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Raising boys

2 In Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Traveling

Peek into our Week

A Peak into our week before Christmas 2017

Friday, December 15

Every year, my husband’s company (The Center for Creative Leadership) host a Christmas event and Santa comes to visit. I picked up the kids from school a little early to spend some time with them at the event.


Santa and Luke

The boys got to hear Santa tell a story, sang some Christmas songs, opened a gift, and ate together while headed over to New Life (where I work on Friday nights).

At church, I had a two meetings with two new volunteers and helped a couple of others get connected with the people with whom they’d be serving. Once the service started, I noticed a mom standing in the lobby with her kids. I found out that her son didn’t want to go to class because he wasn’t sure if he knew anyone. I asked if he would go with me and told him I’d help him get to know some other boys. We walked into his class and two boys came over, gave hugged him and told him they’d missed him! You could see the smile grow on his face. Then, one of the boys remembered he had severe food allergies and asked if they could pray for him. The two 9 and 10 year old boys gathered around this young man and prayed that God would heal him! From there, the boys spent the rest of the evening together! This is why I love working with kids!

Saturday, December 16

We had a little family Christmas.

  • Clark was SO excited about his “Heely’s” (shoes that have “rollers”) and new Bible,
  • George loved his soccer shirts/jerseys,
  • Paul enjoyed his new games,
  • Luke loves his new running shoes because the make him SO fast!


Sunday, December 17

We went to church, then I had coffee with a friend. That evening I went to a Volunteer appreciation dinner at Holly Newman’s hone. It was an incredible evening. I got to know volunteers better over dinner, and then we gathered in the living room and reflected on what God has done in New Life Kids in 2017. There was SO.MUCH.GOOD that happened this year and I’m so grateful to be a small part of it!


Monday, December 18

We enjoyed a day where we didn’t have to go anywhere or do anything! Then the doorbell rang…and on the porch sat two large boxes ….

In the boxes were my books!!!!!! It was thrilling. Like Christmas had arrived at my door. (I wrote a little bit about it on instagram)


That evening I signed books, dropped some off at the post office, and made personal deliveries.


Tuesday, December 19

I had 7-8 kids at my house all day. I watched 3 kids for a friend and a neighbor spent most of the day with us too. We played in the morning, then jumped in the “Egly Sleigh” and delivered a few books, then played some more.


Wednesday, December 20

I went to a volunteer meeting at church, then got to drop off a bunch of books and gifts at the Hope and Home Foster Care. Every year they have a day where foster parents can come pick up gifts for their foster children! We’ve donated gifts for this event for the last two years, and I as excited to donate a bunch of books this year too! Each book was personally signed with a note of love and encouragement inside.

We were planning to leave for Tulsa on Thursday, but bad weather was coming our way and we decided to stay ahead of that and left as soon as I got home.

(Playing with a Rubix Cube to pass the time on the drive to Tulsa)

Thursday, December 21

I got to spend time with my sisters Brooke, Rachelle and Rachelle’s family. We took the kids to explore an old engine and see the Tulsa Driller. That evening, we went to look at Christmas Lights.

Friday, December 22

My boys played all day with one of their favorite Tulsa friends (Caleb Blonsky)…then Ted and I went our with some of our favorite Tulsa friends that night – the Blonsky brothers and their wives. We’ve been friends since before we were married and always pick up right where we left off when we are together. It’s as if no time has passed and we cherish our time with them. We were all together 16 years ago for Craig and Robin’s wedding (the couple on the far left) and we all got to be together again to celebrate their 16th anniversary!



What have you been up to this week? Leave me a comment!

5 In Colorado Springs/ Family/ Motherhood/ Product Recommendations/ Raising boys/ Saving money/ Things to do in Colorado

Best Inexpensive Christmas stocking ideas!

If you are like me, stockings are an afterthought. I put the presents under the tree and then those stockings are hanging there…staring back at me…begging me to stuff them. I’ve usually already spent my Christmas budget on REAL gifts, so I don’t want to spend much on the stocking stuffers. So, I decided to make a trip to the Dollar Tree to see what I could find. Would you believe that I found enough to fill all of my kid’s stockings – for under $10 each!! Here are things I found!

My #1 favorite idea EVER for Christmas stockings:


Put a journal in your child’s stocking with the following questions (one question per page):

  • What was your favorite book or movie this year?
  • What is one happy memory from this year?
  • What is one thing you learned?
  • What did God do in your life this year?
  • What are you looking forward to in 2018?

