A Peak into our week before Christmas 2017
Friday, December 15
Every year, my husband’s company (The Center for Creative Leadership) host a Christmas event and Santa comes to visit. I picked up the kids from school a little early to spend some time with them at the event.

Santa and Luke
The boys got to hear Santa tell a story, sang some Christmas songs, opened a gift, and ate together while headed over to New Life (where I work on Friday nights).
At church, I had a two meetings with two new volunteers and helped a couple of others get connected with the people with whom they’d be serving. Once the service started, I noticed a mom standing in the lobby with her kids. I found out that her son didn’t want to go to class because he wasn’t sure if he knew anyone. I asked if he would go with me and told him I’d help him get to know some other boys. We walked into his class and two boys came over, gave hugged him and told him they’d missed him! You could see the smile grow on his face. Then, one of the boys remembered he had severe food allergies and asked if they could pray for him. The two 9 and 10 year old boys gathered around this young man and prayed that God would heal him! From there, the boys spent the rest of the evening together! This is why I love working with kids!
Saturday, December 16
We had a little family Christmas.
- Clark was SO excited about his “Heely’s” (shoes that have “rollers”) and new Bible,
- George loved his soccer shirts/jerseys,
- Paul enjoyed his new games,
- Luke loves his new running shoes because the make him SO fast!
Sunday, December 17
We went to church, then I had coffee with a friend. That evening I went to a Volunteer appreciation dinner at Holly Newman’s hone. It was an incredible evening. I got to know volunteers better over dinner, and then we gathered in the living room and reflected on what God has done in New Life Kids in 2017. There was SO.MUCH.GOOD that happened this year and I’m so grateful to be a small part of it!
Monday, December 18
We enjoyed a day where we didn’t have to go anywhere or do anything! Then the doorbell rang…and on the porch sat two large boxes ….
In the boxes were my books!!!!!! It was thrilling. Like Christmas had arrived at my door. (I wrote a little bit about it on instagram)
That evening I signed books, dropped some off at the post office, and made personal deliveries.
Tuesday, December 19
I had 7-8 kids at my house all day. I watched 3 kids for a friend and a neighbor spent most of the day with us too. We played in the morning, then jumped in the “Egly Sleigh” and delivered a few books, then played some more.
Wednesday, December 20
I went to a volunteer meeting at church, then got to drop off a bunch of books and gifts at the Hope and Home Foster Care. Every year they have a day where foster parents can come pick up gifts for their foster children! We’ve donated gifts for this event for the last two years, and I as excited to donate a bunch of books this year too! Each book was personally signed with a note of love and encouragement inside.
We were planning to leave for Tulsa on Thursday, but bad weather was coming our way and we decided to stay ahead of that and left as soon as I got home.
(Playing with a Rubix Cube to pass the time on the drive to Tulsa)
Thursday, December 21
I got to spend time with my sisters Brooke, Rachelle and Rachelle’s family. We took the kids to explore an old engine and see the Tulsa Driller. That evening, we went to look at Christmas Lights.
Friday, December 22
My boys played all day with one of their favorite Tulsa friends (Caleb Blonsky)…then Ted and I went our with some of our favorite Tulsa friends that night – the Blonsky brothers and their wives. We’ve been friends since before we were married and always pick up right where we left off when we are together. It’s as if no time has passed and we cherish our time with them. We were all together 16 years ago for Craig and Robin’s wedding (the couple on the far left) and we all got to be together again to celebrate their 16th anniversary!
What have you been up to this week? Leave me a comment!