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4 In 2020/ Family/ Inspiration/ Joy/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Raising boys

Knights in Shining Rowboats

It should have been a simple drop off.

My son Paul was invited to spend the night at his friend Isaiah’s house. As we were getting out of the car, Paul asked everyone to get out and see a nest of baby birds they had discovered the day before in Isaish’s backyard. The mother had made a nest on a precarious branch in the lower part of a small blue spruce tree.

We went to the back and found that the baby birds and nest had fallen from the tree and were scattered in the backyard. Paul gently picked up the birds, put them back in their nest, and tucked them safely in the tree.

Paul and the baby sparrows

I noticed that Clark’s eyes were glued to the lake. Something out there had his full attention.

‘Mom, look at that TIki boat – it’s stuck and there are people on it. We should go help!’

Immediately, George, Clark, and their friend Landon, grabbed life jackets, put the canoe in the water, and paddled out.

They arrived at the Tiki Boat and discovered four ladies and the boat driver completely stuck in a bog.  

They used their oars, strength and ingenuity to get the boat free … only for it to lodge itself deeper 10 yards away. This time it was REALLY stuck.

Two by two, Clark brought the ladies onto shore. George and Landon stayed on the Tiki boat until everyone was safe. They’d be the last ones to come back in.

Paul and his friend Isaiah, brought the boat driver safely to shore. 

Two EIGHT YEAR OLDS saving the 20-something year old boat driver.

Once the women were safely on land, they couldn’t stop praising the brave young men who rescued them. These women were shocked when they saw the boys rowing toward them. They were THRILLED that help had arrived. You see, there are no motor boats on this lake. The Tiki Boat is the only boat with a motor on the entire lake. There was no one coming to help. They were sure they’d have to wade through the muck and mud, holding their Tory Burch shoes and Loius Vitton purses overhead. 

The brave young men who saved the Damsels in Distress and the Tiki Boat Driver.

I gave the ladies a ride back to their restaurant. They looked happy to be off the boat – but I’m sure they had a night they’ll never forget.

The ladies gave the older boys a tip. George and Clark say they don’t want to spend the money. They want to save it for the memory. They are also on the lookout for any other damsels in distress.

Update: The Tiki Boat did eventually get free when a homeowner on the lake used a long rope and a four wheeler to pull the boat from the muck, allowing it to motor back to it’s home base – The Charthouse Restaurant.

Clark had asked me last month if he could get a ride on that Tiki boat, but you have to be 18 to ride. It’s pretty ironic that they are too young to ride, but not too young to rescue the passengers aboard!

2 In 2020/ Games/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

3 Fun Backyard Games to Play with Family and Friends

Are your kids saying “I’m Bored?” 

Are you needing to ‘de-stress’ a little? 

Here’s an idea for you: Take your kids to the backyard and play a GAME together.

Playing with your kids lowers your stress level and strengthens the bond with your kids!

Here are 3 games to play:

  1. Select one person to be Mr. or Mrs. Fox. This person will stand with his or her back to the rest of the players.
  2. All other players line up on the other side of the yard/field. The players take turns asking Mr. Fox what time it is. The fox will then respond with a time, such as 3 o’clock. The players must then take the same number of steps forward (in this case, 3 steps). These steps may be as large or small as the players wish, no matter how close they get to the fox.
  3. Whenever the fox decides, she or he may yell in response to the question, “It’s LUNCHTIME!” When this happens, the fox will turn around and begin chasing the players with the intent of tagging one.
  4. The players should run back to the starting line where they are safe. Once the fox tags someone, that person becomes Mr. or Mrs. Fox.

Optional Twist: Similar to Sharks and Minnows, after each round, the person who gets tagged JOINS the first Mr. Fox. The number of foxes chasing players increases until there are no longer any players. Then it’s time to start the game with a new fox!

See my kids playing in the video below!

Thanks for the game idea Homefront Magazine.

  1. Two teams line up opposite each other.
  2. The first team agrees to call one player from the opposite team, and chants, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send (player’s name) on over!”
  3. The person called runs to the other line and attempts to break the chain (formed by the linking of hands).
  4. If the person called fails to break the chain, this player joins the team that called Red Rover. But, if the player successfully breaks the chain, he may capture either of the two players whose link was broken by the dash, and bring them back to his original team.
  5. Teams take turns calling out Red Rover and challenging a player on the opposing team.

Alternately – if they break the chain, they join hands with that line. We played this version in the video below.

