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4 In Faith/ Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

The power of the local church and how it changed the trajectory of my life!

As I reflect on my journey through life, one truth stands out: the immeasurable value of the local church and the impact it has had on my personal growth and development. I am incredibly grateful for the dedicated youth leaders and volunteers who selflessly invested their time and wisdom in my life during those formative years. Their guidance, coupled with the nurturing environment of the church community, provided me with a compass when I was navigating the tumultuous seas of adolescence, unsure of my identity and place in the world.

In a society where voices are screaming at us from every direction, the local church stands as a beacon of truth and stability. Beyond the influence of parents, it offers a unique platform for children and teenagers to encounter perspectives that shape their worldview and character. The significance of this cannot be overstated; it’s a lifeline in a world often fraught with confusion and uncertainty.

I’d love to share some examples of the truths that were lovingly poured into my life, altering its course in ways I could never have imagined:



“My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.” ~ Brennan Manning

To know that the CREATOR of the universe loved me and cared about every detail of my life changed me from the INSIDE out. It gave me a deep sense of peace, joy, and security. Because I knew that I was unconditionally loved and accepted by Him, I didn’t have to seek superficial love.



Within the walls of the church, I discovered a sense of belonging and acceptance. It wasn’t just a place I attended; it was a community that embraced me for who I was, and friendships that have lasted a lifetime.



“Forgiveness is about empowering yourself, rather than empowering your past..” ~ T. D. Jakes

My parents divorced when I was young, and I was holding on to hurt and unforgiveness, allowing it to tear me apart inside. I learned to truly forgive my parents and let go of the hurt.



“Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


The local church instilled within me a heart of service and sacrifice—a willingness to extend a hand of compassion and grace to those in need, embodying the selfless love exemplified by Christ Himself.

I learned the value in serving others.  I began by serving inside my church with our children’s ministry. Next I served with others in my community, working as a tutor and helping build houses with Habitat for Humanity. Finally, I traveled to other states and throughout the world to do mission work – helping repair dilapidated schools and homes, loving on orphaned children, and teaching others about God’s love for them.



“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams

I learned that I had leadership capabilities and was given opportunities to lead.

The church empowered me to embrace my unique talents and passions, igniting a flame of purpose and leadership that continues to burn brightly to this day.



“Fortunately, God made all varieties of people with a wide variety of interests and abilities. He has called people of every race and color who have been hurt by life in every manner imaginable. Even the scars of past abuse and injury can be the means of bringing healing to another. What wonderful opportunities to make disciples!” ~ Chuck Swindoll

My youth leaders taught me what it looked like to live as a Christ-follower. I learned how to read my Bible and seek it for wisdom. How to pray and allow God to “speak” to my heart.



“These are decisions you make, and when you add them up, they create your life: What will you feed your mind? What thoughts will you dwell on? Who will you allow to influence your inner life? It’s your choice. Choose wisely.” ~ Ted Egly

I learned to pay attention to what I was consuming (reading and watching) and how it was influencing me. What we expose ourselves to, impacts us in a positive or negative way. There is a cause and effect relationship to what we take in and what comes out.


As I reflect on these transformative truths, I am reminded anew of the invaluable role the local church plays in shaping lives and fostering communities rooted in love, truth, and purpose. It is a sanctuary in a fractured world, offering hope and healing to all who seek its embrace.

Regarding my kids, I am grateful to have other adults speaking grace, love, life, encouragement, and truth into their lives. I know my kids are not always listening to me, so it’s good to know they have other people providing wisdom and insight, guiding them towards living a better version of themselves, allowing God’s peace and grace to rule and reign in their lives.

I also know that churches aren’t perfect. They are made up of people like you and me that make mistakes. I am not going to forsake one of the best parts of my life because a handful of people get it wrong. I will choose to look for the good and forgive the imperfect. I also choose to serve and help when I see areas of need!

I’d love to hear your story. How have your been impacted by the local church?

CLICK HERE for a post I wrote on the importance of investing in others.

