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2 In Family/ Funny/ Raising boys

Funny things from the #Eglyboys

There are a lot of things happening in the world right now that are so very sad, but children have a way of reminding us to SMILE, to laugh, and to enjoy the simple things. Here are some things that my boys have said recently that made me smile – I hope it makes you SMILE too!


I told George that we would be at the doctor’s office in “CUATRO MINUTOS.” Since he started learning Spanish this year, I asked him if he knew what that meant.  “Chicken wings?!” was his enthusiatic guess. (Why are boys always thinking about FOOD!?)


Clark, age 8, who has ALWAYS been an EARLY riser, came downstairs later than normal and said, “Mom, the weirdest thing happened today. I woke up and was ready to get out of bed, but then I noticed how warm and comfortable my bed was so I decided to go back to sleep!” (Clark’s FIRST time sleeping in, and he had to tell me about how weird it was.)


Paul, age 5, came home from kindergarten yesterday and was so excited to tell me about all the apples he tried at school. He said his favorite ones were called “Yellow Yummy!”

Me: Do you mean “Golden Delicious?”

Paul: Yes, that’s the one. My favorites are GOLDEN DELICIOUS!


We were walking the older boys to the bus stop and Luke, age 3, saw a neighbor standing in his driveway. Luke said, “Hi, What are you doing today?” The neighbor responds, “I’m going to fix my doorbell today.” We continued to the bus stop, and I didn’t think any more about it. The next morning, as we were walking to the bus again, Luke sees the same man outside and asked, “Did you fix your ding dong?”  Thankfully, our neighbor didn’t hear him, so I clarified: “Luke wants to know if you fixed your doorbell?” “Yes!” our neighbor responded, “I fixed my doorbell!”

What’s something that’s made you laugh recently? Leave a comment!