  1. “It” holds the ball and all the other players circle around him. 
  2. “It” then throws the ball straight up in the air while calling out a name. 
  3. While the player is catching the ball, all other players scatter and get as far away as they can from the person catching the ball. 
  4. The player whose name was called must catch the ball and yell “SPUD!” 
  5. The players who are running away must then stop in their tracks when they hear the word SPUD.
  6. The player with the ball takes 3 steps in the direction of any person, then tries to throw the ball and hit one of the other players. 
  7. If the player hits someone, then that player he hits becomes “It,” if he misses, he is “It.”


  • If a player who’s name was called catches the ball without letting it bounce, they can then throw the ball in the air and call another name. Then that player must run back and try and catch the ball. 
  • If the person takes 3 steps and misses someone, they can take 4 more steps and try and hit another player.  

Here’s a video of all three games. Stay tunes for some silly scenes at the end!

Click here to see 55 activities to do with your kids in quarantine!

0 In 2020/ Family/ Free stuff/ Games/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Product Recommendations/ Raising boys

40 Fun Ways to Entertain a Toddler


While raising four energetic boys, I’ve spent countless hours searching for ways to keep them engaged. We’ve endured many LONG, COLD winters cooped up indoors together.


Pictures from one very long, extremely cold winter. Every day felt like Groundhog Day!


Through experience (and a few hard lessons), I’ve discovered that when little ones get bored—or are left unsupervised even briefly—they have an uncanny talent for finding trouble and creating chaos!


I left him un-attended for a few minutes, and he created “SNOW” with packing peanuts

I’ve searched the internet, and gathered my favorite ideas for keeping your toddlers busy!

Each link I’ve included is an affiliate link, so that means if you click on it and decide to purchase the item, I will earn a small profit. Thanks for your support!


1. Stacking cereal


Stack fruit loops or Cherries on Spaghetti noodles stuck in play dough!



2. Fingerprint Characters and Stamps


Use their cute little fingerprints to make fun little creatures!



3. Color Wheel

Set out one item of each color, have your child search the house for items of the same color. (Bonus: see if they can put the items back where they found them.)



4. Plasma car


My oldest son received the Plasma Car for his first birthday – and each of my boys have been riding it ever since. This “bike” is almost 12 years old, and still one of their favorite toys. If you have an unfinished basement, or scratch resistant floors – this bike is a life-saver!




5. Balloons or Balloon Rocket Set

Children love a simple balloon – just blow one up and bounce it back and forth! Here are some balloon game ideas.


Step it up a notch with the Balloon Rockets. Kids enjoy watching balloons soar around the room! We purchased our Balloon Rocket set many years ago and my boys still have fun with this! I recently bought replacement balloons to keep them entertained during quarantine.



6. Shape Sorting





7. Make lunchtime special




8. Don’t Eat Pete


What you need:

Any small snacks (cereal, candy, tiny crackers, peanuts, raisins)

1 piece of paper and a writing utensil

To do:

  1. On a sheet of white paper, draw a large grid – nine squares. 
  2. Put a number on each square.
  3. Put a small snack on each square. 
  4. Have ONE person leave the room. 
  5. Have another person choose which square is “Pete.”
  6. Ask the person who left the room to come back. He or she eats one snack at a time. When they grab the snack that is “Pete,” everyone screams: 


Their turn is over. 

Repeat as many times as your kids are interested!



9. Ball Ramp



My older kids made this for our toddler using toilet paper tubes and paper towel rolls.


Or buy a ramp as a gift:



10. Ball Bounce


Use any plastic cups and ping pong balls.



11. Make your own bird feeder


Take an empty grapefruit, fill with peanut butter and bird seed. We’ve had all kinds of birds visit our feeder – and they are so fun to watch.




12. Tracing

Make a “dotted” animal or letters for your child to trace, or purchase a ready-made book:




13. Sidewalk Chalk


Inside – use your sidewalk chalk with construction paper.

Outside – Create a “road” for their cars. Draw out hop scotch, train tracks, or write the alphabet!




14. Play with water


Inside – Put any toy that can get wet into the bathtub.

Outside – 1. Pour water down a sloped path or driveway to see where it goes. 2. Put their toys in soapy water and have them give them a “bath.”



15. Have fun with shaving cream


Spray it on a pan and let them draw or put shaving cream in a large baggie with some food coloring. Let your child “squish it” or practice writing letters on it with their finger.




16. Mess Free Coloring Book


mess free drawing

My son LOVES this!



17. Have fun with Finger Paint



18. Create sounds with Pots/Pans and Wooden Spoons

Let your kids bang away. (Put in earbuds to keep it from driving you crazy!)


Give your toddler pots and pans to bang on is a classic parent move, but here is a less noisy idea. Sit your toddler down with a pumpkin, melon, or squash and let them pound the vegetable to their heart’s content with a toy hammer. Most toddlers aren’t strong enough to do real harm with their hammer, so you can still make soup with your butternut squash once they’ve had their fun. She also says this works if you swap the hammer for stickers.