5 In Faith/ Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Finding Joy in the Journey of Motherhood

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”
Henri J.M. Nouwen

Being a mom is wonderful. And hard.

I try to get the house picked up before I go to bed at night and then by 10 am, it looks a hurricane swept through. The breakfast is finished, but food is out, dishes are piled in the sink, milk is spilled and “sort of” wiped up. I look in the living room and my boys have pulled out every pillow and blanket we own to make a fort. I look around and feel overwhelmed.

Some thoughts that go through my head are:

  • I’ll never have a clean house.
  • I’m depressed.
  • I can’t do this.

I give myself about 60 seconds to feel that way then I PURPOSEFULLY stop myself. I CHOOSE to think different thoughts and my mood immediately changes.

I can’t do this is replaced with:

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

I am depressed is replaced with:

“Today is the day that the Lord has made and I will REJOICE and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

I’ll never have a clean house is replaced with: I have young children living here and I WILL eventually have a clean house again.

And then – I CHOOSE to be grateful.

I look at the breakfast crumbs and spills and think – my kids aren’t hungry! They have food to eat!

I look at the mess in the living room and think – they are creative! They are playing together!

Motherhood is a journey. A hard and joy-filled journey where life isn’t your own anymore. It’s about choosing joy in spite of the messes they make, the noise and the lack of free time. It’s choosing gratitude when it’s easier to be angry, frustrated, and depressed.

Today, stop and look around at the mess and be grateful for it! It means that LIFE is happening there.

I’m choosing joy one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time.

Stress is a CHOICE! Joy and Gratitude are choices too! Choose well.

What are you grateful for today? Leave me a comment!

For more encouragement – check out the JOY CHALLENGE for MOMs. A daily video on how to choose joy no matter what life brings you. And this study to go along with it.

3 In Book Review/ Faith/ Family/ Raising boys

Book Review – Knights in Training

Since it is so likely that our [children] will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. – CS Lewis

Knights in training is one of the best “parenting” books I’ve ever read!

It’s the first parenting book I’ve ever “savored”…

… the first one I plan to read over and over again …

… and the first time I’ve loved a book so much that I reached out to thank the author for writing it!

(Can you tell I like it?)

This book was filled with tons of practical ideas and inspiration in my journey in raising boys who are honorable, courageous and compassionate.

Here’s a quote from the book that sums up why I love this book!

“We need to start training them now to be ready to take the reins of leadership – to live with integrity, to think outside of themselves, and to value the people around them. We need boys who will use their strength for the protection of others rather than to prey on others. With power and strength comes great responsibility.”

I’m grateful for men and women who use their voices to inspire, challenge and teach us! Heather Haupt is one of those voices for me!

If you are a parent or grandparent – get this book!

Have you read it? If so, leave me a comment and tell me what you liked most!


6 In Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

The Awesome Jar

Awesome Jar

On our counter sits the “AWESOME JAR.” It’s just a glass jar that we use to celebrate the good things in our day. When something happens that brings us JOY, my kids or I will write it down on a slip of paper and add it to the jar. You’d think we’d remember all these great things, but somehow we forget. This “AWESOME” Jar is a like our “remember the good” Jar.

Yesterday, for George’s birthday we put a note in our family’s Awesome Jar that simply says: “Clark’s birthday Surprise for George.” Let me tell you about it. After school, Clark gathered the neighbor kids and gave them each a gift bag. The kids put random (used) toys in each bag, placed them by our front door, rang the door bell, then hid. When George answered the door, they all jumped out and shouted, “SURPRISE! Happy Birthday!” He opened the silly gifts, and they all laughed about it and enjoyed a few minutes together for George’s birthday. It was awesome.

Every few weeks we sit down and pull out the notes from our Awesome Jar and “relive” those sweet moments. It also reinforces to my kids what they’ve done well and it encourages them to keep doing it! The notes in our JAR fill us with JOY!

