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3 In Faith/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Raising boys/ Traveling

Feeling overwhelmed? Read this!

Lately as I’m approaching my bed to sleep at night, a wave of fear sweeps over me. I’m afraid to lay down in the dark because that is when the thoughts begin…thoughts of –

  • things I’ve done wrong and should have done differently.
  • thoughts of something bad happening to my kids
  • thoughts of them getting hurt or dying

Negative, painful, fearful thoughts were weighing me down, making my chest ache. I felt like I was suffocating. I could barely breathe, let alone sleep.

I know I can do something about this. I didn’t need to hold on to these fears and anxieties. I needed to purposely, actively, STOP the bad thoughts filling my mind.

The Bible tells us to:

“Cast ALL your ANXIETY on Him because He CARES for YOU!” I Peter 5:7

I began to pray over my worries and stresses. I prayed Psalm 91 for my children: “… With LONG LIFE with I satisfy him…”

Prayer allowed me to cast my anxiety on HIM. I was literally handing my worry and fear to God.

After just a couple of minutes of prayer, I honestly felt God take the heavy burden off me and carry it for me.

I “saw” (not literally, but in my mind) Him take the “backpack” that was weighing me down and place it on His shoulder!!!

Suddenly, the weight was lifted.

The fears and anxieties were replaced with joy and peace!

I could breathe. I could smile. I could rest!

Friends, give Christ your burden. Your fear. Your anxiety. Your negative thoughts. He wants to carry the load for you! Hand it over to Him in prayer.

The following Scriptures have helped me tremendously. Feel free to print these out and lay them beside your bed. Try to memorize one or two so that you can repeat them when you are feeling anxious or afraid:

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me;  he delivered me from all my fears.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

You can also read Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 for further encouragement!

Do you have a favorite scripture, a quote, a book or something that has helped you when you are faced with fears and anxiety? Please share!

Another suggestion is to fall asleep to the sound of music. I love to play this song just before I go to sleep:

4 In Family/ Friendship/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Traveling

Peek into our week(s) in Minnesota * Indiana * Illinois


My first couple weeks in Minnesota were uneventful….it was a whole lot of digging out from underneath a mountain of boxes. Moving is a LOT of work, but our house is beginning to feel like home!

We met lots of our new neighbors and couldn’t ask for a better neighborhood.


We had dinner at a restaurant on a nearby lake with the ONE family we know in Minnesota! It was so nice to spend time with great friends in our new state.


We piled in the car and drove to Indiana.

The kids were so excited to see their cousins, and equally excited to see the kittens that were just born.

Sunday’s drive was long. What was supposed to take eight hours, took ten. The traffic and tolls going through Illinois reminded us why we moved away 3 years ago.

When we finally arrived, my mom had a delicious dinner waiting for us (thank you mom!)!

Clark, Kate and KITTENS!


Ted worked and I got to spend time with my mom and sister.

Our kids had an amazing day together on the lake where my mom and sister live. Some of my favorite childhood memories were spent on the lake, and I’m glad my kids get to experience this too!

They are so creative when they are together …. they imagined that the paddle boards were their “ships” and spent the day finding treasure on the bottom of the lake. They were convinced that the sticks and rocks they found were extremely valuable and would make them millionaires!

That night, my sister and her husband hosted a dinner at their house and we enjoyed catching up with old friends.



George woke up covered in toilet paper and “duct taped” to his bed. Since he is the one that likes to sleep the latest, his cousins and brothers thought it would be hilarious to play a trick on him. He woke up with a sweet note and a struggle to get out of bed.

“Love ya George, with a lot of toilet paper.”

After that shenanigan, the kids walked to grandmas (next door!) for a donut, then spent more time on the lake – swimming, paddle boarding, looking for treasure, and riding the wave runner with Ted.

Donuts at Grandmas

That night, Ted and I got to go out on a double date with my sister (Krista) and her husband (Nate).  We took their boat to dinner – making two stops, the first one was for appetizers and the second was for dinner at one of their favorite restaurants.