19. Play a Memory Game

We created this one on Shutterfly, but Amazon sells many options:



20. Hide and Seek


Little ones and big ones love this game.

You can also hide a toys, stuffed animals, or plastic eggs and let them search!



21. Board Books/Flap Books



My boys enjoyed “Lift the Flap” books

They also loved Brown Bear and Goodnight Moon



22. Dance party

Go Noodle is a good website to use for dance moves



23. Water Color Painting



Give your kids white paper and let them color, draw or paint.




24. Paint Nails


paint nails



25. Bubbles



Bubbles always make kids smile! A bubble machine will allow them to have fun without you having to do all the work.

Bubble Machine



26. Sock Puppets

Little ones love puppets. Make a simple one with a glove.



All four of my boys BEG me to read the “Tickle Monster” book that comes with Tickle Monster ‘puppet’ gloves.



27. Take a Drive

Strap your kids in to the car, drive around and listen to music or an audiobook.



28. Building Blocks and Magnetic Tiles

You can never go wrong with the classics.



29. Sing together

Singing to and with your child builds a unique bond with them. And just like reading to your child, singing songs with them helps to boost their vocabulary and language skills.



30. Stickers


Kids can put stickers over large letters to “trace” their name, or put sticker dots on a line you draw for them.

Click here to follow the “Busy Toddler” on Instagram for lots of fun ideas for toddlers.



31. Exercise together


My mom started exercising with me when I was a toddler, and now I exercise with my kids. Set the timer for 20 minutes and MOVE!



32. Play Dress Up


We keep a container of “Dress up” clothes for our kids. My boys have dressed up and saved the world thousands of times!




33. PlayDoh



34. Busy Bag



35. Lay in the grass (or snow) and watch the clouds

Ask them what they see!



36. MegaBlocks


This bag has brought hours of entertainment for my kiddos!



37. Have fun with ice!

Make ice in different colors with food coloring and add to their drinks.

Freeze their toys and allow them to ‘excavate’ with a toy hammer.



38. Memorize a verse together

It’s the SWEETEST thing to hear your little ones quoting Scripture!

The first verses my mom had me learn were Psalm 91:1 and Ephesians 6:. The first verse I had my kids learn was 1 Timothy 4:12.

Scripture memory is something that will benefit your children throughout their ENTIRE lives!



39. Clean together

George cleaning
  • Smaller things kids can do – wiping baseboards, lower cabinets, all door handles, pulling weeds, folding and putting away laundry, bathroom, bedroom, their closet, putting toys away and unloading dishwasher.
  • I offered my kids a quarter to whoever could wipe down the baseboards and bring me back the dirtiest wet wipe.



40. Play bean bag games



  • Toss in buckets, pans, or boxes
  • For more bean bag toddler games, CLICK HERE.



Do you have an activity to share? Leave a comment!

Click here for 55 activities for kids of every age!

*I am an Amazon Affiliate, so I make a small percentage off of Amazon links I share if you click through and purchase.  Thank you for your support in this way! 

0 In 2020/ Family/ Inspiration/ Motherhood

Start with Hope. End with Hope. Jesus is our Hope.

One of my first memories includes listening to my mom and older sister read Psalm 91 together before bed. Hearing them quote this passage of Scripture brought comfort and peace to my little heart.

My mom also sang with us, prayed with us, and helped us memorize simple verses. I believe those were the building blocks for a foundation of faith that I still stand on today. 

As mothers – our days can be crazy and exhausting. Especially right now!! However, we can choose to start and end each day with HOPE. 

Choose one of these to begin and end each day:

  • A prayer 
  • An uplifting song
  • A Bible verse
  • A Bible story
  • Something for which you’re thankful

Each day:

  • Start with HOPE.
  • End with HOPE. 
  • Jesus is our HOPE! 
6 In 2020/ Faith/ Inspiration/ Motherhood

12 Verses to replace Fear with Faith, Courage, & Peace

faith over fear

Did you know that there are 365 verses in the Bible about fear? A verse for EVERY SINGLE day of the year! Nothing surprises God. He knew that every single day of our lives, we’d have something to fear. So, he gave us a Scripture for every day to combat our fears.

I’ve created a list of 12 verses for you. 12 of my favorites. One for each MONTH of the year.

Print this off, cut them apart and put them around your house – on your bathroom mirror, in your car, by the kitchen sink…and work on memorizing one each month of the year. Memorize each verse with your kids!

Allow these powerful Scriptures to replace your FEAR with FAITH!

1. Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

2. Psalm 118:6

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.

3. Isaiah 41:10

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. NLT

4. Joshua 1:9

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

5. Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

TIP: Read (and memorize) ALL of Psalm 23!

