Do you want to have a better day? Then let me ask you a question: What do you see when you look at this image?

Did you say a black dot?
You’d be right.
HOWEVER, do you notice anything else besides the black dot?
If you thought: “white space,” then you’d be right again! There is actually more WHITE space than black.
Very few people point out the WHITE space. It takes a little more effort to even notice it.
Let’s say this dark spot represents the problems in our world. The white space is the GOOD stuff happening. There is ALWAYS good stuff, we just tend to overlook it. The black dot GRABS out attention. It’s EASIER to notice, and it’s TALKED about more!
If you watch or read the news, the focus is almost exclusively on the ‘black dot.’
We need to PAY attention to what we are PAYING Attention to!
We can’t control the negativity in the world. We can’t prevent the ‘black dot.’ We CAN control what we watch, what we listen to, what we talk about, and what we FOCUS on!
What we FOCUS ON determines how we FEEL!!!!!
Let me say that again in a different way…
Our focus determines our feelings
A couple of months ago I told my boys we were going to the arboretum. In typical kid fashion, they were like
“The arboretum…to look at trees? Mom, that’s BORING!”
So I turned it into a game. I let them bring their school iPads and I said: “Whoever takes the best picture, gets $1.”
Suddenly, their attitudes changed. It was a competition! They had a goal. They had something to focus on.
Look at these incredible pictures and the beauty they found that day:
Paul was on the hunt for flowers and found some! Paul pointed out this amazing curved tree
Mushrooms I love the reflections in the water
We got home and my boys proudly showed their dad the pictures they captured. My husband pointed out that our boys would have missed this beauty if they weren’t on the lookout for it.
They FOUND beauty because the LOOKED for it!
You FIND what you LOOK FOR!
Beauty and goodness aren’t hard to find, they are just overlooked.
What’s wrong is ALWAYS available, but so is what’s right. We find what we look for.
Change your FOCUS because: Your FOCUS determines your feelings!
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Click here to see more pictures and read about our day at the Arboretum.
Here’s the YouTube version of what I wrote above:
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