We took the kids to a classic rootbeer stand for lunch and my brother-in-law took them tubing.

Rootbeer at Shopoff’s Drive-in

That evening we spent time with my dad’s side of the family – grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.



Ted’s 40thbirthday

I had been so busy with the move, I hadn’t spent as much time as I needed to planning for Ted’s milestone birthday. However, once I got Nate and Krista involved…they moved mountains to make sure Ted had a memorable day. I’m so grateful for them!

My mom kept our four boys so that Ted, Nate, Krista and I could spend the day and night in Chicago.

My sister (Krista) and brother-in-law (Nate) at Buckingham Fountain in Chicago


The view from the condo we stayed in for the night

It was a perfect day! We walked, visited our favorite sights, got Sprinkles cupcakes, then rented bikes to ride along Lake Shore Drive. The day ended with an UH-mazing dinner at the Girl and the Goat. The owner and chef, Stephanie Izard, was the first female winner of Top Chef. Everything she makes is delicious!



We met up with our boys and drove to stay with friends for a couple of days.

My friend Stacey and all of our boys!

We had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants – The Turf Room – then came back to the house to eat some Portillo’s cake and sing Happy Birthday to Ted! We loved spending time with the friends who were able to come and celebrate him.

Dinner at The Turf Room. I’m holding a gift that my friend Lisa made for our new home.


In the morning, Ted met up with a book club group that he used to be a part of when we lived in Illinois. The guys just finished reading his book and Ted got to meet them for breakfast, answer questions and hear from them what they learned from his book.

That afternoon, we took the boys to Geneva, IL – a quaint town with beautiful old homes, unique stores and a delicious ice cream shop. Then we went to a new park to play.

A cool OLD tree we found at the park

That night we went on a boat ride with friends. There’s a new music venue along the river, and One Republic was playing that night. We anchored the boat and enjoyed a free concert!


We said good-bye to our friends and drove home. We had a fabulous time away. We all agreed that we LOVED our time with family and friends.

We are settling back in to our new home in Minnesota and excited to begin planting roots and building community.






2 In Memories/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Who’s the teacher here?

Picture of Luke chasing bunnies taken by Courtney Freeman in Colorado Springs


As a former teacher and a mother to four, I often want to teach my children. There are so many things I want them to learn and to know. However, I am surprised at how much I can learn from THEM and how much they can teach me!
For instance, they teach me about LOVE. I love them because they are my children – not because of what they do, but because of who they are. This is how God loves YOU and me. We don’t need to do or be anything to be completely loved by Him!
They also teach me to enjoy the small things. The frog jumping through the grass, the ants on the sidewalk.
They taught me how much FUN backyard games can be. I can’t stop laughing during a game of Tag or Sharks and Minnows! It’s exhausting but it’s so.much.FUN!
They teach me to slow down. Little steps will eventually get you to where you need to go. 
They teach me to look forward with anticipation and not behind (with regret or sadness). When I told my kids that we were moving, they didn’t wallow in what we were leaving behind, they were excited about a new adventure! They were looking forward to meeting new friends and wanted to know all about the state that we would call “home!” They said goodbye cheerfully and waited with anticipation to make Minnesota their new home. Since arriving, they’ve been ‘all in!’
I’m thankful for what I’m learning from them each day. My goal is to stay engaged and to keep learning from them. Hopefully, they learn a few things from me (and Ted) too.
What have your children taught you? Leave me a comment! 
4 In Family/ Finding our place/ House Hunting/ Minnesota/ Moving/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

A Peek into our week – Saying Goodbye to Colorado, Hello to Minnesota

Enjoying our final Pikes Peak sunset from our home in Colorado

Last week we said goodbye to Colorado – to our friends, to our home, and to that beautiful chapter of our lives.

