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5 In Saving money

Top 10 things to buy at the Dollar Tree

Here are my favorite things to buy at the Dollar Tree!

Spiral bound notebooks

I love to use these to collect memory verses. My kids use them to practice letters, math, spelling, etc.

Tuna kits

These taste great and are an easy snack to take on the go.


I use these to organize my pantry, cabinets and closets.


Great cards for all occasions 50¢ or $1.

Balloons and party supplies



Gift bags and tissue paper

Where else can you find nice gift bags for $1?! They are 2-4 times as much everywhere else!


The Dollar Tree accepts coupons – so you can get these items for 25-50¢ (and sometimes free, so bring your coupons!)

Super Glue

Have you seen these? It’s 6 single use Super Glue tubes for $1! In the past, I’ve spent $2-3 on one tube, and when I go to use it again – it’s super-glued itself closed!


8 batteries for $1! And they work great!

Awesome Cleaning Spray

This is a cleaning product I’ve only seen at the Dollar Tree and it really is awesome! I’ve seen it get RED wine out of WHITE carpet! Thats a good use of a dollar!

Cleaning Gloves

I have four boys. We go through lots of dishes, lots of spills and messes. I can’t have enough gloves. Especially the kind that are thick and lined. Everywhere else, they are $2-3 dollars, so I always buy them at the Dollar Store.


Kitchen Shears

I’m not sure why, but I never have enough scissors. One child is opening a go-gurt, one child is using a pair to do homework, I’m using another pair to cut chicken, pizza, or sandwiches. I currently have 3 pairs but I’m buying more next time.

What do you like to buy at the dollar store? Leave a comment!

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6 In Free stuff/ Motherhood/ Saving money

FIVE ways to get FREE Starbucks!

If you are like me, you love DRINKING Starbucks more than you love PAYING for Starbucks. It’s hard to justify spending $5+ on a latte when I can make a decent cup of coffee at home for just a few cents.

Well, here are a few ways to get your Starbucks for FREE!

Shopkick App:

I love this app because I earn a free Starbucks gift card at least once a month! It’s an app that gives you “Kicks” when you walk into stores and when you scan or buy products. We’ll both get points toward a free gift card when you try it. Use code SHOP348890 or download


This is a website that has about 1000 ways to earn points, and all those points can be used towards GIFT CARDS! Check it out here:

A snapshot of gift cards I’ve earned through Swagbucks!

Starbucks App:

You get a free drink on your birthday and also after you get 125 “Stars.” The app also runs promotions to earn free drinks. You also get free refills. If you purchase a coffee while shopping at Target, Safeway, or any other location that has Starbucks – don’t leave without getting a free refill on your hot or iced coffee!

Cartwheel App:

Target regularly offer discounted drinks at Starbucks if you use the Cartwheel app.

Buy Gift cards on sale:

Groupon occasionally sells $10 Starbucks cards for $5. If you have a Chase or Visa card, they have promotions for free Starbucks too!