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Things to do in Minnesota

11 In Minnesota/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Things to do in Minnesota

How to Not HATE Winter!


I’ve hated winter my entire life.

In fact, I’ve never fully enjoyed FALL because I knew that winter was lingering just around the corner.

The day after I graduated high school – my first day of ‘freedom’ – I moved from my home state of Indiana to Florida to avoid winter. I spent five glorious years there – THAWING OUT. I also earned my bachelor’s degree…but mostly just enjoyed the warmth and sunshine.

After college…life kept moving me north…and further north.

When my husband and I talked about moving to Minnesota, I’m not sure if I cried or laughed when I discovered that moving to Minneapolis is NORTH OF Toronto, CANADA! Okay, I cried. I literally cried.


I didn’t know anything about Minnesota except that it was cold – really, really cold. Have a mentioned that I hate the cold?

However, I finally decided that I will NO longer live in survival mode. I simply got tired of hating winter – when that’s a big chunk of my life now. I’ve actually learned to not hate winter.

To help with this mindset shift, I did lots of reading, some research, and asked so many people how to not only survive winter, but thrive through winter.

It is possible to not hate winter!!

Winter can actually be…dare I say it…DELIGHTFUL!?!?!

So …

HOW do you ENJOY winter? Even a really COLD, really LONG winter?

Here is what I’ve learned:



I realized that I hated being COLD more than I hated winter. If I wear the right things…I can begin to ENJOY winter!

My sister gave me a fur-lined trapper hat and it is heavenly. Thank you Krista!



I went shopping on Amazon and bought a hat for every person in my home. We LOVE them!



It was in Kindergarten that I was taught to wear a hat on cold days, and all these years later…I finally learned that my kindergarten teacher was right.

Even the ornaments know how to dress to be warm in winter.




Go sledding, skiing, ice skating! Make snowmen, snow angels, and snow slushies!

Learn how to do things that you can only enjoy in winter.

When your kids ask to go sledding, say YES and then JOIN THEM. You won’t believe how much fun you’ll have. I know, it takes lots of effort to get everyone bundled up, but it’s worth it! You will feel like a kid again – laughing and enjoying every second. Sledding down and then climbing back up those hills is great exercise and invigorating.


Ice skating and snow skiing are fun winter sports.



Even taking a walk on a cold winter day can be amazing. Just after it snows, put a child on a sled and go for a walk – it’s good for you and great fun for them!


Bonus tip – There are things you DON’T have to do in the winter – yard work! No weeding, no trimming, no mowing!



When the snow falls…everything is pristine and beautiful. The leaves are off the trees and you can explore areas you’ve never seen before.

Winter is not something you need to dread. It can be enjoyable, fun, and something you can actually look forward to!

So who’s with me? Who is going to stop hating winter and instead, find the joy in the season?



Click here to read this post: Minnesota (a.k.a. COLD WEATHER) Must Haves!

What you’ll need to wear to stay warm so that you can truly ENJOY winter!

And if you haven’t already, please consider subscribing!

Click here to find Winter/ Minnesota MUST HAVES!

0 In Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Peek into our Fall, Christmas, & New Year!

(This post was written just after the New Year and it never got posted…so here it is now!)

The weather outside is frightful, but my snowsuit is so delightful!

Oh how I love the (vintage) snow suit from my mother-in-law! It’s the ugliest, warmest, softest thing I’ve ever worn and I’m in love.  This thing makes playing in the snow with my kids not only bearable…but fun! Ya’ll need to find yourselves one of these!

Pass the Popcorn

I’ve probably been to the movie theater 5 times in the last decade. However, I now have four boys that will all sit through an entire full-length movie!! We’ve celebrated by spending three cold days this fall/winter viewing THREE different movies –  Small Foot, The Grinch, and Ralph Wrecks the Internet. All were cute movies but my favorite was Ralph Wrecks the Internet. Our local theater has $5 tickets on Tuesdays – and free popcorn!  What should we see next?

17 years and counting

Ted and I celebrated our Golden Anniversary – 17 years on November 17th!  Our tradition each year is to try a new restaurant we’ve never visited before. A friend watched our boys and made cookies with them while Ted and I went to dinner (Thank you Corey!)

California Dreamin’

Ted and I spent a long weekend in California. We got to rest, relax, read, eat good food, explore new places, connect with old friends and meet new friends. Thanks to my in-laws for watching our boys so we could get away! Early Christmas with Nana and Papa

How did Christmas come and go so quickly?