After everyone answers the questions, do two things: FIRST: Have each person share their answers and SECOND: Put the journal back in their stocking for the next year.

Not only will we get to reflect on good memories from THIS year as we talk about our answers, but we will also get to look back on all that we’ve learned, relive the happiest memories, and remember what God has done YEAR AFTER YEAR!!!!!

(Can you see why this is my favorite stocking stuffer idea EVER!!!!????)

There are LOTS of options for journals at the Dollar Store – I found a unique one for each person in our house!



It doesn’t seem like we can ever have enough of these. Especially in the winter or dry climate of Colorado!



I LOVED these as a little kid and was so pleased to find them at the dollar store for my youngest boys!



My kids enjoy drawing and I was so happy to see that the dollar store had books that will teach us how to draw animals and sea life!


There are tons of books for all reading levels.



These are handy for holiday road trips. My kids also keep them beside their beds to work on puzzles when they can’t sleep.



These are perfect for 3-8 year olds who are just beginning to learn letters and numbers, or who are learning to read and write.



Honestly, the puzzles at the dollar store aren’t my favorite, but they do make a simple and inexpensive stocking stuffer. Your kids can do this once, and you don’t have to feel guilty about throwing it away.


My kids love to ‘set up shop’ in our house and sell their toys to each other. This gift idea a little too wide for our stockings, but I still wanted to add it to the list because it’s an expensive gift you can put in a gift bag!



There are so many to choose from – Checkers, Mini Jenga, TicTacToe, Card Games, Ball Games and more!




I can’t say what the quality of these are, but I went ahead and put one of these in each of my kid’s stockings so we could try them out.


They have a ton of snacks from which to choose.




Encourage your children to drink more water by adding a special cup to their stocking.



I have four boys, so the only one in our house that uses most of this stuff is ME. However, I grew up with FOUR sisters, and I know how handy it was to have extra bands, bows, clips, combs and brushes!



Lots of items to put in the stocking for the child who loves to draw, paint and color!



BONUS – If you are filling a stocking for your family pet – they have stocking stuffers treats for dogs and cats too!





Do you have a favorite item that you add to the stockings in your house? Comment and let me know!


2 In Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Out of the mouths of babes


Out of the mouths of my 4 babes….


When Luke was three, I handed him a few gummy snacks to enjoy. A couple of minutes later, he came to me with wide eyes and said, “I need more—I lost mine!” We weren’t sure if he’d actually lost them or just eaten them. George, who was ten at the time, must have been wondering the same thing. Without missing a beat, he placed his hand on Luke’s tummy and declared, “Let me check… Yep, those gummy snacks are in there—I can feel them! You didn’t lose them, you atethem!”


When Paul was six, he loved to tell stories—especially tall tales. One day, after enthusiastically recounting how he kicked a soccer ball so hard it flew straight through the front door, Ted couldn’t help but smile and say, “Paul, I think you’re exaggerating.” Without missing a beat, Paul replied, “Dad, I’m in kindergarten. I don’t even know what exaggerating means!”


One night after having take out food for dinner, I had the worst dream. The next morning, I told Clark, who was eight at the time, about it. “I dreamt that Dad and I were falsely accused of something and ended up in jail!” Clark’s eyes widened as he replied, “Mom, I’m SO glad you didn’t get my fortune cookie last night. The paper inside said, ‘Your dreams will come true!’


A conversation with 10-year-old George:
“Mom, what other names were you and Dad thinking of before you decided on George?”
“Well,” I said, “we considered Ethan, William, and even Theodore the Fourth—after Dad, since he’s Theodore the Third.”
George lit up and said, “I wish you’d named me after Dad! I want to be just like him!”


Leave me a comment and tell me something funny you’ve heard recently!

1 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Faith/ Family/ Finding our place/ Motherhood/ Moving/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado

Our Adventure on Gold Camp Road

Two and a half years ago, when we decided to move to Colorado, I had mixed feelings. Part of me was excited about the new adventure, and part of me felt fear and even dread! I didn’t want to say good bye to all the things and the people we loved. I didn’t know anyone, or much of anything about Colorado! Then I stumbled across this quote:

“Always in the big woods when you leave familiar ground and step off alone into a new place there will be, along with the feelings of curiosity and excitement, a little nagging of dread. It is the ancient fear of the Unknown, and it is your first bond with the wilderness you are going into.” ~ Wendell Berry

Wow. I clung to this quote like I would a favorite Bible verse or security blanket.

