating facts about Creation and such good insight into God’s word. It’s a book that my boys and I will enjoy together
If you haven’t yet purchased a copy of “Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore!” …. then NO basket will be complete without this book! Find it on amazon buy clicking here. This book has all 5 star reviews and is a fun Colorado adventure story for kids ages 1-10. You will enjoy this story and learn some fun facts about Colorado Wildlife!
I got a call from Paul’s teacher saying he wasn’t feeling good. I picked him and he and I cuddled on the couch most of the day. He threw up about 5 times!
That evening we had a Volunteer Gala at New Life Church – an evening set aside to celebrate all of those who volunteer at New Life.
I got all dressed up and even put on hose (does anyone remember those). The #eglyboys had never seen them. I walked down the stairs and Clark asked what happened to my legs and will it come off.
George said, “Mom, don’t wear those! Your leggings are SEE THROUGH!”
Paul told me I just looked weird. Luke comes over to touch my leg and looks at me sadly, like something terrible had happened to his mama and he wasn’t sure what do to. Well, I kept the panty hose on, in spite of all the protests, and attended the Gala for just one hour. It was so much fun and I really wanted to stay, but I had a sick son at home and knew I needed to be with him.
Paul was feeling good and back to his regular self, but I kept him home from school just to be sure.
That night I went to New Life Friday night. I love seeing so many new volunteers serving and loving on kids on the 250 kids that come each Friday night!
While I’m so incredibly thankful for the volunteers that are serving, when you have a growing ministry, you always need more hands serving and hearts loving the children who attend each week. Here are 17 reasons why!
I was chatting with a dad at the end of the service. He let me know that their family was moving out of state and their kids were so worried that they’d never find a church like New Life where ‘the leaders let us serve!” This dad was so encouraged by the positive impact New Life had on his family and would really miss being a part of our church family!
In the morning Ted made the boys and I breakfast (and really strong coffee for me).
It was a gorgeous, sunny day and the boys played in the backyard for a couple hours. During this time, George created his very first video! (Check it out at the bottom of this post!)
Later we went on a hike on a new trail. We were on the hunt to find a deer carcass that my sister had discovered at this location.
The hike was incredible and at the end, Ted (Mr. Details who doesn’t miss anything) found the bones of the deer a little off the trail. The boys loved examining it and imaging what might have caused it to die. (A bear?? A snake?) Clark asked if we could bring it home. (Um, no!)
Mission accomplished: We found the BONES!
That night Ted and I got to go out on a date and try a new restaurant called, Odyssey Gastro Pub. It was a quaint little pub that had Uh-mazing brussel sprouts, really good wings, and tacos that were just okay. (After eating the world’s best tacos at Bien Trucha in Geneva, Illinois, nothing else compares.) Our server at the Gastropub was from Oswego, Illinois…just down the rode from where we used to live!
Date night with Ted!
After dinner we spent a little time wandering through Poor Richards book store. Have you guys been there? That place is SO cool! They sell new and used books and have a section for “local authors.” An employee invited me to bring some of my books to sell!!
I went to the New Life Young Adults service to invite them to serve (17 people said yes!). Yay! Ted met me at church with the boys and we attended the 11 am service together as a family. Pastor Brady is teaching a great series on the book of Psalms.
I had a whole bunch of errands I wanted to run, but decided that we needed a SLOW day. So I stayed in my yoga pants all day and didn’t put on any make up. One of the ‘errands’ was to get to
the gym but since we were staying home, I just turned on some fun music and Luke and I just danced for 20 minutes. That was WAY more fun. I did most of my work out with him on my back and he giggled the entire time.
Monday afternoons the boys have Chess Club and they LOVE IT! Paul asks me to tell him how many more days til Chess!
I took Luke to school, then went to volunteer in Paul’s class. After that I worked for about an hour, then drove downtown to drop off a few copies of “Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore!” They were excited to have them because they don’t have any children’s books about Colorado!!!
On the way home, I picked up food from El Taco Rey. I’d been wanting to try their food since before we even moved here and I finally had an opportunity! It was really good! Their chips and salsa were great, and the enchiladas covered in green chili were delicious! The restaurant itself is really small and simple, so I’d recommend taking food to go rather than eating there.
Tuesday night I took the boys to the park while George had his piano lesson.
I went to work in the morning. I’m honored to be a part of such a great team and do work that I love!
Wednesday night, George has his last Cotillion for this year. The last night is held at the Broadmoor and parent’s attend to see what their sons and daughters have been learning.
