Picture of Luke chasing bunnies taken by Courtney Freeman in Colorado Springs
As a former teacher and a mother to four, I often want to teach my children. There are so many things I want them to learn and to know. However, I am surprised at how much I can learn from THEM and how much they can teach me!
For instance, they teach me about LOVE. I love them because they are my children – not because of what they do, but because of who they are. This is how God loves YOU and me. We don’t need to do or be anything to be completely loved by Him!
They also teach me to enjoy the small things. The frog jumping through the grass, the ants on the sidewalk.
They taught me how much FUN backyard games can be. I can’t stop laughing during a game of Tag or Sharks and Minnows! It’s exhausting but it’s so.much.FUN!
They teach me to slow down. Little steps will eventually get you to where you need to go.
They teach me to look forward with anticipation and not behind (with regret or sadness). When I told my kids that we were moving, they didn’t wallow in what we were leaving behind, they were excited about a new adventure! They were looking forward to meeting new friends and wanted to know all about the state that we would call “home!” They said goodbye cheerfully and waited with anticipation to make Minnesota their new home. Since arriving, they’ve been ‘all in!’

I’m thankful for what I’m learning from them each day. My goal is to stay engaged and to keep learning from them. Hopefully, they learn a few things from me (and Ted) too.
What have your children taught you? Leave me a comment!
July 25, 2018 at 6:08 amNo fear of the unknown. They just take it in stride and go with change!!
July 25, 2018 at 8:56 amYes…so true!