6. 1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

7. Psalm 34:4

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

8. Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

9. Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

10. John 14:27

Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.

11. 2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

12. Psalm 91:15

He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

(I recommend reading – and even MEMORIZING – all of Psalm 91!)

Also – read Romans 8. I could go on and on with verses and chapters because the bottom line is that …

Scripture BUILDS your faith, while simultaneously reducing your FEAR!

There is always something to fear – God knew this. Yet, way before we were born and had our first fear, He created a path for PEACE and courage.

Focus on Him and His word and not on the trouble, and allow Him to replace your fear with faith!

For more on combating worry, read this.

Thanks for reading and please consider subscribing.


Click here to read the miraculous story about my niece being driven over by a truck and living to tell what it felt like.

0 In 2020/ Faith/ Family/ Inspiration

13 questions with The Voice Contestant Jon Mullins

Jon Mullins is married to my cousin Whitney, and on NBC’s reality singing show called The Voice.

Jon and Whitney’s wedding day. I lived with Whitney, her sister Courtney and my aunt and uncle through college. This family is very dear to my heart!

Jon’s audition was March 9th, 2020 and I’ve included it at the end of this post! (I’ve also included his incredible new single.)

Blake Shelton said that it was his GREATEST day of his coaching career on The Voice when he got Jon Mullins on his team!

Kelly Clarkson said that Jon’s voice gave her chills. His voice fills a room and he should be on Broadway.

Nick Jonas wants to “snatch him up” if he get the opportunity! (Update – he DID get the opportunity and was good on his word! Jon spent some time on #teamnick.

Here is my recent conversation with Jon:

ME: Jon, one thing I’ve always admired about you is your love for people. When you are in a room, you are not on your phone. You are engaged and interested in every person in the room – whether it’s our 90-year-old grandpa or our 5-year-old niece. As a parent, I’d love to see my kids engage the way YOU do.

Question 1: Where does your love for people come from, and how can parents cultivate it in their children?

Jon: I’ve always been outgoing. As a 4 yr old…I’d be at family gatherings, walking around, talking to everyone.

My parents cultivated it by not trying to hold me back. 

Both of my parents are caring and engaging with people, and I’ve learned from watching them.

Little Jon with his sister

QUESTION 2: When did you first realize you had a gift for singing?

Jon: At 14 years old I became curious about singing. My choir teacher asked me to audition for an Acapella group and I made it. That’s when I discovered that maybe I could sing.

QUESTION 3: You play several instruments. When did you start playing and how often did you practice?

Jon: I began playing the trumpet as an 11 year old. Once I got that thing, I never put it down. I’d play all.the.time. Even sitting on the toilet.

I got my 1st guitar at 14 and took 3 months of guitar lessons and was hooked.

I’d practice at least four hours a day.

I’d fall asleep with a guitar in my hands. 

QUESTION 4: How can parents motivate their kids in music?  Or help develop a passion for it? 

Jon: If your child is showing interest in an instrument, even drums, or any musical aspect, ENCOURAGE it! 

I wish I would have started lessons before 11.

If you can’t afford lessons, ask a family friend to give you lessons. (You can also find lessons on youtube now!)

My parents never got annoyed by my constant playing and singing. Or if they did, they didn’t mention it. They always encouraged it.

QUESTION 5: You are an extremely talented, powerful singer. Kelly Clarkson said your voice fills up the room. Are you 100% talent…or do you still have to work at it?

Jon: First of all, thank you for saying that.

A singer’s vocal technique is ALWAYS a work in progress. Every popular music artist you can think of (Justin Bieber, Usher, etc) STILL has a vocal coach traveling with them and teaching them how to use their ‘instrument.’

I am ALWAYS a student of my ‘instrument’ (my voice). I’m always learning about how to use it properly so I don’t lose it. 

QUESTION 6: Can you tell me a little about your faith?

Jon: Since I was young, my parents attended church. It was fun to me. I grew up in church. At about 5 years old, I felt a tugging on my soul. I talked to my dad about it and I prayed and invited Christ into my life at that young age.

My relationship with God has grown from there.

I am depending on God through this whole thing. Asking for peace and trusting HIM along the way. I’m asking that He open doors that should be open, and close the ones that need to be closed.

Also, if you saw me on stage with my hand raised, it’s because I’ve been a worship leader in the past, and I just start raising my hands when I sing.

I’ve gotten a feedback about my audition – that it was almost like a worship experience. My prayer is that people will see God through me.

QUESTION 7: How did you get on The Voice? 

Jon: A friend of mine was in the audition process. They told the producer to reach out to me and they did.

I was REALLY hesident. I’d been on American Idol in 2010 and wasn’t excited about doing any more reality TV.