When I was a child, it seemed Christmas would NEVER come. Now that I’m an adult, it comes and goes WAY too quickly. Every Christmas with our boys is magical. I LOVE experiencing the season through their eyes. I was so sad that Christmas day came and went so quickly. However, the sadness ended quickly when my mom, step-dad, sister, brother-in-law, nieces and nephews all came for a visit!

My family visits Minnesota for the first time!

We loved having our Indiana family stay with us for a few days after Christams. We made the most of our time together – ice skating, sledding, cooking, eating, laughing, and playing/shopping at Mall of America. We also got to go on a double date (thanks Mom and Chris) and rang in the new year together!

Happy 2019 everyone! May this be your BEST YEAR YET!

1 In Family/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Saving money/ Things to do in Minnesota

Best Stocking Stuffer Ideas!

Here are some fun and inexpensive stocking stuffer ideas:

Place a small notepad inside each stocking with these pre-written questions:

  • What is one happy memory from this year?
  • What’s your favorite gift(s)?
  • What is something you learned this year?
  • What has God done in your life this year?
  • What are you looking forward to next year?

It will be fun to look back through the notebook and reflect on memories from Christmas past, while capturing memories of Christmas present.

After each person is done answering their questions, the notepads go back in the stockings and stay there until NEXT Christmas.

From Paul’s book in 2017, age 6

Second idea:

Go to the Dollar Store with your family and allow each person to pick out one thing for every person in the family. In my house, each person gets $7 – one dollar to spend on each of the 6 people, plus an extra dollar for tax.

Your kids will love getting to pick out a gift for each person in the family (as well as one item for themselves). This idea came from the Money Saving Mom

Do you have a good stocking stuffer idea? Leave me a comment by clicking on the little ‘comment’ box by the title of this post.

8 In Finding our place/ Moving/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

How to fit in as a Minnesota transplant

  1. If you like coffee, Caribou is the only option. Don’t say the S-word.

  2. Cheer for the Minnesota Vikings. Not that other team.

  3. Buy a cabin up north. Not somewhere in the south, where it’s warm. Up north.

  4. Embrace the “hotdish” as the fifth food group.

  5. Sign your children up to play ice hockey.  It will cost all of your money, most of your time, and a few of your teeth, but it’s worth it.

  6. Be Nice. Passive aggressive counts as nice.

  7. Soft drinks are called “pop.”

  8. If someone cuts you in line, you can kindly ask them not to “BUDGE.” Or be Minnesota nice, and allow them to go first.

  9. Encourage your ENTIRE family to move to Minnesota. Don’t leave anyone out – second cousins, third aunts…they all need to move here.

  10. Finally,  spend all weekends and holidays together…in your cabin…up north.

CLICK HERE to read my Minnesota Bucket list! Top 25 things I want to do here.

Another post you may enjoy: 8 ways to LOVE where you LIVE

2 In Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Peek into our week – Fall is Here!


There’s always a little dread in my heart when Fall arrives. It means I will soon be FUH-REEZING. But this fall I’m living in the moment, LOVING all the GORGEOUS fall colors and enjoying every sip of my pumpkin spice lattes!


Visit to Minneapolis

Our kids got their first trip to the Big City! Ted had to grab something from his office on  Saturday, so we all went along. The boys loved exploring the SKYWAYS. Have you heard about the Minneapolis Skyway system? It’s 13 MILES of enclosed walkways. You can live your entire life in Minneapolis and never have to go outside. There are coffee shops, nail salons, restaurants, grocery stores and pharmacies on along the Skyway!

We parked and walked from the Target Center where the Timberwolves play, past a donut shop, to Ted’s office. The boys begged for a donut and we promised them one after lunch. We ate lunch at an amazing place called Roti Modern Mediterranean.

On our way out, we walked past the donut shop again…and it was CLOSED! So, Ted found another place a couple of miles away that was still open – GLAM DOLL DONUTS. The donuts were GLAM! They looked delicious but were quite pricey and did NOT taste as amazing as they looked. But, it was fun to check this cute 50s style diner/donut shop!

Backyard Jackpot

Ted was playing in the backyard with the boys and George accidentally kicked his balls into this “nature preserve” space behind our house. He commented that it smelled SO good back there. Ted went to look at what he was talking about and discovered MINT! Lots and lots of MINT!

Computer CRASH

I purchased my Mac about 7 years ago and it’s been VERY well loved…by me AND our four sons. Last week I went to turn it on and the screen was completely black. I made an appt at Apple and hoped they could just push a button or charge me for a new light bulb. But know, they wanted about $600 to fix it. Sooo, I’m currently using Ted’s computer.