Jared and Holly Newman – life long friends

Lots of friends came over to give us one last hug, we went to the Newman family’s house for one last dinner and I went to church one last time to see Kari Jobe and Louie Giglio! (It was so good!)

Early Wednesday morning two kind gentleman showed up at our house and started packing. Somehow, those two guys had my house completely packed and loaded on the moving truck in just 3 days!! (I think it took me 6 weeks to pack when we moved to Colorado)

Our family flew to Minneapolis on Saturday morning. Clark asked if we were in “first class” because the flight attendant offered him a snack and a drink. (He’s only flown one other time – and that was on another airline)

We stayed the weekend in a hotel.

Saturday – lots of swimming!

SundayMall of America!

Before we moved, I told the boys that when we arrived in Minnesota, I’d let them spend $20 each at the Mall. It gave them one more reason to get excited about the move.

Our first stop – the Lego Store!

George was THRILLED to explore this place and had a hard time just picking out ONE thing. $20 doesn’t go very far there, but he found a set that he was excited to build.

Clark chose to buy a remote control car.

Paul wanted new running shoes. (I gave him a little extra since he chose RUNNING SHOES!)

Luke picked a Lightning McQueen toy.

I picked where we ate –  Wahlburgers. (It was great!)

They wanted to ride ALL the rides – but we picked one – The Ferris Wheel! It’s kind of crazy riding a Ferris Wheel inside a MALL!

Monday morning, we met the movers at our house.

There were a few things about this house that made me fall in love with it:

  1. I could tell it was a neighborhood with LOTS of kids – nearly every house has a play set, a trampoline, a soccer net or a basketball hoop.
  2. It has a nice backyard…big enough for FOUR boys to run some of their energy out with a game of tag or soccer.
  3. It has LOTS of trees! Since I’d no longer be able to see Pikes Peak, I wanted something pretty to look at and I do! I love all the trees and water in Minnesota.

Within an hour of pulling up to our home, the boys had already met the neighbor kids on both sides. They played all day. Clark called it the “best day ever” and said he’d be sad if I picked ANY other house in Minnesota.

George agreed and said this is his favorite house we’ve ever lived in.

All the boys have been sleeping SOO good in this house. I haven’t been wakened at all by any child! It may have something to do with the fact that they RUN, JUMP, PLAY, and SWIM all day! (Maybe that’s the title of my new book?!!)

We are grateful for a smooth transition and looking forward to making many happy memories here.

Thanks for your prayers, comments, texts and encouragement through this process!

0 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Family/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado

A PEEK into our WEEK: Breckenridge, hiking, time with friends, and racing!

Our Fourth of July

We took some red, white and blue pictures in Colorado Springs, but spent the 4th in Breckenridge! The boys loved the Parade and playing in the huge pile of snow that’s still on Peak 8. Ted and I enjoyed getting one last visit to Breckenridge before our move. We always enjoy the drive there – you never know what wildlife you’ll see. We stopped to watch some Buffalo roam on this trip.


Spent time with a childhood friend

Becky, a childhood friend, and two of her kids came to visit from Broomfield, CO. It was so fun having them spend 24 hours with us!

We hiked and explored, cooked together, and enjoyed catching up. We’re both Indiana girls and been friends all of our lives. I’ve enjoyed spending more time with her since we moved to Colorado.

Overdrive Raceway

The #eglyboys have been begging me to take them to Overdrive Raceway! We finally made it there, and they LOVED it! Clark drove as fast as he could – speeding around corners and weaving in and out between other drivers. George was slow and steady; cautiously driving around corners, and leading Paul “safely” around the track.



We explored the Starsmore Nature Center and hiked in Cheyenne Canyon with friends. There are all kinds of trails you can follow in Cheyenne Canyon. However, Clark remembered one specific hike from a field trip and insisted we follow him. He promised us it would be beautiful! Somehow, he found the right trail, we followed him up a narrow passageway and from the top, we had an incredible 360 degree view of mountains and The Broadmoor! He makes an amazing tour guide for an 8-year-old.