Find a container and make it your family’s AWESOME Jar. Make it a habit to add one thing each day. It might be something like:

“(My son) put his dishes in the sink without being reminded”

– or –

“(My daughter) responded kindly when her sister was mean to her”

If it was a really bad day and you can’t think of anything, then write, “We all survived today!”

When you look for the GOOD, you will find it! And the more good you notice today, the more you will notice tomorrow. Not only YOU, but your CHILDREN as well. My sons have started to say, “Mom, did you see/hear that, it should go in the Awesome Jar!”

Leave me a comment about one “awesome” thing that’s happened in your house this week. And don’t forget to subscribe by putting your email in the box on the right hand column!

0 In Family/ Raising boys

George – fearless leader of the #eglyboys

Please indulge me today while I introduce you to my oldest son on his birthday!

George is TEN today! We’ve been parents for a DECADE now!

Here are some things that make him special:

George is curious!  He is always thinking deep thoughts about the future with questions like, “Mom, how will I know when I meet the person I’m supposed to marry?” And, “How will I know how to find a house and pay for it when I’m older?”

George is protective! He’s also always looking out for his brothers. He won’t let them walk anywhere NEAR the edge of the pool because he worries about them falling in. He told me he loves having a baby brother but wants him to grow up quick so he’s strong and won’t get hurt!

George LOVES electronics. I recently told him to go outside to play, so he took my computer and sat outside with it. I closed the computer and explained that playing outside means “No electronics. It means running, riding your bike or playing ball!”

George and I are learning how to edit videos and in the process of creating a youtube channel. However, he recently created and uploaded a little video to my channel that’s had about 50,000 views! (You can watch it here)

George loves to laugh! While reading books or watching movies, he is usually the first to catch the humor and laugh so hard that it’s contagious! (He gets this from his dad and Nana). George also makes US laugh. Recently he asked me if he was born when we lived in the brown house. I said, “No, you were born when we lived in the white house.” He paused for a minute, then his eyes got LARGE and he said excitedly,

“My DAD used to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!???”

“Sorry, George, not that White House. However, one day, YOU might be the president of the United States. You do have a presidential name and were born to do GREAT THINGS!”

Happy 10th Birthday, you are loved!


20 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado/ Traveling

20 FREE, fun and family-friendly places to visit in Colorado Springs

One of the reasons why we moved here and why I love my city is so much is because of the endless things to do with our family!

Here are 20 of the FREE things to do in Colorado Springs:

Outdoor activities:

This is a national landmark for a good reason. It should be on every person’s bucket list and I love that it’s right here in town. Every time we visit we see new things. The main parking lot has a bathroom, and the hike from there is stroller friendly! Start there, but I hope you’ll take time to visit every part of this park! Balanced Rock and Siamese twins are two of our favorite spots.


A huge playground for kids with a gorgeous view. A large grassy area and a unique water sculpture for kids to play in during the summer.


You’ll see this phenomenal rock structure as you drive down the highway. Click here to see pictures and read all the details about our adventure to the top of this rock.

Paul at Pulpit Rock


This a gorgeous place to hike with trails that are easy or difficult, short or long – you choose!  We love this place! My mom said it’s better than Garden of the Gods because it’s more “natural.”


You can enjoy a little museum and pretty view from the base of the falls or take a short and beautiful walk to the top of the falls.


If you drive past Helen Hunt falls and park at the top of the hill, there is a gorgeous hike to take with your family. My little ones only made it to the first of the ‘seven bridges’, but we loved the hike and enjoyed playing in the creek at the first bridge.

Crazy for Colorado


Drive to the top for an amazing view! Take a hike around the area, then drive to the bottom and play at the huge playground on Maizeland Road.

The view at Palmer Park


This is a fantastic, brand new park! It has a splash pad, sandy area, playground, picnic area, places to play basketball, soccer, and tennis; there are biking and hiking trails…it’s incredible!


A beautiful park where you can explore and play!