I loved getting an opportunity to dance with George!
Thanks for reading about our week – how’s your week been?
Below is the first video George made. They love playing with their nerf guns and made a movie of their ‘battle!’ They just launched their own channel and would love for you to subscribe!
Today the weather is COLD, but we had a BEAUTIFUL weekend in Colorado Springs!
Saturday we went exploring in Garden of the Gods. Paul found a large hole and decided that, “a bear must live there…but he’s out hiking right now.” (Watch out for the hiking bear!)
Thankfully, we never found the hiking bear, but we did find a herd of Big Horn Sheep!
A purchaser from Garden of the Gods trading post asked me to drop off a copy of my book so that she could review it to consider selling in their store! We dropped it off and then went to our favorite spot to take in the view. George watched his VERY first sunset and was SO excited! He said, “Did you see that? The sun just dropped behind the mountain, that was SOOO cool!” I love experiencing things through my kids eyes!
At home, Clark built his own Bear Cave:
Sunday we went to the Cottonwood Creek Rec Center – it’s part of the YMCA, so as members of the Y, we get to use this awesome facility. It’s almost as nice as Great Wolf Lodge!
That afternoon lots of the neighborhood kids played in our cul-de-sac while the parents gathered to catch up and chat.
Monday the kids were out of school for President’s day so we met some friends and played at Monkey Bizness. Afterwards we came home and made some cookies. While Luke napped, George and I edited a video for their YouTube Channel – Free Range Eglys.
What did you do over the weekend!? Leave me a comment!
Saturday was a day we were going all different directions! I went to a friend’s baby shower in the morning, then took the 3 big boys to a birthday party at SkyZone. Luke and I ran errands while they were at the party. That evening I spent some time with my Help Club friends, celebrating their birthdays. We had a great dinner then made Bath Bombs together.
Can I give you moms a tip? If your kids fight you on bath time – introduce them to The Bath Bomb. All the sudden, bath time becomes the best time!
Sunday we went to church where Pastor Brady taught on Psalm 23. After church I made some snacks for the Super Bowl game. We set up a table in the living room (Clark’s request – he wanted to eat and not miss a second of the game). I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the game! I can’t believe that the Eagles beat the Patriots.
Monday the boys went to school and Luke and I went to the store, then I let him play and eat at ChickFila. That evening we did homework and the boys played outside. The weather here has felt like spring and I love it!
Luke Loves Chick Fil A – especially their ice cream.
Unfortunately, Monday night we lost a great man named Micah Flick. Micah is local police detective, a father, and husband and was shot while serving our city. He, his wife and two children attended New Life and are a precious family. I am heart broken for them. However, I have been astounded by how our community is gathering around them with love and support. One of our moms from church has created a spread sheet for Micah’s wife with information on every person who has expressed an interested in supporting her long term! The sheet includes our names, numbers and how we will help. Our church and the local police force are setting aside money for the family as well. These are the times when I see how important it is to be a part of a community.
Tuesday I stopped by the Garden of The Gods Trading Post (the largest and oldest gift shop in Colorado) to talk to them about carrying my book. Unfortunately, the person I needed to speak to was not there. I got her info and emailed her and she said she does want to get a copy of the book to review for the store! After that, I drove over to New Life to get some work done until Luke was done with preschool.
Tuesday evening I took George to Cotillion where he’s learning manners, etiquette, and ballroom dancing. I love watching these young men and women learn to be leaders!
Wednesday I worked for part of the day, then picked the boys up from school. One of our favorite restaurants, Larkburger, was having a customer appreciation day. If you wore green, you got a free side item with your sandwich. We went during happy hour (3-5pm every day) – so the sandwiches are only $3! Then we got some incredible Truffle Fries and Edamame for free!! My friend Leah and her children met us there. We posted pictures on instagram with #LarkBurgerLove because they will choose one of the posts and give that person free food for a year! With four sons – I can use all the free food I can get.
After dinner, I dropped the kids and some food off for Ted, and went back to New Life for “First Wednesday.” It’s a monthly night of worship (and a few words from one of our pastors). It was extra special this week as we mourned the loss of Micah and worshiped God in spite of the pain.
Thursday, George and I both woke up not feeling that well. We took some Tylenol and I felt completely better and it helped George a little. In fourth grade, they do most of their work on iPads and computers and he knows that being on electronics make his head feel worse, so I let him stay home and hang out with me. We took Luke to preschool and took copies of “Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore!” to the first store in town that asked to carry my books! Why Not Books? is a cute bookstore that specializes in used books and new books by local authors! George and I found a couple books to buy and left some to sell!!