The trail Clark insisted we follow.


One of my favorite things to do in Colorado is hiking and exploring with my boys!


Admiring the view!

That was our final ‘regular’ week in Colorado.…now we are packing and wrapping things up at home before we head to Minnesota! What did you do this week? Leave me a comment!

0 In Funny/ Raising boys

Out of the Mouths of (my 4) babes…

From L to R: Paul, Clark, and George. Luke is in front.


We took Luke to get a badly needed haircut. He was so hard that his brothers came over to cheer him up – singing and handing him toys. He calmed down and by the end of the haircut, he told the hair stylist – “I’ll be back tomorrow.”



Watching ‘Cheaper by the Dozen 2’ with the boys and Paul sees the cute Murtock wife in the boat. Paul says, “I hope my wife looks like that!”


From L to R: Paul, Clark, Luke and George


We met a whole bunch of people at Ivywild for dinner to celebrate some friends moving to California. A friend and I both realized that we each had a child missing from the party and we went to go look for them. Ivywild is an old school with lots of rooms, a gymnasium, and other restaurants. After searching, we finally found Clark and our friend’s son sitting at the bar in a section called The Whiskey Room, eating Maraschino cherries and chatting with the bartender.



“Mom, was I born when we in the brown house?”

Me: No, you were born when we lived in the white house.


Me: Not that White House.


Leave me a comment and tell me something funny your child said or did!

0 In Colorado Springs/ Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado

80+ ideas for Summertime fun!

My kids love electronics – playing on the iPad, my phone, or computer. We didn’t have those options when I was a kid – but I do remember when Nintendo came out and I loved it. Mario Brothers sucked me in – I didn’t want to stop until I’d beat the dragon and WON the game. That’s how felt with just ONE game. Now our kids have endless games to choose from on their multiple electronic devices.

Recently I asked George to go play outside and found him like this…

That is NOT what I had in mind!

Here are 80 ideas to get your kids off those devices.


    • playing real games,

    • exploring,

    • discovering,

    • learning and

    • using their imaginations

  • all while having tons of fun!!!!

  • Make and play with playdough – Click here for a recipe. We like to make a batch and then I give my boys ideas things to make: a snake, a snowman, a fidget spinner!

  • Free Draw – Set out Pencils, markers or crayons and blank paper – Set the timer for 15 minutes and encourage everyone to sit and draw. I’m amazed at some of the things they will come up with. If they don’t know what to draw, set a stuffed animal on the table or pull out a favorite book and ask their favorite page!

  • Read a book – When my oldest son says he’s bored, I’ll hand him a book to read to his little brother. I try to keep lots of interesting books around that peek their curiosity. It might be a book about a state we are visiting, or a comic-strip style book. I also like to read a few pages of a chapter book to my kids each day. The “Who Was” series is great! Or…
  • Create a “I’m Bored” Jar – If your kids say ‘I’m Bored’ – they have to pull a paper from the jar. Each paper lists a chore or activity.
  • Tell stories – Give them a title and let them create the story.

  • Make a book – at the beginning of last summer I gave each of my boys a blank book. Nearly every day I had them draw a picture or write a few words about what they/we did that day. It’s now a “Summer of 2017” memory book. This summer I’m going to do the same and make it a “Gratitude” journal. Each day they can draw a picture and write one thing they are grateful for. You can make a book by folding white paper together and stapling it…or purchasing a pre-made on amazon.

  • Play Tag – everyone will have fun and get some exercise, too!

  • Cook together – my boys love helping make any type of dessert. But they are also good “sous” chefs – peeling potatoes and carrots, etc. Last summer I taught George had to make some basics for his brothers – things like mac and cheese and grilled cheese. This summer I’ll be adding a few things to George’s list and including the younger ones as well. It’s not easy, but it build confidence in them and is a huge help once they know what to do. Other ideas of things to make with your kids: Pancakes and Personal Pizzas

  • Balloon games –  Blow up balloons and work together to keep them from touching the ground. Or, use a tennis racket outside with balloons.