Along with the quote was a picture of a tunnel on Gold Camp Road in Colorado Springs. I was determined to one day, find that tunnel, get a picture of it and post the quote.

On Thanksgiving 2017 – this dream finally became a reality!

We have an annual tradition of going out as a family on Thanksgiving morning. We like to spend the morning hiking or exploring. Since we didn’t have any friends or family in town this year, we decided to try to find the tunnel.  We weren’t exactly sure where it was or how far we’d have to hike/drive. Someone sort of told me where it was, and we headed off.

We drove past Helen Hunt Falls and continued up the mountain until the road became a dirt (Lower Gold Camp Road). We continued on this gorgeous road about a mile until – “wah – lah!” There it was, right in front of us. We parked and explored this incredible tunnel. It was everything I had imagined and more. Stunning, spooky, enormous, and picturesque!



I’m grateful to call Colorado Springs home. I’m glad I was able to move beyond the fear (and the dread) of leaving what was familiar and those we loved to embrace this new adventure! I honestly can’t believe we get to call Colorado home!



2 In Book Review/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Raising boys

What I’m reading! (And I’m giving one away)

I’ve loved reading since I was a child. I thoroughly enjoy getting lost in a book, encountering a new world, learning new facts, or discovering a life story!

As a child, my favorite books were The Boxcar children and the Grandma’s Attic series.

My current favorites are memoirs and biographies.

If I had a day completely to myself, I’d read all day long. That’s not something that happens very often (or ever), but I can still find a few minutes to read each day.

I’m usually always reading 2-4 books at the same time.

  • I have one book by my bed that I read before bed or when I can’t sleep.
  • I keep a book in the car to read if I’m waiting in line or have a few minutes in between appointments.
  • I keep a couple of books in the living room and read before the kids wake up, when Luke is napping, or in the evening.
  • I have a book in my workbag and read if I have 5-10 minutes in between meetings.

Here are thoughts on each of the books I’m currently reading or have recently finished:


  • Feisty and Feminine – This book explains some of the issues we are facing in our world right now. It’s informative, interesting and offers suggestions as to what we, as Christian women, can do to help make a difference.



  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle:  I heard two people say this was their favorite book of the year so I checked out the audio book from the library. I’m only halfway through and find it intriguing! This book is part memoir and part research into the food we eat and how it affects us and our environment.


  • The Way of the Wild Heart – because #boymom. Only a couple chapters in and this book is helping me understand this boy world that I live in. John Eldridge discusses each of the ‘six stages’ of manhood.


  • Spiritual Parenting – In preparing for my new role, I read this book written by our Family Ministries Executive Pastor, Dr. Michelle Anthony. The book encourages us, as parents, to ask God what He is doing in the lives of our sons and daughters so that we can come along side that work.  Michelle tells stories from her own life and gives simple and pro-active suggestions that encourage and inspire me as a mother and children’s ministry director! I recommend this book to parents, grandparents, and those wanting to impact young lives.


  • Chasing daylight – A true story about a man who discovered he had cancer and was given 3 months to live. Instead of wallowing in despair, he made a fantastic plan to create “Perfect Moments” in each day. I enjoyed this book because it challenged me to look for opportunities to create my own perfect moments, and value each day of life and health that I have been given. We have two copies at our house so I’d like to send my copy of Chasing Daylight to one of you! Leave me a comment and tell me you’d like this book and I will have my sons draw a name and choose a winner on Sunday! (Update: Winner – Corey C. – Congratulations!)


Also – leave me a comment and tell me what you are reading or suggest what I should read next!!

6 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado

Cotillion – what is it and why your child would benefit from it!

Last year our family was introduced to Cotillion, and we absolutely loved it!

Why do we love it?

Cotillion teaches:


Tools they can use throughout their life!

Boys and girls who attend Cotillion will also be learning about:

  • good manners,
  • polite conversation,
  • ballroom dancing,
  • etiquette, and 
  • how to make a GOOD first impression.

Regarding Ballroom Dancing, here is why Cotillion teaches kids to dance:

“Dance breaks down inhibitions, teaches physical respect, develops confidence, establishes teamwork and cooperation, reinforces non-verbal and verbal communication, and teaches students how to appropriately interact with the opposite gender in a structured and healthy environment.”