I had a conversation with Whitney, my wife. She said, “If God opened this door, walk through it. Maybe this is a good time to step out in faith.”

Then, I was at an eye appointment and there was a sign in the waiting room that said: 

The biggest mistake you can make is a being afraid of making a mistake. 

So, I felt like God gave me a LITERAL sign.

QUESTION 8: What was it like singing to the backs of four chairs and knowing that in those chairs sat Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Nick Jonas?

Jon: I went into the whole situation determined not to concentrate on the chairs. I focused on the meaning of the song! Because of this journey I’ve taken with my wife, the song had SO much meaning to me.

So, I told myself ‘Don’t focus on the chairs – focus on the message!

If you focus on the chairs, only nerves will come through! 

QUESTION 9: What would you say has been your favorite moment in the competition so far?

Jon: Can I say two? 

First, I’ve loved getting to know and grow close with the other artists. We all text and hang out, outside of the show. It’s now a family. 

My other favorite MOMENTS … when I was able to step on that stage and sing that song about my experience. And then…


When Blake said, “This is the best day of my coaching career,” I nearly fainted.

Question 10: If you look down the road, 5 years from now, what do you hope to be doing? 

Jon: Maybe with a kid!?

I’ll still be living in Nashville. 

Touring and playing – music is in my blood, so I’ll still be writing and singing!

Whitney still continuing her successful Lularoe business. Click here to find her stuff!

QUESTION 11: Speaking of Whitney, how is she doing?

Jon: She’s about 85 percent.

About 4 years ago, she fell and hit her head in the front. She damaged the part of her brain that controls important cognitive skills like emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language and anxiety.

After the fall she started having severe panic attacks. Agoraphobia …anxiety…

It’s getting better but she still gets occasional anxiety and panic attacks.

QUESTION 12: How can we pray for you?

Jon: Pray for Whitney – complete healing for her and peace through this process

That God continues to open and shut the doors for us.

Pray that the right people come into our path! 

QUESTION 13: Where can people find you and follow you?

Jon: The HUB for me is

Other places:

@jonmullinsofficial on insta and facebook

You can listen to me on youtube here – JonMullinsMusic

Twitter: @jonmullinsmusic

Jon, we are so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

Check out Jon Mullins amazing new release here:

0 In Book Review/ Inspiration

5 Fantastic Books for Summer

I’ve read about 40 books so far in 2019. I’ll share the entire list near the end of the year, but highlight a few of my favorites throughout the year. Here are 5 books I’ve read this summer that I would recommend.

(Each book has a direct affiliate link to Amazon. If you choose to buy a book, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you)

1. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

This is the memoir of Dr. Paul Kalanithi and has essentially 3 parts:

  • one part is his story of growing up, becoming a brain surgeon, and taking care of patients,
  • the second part is his cancer story and him BECOMING a patient,
  • the 3rd part is a touching story written by his wife.

It was one of those books that was hard to put down. I stayed up way too late trying to get through the entire story and really loved it. If you enjoy memoirs or have interest in the medical field – I recommend this book for you!

Disclaimer – After devouring this book, I was left feeling sad. It gave me a glimpse into how FRAGILE life can be. As a mother with young children, I found myself awake at night worrying about the future. I’m learning that some books may not be good for me during this season of my life.

2. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

My friend lent me this book and once I started reading, I didn’t want to stop. It made me wish I could skip all responsibilities for 24 hours so I could just READ!

The author is a fantastic writer and made the story and characters, come alive. I’d recommend this book to an adult looking for a great summer read.

Disclaimer – I recommended “adult” because there were a couple parts about the main character and her relationship with a man that were a little graphic. I still loved the book, but felt that a few details could have been left out.

3. Play: How it shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown

This book brings to light all the benefits of PLAY! If you are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and disconnected – take a break and PLAY. The author believes that PLAY is the cornerstone to happiness. He shares the science, and real life stories, to support his beliefs.

As a mom, I’ve found that taking a few minutes to play with my kids helps us stay connected.

What I hadn’t thought of (but the author pointed out) was how play can also bring life and joy back to a marriage. When was the last time you and your spouse played something together? If your marriage needs a little pep, sign up to do something fun together – mini-golf, axe throwing, or an escape room.

I’d recommend this book to any parent or married person!

4. Relational Intelligence by Steve Sacconne

I read this book several years ago, but picked it back up recently now that I’m in a season of meeting so many new people and beginning new friendships.

I pulled out a few of my favorite quotes from the book here:

Relationships have a direct correlation to the quality of our lives… Our day to day human interactions will determine the quality of our lives more than the tasks of work we do.

By cultivating relational intelligence, we can enhance our ability to affect the people around us more positively. 