  • Take a bike ride
  • Turn up fun music and have a Dance party
  • Fill a plastic tub with water, measuring cups and other toys
  • Wash the car together
  • Play Hide and Seek
  • Do a Puzzle together

  • Park Hop! We go park-hopping in the summer and try out as many as we can.
  • Create an obstacle course in your yard or around your house.
  • Backyard games – Soccer, sharks and minnows, kickball, catch

  • Turn on the Sprinklers and play in the water or find a splash park around town

  • Jump Rope – we do competitions to see who can go the longest without tripping. It’s great exercize and FUN! I definitely recommend you purchase the segmented jump ropes (pictured above). We bought several so we could all jump rope together.

  • Have a Lemonade stand 
  • Write a letter to a friend or relative

  • Play a card game or a board game  – Memory/Skipbo/Uno/Go Fish/Chess/Checkers – Last summer George and I played endless rounds of Skipbo. (I forgot how much I love that game.) The boys received “No Stress Chess” as a Christmas gift. This set helps you learn how to play chess. Now my boys love the game!
  • Tickle tackle – I stay in the middle of the room and on my knees. My boys try to run past me without getting “tickled and tackled!”
  • Play charades – even little ones can play this. Whisper what you want them to “act” out and let the sibling(s) guess what they are doing.

  • Go on an adventure – with four boys, there is always “one” who doesn’t want to do what I have planned. So I’ve learned to tell them we are going on an ‘adventure’ – this might be as simple as a hike, but it gets everyone out of the house!
  • Build a fort – with boxes, or pillows and blankets. Read a story in the fort! Or “Go on a Bear Hunt.”
  • Paper dolls are fun to create, color and decorate, and then to play with in pretend worlds. Print up a set for free. Or purchase this design kit – something I loved when I was a kid!
  • Exercise! It’s easy to be fit with these ABC moving games in the link.
  • Take dominos, playing cards or stones and create a path for their cars and trains.
  • Be a rainmaker. Fill a cup with water and top with shaving cream. Drip food dye onto the top of the fluff and watch it rain through to the water.
  • Play with sidewalk chalk on your driveway – trace each other, then draw clothes, a face, etc.
  • Make a ping-pong ball or marble roller coaster. You can make this one from cardboard tubes and magnets on your fridge or tape on a door.
  • Rube Goldberg machines are fascinating! Look around your house and see what you can use to create your own giant machine.
  • Simple play ideas are the best! Line a set of stairs with open boxes and drive your cars down them.
  • Melt Ice with salt – It’s cold and fascinating! Fill cups with colored water, freeze them, and watch the ice mix and melt as you add salt to the blocks.
  • Build a tent or make one – Tape ends of a tarp together and add a fan, the result is fun!
  • Have a balancing battle – Stack a book on your head and walk around an obstacle. Try it again with a pencil on your nose. Or holding a basket on a ball.
  • Mix oil and water together with whisks. Watch how the globs stay separate. Add a couple eye droppers and food dye for an afternoon of play.
  • DIY marble maze –  Your kids can make them with an empty cereal box, straws and glue! Swap to solve the maze puzzles.
  • Garden – Plant some seeds in your backyard and watch them grow.
  • Practice an instrument – Piano, keyboard, xylophone, harmonica, recorder or drums…make it a family band.
  • Blow bubbles –  Make some bubbles using dish washing soap, water, and sugar (for consistency).

  • Visit a Vacation Bible school – There’s one going on each week in your town. Some are free and they teach your kids awesome life (and eternal) lessons.
  • Have a picnic – Instead of eating lunch at your kitchen table for the umpteenth time, breakout the picnic basket and blanket.

  • Volunteer. Find a local person or organization in need (it could be your older neighbor). Offer to help out for an afternoon.