Next, went to Safeway and George was so excited that the “monopoly” game is back. With every purchase you make at Safeway, you get little prize tickets. George is SURE that we are going to win a million dollars. (I like his positivity!) He’s also decided that we are going to divide it equally between the six of us since he’s the one taking care of the tickets. Clark is hoping we will win a sports car. I’m wishing for a family vacation (but I’d happily take a million dollars)!
That evening we tried out Prime Jui Juitsu. George, Clark and Paul all got to participate in a class together. They loved it. I loved it! Not only do they teach self-defense, but they work with them on respect, team work, and your attitude. The teachers were incredible and if it weren’t so dang expensive, I would have signed them up that night! (However, if we win that million…)
Friday Luke and I stayed home and cleaned. Ugh, I hate cleaning. I mean, I LOVE a CLEAN house, but don’t like that it’s a NEVER-ENDING JOB! Thankfully, a sweet girl named Idera came and helped me to earn money for an upcoming missions trip she’s taking.
That afternoon we went to Clark’s school to watch his 2nd grade performance.
George and his friends, waiting at school for Clark’s performance
Friday night I trained several new volunteers for New Life and then heard Andrew preach on Psalm 22 – a great message on mourning. So timely for this difficult week.
Saturday was Deputy Micah Flick’s funeral at New LIfe Church. I was overwhelmed to tears with the number of Police Officers that came to show their love and respect for him (thousands!). The staff at New Life set up every room in the church with breakfast, snacks, lunch, pastries and hot coffee for all of the officers. I had the honor of hosting a room set up for Micah’s team – the men and women who were his partners – who were there on the night he died. Please pray for them as you pray for Micah’s family. They considered Micah a brother and are hurting. The service was powerful and I was so thankful to be a part of such a beautiful day.
Thanks for stopping by! I’d love for YOU to share with me something about your week. You can leave a comment by clicking on that little box beside the title of this post.
Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day and we wanted to get out and enjoy it!
We went to Garden of the Gods and found our favorite spot … well, we have lots of favorite spots…so we went to ONE of our favorite spots…the Siamese twins.
Siamese Twins (and can you spot Ted?)
It’s an easy hike, but off the beaten path!
Here are more pictures from our hike around Siamese Twins:
My favorite grown man and four little men!
Being outside feeds our souls. We love living in Colorado!
Tattling. Tattle-telling. Whatever you want to call it – it’s been around since the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:12-14). I haven’t found a way to stop my boys from pointing out what their brothers have done wrong, but my husband and I found a tool that helps them watch for a what they are doing RIGHT!
We use something called the “Awesome Jar.”
We stumbled upon the idea of the Awesome Jar and have used it in our family to help us live out Philippians 4:8. To notice and call out things that are excellent, praiseworthy, right, noble and admirable.
The Awesome Jar is just a glass container that sits on our counter. My husband and sons decorated it with stickers and some duct tape!
Awesome Jar
We use this Jar to celebrate the good things in our day. When something happens that is admirable, excellent or praiseworthy, my kids, my husband or I will write it down on a slip of paper and add it to the Jar. You’d think we’d remember all these good things, but somehow we forget. This “AWESOME” Jar is a like our “remember the good” Jar. It’s a way to highlight the small wins and bright spots that occur throughout the day.
Recently on my son George’s 10th birthday we put a note in our family’s Awesome Jar that simply says: “Clark’s birthday Surprise for George.” Let me tell you about it. Clark, my 8-year-old, gathered the neighbor kids and gave them each a gift bag. Each of the kids put random (used) toys in each bag, placed them by our front door, rang the door bell, then hid. When George answered the door, they all jumped out and shouted, “SURPRISE…Happy Birthday!” George opened the silly gifts, and we all laughed about each one and enjoyed a few minutes there on our porch – brothers and neighbors. It was awesome!
Every few weeks we sit down and pull out the notes from our Awesome Jar and “relive” those sweet moments. It also reinforces to my kids what they’ve done right. It encourages them to keep thinking about these things, doing these things, and looking for times when their brothers are doing these things!
Find a container and make it your family’s AWESOME Jar. Make it a habit to add one thing each day. It might be something like:
“(My son) cleaned up the play room without being asked.”
– or –
“(My daughter) befriended the new girl at school.”