It was NO FUN losing my computer like that. They WILL be able to get all my stuff off the old computer (for $100)…but I need to get a new one first.

Birthday party

Our neighbor, Ellie, Clark and George all have birthdays close together so we did a joint party at Lifetime Gym. The kids all loved the Rock Climbing wall and group games.

Next up:

I’m going to a Women’s Conference this weekend where I’ll get see and hear from Lisa Bevere and BOB GOFF!! I’m so excited! I did try calling Bob but it went to his voicemail and his voice mailbox is fulll….so maybe I can meet him and talk to him in real life!

What have you been up to? Leave me a comment by clicking that tiny “comment box” beside the title!

1 In Raising boys/ Saving money/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

Best day to visit Mall of America (with kids) is ….


Tuesday is the BEST day to visit Nickelodeon Universe at Mall of America.

First of all, no crowds (except in December).

Second – Toddler Tuesday

This name is deceiving. It’s not just for “Toddlers” … it’s open for anyone!

Nearly every Tuesday throughout the year, there is a special performance or activity for children in the Rotunda. There are also discounts on food and entertainment. Click here for the schedule of events.

I took my boys (ages 11, 9, 6, and 4) to Nickelodeon Universe on a Tuesday and they all got the special wristbands that cost $14.99 each, which includes unlimited use of 16 rides for 5 hours! Plus, parents with little ones can ride along for free! I got to be a “chaperone” for my four year old on nearly every ride.

Here are some pictures and information on what’s included with this wristband:

1. Pineapple Popper (Jumpy Castle)…all four of my boys LOVED it! It was in their top five favorite attractions. BRING SOCKS! You must be wearing socks or you CAN NOT jump!

Pineapple Popper – Super fun for all four boys!

2-3. Crazy Cars and Rugrats Reptarmobiles: We ALL loved the bumper cars! There are two different “bumper car” rides. The Crazy Cars are larger “two-person” bumper cars that are faster and more fun for the bigger kids – and adults! (Adults ride free on the large bumper cars if you have little ones). The Rugrats Reptarmobiles are smaller, slower, one person bumper cars. Luke preferred the small one because he could drive! My boys all rode both of these rides over and over.

Luke's favorite ride!

4. Back at the Barnyard Hayride – A small roller coaster that’s moves pretty fast around the track and just has a “little” drop – everyone enjoyed this!

5. Swiper’s Sweepers – My boys called this the “cars that drift” and thought the ride was awesome – they wanted to ride it over and over!

6. Diego’s Rescue Rider – fun for the kids

7. Big rigs – Semi trucks that go around the track. Luke liked this the most because he thought he was really driving!

8. Train (aka: La Aventura De Azul) – All four of my boys rode this, but Luke was the only one who liked it – because #tooslow.

9. Ghost Blaster – I’m not a fan of ‘ghost’ anything, but my 9 and 11-year-old LOVED shooting the “bad guys” (ghosts). This was their favorite ride because they got to use guns and earn points for each thing they shot. I wish they’d switch this up to something less creepy because it did make my little guys a little scared. Legoland in the Chicago suburbs has a similar ride called “Kingdom Quest” where you are challenged to shoot the ‘non-creepy’ lego villians in order to save the princess . The one at LegoLand is better, but they both have the same concept – and are super fun for those 6 and up. I even had fun shooting!

10. Ferris Wheel (aka: el Circulo de Cielo) – We all enjoyed this. It’s fun to see the mall from the top of the Ferris Wheel. You get great view!

11. Carousel/Merry-go-round – Classic ride. Only my little guys wanted to ride this.

12. Rock bottom Plunge – Mixed reviews from my 3 oldest. I think they are still a little young to enjoy this! However, I’m a grown adult and don’t like the dropping rides!

Paul’s face … I’m not sure he’s liking it!

Paul smiling at the end!

13. Blue’s Skidoo – Simple kids ride that goes around and up and down. Fun for the younger kiddos!

14. Adventure Bay Playground – this is not a ride, but an open play area similar to what you find for free at many malls. My four year old enjoyed this play area.

15. Bubble Guppy Bubbler – My kids LOVED this ride but I hated it. Next time, I’ll let them ride alone. The ride goes up and has spins and I got so sick that I almost threw up. Don’t ride it if (or your children) don’t like spinning, get nauseous easily, just after eating, or you have a weak stomach.

16. Wonder Pets FlyBoat – This ride lifts you 20 feet, then bounces you up and down until you make a soft landing. My kids enjoyed this one. It’s much more kid-friendly than the ‘rock bottom plunge.’

