Whether you want to add a few dollars to your monthly budget, have some extra spending money, or just get Starbucks for free – here are 4 apps that will allow you to do that!
These are my four favorite money making apps that you can download today:
1. Upside – Save money on Gas!

This app saves me up to 20 cents PER gallon every time I fill up!
Click this link or use promo code KATHRYN39226 to get an extra $7 bonus if you make a purchase before December 5, 2023. Click here to start earning: https://upside.app.link/KATHRYN39226
2. Fetch – earn points on every receipt

I earn 25 points for every reciept I upload, plus lots of points for extra things I already buy. These points translate into free gift cards to Target, paypal, Starbucks and more.
All you have to do is download the app, take a picture of any receipt (within 14 days), and hit submit.
Just like that, you’ll get points back (literally, you get 25 points just for submitting the receipt!)
You can then cash in these points for fantastic gift cards to help you stretch your budget a little further OR be able to afford some fun splurges!
Come save money on Fetch with me! Sign up w/ code 8AVYPX & get 500 pts: https://referral.fetch.com/vvv3/referralsocial?code=8AVYPX. See you there!
Click here to start earning: https://referral.fetch.com/vvv3/referralsocial?code=8AVYPX
3. Shopkick – earn points for shopping

Earn points for simply walking into stores, more points for scanning products, more points for purchases. Points translate into gift cards to Target, Walmart, Starbucks, and more.
it’s a free app that rewards you for shopping. Sign up with my code to get bonus kicks: SHOP348890
Click here to start earning: https://get.shopkick.com/96Rn/3s3gax9m
4. Ibotta – cash back for in store purchases

I get cash back for buying things I already need. Grapes, cereal, ice cream, deodorant etc.
Click here to start earning: https://ibotta.onelink.me/iUfE/1005cd3f?friend_code=8gsa
And one more things to mention, this isn’t an app but a website that gives cash back on online purchases:
To use: Go to Rakuten.com, type in the name of the online store you are about to buy something from (ie Target.com), then click on their link. I make my normal purchases and get a percentage back in cash!
Click here to start earning: www.rakuten.com/r/KATHRY3518?eeid=28187
Which of these do you want to try first?
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