As a mother, I love giving my boys opportunities to build confidence. I want them to know how to handle themselves in uncomfortable situations and how to communicate with people of all ages. I want them to be courteous and use good manners. The Cotillion instructors teach, reinforce and encourage all of those skills in a fun and safe environment!

The Carnegie foundation indicates that over 85% of one’s career success is directly connected to one’s social skills!

Here are some details about the Colorado Springs Cotillion:

What age: For children in 3rd – 8th Grades

When: One evening a week for 6 weeks, beginning in January. Online registration can be done at (It’s recommended that you register early – class sizes are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis.)

This is the schedule for the 3rd-4th grade class:

Introduction to Social Skills
Listening & Conversation
Courtesy & Consideration
Making Good Choices
Table Manners
Final Party / Parents Night
5:15 – 6:30 PM
The Broadmoor Hotel


You can register here:

Note: There are discounts for military and educators, as well as need-based discounts. Send them a note if you want info on that!

PS – We find suits we love for our boys at Search Blazer and Suit Pants!

3 In Motherhood/ Raising boys

All About Paul!

Paul. He is one special kid.

He came into this world to two rough and tumble brothers. They loved him so much – and maybe a little too hard.

From the time he could talk he knew how to be loud and let his voice be heard.  From the time he could walk he was running and wrestling. In fact, he was the first child in a cast!

He’s been extremely strong-willed since the day he learned the word “No!”

There was a full year where he wore the same outfit nearly every single day! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have wondered why I never changed his clothes. Well, believe me, I wanted to -I just didn’t think it was a battle worth fighting. For my birthday, my in-laws watched all four boys overnight. I laid out each boys clothes for the next day. Except for Paul. My mother-in-law asked what she should put on him the next day. I told her that he could where tomorrow what he has on today. After wearing that under armor shirt 350 times, it’s still going strong! The shorts finally ripped beyond repair.


I’m learning that these strong-willed ones have a something special about them if you can just hold on, choose your battles, and survive the tough moments.

  • He potty trained himself!
  • He taught himself how to ride a bike without training wheels!
  • When we go on trips, he packs his own bag (and doesn’t forget his underwear!)
  • He was the youngest to be interested in the things of God and to have a relationship with his Heavenly Father.

He’s also the child who’s caused me to call 911!

It was 2015, we had just moved to Colorado and I was leaving the grocery store with Luke, age 1, Paul – 3, and Clark – 5 (George was in school). I get to the back of the car to start loading groceries and ask Paul to go get into his car seat.

I load the groceries, come around to buckle him in and he is not there. I call for him and he does not answer. I scan the car and don’t see him. I look under the car. No Paul. I look around the car. Don’t see him.

My heart starts to race. I begin to ask people around me if they’ve seen a little boy in a red shirt.

A sweet mama offers to stay by my car with Luke and Clark while I race around to find Paul. I run into the store and let them know I can’t find my son. They lock the store down and send people out to scour the parking lot.

I’m looking at every car driving away and hoping that my son isn’t in one of those cars.

I decide to call 911 at the same time I remember to pray.

I’m talking to a man on the 911 call and asking God for help. “God, please help me find my son!”

Just after I prayed, I felt like I needed to look more thoroughly through my car.

I climb in and look up front, through the middle, and then under the back seat…and there. is. Paul. Hiding under the back seat.

I’m still talking to 911 at this point, giving them all the details and then stop: I found him! He’s okay! I found him! He’s fine!

I remember the kind man on the other end saying, “Good! I’m glad he’s okay! Are YOU okay?” I realized I was breathing hard and in panic mode. I took a deep breath and told him I’d be okay soon.

I hung up and told the people searching that my son had been found. I thanked them for their help and then asked Paul WHY he was under the seat.

“I was just playing hide and seek, mama!”

“Please don’t ever play that game again without letting me know FIRST that you are hiding!”

It took me several hours (maybe days?) for my heart to stop racing. My heart is racing again just typing this story.

Thankfully, we all survived to tell the story! Thankfully, he’s never played hide-and-seek again without inviting me to play first!

This is one story that explains why I ask God for help every day. I don’t know what I’d do without His wisdom, His love, His patience, and His strength as I’m raising these young boys to be great men!

Happy 6th Birthday Paul!



2 In Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado

A Peek into our Week


We went to church as a family then to Freddy’s Burgers for lunch.

It was a beautiful day, so we played outside for awhile then Ted built them an amazing fort in the living room, and we climbed in to watch some football.