  • Go fishing. Find an ocean, lake, river, pond, or puddle and start fishing. Borrow equipment or spend a little money to rent it from the bait shop.
  • Have a parade (or at least see one).Find a Memorial Day, Independence Day, or any other day parade to attend. Or, start one yourself and lead the way.
  • Ice excavating – freeze some little things in a bowl of ice and let the kids dig them out

  • Race on Plasma cars – This is the best toy we’ve every owned. We’ve had one for ten years and it gets used constantly – rain or shine. My son received this as a gift from his grandparents when he turned 1 and he’s still using it almost 10 years later! We now own three because it’s still their favorite ride on toy. They all want to ride it and the neighbors love to borrow them too!

  • Go to all the indoor playgrounds at McDonald’s, Chick Fill A or any others you have in your town!

  • Visit the pet store

  • Nerf guns – have a battle or shoot at targets

  • Go to the zoo
  • Get a joke book from the library or Amazon and tell each other jokes!
  • Visit the library and participate in the summer reading program!

  • Sponge Bullseye – Draw rings on the driveway, get water balloons or wet sponges, stand back and try to throw it in the target.
  • Play Simon Says
  • Fly a kite
  • Throw a frisbee or go to frisbee park!

Luke at the Bear Creek Nature Center

  • Do shadow drawings as seen below:

If you are in Colorado Springs, CLICK HERE for 20 additional ideas of FREE Things to do around town!

I hope this inspires you to get out and play!

What is your favorite summer time activity? Leave me a comment!

4 In Colorado Springs/ Family/ Free stuff/ Motherhood/ Product Recommendations/ Raising boys

Top Five Gifts for Mom on Mother’s day!

Here are some very practical, very simple ideas that are guaranteed to make your mom or wife smile on Mother’s day!
  1. Make or buy Mom dinner or lunch. Give mom a break from the kitchen!

If you live in Colorado Springs: Click here for my recommendations of WHERE TO EAT!

2. Pamper her! A massage, facial, or manicure. Anything to make her feel pretty and relaxed!

  • Mom will love a SPA Day; a runner up would be a Spa Kit. I love bath bombs or a good bath scrub!

3. Hire someone to clean for her! This is such a treat for mom to get a break from cleaning. I have four boys and the messes never end. I LOVE having someone clean for me every once in a while!

4. Give Mom some time alone! Every Mother’s Day, my husband gives me a couple of hours just myself. To nap, read, slowly sip my coffee (while it’s still hot) and just relax. With four little boys, that is such a precious GIFT! Once my kids are older and out of the house, this one might change to “time with everyone together!” I get to enjoy that most days, so a quiet break is a gift to me.

5. Homemade gifts or cards. Sweet hand-made cards from my boys are some of my most treasured possessions!

Other options that mom should love:

A plant or fresh flowers:

A pressure cooker for a mom that likes to cook (I love mine):

A great book – I want this one:


What is something YOU like to give or receive for Mother’s Day?

8 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Family/ Food/ Free stuff/ Memories/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado

Peek into my week with Mom! (And my traumatic pedicure)

It’s always a good week when Mom’s in town. She only comes to Colorado once a year, so we make the most of our time together when she’s here.

She flew in Tuesday night, and the first thing she got to do was babysit my kids!


I work on Wednesdays and thankfully, she loves to spend time with her grandkids.

That night we went to New Life for the First Wednesday service. It was an incredible night of worship. We went with all four boys – thankfully it’s a relaxed family service, so they got to dance around with their friends. If you live in Colorado Springs, you’ve got to come! It’s the First Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM.


Thursday morning Luke had preschool, so mom and I got to go our Mom’s group/Bible study. Up until now, my mom has only participated with the group online, so I loved getting to introduce her to so many of the ladies in person!

Thursday afternoon my mom kindly offered to pay for a pedicure while she watched the kids. (I’ve got a good mom!)

