Mother’s Day was approaching and as a mom of busy little boys, I was wishing for three things:
- A clean house,
- A little pampering,
- A good night’s sleep.
I planned in advance so that Mother’s Day would be the best ever:
- I scheduled someone to clean my house a couple days before Mother’s Day.
- I invited a couple friends to meet me at the nail salon to get our nails done.
- A good night’s sleep was very unlikely, but a girl can hope and dream, right? (pun intended)
Little did I know that it would be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Mother’s Day/week.
Thursday morning a cleaning lady was to arrive at my house at nine am. I LOVED the idea of having a clean house for Mother’s Day weekend. I’d be able to play with my kids while someone else cleaned the toilets – YAY! What a gift.
The morning came and went, and no one showed up. I called and they had forgotten to add me to the schedule. No one would be coming.
I wasn’t going to have a clean house for Mother’s Day.
That’s okay…at least I’d get some time that night with some girlfriends and get my nails done!
Ted would take care of the boys after a busy day at work. He would put them to bed so I could have the evening with my girlfriends.
Well, traffic was really bad that night, and Ted got home late. The minute he walked in, I passed him the baby, and headed out the door.
I rushed into the nail salon and found my friends already getting their nails done. I sat in an open chair next to them.
“I’m sorry ma’am,” the manager said, “we are closing in 15 minutes and aren’t doing any more nails tonight.”
My heart sank. No pretty nails for Mother’s Day.
I chatted with my friends while they finished getting their nails done, and we walked out together as the salon closed. We weren’t done talking, and it was cold and raining outside, so I suggested we sit in my car to carry on our conversation. We chatted for another hour and then I tried to start my car – it was completely dead.
Unfortunately, none of us had jumper cables and we could not call our husbands to help. They were all home with sleeping children.
We looked around for a kind person who may happen to still be out on this cold, dark, wet night. We spotted one person. I asked him for help and miraculously (like an angel!?), he came over with jumper cables, started my car, and we all made it home safely.
Friday morning I got up early. I had a Mother’s Day Tea to attend and wanted to have time to take a shower and put on nice clothes. I got myself ready, then got each of the boys ready. As I was putting our baby into his carseat to leave… he spit up all over me. All through my hair, down my shirt, my skirt, and onto my shoes.
I frantically searched my closet to find another outfit to wear, quickly wiped the spit up out of my hair, and raced into my first Mother’s Day Tea … just in time.
Around 3 AM on Mother’s Day morning, I woke up to the sound of Clark crying. I went in to check on him. He had thrown up – all over himself, his pajamas, and his bed.
This wasn’t the Mother’s Day morning or good night’s rest I had hoped and wished for.
In fact, I decided it was a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Mother’s Day … week!
I lifted Clark out of the messy bed, gave him a warm bath, and put him in clean pajamas. I changed his sheets, tucked him back into bed, said a prayer, and rubbed his back until I thought he was asleep.
I crept out of Clark’s room, thinking about how tired I was, and that I’d probably only get another hour or two of sleep before the baby woke me up, when I heard the sweetest words:
‘Happy mudder’s day, mama.”
In spite of Clark being sick and tired, he somehow remembered that it was Mother’s Day.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that my FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS had blinded me to my FIRST WORLD BLESSINGS!
In spite of how bad things are going, we can find something to be grateful in every situation.
- My house may be messy, but it’s warm and it’s ours.
- My nails might not be painted, but my hands are strong enough to hold and care for my children.
- My car might have died, but I have a car to take my kids where we need and want to go.
- My kids are healthy. When they spit up/throw up – I have extra clothes and sheets – and a washing machine and dryer to clean the laundry.
- I have a husband who cares for me and our boys so that I can get away to be with girlfriends.
- I have friends that sit and chat with me. Then they stayed with me, in the cold rain, until my car got started again! And bonus – they are friends who encourage me to be a better wife and mom. (PRICELESS!)
- And the biggest blessing of the week…I GET to celebrate Mother’s Day because I have children!
Now that I look back on all my Mother’s Days…this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Mother’s Day, was actually my favorite one. It allowed me put things in perspective and see the gifts and blessings I so easily take for granted.
When I began focus on my blessings, I realized that this was a …
WONDERFUL, fantastic, so good, very blessed Mother’s Day!
Don’t let 1st world problems make you forget your 1st world BLESSINGS!
And by the way, while I tried to plan the perfect Mother’s Day week – Ted planned a really sweet Mother’s Day.
He got me flowers. He had the boys color me pictures. He picked up some delicious food so I didn’t have to cook. He told me to get away for a few hours to read and relax.
While I was gone, not only did he take good care of the boys – the house was clean when I got home!!
