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I recently read the book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus and was deeply impacted by the way Muslim parents instill their faith into their children.
- Muslim mothers begin reading from the Quran each and every day, out loud, to their children from the time they are born.
- Often the FIRST book their children read is the Quran.
- Children memorize large portions of the Quran.
- Muslim families are a part of a strong Islamic community.
Their Islamic beliefs are often so engrained that they do not even QUESTION whether their faith is based on truth. Instead, they carry on the same beliefs and traditions with their children – reading from, teaching, and memorizing the Quran from infancy to adulthood.
This book left me asking if I’m teaching my children about the Christian faith as passionately and faithfully as Muslim parents.
As I read further into the book, the author (Nabeel Qureshi) shares how he became best friends with a guy in college who was a Christian. The two of them had a mutual respect because of their strong faith in God. As they grew in their friendship, they began to challenge each other’s faith.
As Nabeel did research to defend his Islamic faith, he began to realize that he COULD NOT defend it. The more he studied, the more he realized that there was no truth behind his Islamic faith.
After lots of research, and even a prayer for the one true God to reveal Himself, Nabeel chooses to become a Christ Follower!
This book challenged me as a mother to teach my kids the WHY behind WHAT we believe.
We have a defendable faith.
Our Christian faith is based on a solid foundation of historical truth.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus made me decide to read:

Talking with your kids about God, written by Natasha Crain.
The author covers the evidence for the existence of God, how science confirms the God of the Bible, the nature of God (love, and justice), how Christianity is different from other religions, and how all these things apply to us and the world around us.
If you want to talk to your children about why Christianity is true, or you just need to solidify your own worldview, I highly recommend this book!
I want to read this author’s other book, Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith, next!
Click here to check out her awesome blog – Christian Mom Thoughts.
I’m giving away my copy of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. If you’d like to win this book – just share this post on Facebook!
The contest runs until November 25th, 2019.
WINNER – Lisa E. – Congratulations Lisa!
I’ve written a post with some simple tips for teaching your kids about God. Click here to read!
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