George decorating cookies with Grandma

I went to a salon close by that I’d never been to before. My pedicure was a little uncomfortable … at one point I felt a sharp stab in the corner of my toe. By that night, my toe was swollen.


Friday my toe was still hurting but I got through the day by wearing comfy shoes. At church that night we baptized about 30 people. I love being a part of those special nights. Two of my sons were baptized a few months ago (I wrote about it here).

All the people getting baptized Friday night came up on the stage for prayer.


We to the Pioneer Museum and then to LarkBurger for dinner. My mom agreed that their chicken sandwiches and fries are some of the best things she’s ever eaten!

That night, Ted stayed home with the boys and my mom and I went to see The Apostle Paul movie. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was a GREAT movie…I recommend you see it! It truly brings the Bible to life and I hope more movies like this are made! There are some frightening parts, so it’s probably best for children 12 and up.

Pioneer Museum

Paul playing at the Pioneer Museum


We explored Helen Hunt Falls and Cheyenne canyon, then went to Modern Market for dinner. (Kids eat FREE at Modern Market on Sundays!)

Helen Hunt Falls

Toe is still sore – wearing comfy shoes and limping.


The boys took the day off school to spend time with Grandma. We planned to visit Cave of the Winds, but Luke was up sick the night before, my mom wasn’t feeling good, and my foot was only getting worse, so we decided to stay closer to home and hike in the Garden of the Gods. That’s always an amazing place to visit.

Mom and Luke resting

Mom and Luke resting

That afternoon I decided to go back to the nail salon to show them my swelling toe and they told me it was an ingrown toe nail. They soaked it and then DUG at it with a knife. This is the toe that I didn’t want to touch because it was hurting so bad. The lady DUG at it with a knife. And she wouldn’t stop. She kept digging until she got a piece of my toenail free. It hurt so bad I just start crying right there in front of everyone. She squeezed it at the end and asked if it was better. “NO! You just dug at it with a knife – please stop SQUEEZING it!”


Luke had preschool so mom, and I got to be Tourists in our Town. I got to show her all around town and drop copies of “Climb, Soar, Swim, Soar” off at Terra Verde and the Pioneer Museum who now have them available for sale!   I’ll write about where we ate and what we did in a future post.

Mom and me time!

That night mom watched the boys so Ted and I could go to dinner.


I had to take my mom to the airport. It’s so hard letting her leave because I’m not sure when I’ll see her again. Mom, I love you and visit again soon! Thank you for spending the week with us!



My toe continued to get worse. I should have gone to the doctor rather than back to the scene of the crime. The lady who was digging at my foot caused a serious infection. My entire foot got so swollen that I couldn’t wear shoes. It hurt to walk. I was putting everything on it to make it heal, but nothing worked so I finally went to the doctor and got antibiotics. The doctor said I could lose my toenail. What was supposed to be a nice, relaxing gesture from my mom – turned into two weeks of severe pain and possibly the loss of my toenail?!  I’m not sure I’ll ever get another pedicure!? Have any of you ever had that happen? I have pictures, but they are really gross. If you want to see a picture – I am going to post some under my review of this nail salon here: YELP REVIEW.

Thanks for following along on week with mom! I’ll post out our DAY DOWNTOWN soon! Subscribe so you don’t miss a post.

1 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Family/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado/ Traveling

Our family of six braved Seven Falls!

Our Seven Falls Adventure!

This area is called the “GRANDEST MILE OF SCENERY” in Colorado and I think that describes it pretty well!  It really is spectacular and absolutely worth a visit or two (or seven)!

My husband took me to Seven Falls for my birthday a couple of years ago. We went on a “double date” with my sister and her husband. It was amazing. I definitely recommend this place for a date or double date spot! You get to chat, enjoy the scenery, connect with each other and with nature, all while getting some exercise! We LOVED it!

We’ve wanted to get back here ever since that first visit, so we decided to take all four of our boys during their spring break. We weren’t sure how it would go because our youngest two sons were only 3 and 6-year-olds and there is a lot of walking and climbing involved. Read on to find out how it all went!

