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Starting a blog – how to do it yourself!

Have you been thinking about starting a blog?

It’s something I considered for years but stopped because I thought:

  • What am I going to write about?
  • Does there need to be ONE more voice out there?
  • Does anyone really care what I have to say?

Finally, I just decided to put a LAUNCH DATE on the calendar (September 1, 2017) and go for it.

Something that inspired me to move forward was that Crystal Payne of MoneyMakingMom.com offered an inexpensive on-line course that held my hand as I walked through the process of how to create a blog!

If you are interested in learning how to start your own blog but aren’t super tech-y (like ME!), the courses I’d recommend are:

5 days to a successful Blog Launch 


 Blog Start Up 101

If you want to take just one class – go with BLOG START UP 101 – it has the most information and will be extremely valuable in teaching you how to launch your blog!

I’m currently taking a 3rd online class called WordPress 101! I’ve had so much fun learning how to do new things that I thought I’d never be able to do.

I hope these courses benefit you like they have me! Let me know if you already have a blog or when you start one – leave me a comment so I can check it out!

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