To be human means to be imperfect and flawed, while simultaneously being God’s unimaginable masterpiece and treasure. This journey involves beginning to fully embrace ourselves as God does, in our beauty and our brokenness, in our goodness and our deficiencies, in our light and our darkness.

Self awareness means consistently investing in our internal growth potential …an unexamined life is an ineffective life.

I’d recommend this book to someone who wants to strengthen their relationships with others.

5. The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha

This book is a super easy-read filled with stories that will make you smile! The whole book is written about things that are AWESOME. I loved how the author pointed out SOOO many things that I take for granted and forget to be grateful for.  

Things like:

  • free samples,
  • tripping and realizing NO ONE SAW YOU!
  • Shopping for a specific item and finding it on SALE!
  • Your colon, lungs, and other body parts that work hard every day to keep you healthy without you even noticing or having to ask 

If you are in a need of a reason to smile … I recommend this book or the blog

Do you have a book you would recommend? Leave a comment and let us know!

2 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Faith/ Inspiration/ Joy/ Memories/ Moving/ My Journey/ Peek into our Week/ Things to do in Colorado/ Traveling

My Volunteer Vacation

One year ago, New Life Church was hosting an amazing children’s/family ministry conference called The Gathering. It was during this conference that my husband accepted a job with Target, which meant we’d be moving to Minnesota.

I love Colorado, and I also loved working with this team at New Life. I was struggling with the idea that this chapter would be ending soon.

On the last night of the conference (last year), each person who helped lead the conference was given a box of cereal from Dr. Michelle Anthony – my (former) boss and Family Ministry Pastor. She gave me a box of S’mores and told me that she would like S’more of me. It took everything in me not to burst into tears right then. Just a couple days later, I’d be sharing the news that we’d be moving and she’d be getting S’less, not S’more.

I went home from the conference and shared how I was feeling with Ted. He encouraged me to come back to the conference in 2019 and volunteer.

So this year, I went to Colorado for a Volunteer Vacation! I came to assist, learn, and connect with my New Life friends!

When I first arrived in Colorado Springs – tears filled my eyes. This city has such a special place in my heart, and I was so happy to be back.

The morning of the conference, I drove over to New Life Church with my friend Holly, and helped with the last minute details. All morning I was greeted with love and hugs from friendly faces. It was pure joy.

Because my kids weren’t with me, I got to focus my whole week helping wherever needed … AND catching up with SO many dear people. I loved every minute of it.

In a season of all things new, spending several days in a place that holds so much familiarity & treasured relationships, felt like a well-timed gift. 

Though I didn’t sleep much, I came home from my Volunteer Vacation refreshed and full.

If you have some vacation time coming up and aren’t sure what to do – consider a “Volunteer Vacation!” Take the opportunity to go somewhere and help with something. Every non-profit organizations can use an extra set of hands. And when you make time to bless someone or something, you always get blessed in return!

Here is an (affiliate) link to a book filled with ideas on short term adventures that will benefit you and others!

3 In Book Review/ Inspiration/ Things to do in Colorado/ Things to do in Minnesota

Little ways to make a BIG difference

Each of us are here for a reason. We have opportunities, every day, to make an impact on people and our world. Usually it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Little bits of kindness add up to a whole bunch of goodness.


Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.

Robert F Kennedy


Keep doing little things, and together, we can make a big difference.


Here are 21 fun and easy ways we can make the world a brighter place. Perhaps you can add one of these to your calendar, or set a reminder on your phone to do one small act of kindness this week.

1. Smile and brighten someone’s day.

When I walk past a stranger who is smiling, my mood lifts. Imagine the impact if we all smile and say hello to every person we encounter today. 

Did you know that smiling not only has a positive impact on others, it positively impacts YOU too. Smile and your body responds accordingly.


2. Leave a dollar bill at the Dollar Store for someone to joyfully discover.

Oh the happiness that fills a child who has a dollar to spend at the Dollar Store! You could even hide out and wait for someone to find the dollar you left behind :).


3. Pray for a foster child by name.

(Click here to see Minnesota foster kids)

Pray that God’s love would permeate every part of their lives. Pray that they would have positive influences in their lives. Pray for their foster parents and teachers to have patience, wisdom, and unconditional love for them. Pray that they would find a permanent home and family.


4. Buy an extra item at the grocery store and drop it off at a food pantry.

Did you know that families in the suburbs are often struggling more than inner city families? Items of greatest need: Peanut Butter, Canned Meat and Toilet Paper.

Click here to see what and where to give:


5. Drop a penny into the McDonald’s Ronald Mcdonald donation box.

If every customer in the US donates just ONE PENNY every time he or she visits Mcdonald’s, more than $62 Million dollars would be collected to support children and families in need. Wow!