To get started, park in the lot at the Broadmoor off of 1st street – next to the Golden Bee Restaurant. Parking is free, and a complimentary shuttle picks you up right there. After an 8 minute drive, you are dropped off at the ticket gate. The cost in the winter is $10 for adults, and $5 for children. Summer is $14.50 for adults and $9 for children over 2. Seniors and military $12.50. (Prices may change)

After you pay the entrance fee you are 0.8 miles from the base of the Falls, so you have two choices:

  1. Jump on a tram that will drive you to the base of the Falls. The cost is $2 per person. Seniors are free.
  2. Walk to the Falls. Walking allows you the opportunity to absorb this grand mile. The 6 of us chose to walk. Well, our 3 year old got a piggy back ride for most of it.

The Grandest Mile and my iPhone doesn’t do it justice.

When you arrive at the base of the Falls, I recommend that you start by walking through a tunnel inside the mountain. The corridor is lined with pictures and artifacts from history.

Tunnel through the mountain to the elevator

At the end of the tunnel is an elevator that will take you up to Eagle’s Nest landing. After spending a few minutes taking in the magnificent view…walk down the steps or ride the elevator back down.

Our family picture on the Eagle's Nest Landing

Next, walk past a trout pound and watch for the HUGE fish that occasionally jump up to say hello! Then, take a deep breath and begin the climb up the 224 VERY STEEP steps. Thankfully, there is a landing halfway up the staircase so that you can take in the view, rest your legs and catch your breath.

We didn’t know how our young boys would handle climbing more than 200 STEEP steps. Our three oldest sons did not complain ONE TIME. My husband carried our 3-year-old most of the way.   I can’t imagine having to carry 30+ extra pounds up all those steps. I was exhausted just getting myself to the top. However, 224 steps isn’t difficult for Ted, who climbs the Manitou Incline on a regular basis. The Incline is 2,744 steps – more than 10 times as many steps as Seven Falls.

If you make it to the top, you are rewarded with a gorgeous hike!

First, you’ll encounter a Ponderosa Pine Tree that’s more than 450 years old! Stop here and try to wrap your arms around this gigantic tree.  It took all four of our sons touching hands to get their arms around the trunk of this beautiful tree.

Next, you’ll come to a fork in the path. Go to the right for an easy, 20-minute hike. Go to the left for a hike that will take you about an hour. If you have children in tow, I recommend the shorter hike – we loved it. My sister took the long hike and said it was incredible. If you have the time and the energy, do both!

Next, SLOWLY walk down all the stairs. The climb down is easy but VERY steep and sometimes crowded. Keep ahold onto the handrail!

Stop at the bottom and relax in one of the wooden rocking chairs. Take a few minutes to enjoy the view and reflect on that beautiful hike you just completed.

Rocking Luke and enjoying the view

Take time to watch the trout play in the pond.

Hungry? Eat at the fabulous Restaurant 1858. I recommend the Chili Con Queso nachos. They are made with homemade wild boar chili, chips, cheese and pickled jalapeños.

For all my favorite restaurants in Colorado Springs, click here!

Slowly make your way back to the entrance where a shuttle will pick up and drop you off at the parking lot.

Before you leave, take time to stroll around the lake at the Broadmoor Hotel! This is one of the most beautiful hotels in the country and you’ve just got to see it – or stay the night.

I absolutely recommend that you make some time to visit Seven Falls in Colorado Springs. Add it to your bucket list now, and thank me later!

Watch to see how many #eglyboys it takes to hug the Ponderosa Pine!

For my top ten places to visit in Colorado Springs, CLICK HERE!
For the top ten things to do in Manitou Springs, CLICK HERE!
For 20 FREE things to do in Colorado Springs, CLICK HERE!
To get a signed copy of my Colorado Springs Children’s Book, CLICK HERE!