5 In Colorado Springs/ Family/ Making money/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Product Recommendations/ Review

Stitch Fix vs Sister Fix Disclaimer: Sister is HORRIFIED

Two of my friends were wearing the cutest outfits recently and I asked where they shopped. “Stitch Fix!” They both responded.

I decided to check this thing out.

I have four boys and shopping for clothes is not an easy or enjoyable thing for me – Stitch Fix is what I needed. No shopping required!

I got my first box of clothes and it felt like Christmas. I posted about it here.

A few months later I asked my sister if she would shop for me. I wanted to know how a “sister fix” would compare to a “stitch fix.” My sister enjoys shopping, knows my style, and I like that she knows how to find a bargain. She agreed to do it.

Below are my “Sister Fix” outfits that cost about the same as a box from Stitch Fix.


  • Sister buys things on sale – I get more for my money.
  • She knows my style.
  • She shopped, took pictures of outfits and mailed everything to me.
  • I loved nearly everything she purchased. I couple of items did not fit or didn’t look as good on me as they did on the hanger.


  • They ask lots of questions to understand your style.
  • They mail everything to you.
  • I spend NO time shopping or returning items.
  • I can try things on right in my own home and pair them with things I already own.
  • The box is fun to receive – it’s like Christmas morning.
  • They include a picture/style card of exactly how to wear each item.
  • They include an envelope to ship anything you want back at no additional cost.
  • If you refer people, you earn money towards free clothes!
  • $15 dollar credit towards your first FIX: http://stitchfix.com/referral/14898853 if you use that code to save yourself money and try Stitch Fix, I’ll earn money too!


  • Sister spent a lot of time picking out clothes for me – not convenient for her.
  • She took pictures, boxed and shipped everything – more of her time.
  • I had to go and return everything I didn’t like – my time doing stuff I don’t enjoy.
  • She sent me pictures of how to ‘style’ the items she sent, but I accidentally deleted it before the clothes arrived. (She resent them later!)


  • Items can be pricier than what I’d normally spend. I’m a TJ Maxx, Target and thrift store shopper!
  • I’ve heard it takes 2-3 shipments before they really start to understand what you want and like.
  • I only kept 1 item from my first “fix” – because I didn’t love the other items, and they were more than what I wanted to spend

Have you tried Stitch Fix yet? If you’d like to try it, click here for $15 off your first fix! 

Below is the video of me trying everything on.

DISCLAIMER: My sister was partially horrified and partially cracking up when she watched this video below. She does not want her name attached to it! 

She said I did NOT follow her advice in how to WeAR/Style the items she sent! We LAUGHED together about this – we are so different. She is a perfectionist when it comes to STYLE, and I did not LAYER and STYLE the items correctly. Sorry Sis! I need you to come and “style” me … I guess sending me clothes is not the answer – you actually need to come to Colorado and show me HOW to wear my clothes!

Anyway … the pictures above show the styling, the video shows the individual pieces and the fit!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! What should I keep? What should I never wear again!


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  • Reply
    April 17, 2018 at 6:29 pm

    Haha. This was great! I would never have thought of a “sister fix”!

    • Reply
      April 17, 2018 at 6:33 pm

      She’s so good at style…I need her to rub off on me! thanks!

  • Reply
    Kathryn Mesward
    April 18, 2018 at 9:33 pm

    I think she did an amazing job of choosing things that fit you well and offered you some new styles. I don’t know what you do at work but one of the first items you showed was a black shirt with very wide sleeve bottoms that would NOT work for me unless I was at church, perhaps. I bought myself a cute blouse last fall with bell sleeves and they got in the way of so many tasks I was doing that the blouse is not practical at all! By the way, I wish you had shown us the emerald green jacket over the emerald green blouse. They might have gone well together.

    • Reply
      April 19, 2018 at 8:39 am

      Thanks so much for your feedback Kathryn! I do work for a church! I’ve worn the jacket a couple of times and it has not gotten in my way too much. I love the idea of the emerald shirt with the emerald jacket!!! This is exactly why my sister was horrified – I didn’t layer everything and put it together like she wanted me too!

  • Reply
    Going Listed here
    May 8, 2018 at 12:17 pm

    Hello.This post was extremely interesting, particularly because I was looking for thoughts on this topic last Thursday.

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