6. Provide a meal or groceries for a single mom.

When I was young, there was a season when my mom was trying to provide for 5 young girls as a single mom. I remember what a delight it was when someone left a bag of groceries for us. Many single parents are living on a very slim budget and every bit helps.



7. Donate snacks or make a donation to an organization that gives children food to eat over the weekend.

There are children in each community who don’t have enough food to eat over the weekend.

Many local schools and churches collect snacks to give to children in need – ask your child’s school and church. If you live around Lakeville, Minnesota, here are three places that collect and provide snacks for kids:

  • Hosanna church, 9600 163rd Street West Lakeville, MN 55044
  • 952.435.3332
  • Kenwood Middle school -17630 Juniper Path 
    Lakeville, Minnesota 55044  Phone: 952-232-3800
  • Edge Real Estate Services at 18472 Kenyon Avenue (near 185th &35W)

Another organization is The Sheridan Story – a project designed to fight child hunger by providing a weekend’s supply of food to hungry children.


8. Keep $5 gift cards to Walmart or McDonalds to give to a needy person you pass on the street. Or bring an extra sandwich to share.


9. Invite someone to church

9 out of 10 unchurched people said that they would come if someone invited them. My friend, Terri, buys pizzas from Little Caesars every Wednesday. She invites the neighbors over for pizza and takes a car load to youth group on Wednesday nights. The teenagers in her neighborhood know if they want to have dinner and go to church, she’s the one to see. She’s also built a mentorship and rapport with these teenagers. Every neighborhood needs a “Terri!”

10. Look for an opportunity to help ONE person today! 

Every person you encounter is fighting some sort of battle. It may be a new mom who needs a NAP! Someone else needs a hug. Another person needs you to ask them how they are REALLY doing. Create margin in your day to be able to help someone.

My friend Nanette told me she invited a recently widowed father and his children to eat with her family on Valentine’s day. What would normally be a hard holiday for this hurting husband was a night filled with joy, laughter, and happy memories.


11. Visit a nursing home

Have your kids draw pictures, sing a song, play an instrument, or just give a hug to the elderly.


12. Provide respite care for foster families

Give foster parents a break for the weekend or occasional help when needed.


13. Volunteer at a Food bank

You can volunteer once a year or once a week. If you are in the Minneapolis suburbs, click here to volunteer at The Open Pantry Food bank in Eagan or Apple Valley.


14. Donate needed supplies to a woman’s shelter

Call your local women’s shelter and see what their needs are. Click here to find a women’s shelter near you.

In my area, Dakota Woodlands Women’s Shelter is currently needing baby items, personal items, and waterproof mattress pads!


15. Donate diapers to a pregnancy clinic


16. Do you have a friendly pet? Consider taking it to the hospital to cheer up sick patients.


17. Donate toiletries to a homeless shelter

I always grab the extra shampoo and soap from my hotel rooms. These are the perfect size for donations to your local homeless shelter.


18. Play with your kids or spend time with your grandkids!

For parents – take just 5 minutes to PLAY with your kids! The benefits of PLAY are endless – two benefits include improved behavior and learning. Play Tag, a board or card game, chase, throw a ball…anything! Play creates incredible bonds between you and your kids. Click here to read about more benefits.

For grandparents – There are ENDLESS benefits to the child/grandchild relationship – reduced depression and improved immune system are just a couple. Click here to read an awesome article for more on the topic of benefits of being a grandparent.

I remember a time in my life when I thought to myself: My grandmother is the only person in this universe who loves me. Obviously, that wasn’t true but I’m grateful that when everything hit the fan, I knew I was unconditionally loved by my grandmother.

I have so many good memories with each of my grandparents and am grateful my boys have amazing grandparents who love them and invest in them.

Click here for a list of fun activities to do with your kids or grandkids!


19. Donate feminine products to a high school.

The Open Door Food Pantry delivers donated feminine products to a local alternative high school. The girls who are given these items often cry in gratitude because they have no money and no one to purchase these for them. Call your local high school to see if there are girls in need. I imagine that every middle or high school has girls that will be completely grateful for this simple donation.


20. Provide clean water.

Did you know that 80% of illnesses in developing countries are caused by lack of clean water? A gift of $10 to provides clean water for one person for 10 years!


21. Pick up trash

What’s the #1 thing our kids say when we ask them to pick something up around the house?

“I didn’t do it” – or – “It’s not mine!”

Guess what? We, as adults, do the SAME THING when we walk by a piece of trash on the ground and ignore it. Imagine if each of us picked up not only our own stuff, but random pieces of trash we see along sidewalks or in parks? Our homes and communities would be so much cleaner.

Each of us can make a little difference that will add up to a big change.