Indoor activities:

Luke at the Pioneer Museum

This is a gorgeous building right down town. It’s a free museum that is full of interesting facts and displays that teach about the history of Colorado Springs. My boys enjoy playing in the children’s play area, going to story hour, and riding the old elevator. (This is also a good place to go WITHOUT kids so that you can read and enjoy each exhibit a little more thoroughly.)


This is a museum you will go through pretty fast, but if you are in the Broadmoor area, or have an interest in cars, this is a neat museum worth checking out! My boys still talk about it. It shows old race cars, including one that CRASHED with the video showing how it happened.


Focus on the family has an incredible indoor play area with a giant four-story slide. There’s also an ice cream/snack shop and a bookstore so you may want to bring a few dollars with you, but it’s not necessary. You can play for FREE. Focus on the Family is such an amazing ministry, and it’s a fun place to visit if you are in town.


We are blessed with an INCREDIBLE network of libraries in Colorado Springs! Besides being able to check out movies and books – You can attend dance classes, story time, or just play on the computers and with their toys! They have free classes for all ages!


Take a tour of their facility and see what they do around the world! It’s interesting and fun for all ages.


You can hike, visit the beautiful chapel, the visitor center, one of the playgrounds, or go to a game! This place is HUGE and worth visiting! Go to to see everything you can do here!


A great view of Garden of the Gods park, interesting things to see inside, and history to learn.



Activities that have Indoor and Outdoor Space:

A pretty place to hike outdoors and explore the exhibits indoors!

My youngest son, Luke, at the Bear Creek Nature Center


This stone building was originally the home of the Starsmore family.  It serves as an introduction to Cheyenne Cañon and its beautiful waterfalls, rock formations, and trails. In the nature center you can get a map of the area, bird watch, and play with the hands-on exhibits.


An aviation museum with lots of history to learn and planes to see. (Need to register 24 hours in advance to get on base)


If you’d like to purchase Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore, click here, submit $10 and I will ship out your SIGNED copy! 

Click here for the best hikes to take in Colorado Springs!
Click here for 10 Bucket list items to do in Colorado Springs 

Click here for the best places to EAT in Colorado Springs

Click here for the best things to do in Manitou Springs

Ice cream at historic Patsy’s in Manitou Springs

Click here for FREE things to do in Breckenridge, CO

For 50+ activities to do with your kids, click here! 

Don’t forget to subscribe (on the right) so you don’t miss any posts! They’ll come right to your inbox.

6 In Faith/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Clark – our super kid!

Let me introduce you to #ClarkWayne, who is celebrating his Golden Birthday today!!

Since the day he was born, Clark has rocked our world.

He was such a happy baby with BIG kissable cheeks, but didn’t love sleeping. (Why sleep when there’s the entire world to discover!?)

As a toddler he was so precious, but would BITE when he didn’t like something. (This caused us to get kicked out of the gym child care for a few months.)

As a preschooler he was so friendly, but a little too ROUGH when playing with friends…which made a lot of uncomfortable moments with other moms. (So many apologies…)

He’d wake us up before dawn and whisper, “Mama …waffles…juice!”

Thankfully, Clark stopped biting. He still climbs, but has more stability. He’s still a little rough, and wakes up way too early, but he is SO full of LIFE and JOY.

He often exclaims that this is the “BEST DAY EVER” just because there’s a fort in the living room or because we make s’mores after dinner.

He’s a leader who knows how to gather his friends for a cause – whether it’s a lemonade stand, dog wash, fort building, bike show, backyard games or foot races…he’s never bored.

He is thoughtful: “Mom, here’s a quarter from my piggy bank. I’d like to buy you some coffee.”

He is funny: “Mom, George is 7, I’m 5, Paul is 3, and Luke is BLASTOFF!”

He always keep me on my toes. Click here for the story about how he snuck a snake into the car – and then let me know he lost it while I was driving down the road with a car full of kids.

This summer, Clark and I had great conversation about what heaven is like that ended with Clark praying and asking Jesus to be his forever friend!

We are so glad to get to celebrate one more year with Clark – our SuperKid!