Overall, the wristband was well worth the cost. We all had SO MUCH FUN!

Here are other things to look for:

  • Special performances for kids! Every Tuesday, there is some sort of “show” and activities for kids in the Mall’s Rotunda.
  • The characters are out to say ‘Hi,’ pose for pictures and give high-fives!

  • Home Plate! Did you know that before Mall of America, there was a baseball field on this property? Mall of America is built on the site of the former Metropolitan Stadium. Try to find HOME PLATE somewhere in Nickelodeon Universe. Clark found it!


  • The Mall of America coupon book – This can be found at any Information Counter in the mall.  The book is similar to an “Entertainment Book” and filled with valuable coupons for the Mall – including shops, food and attractions!

Includes more than 200 coupons for the mall!

Use this coupon and the coupon book will only cost $4.95!

  • Parking: Parking is FREE and each parking lot section has a different name. Take a picture of where you park, as well as the first store you see when you walk into the mall. After shopping for several hours, it’s easy to forget which door you came into and what lot your car is in!

Click here to read my FLYOVER AMERICA review!

Click here to read my Minnesota Bucket List! 

Click here to read my review of the Crayola Experience!

Have you been to Mall of America? Leave a comment with what you like about it!

5 In Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Our visit to Minnehaha Falls and the Minnesota State Fair

Minnehaha Falls!

We ticked an item off our Minnesota bucket list with a visit to Minnehaha falls. You can park pretty close to the Falls and hike as much or as little as you want to. The stairs are steep and rugged…but besides that, this area is fun for all ages. The waterfall is BEAUTIFUL but my favorite part was a huge open swimming area! We didn’t bring towels or suits…so we did not “swim” but we did play in the water for a little while.  Minnehaha Falls reminded me of Colorado, with the interesting trails and rocks to climb.

We also found an abandoned railroad track and a ‘secret garden’ across the street from the Falls.

Minnesota State Fair

We also visited the Minnesota State Fair. Minnesotans truly love their fair. As I asked locals what should go on my Minnesota Bucket List, many people recommended the Fair. I decided to check it out and see for myself if it lives up to the notoriety. Here are my thoughts …


  • Really Good food! I tried the elote corn and a frozen mojito-like drink. Both were amazing. I wanted to get the fried pickles but it was in a crowded area and since my kids were tired … I decided I’d pass. We were happy to find a stand that had icees for $1! Score for my wallet!

  • Time with friends! We met some friends at the fair and enjoyed being with them – eating, exploring and catching up.
  • The Fair Map: Don’t forget to ask for a map when you get to the ticket booth. Since this was my first time at the fair, I had NO IDEA where to go or what to do. The map was very helpful!
  • Dairy Barn – Look for the butter carving and try the ice cream! Delicious!!!
  • Random entertainment: You may see a parade, street entertainers, a butter carving, or even a live birth – who knows what will happen at the fair!

We watched a parade and fun street performer!

  • SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO!!! There are hundreds of booths, barns, and exhibits to explore. Our favorite was the “Miracle of Birth” center. It was filled with adorable baby animals. We watched chicks pecking their way out of their eggs!


  • Parking: Crazy and expensive! We waited in a line that was over two miles to get into the parking lot (cost: $14). Others recommend taking the shuttle (cost $5 per person); or parking in the nearby neighborhoods to avoid some of the traffic going in and out (cost $20).
  • Crowds: I went on a Wednesday, so it wasn’t even the busiest day, but there were parts of the fair that were just a sea of people. Thankfully, I only took two of my boys. It’s hard to just ”relax and have fun” in the scene pictured below:

The Wednesday crowd

  • LOTS of walking: If you have kids – bring a stroller or a wagon, or plan on giving some piggyback rides. My eight year old did fine, my 6-year-old did a lot of complaining that his feet hurt.
  • The cost: You can easily drop $100 without even knowing where your money went. BRING LOTS OF CASH!!! Most places are CASH ONLY!
    • Entrance fee: $10-15 per person
    • Parking: $14 minimum
    • Ear of corn: $7
    • Rides: $5 per person, per ride
    • Drinks: $5 and up

I told the boys we may wait a couple years before I’ve worked up enough energy (and saved up enough money!) to go back with them.

If you love the fair, tell me what you love about it!

River Valley Church

One morning, I walked into Caribou Coffee and saw some ladies chatting. They had their Bibles with them and were leaving at the same time as me, so I asked them if they belonged to a local church. They said they all went to River Valley Church and invited me to come! This is the church that had been recommended to us before we moved here, and a place I had already planned to visit. One of the ladies I met used to live in Colorado Springs and we discovered we had mutual friends (thanks to Facebook)!