I’ve provided twenty ideas for you! If you have an idea I haven’t mentioned, leave me a comment and share it with us! What is ONE little thing you will do THIS week that could make a big difference?

I’m currently collecting:

  • snacks for kids,
  • peanut butter and other food items,
  • diapers and wipes.

I’ll be donating them to the organizations listed above on June 10. Send me a message if you have something I can give on your behalf!! I’d be happy to come pick it up if you live in my area.

Thanks for reading all the way to the end… ideas for this post came from the book: A Cup of Cold Water in His Name: 60 ways to care for the needy.

0 In Faith/ Family/ Inspiration/ Joy/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Traveling

Leaving Hawaii, Keeping Aloha

Today I have a guest post by my sister Krista!

Krista is a loving mom to four beautiful kids, a wife to her childhood sweetheart, and an Interior Designer in Indiana.

Krista and her husband Nate

Since arriving home after our family vacation in Hawaii, I’d been feeling a sense of longing for something I can’t put my finger on. I am sure the gray weather hasn’t helped, but it’s something more. While away, I had many awakening moments, and felt so much joy and peace. Even simple things like driving a Jeep with the rag top off, my hair blowing in the wind, the sun warming my skin and the tunes lifting my soul, felt almost supernatural; especially with the backdrop of the Hawaiian scenery unfolding before me with each twist and turn of the road! I had a few ‘once in a lifetime’ adventures like hiking 8 miles along one of the most majestic and rigorous coasts in the world, to a breathtakingly beautiful waterfall; it seriously did take my breath away for a moment. Another incredible moment was when my daughter Kate’s prayer was answered. Since the moment Kate heard we’d be visiting Hawaii, she’d been praying each night for God to let her meet one of her role models: Bethany Hamilton. God answered her prayer when we happened to be in the SAME place at the SAME time as Bethany!

Kate is SO happy to be meeting Bethany Hamilton!
Krista and the waterfall
The green church we visited on Easter Sunday

I can remember sitting in a quaint green church on Easter morning trying to hold back tears. I was feeling a sense of awakening to how I was made, how God made me, as well as what makes me feel alive and engaged with who I am and the life around me. It also was an awakening to some ways I’m conforming that aren’t really true to how I am made – conforming to my environment and people for one reason or another.

 Back at home, I was cleaning up breakfast, doing laundry, and picking up toys (that were just picked up). I felt a since of sadness and frustration wash over me. I thought, “Is this all I’m ever going to do?”  I turned to Nate sighing. He asked what was wrong and what was fluttering through my mind. I told him how I wanted to feel the way I did in Hawaii. In Hawaii, the mundane chores were enjoyable. I wanted to go back to the way we were in Hawaii-completely natural-with no make up and no hair brush. I loved how I could let the ocean water and air style my hair, and it was beautiful. We could walk barefoot almost everywhere, even shopping!  I felt a sense of belonging and at home in a place I’d never been.

Nate reminded me of what the Hawaiian pastor taught one Sunday in a Hawaii…  

Pastor Steve, in a small tent with maybe 100 people, taught from a passage in Philippians. This passage talks about praying with joy. He went on to describe how amazing it is when you think about Paul and all he went through. Paul wrote about JOY while in prison! Throughout Paul’s life, he had times where he was in need, and other times when he had plenty, he experienced the best and worst of life. Paul encourages us, as believers in Christ Jesus, to choose contentment and joy in all things, situations and places. Paul tells us to count it “all” joy. Pastor Steve paralleled this all to the deeper meaning of Aloha.

Aloha means ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye,’ but it also mean SO MUCH MORE. Aloha means joy, and more specifically, finding joy in the mundane…maybe even choosing joy in the mundane. It is being in harmony and unity with your REAL self, with God and mankind. It involves being honest, truthful, patient and humble. Aloha (joy in the mundane) isn’t just something to experience in Hawaii, it’s found…WITHIN!! Even though I experienced it in such a deep way on an island in the Pacific, it doesn’t stay there. I can experience “Aloha” wherever I am! Joy is on the inside of me and I will CHOOSE it!

There is a part of me that wants Heaven on earth and life to be easier than what it is, for me and for others. I’m beginning to see that the longing itself is beautiful. We were made to long for more. The longing actually leads us to “Aloha”. It can lead us to unity and harmony with our real self, God and humanity. I am a living example that He does satisfy, amaze, and leave us at peace like nothing else when we seek Him in what He is saying and doing in the mundane. I believe true Aloha only comes from Him and is also a journey with Him. 

So I leave you with a heart full of Mahalo. Mahalo simply means “Thank you!” However, the deeper meaning involves thankfulness to God for our past, present and future. I’m hoping it touches a part of your heart and awakens you as it did me!

Krista and her 3 oldest kids – Kate, Mason, and Jack