If it was a really hard day, then you have even more reason to pause for a moment, reflect on the day, and identify at least one thing for which you are grateful. Was it an event, a moment or a person? Write it down and put it in the jar.
When you look for the GOOD, you will find it! And the more “good” things you notice today, the more you will notice tomorrow. Not only YOU, but your CHILDREN as well. My sons have started to say, “Mom, did you see/hear that, it should go in the Awesome Jar!”
Do they still tattle? Yes. But they are also noticing and calling out things that are excellent, praiseworthy, right, noble and admirable! And that is AWESOME!
I was honored to be asked by Homefront to write an article for their magazine. Homefront Magazine equips parents to create fun, spiritually forming times in their homes. This magazine helps re-center our focus and align our priorities to what is best! It’s filled with helpful articles and activities that equip us to become the parents that we want to be!
Check out the Homefront website for good articles, game suggestions, and printables. You can also subscribe to the magazine or buy a digital copy from their site. I love receiving my copy each month! It’s the only magazine that I read cover to cover.
Do you feel like you just aren’t enough for this ‘mom’ job?
Jesus understands what you are going through! He had 12 disciples and I imagine it felt to Jesus like having 12 children. Now granted, they were all potty trained and dressed themselves but still…
they didn’t always listen to him,
they fought over who was his favorite
they fell asleep when he desperately needed their help.
one ultimately betrayed him.
Jesus gets it. He understands our exhaustion and frustrations. He wants to help us.
Here are some ways to partner with him throughout the day.
Start the day with “Help.”
Help me to be the mom you want me to be. Speak through me. Love through me. Help me to be PRESENT and engaged. Holy Spirit fill me. (Holy Spirit is God in us!)
Try to start the day by getting up a few minutes before your kids. If that’s a struggle for you (it is for me!) Ask God for help! He will help you get up so you can have a few minutes to spend with Him, to fill YOUR tank, before you give all day long.
Just like we prefer a mid-day cup of coffee…don’t forget your midday cry for HELP!
God is available all day long. When you are tired, He gives your Strength. When you need wisdom, ASK! The Holy Spirit will reveal things you need to know about your children.
Start the night with “HELP!”
Night can be so hard. I am so exhausted by the time I put my four boys to bed. But bedtime is an important time to invest in your children. Kids are most vulnerable at bedtime. They will suddenly share things that they haven’t said all day. I take time to climb into bed with each of my boys – to listen, sing a song and say a prayer.
My mom did the same thing with us and it brings back such sweet memories.
Me in the center, my mom on the left, & 3 of my 4 sisters.
Let me share an awesome story about how our nightly prayer time had an impact on one of my boys.
Each night when I prayed with George, I prayed 5 Ls. I asked that God would help him to be:
– a strong LEADER,
– a good LISTENER,
– a fast LEARNER, and
– to know God’s LOVE and show God’s LOVE.
I got his report card and his teacher wrote that George has “Enthusiasm for LEARNING, is a superstar LISTENER and is a Kind to his classmates!”
It thrills my heart to see how God is answering our prayers.
Not only do our prayers cause heaven to work on our behalf; we are inspiring our kids and reminding them of who God has made them to be!
Through our nightly prayers, my boys are reminded that that are Leaders, Listeners, Learners – boys who know God’s LOVE and show God’s Love!
“Forgive my son for being a BAD boy!”
Pon’t do that! That will make your children feel ashamed and NOT want to turn to God when they mess up.
Pray prayers that inspire and encourage your children. Prayers that give them something to live up to! “Thank you Lord for making my son Strong and Courageous, Kind and Bold!”
Pray Scriptures with them and over them!
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind! 2 Tim 1:7
My favorite prayer book is The Power of a Prayer Parent. I received this book as a gift from my sister Kara when I was pregnant with my first son in 2007. I’ve read it over and over since then. It gives you specific and powerful prayers to pray over children. It teaches you how to pray for your children. I love this book.
Remember that God chose YOU to be the mom to your children and wants to help you be the best mama that you can be! If you have a bad day, that’s ok, we all do. We get a new start every day. Please know that You are loved by your heavenly father, you are chosen! You have what it takes. You’ve got this!
Please feel free to leave me your prayer request in the comments section (the little box to the right of the title) and I will pray for you!
Don’t forget to subscribe (in the column on the right) so that my posts come directly to you via email!
(The link to the book is an affiliate link, which means if you choose to purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you!)