It really was a WONDERFUL, fantastic, so good, very blessed Mother’s Day!

What about you? What gift might you be taking for granted? Do you have a favorite Mother’s Day memory? Leave a comment.
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Mother's Day 2022 Recap -
May 10, 2022 at 10:33 am[…] stage of motherhood where all you want is a good nights sleep and a break – I’ve been there! Just do the next right thing. It WILL get […]
Bridget Moses
May 10, 2023 at 2:15 pmThis Mother’s Day is bittersweet. I’ll start by saying that we thought I was barren & never expected for me to be a mama in the 1st place. Yet we have our wonderfully sweet and adorable 2 1/2 year old son!
We found out that we were pregnant with our 2nd child the end of March. I got confirmation from the Dr & began taking the prenatal. On April 7th I felt faint & went to the ER. They found nothing to be the cause (later we’d learn it was the prenatal), but did notice that baby’s yoke sack was a little big and wanted to keep an eye on it. Baby had a good heartbeat though.
April 17th I had another US, at which time they didn’t find a heartbeat. I was supposed to measure at 8 weeks 5 days, but only measured at 8 weeks 1 day. I laid my hands on my tummy & said “It’s ok little baby. I command your heart to beat in the Name of Jesus. The Dr will see your heartbeat.”. Although when the Dr came in, she confirmed that there wasn’t a heartbeat.
Jesus Raised Lazarus from the dead after he’d been dead for 4 days though. So I wasn’t concerned about God doing a miracle. I was so sure in fact, that I didn’t even tell my husband the diagnosis.
April 24th I went in for another ultrasound. FULLY expecting our baby to have a strong heartbeat. That wasn’t the case however, & the Dr diagnosed a missed pregnancy. Yet I stood!!! I refused to receive the Dr’s report, but what I felt God had Promised. A healthy heart & baby!
I still had every symptom of pregnancy & I just KNEW our little baby was fine no matter WHAT anyone else said! I did tell my husband at this point however. He wasn’t very pleased that I didn’t tell him. He felt betrayed. However when I prayed about whether or not to tell him after the 1st US, I heard God clearly impressing on my spirit to “keep all doubt, fear, & unbelief out of the room”. Just as Jesus did with Jairus’ daughter. This was something I needed to do with Him until the seed of faith had taken root firmly.
Since I was still experiencing symptoms of pregnancy. I went into my regularly schedule appointment on May 4th to see my OB. At this point I still told the Dr’s that I respect their expertise, but that I serve a God that’s not limited and still does miracles. I knew they couldn’t understand that concept, but it was important to me (actually to God) that they were exposed to the concept.
Unfortunately around 9:30pm that night (May 4th), I began cramping and didn’t leave the bathroom for 3 hours. I managed to get our son to bed because my husband was working. Then spent another 2 hours in the bathroom going through the worst of the process.
The whole time I had been going through the process. God was showing me just how much He’d Helped me to grow! I praised Him, thanked Him, & especially during the worst part of the process I sang and worshipped Him for His Goodness. He got SO MUCH GLORY!!!!!
Actually, they very day our little one’s heartbeat had stopped. I had prayed out loud for this pregnancy to glorify God. That’s EXACTLY what has happened!
I know that it’s not God’s Will that our baby died, & that He didn’t steal or destroy it’s life. That was satan. We never fully understand why God allows these things to happen. All I could think about as baby officially went home to be with it’s Heavenly Father that Loves baby more than it’s earthly father & I EVER could. Was that now I can help other mamas to get through the pain and loss of grieving their children that have passed.
Our pain is RARELY about us. It’s only when we make it about us that we suffer the most. It’s when we trust God with everything, even in the midst of our pain. That we can get out of our own suffering as we fix our eyes on God, the bigger eternal picture, & other people and their pain. That’s when our pain doesn’t seem as big, & God’s Promises engulf it.
I know that God is a Restorer & that in His Perfect Timing He will Restore our baby. How that looks like is up to Him. Even though this Mother’s Day will be bittersweet. I’m EXTREMELY BLESSED to still have our 1st son that we never expected to have in the first place. I’m also ready to love on those that are grieving the children that are no longer with them. What a blessing we have been Given to come alongside others when they’re hurting!!! I’ll always take comfort knowing that our baby’s life (no matter how short it was) has and will continue to glorify God!!! 💜💜💜🙏
May 14, 2023 at 8:28 amHi Bridget, Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I love your perspective about your ability to understand what other women are going through. Happy Mother’s Day to you!!
Bridget Moses
May 14, 2023 at 10:34 amThank you Kathryn! Happy Mother’s Day to you as well!!! 💜💜💜🙏