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Raising boys

40 In Book Review/ Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Raising boys

I’ve written a children’s book – and I need your feedback!

The Magnificent Four who love to explore!

I’ve written a book about my boys climbing Pike’s Peak and encountering the animals that actually live on this mountain but I need your help with the title!

I want something easy to read and catchy. Here are my top picks – they are all similar –  but which wording do you like best? They allude to ADVENTURE and ANIMALS! Let me know your favorite!


                 SWIM, SOAR!


               SWIM, EXPLORE!


               SLITHER SOAR!

4. Climb, Explore, Splash, slither, soar!

  (subtitle –   A Pike’s Peak Mountain Adventure)

PLEASE leave me a comment (Little box in the top right corner beside the title) and tell me – what’s your favorite title?

2 In Faith/ Family/ Raising boys

What is water baptism and why would you do it?

October 27, 2017 was a special night for our family. Our two oldest sons decided to get baptized!

Baptism is a way to let people know that you’ve decided to become a Christ follower. I’m SO proud of my boys for making this decision as young men. I decided to follow Christ as a young person, and that decision changed me. God is my Father, my Guide, my Friend, my Counselor – and provider of every good thing! I’m thrilled that my sons want to have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe and had the courage to be baptized at our church on Friday night!

What does “Baptism” mean?

Baptize means to “immerse” in water.

Baptism is an “outward” way to show others that you’ve made an “inward” commitment to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.

It’s like SHOW AND TELL at school. By being baptized, you are showing others that you have decided to follow Christ.

It’s similar to a wedding ring. My ring is an outward symbol of a commitment I made to my husband. Baptism shows people you are a Christian like my rings shows others that I’m a wife.


Why get baptized?

  • After you become a follower of Jesus, this is a way to make a “public declaration’ of your faith.
  • It’s being obedient to Christ.

    Matthew 29:19-20 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

  • Jesus Christ was baptized. If we are followers of Christ, we should follow in his footsteps. (Matthew 3:13-17)
  • It is a symbol of the resurrection. Just as Christ died, was buried and raised from death. We are quickly submerged under water, and come back up. We are “dead” to sin and alive to LIFE in Christ!  (Romans 6:1-7)


Who should get baptized?

Anyone who is a follower of Jesus.


What does baptism look like?

Churches do baptism differently. When I was young, I got baptized in a small pool the size of a hot tub. When I was in college in Florida, we baptized people in the ocean at the beach. When I was a children’s ministry director in Illinois, we baptized people in a local pool.  My nephew got baptized in a lake … my boys were baptized in a trough! Here is a picture of my boys getting baptized:



How often do you get baptized?

Clark loved it so much he asked how often he could get baptized. I told him once was good. However, I have been baptized twice! I did it as a LITTLE girl, around 5, but didn’t truly grasp the significance of what I was doing. When I decided to follow Jesus as a young adult,  I got baptized again. This wasn’t necessary, but something I chose to do.

If you were baptized as a baby or young child, and did not choose for yourself to get baptized, I would recommend getting baptized again. Baptism is NOT a requirement for heaven though! Only a relationship with Jesus will get you into heaven. 

Jesus answered: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV


Parent FAQs

My child was baptized as a baby, does he/she need to be baptized again?

Yes. In the Bible, believer’s baptism was always for people who were old enough to understand and make their own decision about being baptized.

Is Baptism a requirement for heaven?

No. There is only one way to get into heaven and that is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Baptism does not forgive your sins. Baptism is a symbol of Jesus washing away your sins and you are washed in water.

How do I know if my child is ready to be baptized?

  • My child has made a decision to invite Jesus into their life.
  • You child understands what baptism means.
  • Your child asks to be baptized (and the above two statements are true).

How do I encourage my child in their faith after they are baptized?

  • I would recommend getting them a Bible, and or devotional.
  • Read WITH them.
  • Talk to them about what God is doing in your life.
  • Point out the beauty that God created all around you.
  • Pray together and talk about times when God answered prayers.
  • Go to church together.
  • As they get older, you may consider serving together or going on a mission trip together..

Have you been baptized? Let me know when and who baptized you in the comments! And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Click here to read my recommendations for Bibles and Devotionals for kids.

Is there any proof to the Christian faith? Click here.

3 In Funny/ Raising boys

There’s a SNAKE in my CAR!

Clark finds a snake

After spending a day at the park, my boys and several friends piled into my minivan for the ride home.

A few minutes into the drive, Clark (age 7) says, “Hey mom, remember that snake we found at the park? Well, I snuck him in the car, and he got away from me.”

WHAT!? There’s a SNAKE slithering around my car?!

All I can think about is this snake laying babies under a mat, then eating all the crumbs in my car and growing six feet long before we can find it.

There is also a sweet little five-year-old friend, whose parents have entrusted to me, going into a full-on freak out! He hates snakes. He puts his hands straight up, lifts his legs off the floor and starts yelling:


I don’t like snakes!


I hate Snakes!

Don’t let the snake get me!!

I’m scared! Help!”

He’s freaking out … I’m freaking out (on the inside – trying to keep it together on the outside)!

Meanwhile, Clark is totally calm. George (age 9) is entertained. Paul (5) and Luke (3) think this is the best day ever.

I pull over into the first parking lot I can find and tell Clark to FIND THE SNAKE.

“We aren’t leaving until you REMOVE the snake from my car.”

After looking around for a few minutes, Clark finds the snake and puts him outside where he belongs.

Sweet and panicked five-year-old friend calms down. I calm down.

We all get home safely.

And this, friends, is just another day in the life of a #boymom!

If you want to know more about life with Clark, click here!

4 In Faith/ Family/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Raising boys

My Journey, Part 3 – Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mama (SAHM)

In 2011, our children’s ministry had grown from 25 kids to about 300 kids! Click here to read that story.

I was also the mother of a growing 3-year old, an extremely active 1-year-old, and very pregnant with our 3rd son!  My husband and I agreed that for this season of our lives, it would be best for me to be a full-time, stay-at-home mom.

Since 2011, we’ve gone from two to three, then FOUR little cowboys!

I’m incredibly grateful for the years of being home with my littles! Getting everyone the food they want, the drinks they need, their teeth brushed, nails clipped … getting them washed up, then dried off, making sure they go potty or get their diapers changed, getting all of their clothes, socks, and shoes on (why can’t I find all the shoes! Where do they hide the shoes?).

On days we have places to go, there are four different types of car seats or seat belts that need to be fastened – while at least one child is crying about something. In winter, I’ll get all extra layers packed onto each one, but when we’ve arrived at our destination, they’ve taken everything off. And so I start over. Let’s just say that I’m GLAD for the “STAY-AT-HOME” part of ‘stay-at-home mom.’

There were days in those ‘little years’ that I’d be so tired by the end of the night, I’d just cry. I knew I’d be up with a baby through the night and have another long day ahead of me with four busy little boys. Ted is an amazing daddy and husband, but for a few of those ‘little years’ he was working full time – plus going to school full time to earn his master’s degree. When he finished school, he commuted to Chicago every day for work – making his long days even longer with an hour-long drive each way! Many days each week he would leave as the boys were waking up and get home when they were going to bed. (Which was one of the things that inspired our move to Colorado – a better work-life balance!)

Being a full-time mama is hard, and I’ve talked about the hard. But it’s actually more wonderful than it is hard. The good far outweighs the bad! It’s hard to understand unless you’re in it!

Some of the things I love about being a mom:

  • being there for each of the ‘firsts’ – first step, first word, first food,

  • all of the snuggles, hugs and kisses,

  • hearing the sweet mis-pronounced words my boys say (lemonade is pronounced “little maid” at our house)

  • kissing their ‘owies’ and putting on all of the band-aids (so.many.bandaids!)

  • holding them and being there when they are sick,

  • watching them love, help, and protect each other,

  • laughing with them and enjoying the funny and creative things they say and do,

  • experiencing the world through their eyes! Life takes on new meaning and you begin to appreciate the little things.

What a privilege to be a mom!

Though it felt like they’d be tiny and completely dependent on me forever, I now have four boys who SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT. They are all potty-trained! My oldest son can make his own food – and helps cook for the family as well! They all know how to do so many things ALL BY THEMSELVES!! They make their own beds and help with other chores around the house.

After years of not having five minutes alone all day long, I now have time to do things like  START a BLOG and consider opportunities outside the home.

I worked part-time role at New Life church in Colorado Springs Click here to read about it! And I currently substitute teach at my children’s schools.

Others told me it goes by fast, and that was hard to believe when they were all babies, but now I see how TRUE it is.

To read more about my days at home, read this!

2 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Family/ Food/ Raising boys/ Saving money

How to Eat for FREE at Carabba’s, Flemings, Bonefish Grille and Outback!

I am raising FOUR boys.

Four constantly hungry boys.

I am ALWAYS looking for ways to save money on FOOD!

And honestly, who doesn’t like free and delicious food?

I’ve found a few ways to save money on food and wanted to share those with my readers.

If you like the following restaurants:

  • Outback Steakhouse,
  • Carrabba’s Italian Grill,
  • Bonefish Grill or
  • Fleming’s Steakhouse.

Then you should sign up for Dine Rewards!

With Dine Rewards, you earn $20-40 worth of FREE FOOD after every 3rd visit to any of those 4 restaurants!

All you do is sign up, then give the person your PHONE NUMBER at check out! After 3 visits, you earn FREE FOOD!

Have you tried the chicken dishes at Carrabba’s?  They are incredible! In fact, Ted and I love to share the Chicken Trio. Three different and equally delicious pieces of chicken. Yum.

This is not yet a NATION-WIDE program, but I know it’s valid in the Chicago area and Colorado Springs. Click on the link above to see if they do this awesome program in your area!

Don’t forget to subscribe so that you don’t miss the other FREE FOOD opportunities I’ll be posting about soon!

2 In Colorado/ Family/ Raising boys/ Traveling

The 10 BEST things to do Manitou Springs, Colorado

Manitou Springs…what a quaint little town! I had no idea this gem was hidden just next to Colorado Springs.  There is so much culture, history and beauty in this town. Here are my ten most favorite parts of Manitou Springs:

1. Play at the historic Penny Arcade.


I love Skeeball!!

Compete with your friends and family in Horse Racing!

There are some really OLD and unique games!    

Flying airplanes like his Poppy!

2. Taste the healing mineral water.

3. Hike Rainbow Falls  

4. Climb the Incline

  • A mile high staircase up the side of Cheyenne mountain. Or you can bail out at the halfway point for a pretty walk back down.
  • Gorgeous views at the top! (Well, that’s what I’ve been told by my husband, I’m not sure I’m tough enough to hike all the way to to the top! Honestly, my legs hurt just thinking about it.)
  • Manitou Incline

5. Drive to the top of Pikes Peak

This drive is magnificent! Breathtaking … fantastic! You must take the drive to the top of America’s Mountain at least once in your lifetime. Thankfully, my husband drove so I could just enjoy every mile. I recommend visiting in the summer time – the Peak gets COLD! And bring LOTS of water – elevation sickness is a real thing. Add this drive to your Bucket List!

6. Get a treat

  • Patsy’s is a 100 year old snack shop. Try something from there or one of the other fantastic coffee and ice cream shops around town!

7. Shop

8. Soak in the warm mineral water at the Sunwater Spa.

9. Visit the Cliff Dwellings

“Is this where the Cliff Dwellers watched movies?” Asked by my 4 year old.

10. Eat

Eat & Shop

Don’t forget to take a souvenir home with you! Grab a copy of my Pikes Peak Children’s book.  All artwork is painted by a local artist. Click here to purchase a signed copy!

What’s your favorite thing about Manitou?

Leave a comment (in the little box to the right of the title).

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE (in the column on the right) so you don’t miss a post!

For the 10 best things to do in Colorado Springs…


3 In Colorado/ Colorado Springs/ Family/ Raising boys

Hiking with Kids – Pulpit Rock!

Last week I happened to get a couple of hours with just my three big boys (ages 5, 8 and 10), so I decided we should go on an adventure!  I’ve been wanting to conquer Pulpit Rock since the first time I drove past it in June 2015 and now had the perfect opportunity to check this item off my bucket list.

I looked at my Google Map and drove around until I found the closest spot to park near Pulpit Rock – inside a beautiful neighborhood I had never seen before. We parked near a trailhead and started our hike. Just 20 minutes later – we were on top Pulpit Rock – with incredible views!

View of Pikes peak from Pulpit Rock

The boys did great … they loved the “climbing” part of this adventure more than the hiking.  I loved every bit of it.

Only Paul, my 5-year-old, complained at the very end. “My legs are SOOO tired…I can’t walk ANY MORE!”  I showed him how close we were to our car and he made it back (with energy to spare)!

As always, the great thing about hiking in Colorado is that it is so beautiful and so natural … but they are also dangerous. We talk a lot about safety on our adventures.

Paul at Pulpit Rock

George and Paul at Pulpit Rock

Clark at Pulpit Rock

I would recommend it for ages 5 and up. It would also make a fun and inexpensive day date (or SUNSET date). Pack a lunch or dinner and take time to enjoy the spectacular views!

Where do you like hiking? Leave me a comment!

Click here for more FREE things to do in Colorado Springs! 

6 In Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Luke Washington – Our sweetest surprise!

It was October 2014, I sat with my girlfriends and told them a secret:

“I think I’m pregnant.”

I’d been feeling this way for about 3 weeks but had not said anything to anyone until that night. They convinced me to get a pregnancy test and take it first thing in the morning. The test confirmed what I’d been feeling; I was pregnant with my fourth child.

Now I had to decide how to tell Ted.  He would not be expecting this news. We had three young sons – we were busy, sleep-deprived, and money was tight. The news of this fourth child made us nervous. We knew we’d be missing a lot more sleep and buying a lot more diapers. I had just given away most of our baby stuff. And our boys were begging for a puppy. Instead, they’d be getting a baby brother.
I purchased a delicious pie and made a card that said: “God decided to add another cutie to our pie.” When Ted got home that night after a busy day at work, he dug into the pie without even noticing the card.
I handed him the card to read and he was shocked. We both were!
However, once we got over the shock, we remembered that this surprise pregnancy was a gift. Though we knew we’d be losing even more sleep, spending more money, doing more laundry and be busier than ever trying to balance four kiddos – God had a plan for this sweet life growing inside me.
When Luke Washington joined our family in May 2014, it was true. He has been such a gift to our family. The love we have for him is undescribable. We can’t imagine life without him. I’m so thankful that God blessed us with this SURPRISE!
Now, when anyone says they’re considering having another baby, I always say ‘go for it!’ Yes, it will cost you something, however, what you’ll gain far outweighs any cost!

We love you Luke! You are our sweetest surprise!
2 In Family/ Funny/ Raising boys

Funny things from the #Eglyboys

There are a lot of things happening in the world right now that are so very sad, but children have a way of reminding us to SMILE, to laugh, and to enjoy the simple things. Here are some things that my boys have said recently that made me smile – I hope it makes you SMILE too!


I told George that we would be at the doctor’s office in “CUATRO MINUTOS.” Since he started learning Spanish this year, I asked him if he knew what that meant.  “Chicken wings?!” was his enthusiatic guess. (Why are boys always thinking about FOOD!?)


Clark, age 8, who has ALWAYS been an EARLY riser, came downstairs later than normal and said, “Mom, the weirdest thing happened today. I woke up and was ready to get out of bed, but then I noticed how warm and comfortable my bed was so I decided to go back to sleep!” (Clark’s FIRST time sleeping in, and he had to tell me about how weird it was.)


Paul, age 5, came home from kindergarten yesterday and was so excited to tell me about all the apples he tried at school. He said his favorite ones were called “Yellow Yummy!”

Me: Do you mean “Golden Delicious?”

Paul: Yes, that’s the one. My favorites are GOLDEN DELICIOUS!


We were walking the older boys to the bus stop and Luke, age 3, saw a neighbor standing in his driveway. Luke said, “Hi, What are you doing today?” The neighbor responds, “I’m going to fix my doorbell today.” We continued to the bus stop, and I didn’t think any more about it. The next morning, as we were walking to the bus again, Luke sees the same man outside and asked, “Did you fix your ding dong?”  Thankfully, our neighbor didn’t hear him, so I clarified: “Luke wants to know if you fixed your doorbell?” “Yes!” our neighbor responded, “I fixed my doorbell!”

What’s something that’s made you laugh recently? Leave a comment!

6 In Motherhood/ Raising boys

Don’t just survive Motherhood, THRIVE in Motherhood!

“Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves.” ~ Charles Stanley

As a new mother, I didn’t want to just survive; I wanted to THRIVE. Here are some things that helped me, and I hope they help you too!

Invite others into your home

In my first few weeks into motherhood, I reached out to some other new moms and invited them to my house for coffee and a breakfast casserole. We ate, laughed, shared stories and got to know each other. Another mom hosted the next month, another mom after that and ten years later, we are still friends.

Put “me-time” on the calendar

My husband was so kind. He could see I was tired and needed a break, so he told me to carve out time each month for some “Me Time.” I would just go to a coffee shop, slowly drink a cup of hot coffee, read and write, think and pray. It was amazing!

Join a group

Whether it’s a play group, a MOPs group, or a Bible study at your church – joining something that will REFRESH and inspire you to be a better mother.

Join a Gym

If it’s in your budget, this will be a life-saver! When I was a new mom without room to think or breath or shower – I loved dropping my kids off at the gym’s child care so that I could get a chance to work out and actually get a shower! I met new friends and even took a few minutes to read!

You be you

Don’t compare yourself to other moms. What you choose is your way – not the only way. I had so many ideas of what was the right way or wrong way before I had kids – and even after I had only one child. But I’ve learned that what works with one, may not work with another. Don’t judge other moms and don’t feel bad when you do things differently. Do what works for your family and for your child.

Get up before your kids

I know this is HARD when you are not getting much sleep, but get up a few minutes earlier than your kids. Having time to read and pray before your kids wake up will make a big difference in your day! My kids are EARLY risers (6 am) …but I set my alarm for 5:30 or 5:45, just to have a few quiet moments before they wake up. Having a morning ritual is important for your spirit, mind and body.

Spirit: Pray, read scripture, complete a day from my favorite Bible Study.

Mind: I write down 3-4 things I want to get done that day

Body: Do about a minute of exercise – push-ups, 1-minute plank, etc. I try to make time for more exercise later in the day.

When my kids get up extra early (before 6 am), they sit with me while I read and pray.  When I’ve had a rough night (the kids are sick or not sleeping well, or when I am sick, etc.), this morning routine gets skipped. However, as often as possible, I wake up before my kids to set our day on the right course!

Enjoy the little things

Those beautiful eyes that are staring back at you, the soft hair, the sunshine, a healthy baby, a good nap (for the kids, if not for you). There is ALWAYS something to enjoy and to be GRATEFUL for! A great book to read when you’ve got littles at home is Loving the Little Years. It was written by a mom in the midst of the “little years!” It’s very practical and encouraging.

Finally, never stop being grateful because:

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ~ Melody Beattie

What helps you THRIVE in motherhood? Leave a comment!

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