For dinner I made a delicious Hello Fresh recipe:

Chicken Thighs in Kimchi Sauce with an Asian Pear Slaw and Jasmine Rice



Ted went to work, and I took the boys to LifeTime Gym using a free guest pass. We haven’t been members at a gym since moving to Colorado, and I’m ready to join a gym again. I need to work out a little more regularly, and I want to have a pool and gym that the boys and Ted can use too!

Lifetime is clean, beautiful, has tons of equipment and lots to do. However, the boys (except Luke) didn’t like the kids play area and the Y actually has a nicer indoor pool area than Lifetime.

That afternoon we had some kids over to play and for dinner I made tilapia.



I took the boys to Monkey Bizness for a few hours in the morning. It was raining outside, so it was the perfect morning to spend there. The boys were having fun and playing so nicely that I was able to get a little work done while they were playing. We came home to let Luke nap and played outside most of the rest of the day.



The big boys got to go to Skyzone with a friend while I did some Thanksgiving prep.

That afternoon Ted came home and we went over to check out our local YMCA. The Y is not fancy, but it has all of the equipment we need, a good variety of classes, and a well-organized child care area. The indoor pools are great – one pool is heated (which I loved!) and another, larger indoor pool had a waterslide! It was the first time Luke swam without me holding onto him (With swimmies)! I wish I had my camera to capture his sweet face. He was so excited to swim all by himself!  The Y is more cost effective than Lifetime and the boys liked it better – so we decided to join there. Plus, we’ll get discounts on campgrounds around the state and sports for the boys!



A Thanksgiving tradition we have is to go out an explore on Thanksgiving morning. Last year we hiked Helen Hunt Falls and this year we decided to go find this beautiful tunnel I’ve been wanting to find since before we even moved here. WE FOUND IT and it was just as spectacular as I had imagined!!! (It’s near Helen Hunt Falls, further up the mountain on Lower Gold Camp Road.)

Then…I made my very first Turkey!!! It wasn’t a Griswold turkey –  It was delicious!!! I had to google “how to cook a turkey” and the instructions were everything I needed!  I also made a sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy (my fav), corn, green beans and rolls.

Kathryn’s first turkey

My outstanding prep team peeling LOTS of potatoes!

I asked the boys what their favorite part of the meal was and here are their answers:

George: rolls, turkey, green bean

Clark: corn, turkey and mashed potatoes

Paul: corn, mashed potatoes, rolls

Luke: He was napping when I asked the big boys but my guess would be the rolls since that’s the only thing he ate without being told to ‘take one more bite!’

After the little kids went to bed, George and I went to Target (George is my night owl). I needed a new phone, and if you renewed Thursday night or Friday, you received a $250 store gift card! I was hoping the crowds would be less crazy on Thursday night but I still had a 3 hour wait to get my phone. Thankfully, I could just roam the store while I waited for their text to say it was my turn.

George trying to decide what hat he liked best.



I slept in til 6:40 am! (Thank you, Ted) Luke loves to wake up around 5:30-5:45 lately so Ted took him downstairs so I could sleep a little longer. Then Paul comes in my room at 6:40 with lots of stories to tell. He always has stories.

When everyone was up, we went to the YMCA again to exercise, play basketball, and swim!

The rest of the day was a lazy family day with some backyard games and a movie on the couch.

I also spent some time this week working with the designer to get final edits done for Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore! It’s coming together and looks incredible!

I hope you had a great week and Happy Thanksgiving! Leave me a comment and tell me about your week!

2 In Family/ Giveaway/ Motherhood/ Product Recommendations/ Raising boys

Buy this, NOT THAT!!! (Plus a GIVEAWAY!)

Six years ago, a box showed up at my front door. It had my name and address on it, but no return address, no card inside and I had NO idea who sent the box from amazon.

I opened it up, and it was a gift for my kids – ages 2 and 4.

And it was the absolute WORST GIFT EVER. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, it was very kind of someone to send a gift to my kids, but this gift was more than I could handle. It was a box full of (what felt like a million) small plastic BALLS. It came with a collapsible mesh “tent” that was supposed to hold all of said balls.

Over the next 4 weeks I did two things:

1. Awkwardly reached out to people to see if they sent my children a gift so that I could say thank you.
2. Spent every waking hour putting every single one of those balls back into the mesh tent….over and over….ball after ball.