We visited the church and the kids LOVED it! They come home with little study guides, asking if I could read the Bible with them. They are counting down the days until we go back.

13 In Free stuff/ Minnesota/ Things to do in Minnesota

My Top 25 Minnesota Bucket List

Something special about moving to a new state is discovering the things that make that place UNIQUE – the things you can ONLY DO in that state.

I enjoyed discovering the best things to do in Colorado Springs and created a top ten list here, and now I’ve created one for Minnesota. It’s been fun talking to locals, looking on Pinterest, and exploring the “only in your state” website.  I’m excited about all the things we will get to see and do here in the land of 10,000 lakes!



1.Hike Minnehaha Falls

I checked this off my bucket list soon after arriving in Minnesota – we LOVED it! Click here to read that post and see pictures.


2. Spend time in St. Paul – Drive down Summit Avenue to see the historic mansions, stop and visit the Cathedral, tour the Minnesota State Capitol Building, then eat a Jucy Lucy at Matt’s


3. Eat Breakfast at Hope Kitchen, then visit the Minnesota History Center

Hope Breakfast Bar is inside a beautiful old fire station and is a restaurant that invests back into their community. The History Center is close by and is a fantastic ‘hands-on’ museum where you will learn more about Minnesota.


4. Visit Walker Sculpture Garden


5. Stop by Cafe Ceres for a latte, then take a walk around Lake Harriet

We visit here over and over and it never disappoints! The lake is pretty, but the historic homes surrounding the lake are even prettier.

There is a 3-mile paved path around the lake for bikes, walking or running. You can also fish or play at a small beach. There are concerts at the Pavilion and a food stand too.

Visit the Roberts Bird Sanctuary or pack a picnic/get takeout and have lunch/dinner at the Beard’s Plaisance park!


6. Ride the roller coaster at Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America

Click here to read about our visit and the BEST DAY to go!


7. Visit Como park zoo and conservatory

Take the kids to Como Park across the street for a picnic and to play.  Click here to read about it.

Como Zoo and Conservatory

Como Park


8. Walk across the Mississippi River headwaters in Itasca State Park


9. Visit the Minnesota Zoo


10. Visit the Science Museum of Minnesota

Our family of 6 visited the Science Museum and loved it. I can’t wait to go back!


11. Attend a Minnesota Vikings Game

My husband and son went to a game last season and had a great time. I hope to go soon too.

As a family, we went to see the Vikings practice. Click here to read about that.


12. Explore the Mill City Museum

Click here to read about our visit and what we thought about Mill City Museum

The Remains of the inside of the General Mills Factory


13. Minnesota Children’s Museum in St Paul

All four of my boys loved it and want to go again!


14. See the Northern Lights.

Get as far north and away from lights as possible and wait for midnight, when they tend to shine brightest.

Northern lights


15. Walk across a frozen lake

A frozen lake covered in snow is like a GIANT art canvas! My kids made paths and snow fort. They also shoveled a section for an ice rink.


16. Visit historic Minnesota towns like Stillwater and Red Wing


17. Go Ice Fishing


18. Spend a weekend in Duluth, then drive along the shore to see Gooseberry Falls and/or Split Rock Lighthouse

We finally made a trip here and ABSOLUTELY loved it! Click here to read all the best things to do in Duluth. 

Love this place and these people


19. Canoe and/or Camp in the Boundary waters


20. Visit the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

This place is AMAZING! Click to read my post here.


21. Explore the Bakken museum inside an old Mansion

Click here for peek inside and our review of this museum.


22. Visit the American Swedish Institute (inside a different mansion!)

Click here for a peek into our visit to this magnificent mansion!

Turnblad mansion


23. Eat at all the best restaurants around the Twin Cities.

I’m especially excited about the restaurants on water!

Colita is one of the best restaurants in the Twin Cities


24. Go skiing and tubing at Buck Hill


25. Explore the beautiful parks around the Twin Cities:

– Lebonon Hills Regional Park

 – Eloise Butterfly Garden

Nine Mile Creek


I know this list is only the tip of the iceberg, but I had to start somewhere! PLEASE leave me a comment if there is something I need to do, see, eat or you know of a place I must go.

Have you been to one of these places and have something to say about it, please leave a comment.

If you’d like to read a few tips about fitting in as a Minnesota transplant, click here.

Click here to read the 20 gifts Minnesota Give the world, CLICK HERE.