I finally figured out who sent the gift and sent a thank you. This person had good intentions. They remembered how much my sisters and I loved the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese when we were kids and wanted my kids to have fun with all those balls. And they did have fun…..they had fun throwing them all over our house.

I’d finally had enough. After the kids went to bed one night, I packed the balls into a black garbage bag and hid them in my garage. I listed the balls and mesh tent for a great price on craigslist. A couple of days later, someone came to pick them up. I discreetly handed the person the garbage bag.

George, who was 4 at this time, said: “Wait mom! They are forgetting something.” He ran to another room, found ONE MORE plastic ball…and handed it to the person holding the garbage bag!

I stood there dumb-founded.

How did George even know what was in the garbage bag?!?!?!?

Thankfully, the kids were NOT disappointed that I sold this gift (I put the cash in their piggy banks).

I was SO VERY HAPPY that every single ball (thanks to George) was out of my house. Well, actually, not every ball because 6 years later, I still come across those balls here and there! I seriously can’t get rid of them!!!

So please, DO NOT buy a child a gift with a million balls unless you are keeping it at YOUR house and YOU enjoy cleaning up messes all day long.

So….that is What NOT to buy.

I wasn’t very good at buying gifts for kids before I had my own children. I always wanted to buy them clothes. And clothes are fine, if you buy them something special to go WITH the clothes. I didn’t understand this until my young nephew would come over to me before he unwrapped my gift and say: “This isn’t another SHIRT gift, is it?” (Gotta love their honesty!)

Here are a couple of things I highly recommend buying for children in the 1-5 age range:

Luke – Age 1

The Plasma Car – my kids have spent countless hours riding this thing! I’ve ended up with 3 of them! My sons started using these about 18 months, and don’t really outgrow them – Ted and I even ride the Plasma Car occasionally!


Hot Dog Slicer –  Every time we eat hot dogs, my youngest son asks for this. It’s a hot dog slicer with a little cup for holding ketchup. This is a fun gift for children under 5.

GIVEAWAY!!! I will send a Hot Dog slicer (Seen in Pic above) if you:

  • share this post,

  • then comment and tell me that you shared the post and want the hot dog slicer.

  • I have TWO to give away! Winners announced Sunday!

No Stress Chess – this game not only taught us how to play chess, but instilled a love for the game into my oldest two sons! It’s on sale right now for only $11.99!!

(The above links are Affiliate Links which means, if you click on the links and decide to make a purchase, I may make a few cents. Thanks in advance)

These gift suggestions were taken out of the Holiday Gift Guide. For the top ten gifts for kids ages 1-10, click here to get your Guide!

Thanks for reading this to the very end! Comment and tell me a wonderful or horrible gift you or your children have received!

0 In Book Review/ Family/ Free stuff/ Raising boys/ Saving money/ Things to do in Colorado

Holiday Gift Guide – Best Gifts for children and teachers!


As a former teacher, children’s ministry director, child enthusiast and mother to 4 Adventurous Boys –  I have spent the majority of my life ……….. PLAYING!!

I love finding EXCELLENT Toys and Gifts to stimulate and grow CHILDREN….plus… I do not like wasting money on toys that end up sitting on the shelf!

Using all of my experience, I’ve compiled a guide of the top 10 CHILD and PARENT approved gifts for Children ages 1-10. PLUS – a bonus TEACHER GIFT GUIDE!

Coolest idea ever RIGHT? …Ok well, one of the coolest ideas ever.

This guide will be your BEST FRIEND ( ok COFFEE is your best friend ) during the holidays!!!

We can all use LESS STRESS during the holidays RIGHT … It will Cost YOU ONLY 3 bucks!! … that’s less than a Starbucks latte  ( NO BIG DEAL …) A 3 dollar DE-STRESSOR …YESSSS PLEASE!!

Think of the TIME and HASSLE this book will save you during the holidays …and it will be in your hand about 90 seconds after you:

 A. Find 3 DOLLARS … Dang that’s cheap … should I raise the price?

 B. Click on this LINK   …

OR when you PRE-ORDER my Children’s Book – Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore! You get a copy for FREE!!!!

Thanks for letting me de-stress your holidays!!  Buy the Book Now! … Make a cup of coffee …. sit back and Get that Shopping DONE ….BOOM.
PS…. Hey My 4 Boys ( George Clark  Paul and Luke ) say thanks for spending the 3 BUCKS! They a get a cut and purchase and purchase one of the toys from this handy guide!!!

The Gift Guide Unwrapped: