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9 In Family/ Inspiration/ Minnesota/ Raising boys

My Interview with a Bully


One of my sons was getting bullied by another boy on his bus. It was happening regularly until our son told me and my husband. We didn’t know anything about the kid, but I did get his name from my son and emailed the principal to let her know what was happening. We also asked our son to talk to the bus driver.

Soon after, I was volunteering at my son’s school.

My role that day was to interview students for an upcoming field trip to BizTown. BizTown is a place run by Junior Achievement where the kids spend a day working a job, earning money, buying their own lunch – basically acting like a grown up! The kids are excited about it, but they have to first go through an INTERVIEW process to determine if they are “qualified” for the job they are applying for at BizTown.

I looked at the list of the children I was assigned to interview, and I recognized the first name – it’s the kid who bullied my son. I could not wait to see this kid.

As he struts in to the conference room, the first thing I notice is that he’s probably the biggest, toughest looking kid in school.

I reach out my hand and introduce myself. He hears my name and realizes that I’m the mom of the kid he’s been teasing. He gives me a soft hand shake and responds with a quiet, “Nice to meet you.” 

Mama Bear thoughts roll through my head like, “I’m going to make this interview SO HARD for him.” And “I want to ask him why he thinks it’s okay to bully smaller kids.”

But in my heart, I know that hurt people, hurt people. I want to find out what’s happening in his world that’s causing his pain.

I see on his “application” that he wants to work for a specific company and I ask him why. He lets me know its because his mom works for that company.

“What does your mom do there?” I ask.

“Well, I’m not really sure because she has a new job. Her boss was mean to her at her old job.” 

“That’s hard,” I respond empathetically. “Have you ever had someone be mean to you?” 

“Yeah….” he says slowly and stops for a moment.

Tears fill his eyes as he says: “Kids say things that hit me where it hurts.”

And then tears start rolling down his cheeks.

Here is the biggest, toughest kid in school crying.

My heart immediately breaks for him. I find some tissues and tell him that I’m sorry that is happening to him. I ask if he has anyone to talk to about this.  (I’m supposed to keep this interview to 5 minutes and I’ve only asked the first question. I have many more questions to ask and a line of other students sitting in the hallway outside the door, waiting.) 

Yeah,” he replies, “I have people to talk to because my dad died a year ago and so I have a counselor and we talk about stuff.”

‘Wait, WHAT!? Your DAD died?!’ I think to myself… Oh my goodness! This young kid has been through so much.

Again, I tell him that I’m so sorry. I wish we didn’t have to go on with the interview but I use it as time to really get to know him. I find out that:

  • He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.
  • He’s a ‘latch-key’ kid. He gets off the bus and goes home and hangs out by himself until his mom gets home from work.
  • He just got a cell phone and loves talking to people on the phone.

“Well,” I replied, “if you wanted to share your number with my son, we could keep in touch with you. You are welcome to walk over to our home whenever you’d like to hang out with our family.” (I know the street he lives on is close to ours because my son pointed out where he gets on the bus.)

His face lights up with a smile, “I’d like that!”

We end the interview on a good note and he leaves smiling.

When my son got home that afternoon he says, “The weirdest thing happened on the bus today. You remember that kid who was always mean to me? Today he asked if we could sit together and he gave me his number.”

“Wow, that’s awesome!” I respond…. “Let’s call and invite him over.”

What started with bullying and then a 5-minute interview,  has led to a friendship.

I realized that I would not have gotten to really know this kid if he hadn’t been a bully to my son.

Our pain revealed another person’s pain.

Our hurts make us more sensitive to other people’s hurt!

If you have a child who’s being bullied, don’t hesitate to let someone know. First, commend your child for telling you, then get a teacher, bus driver or principal involved. And WHENEVER possible, try to get to know the BULLY, there’s probably something missing in his life and perhaps YOU can help!


Update: This happened several years ago, and the relationship has changed 180 degrees. Since that ‘interview,’ our family has gotten to know this child and his mom. My husband and sons have played lots of football and basketball games with him at the park. He gets the biggest smile whenever he sees me or anyone in our family. One conversation changed the trajectory of the relationship and I’m so grateful.


Click here to read some ways to react and respond to a bully.

6 In Minnesota/ Review/ Things to do in Minnesota

Minnesota Must-Haves

My last post included some suggestions to keep you smilin’ all winter. Here are the things to buy to keep you warm all winter!

1. Hand and foot warmers

If you are going to be outside for more than 30 minutes, hand and foot warmers are amazing! You stick them in your gloves or boots and they keep you warm for hours.

2. Waterproof Boots made specifically for polar temps

I’ve had Croc snow boots for 5 years and they’ve been great…until I moved to Minnesota. The bitter cold soaked right in. I knew I needed to upgrade. I asked around and people recommend Sorel, Land’s End, or Columbia boots. I tried on 6 different types of Sorels, and they are WARM, but not comfortable on my feet. I purchased the Columbia boots pictured above because they are super warm AND comfortable.

3. Cozy cabin and/or Smart Wool socks

Good socks are vitally imporant! My two favorites are Cozy Cabin and Smart wool – both are soft and warm.

4. Moisture wicking Base Layer/Long underwear

Layers help keep me warm in frigid temps.

5. A fur-lined trapper hat

This hat was a game changer for me. Keeping my head warm makes winter bearable. The Yukon Tracks Alaskan Taslan Fur Hat is what my boys wear. Size Large fits me (pictured above) and my older boys. Size medium fits my 4 and 7 year old sons. They are less than $30 and worth every penny.

I can’t tell you how important it is to keep your head warm. It makes all the difference.


6. A high quality coat

I’ve had this North Face coat for more than 5 years and I absolutely love it. I probably wear it nine months out of every year – and even a few nights in the summer. It’s super light-weight, soft and warm.

One of the best things about the coat is how I received it…

I got this coat on my HUSBAND’S BIRTHDAY…as a gift FROM him to ME! Ted knows about much I don’t like to be cold and wanted me to have a really good, really warm coat. He decided that instead of receiving any gifts for himself one year, he would get me this coat. Isn’t that amazing?


7. Scarf/face mask

Beards are a must have for men in the winter, but since that’s not an option for me, I like this neck/face wrap! 


8. Vitamin D multi-vitamin

The days are short and the nights are long…so you may benefit from a Vitamin D boost during the winter!


9. Indoor games

I LOVE that my boys are old enough to play real games. I can still do simple games with Luke (like memory). But Paul, Clark and George can play so many more. We like Guess Who, Uno, Skipbo, Pie Face (Luke plays this one too), Rummikub, Monopoly, and Chess.


10. Outdoor gear

Ice skates, sled, snowshoes – You’ve got to have some items to ENJOY the winter. It might be as simple as purchasing a $5 sled the next time your at the grocery store, or perhaps you invest in ice skates, skis or snowshoes. I found used skates for my boys on the Facebook marketplace and Play It Again Sports. I’d love to own some snow shoes — especially now that the snow is 2-3 feet high.


11. Warm Gloves

You basically need every square inch of your skin covered if you are going to thrive in a Minnesota winter. It’s not easy, or cheap, but it’s worth it! Be sure to have WATER Proof gloves, bonus if they’re rated for 20 below!

Because winter is starting to wind down, now is the time to look for winter gear for next year! Everything you need should be on sale right now!

What do YOU consider a Minnesota Must have? Leave a comment!

If you are interested in reading about how I learned to NOT HATE WINTER, CLICK HERE!

Some of my suggestions are affiliate links.

11 In Minnesota/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Things to do in Minnesota

How to Not HATE Winter!


I’ve hated winter my entire life.

In fact, I’ve never fully enjoyed FALL because I knew that winter was lingering just around the corner.

The day after I graduated high school – my first day of ‘freedom’ – I moved from my home state of Indiana to Florida to avoid winter. I spent five glorious years there – THAWING OUT. I also earned my bachelor’s degree…but mostly just enjoyed the warmth and sunshine.

After college…life kept moving me north…and further north.

When my husband and I talked about moving to Minnesota, I’m not sure if I cried or laughed when I discovered that moving to Minneapolis is NORTH OF Toronto, CANADA! Okay, I cried. I literally cried.


I didn’t know anything about Minnesota except that it was cold – really, really cold. Have a mentioned that I hate the cold?

However, I finally decided that I will NO longer live in survival mode. I simply got tired of hating winter – when that’s a big chunk of my life now. I’ve actually learned to not hate winter.

To help with this mindset shift, I did lots of reading, some research, and asked so many people how to not only survive winter, but thrive through winter.

It is possible to not hate winter!!

Winter can actually be…dare I say it…DELIGHTFUL!?!?!

So …

HOW do you ENJOY winter? Even a really COLD, really LONG winter?

Here is what I’ve learned:



I realized that I hated being COLD more than I hated winter. If I wear the right things…I can begin to ENJOY winter!

My sister gave me a fur-lined trapper hat and it is heavenly. Thank you Krista!



I went shopping on Amazon and bought a hat for every person in my home. We LOVE them!



It was in Kindergarten that I was taught to wear a hat on cold days, and all these years later…I finally learned that my kindergarten teacher was right.

Even the ornaments know how to dress to be warm in winter.




Go sledding, skiing, ice skating! Make snowmen, snow angels, and snow slushies!

Learn how to do things that you can only enjoy in winter.

When your kids ask to go sledding, say YES and then JOIN THEM. You won’t believe how much fun you’ll have. I know, it takes lots of effort to get everyone bundled up, but it’s worth it! You will feel like a kid again – laughing and enjoying every second. Sledding down and then climbing back up those hills is great exercise and invigorating.


Ice skating and snow skiing are fun winter sports.



Even taking a walk on a cold winter day can be amazing. Just after it snows, put a child on a sled and go for a walk – it’s good for you and great fun for them!


Bonus tip – There are things you DON’T have to do in the winter – yard work! No weeding, no trimming, no mowing!



When the snow falls…everything is pristine and beautiful. The leaves are off the trees and you can explore areas you’ve never seen before.

Winter is not something you need to dread. It can be enjoyable, fun, and something you can actually look forward to!

So who’s with me? Who is going to stop hating winter and instead, find the joy in the season?



Click here to read this post: Minnesota (a.k.a. COLD WEATHER) Must Haves!

What you’ll need to wear to stay warm so that you can truly ENJOY winter!

And if you haven’t already, please consider subscribing!

Click here to find Winter/ Minnesota MUST HAVES!

0 In Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Peek into our Fall, Christmas, & New Year!

(This post was written just after the New Year and it never got posted…so here it is now!)

The weather outside is frightful, but my snowsuit is so delightful!

Oh how I love the (vintage) snow suit from my mother-in-law! It’s the ugliest, warmest, softest thing I’ve ever worn and I’m in love.  This thing makes playing in the snow with my kids not only bearable…but fun! Ya’ll need to find yourselves one of these!

Pass the Popcorn

I’ve probably been to the movie theater 5 times in the last decade. However, I now have four boys that will all sit through an entire full-length movie!! We’ve celebrated by spending three cold days this fall/winter viewing THREE different movies –  Small Foot, The Grinch, and Ralph Wrecks the Internet. All were cute movies but my favorite was Ralph Wrecks the Internet. Our local theater has $5 tickets on Tuesdays – and free popcorn!  What should we see next?

17 years and counting

Ted and I celebrated our Golden Anniversary – 17 years on November 17th!  Our tradition each year is to try a new restaurant we’ve never visited before. A friend watched our boys and made cookies with them while Ted and I went to dinner (Thank you Corey!)

California Dreamin’

Ted and I spent a long weekend in California. We got to rest, relax, read, eat good food, explore new places, connect with old friends and meet new friends. Thanks to my in-laws for watching our boys so we could get away! Early Christmas with Nana and Papa

How did Christmas come and go so quickly?

When I was a child, it seemed Christmas would NEVER come. Now that I’m an adult, it comes and goes WAY too quickly. Every Christmas with our boys is magical. I LOVE experiencing the season through their eyes. I was so sad that Christmas day came and went so quickly. However, the sadness ended quickly when my mom, step-dad, sister, brother-in-law, nieces and nephews all came for a visit!

My family visits Minnesota for the first time!

We loved having our Indiana family stay with us for a few days after Christams. We made the most of our time together – ice skating, sledding, cooking, eating, laughing, and playing/shopping at Mall of America. We also got to go on a double date (thanks Mom and Chris) and rang in the new year together!

Happy 2019 everyone! May this be your BEST YEAR YET!

2 In Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Peek into our week – Fall is Here!


There’s always a little dread in my heart when Fall arrives. It means I will soon be FUH-REEZING. But this fall I’m living in the moment, LOVING all the GORGEOUS fall colors and enjoying every sip of my pumpkin spice lattes!


Visit to Minneapolis

Our kids got their first trip to the Big City! Ted had to grab something from his office on  Saturday, so we all went along. The boys loved exploring the SKYWAYS. Have you heard about the Minneapolis Skyway system? It’s 13 MILES of enclosed walkways. You can live your entire life in Minneapolis and never have to go outside. There are coffee shops, nail salons, restaurants, grocery stores and pharmacies on along the Skyway!

We parked and walked from the Target Center where the Timberwolves play, past a donut shop, to Ted’s office. The boys begged for a donut and we promised them one after lunch. We ate lunch at an amazing place called Roti Modern Mediterranean.

On our way out, we walked past the donut shop again…and it was CLOSED! So, Ted found another place a couple of miles away that was still open – GLAM DOLL DONUTS. The donuts were GLAM! They looked delicious but were quite pricey and did NOT taste as amazing as they looked. But, it was fun to check this cute 50s style diner/donut shop!

Backyard Jackpot

Ted was playing in the backyard with the boys and George accidentally kicked his balls into this “nature preserve” space behind our house. He commented that it smelled SO good back there. Ted went to look at what he was talking about and discovered MINT! Lots and lots of MINT!

Computer CRASH

I purchased my Mac about 7 years ago and it’s been VERY well loved…by me AND our four sons. Last week I went to turn it on and the screen was completely black. I made an appt at Apple and hoped they could just push a button or charge me for a new light bulb. But know, they wanted about $600 to fix it. Sooo, I’m currently using Ted’s computer.

It was NO FUN losing my computer like that. They WILL be able to get all my stuff off the old computer (for $100)…but I need to get a new one first.

Birthday party

Our neighbor, Ellie, Clark and George all have birthdays close together so we did a joint party at Lifetime Gym. The kids all loved the Rock Climbing wall and group games.

Next up:

I’m going to a Women’s Conference this weekend where I’ll get see and hear from Lisa Bevere and BOB GOFF!! I’m so excited! I did try calling Bob but it went to his voicemail and his voice mailbox is fulll….so maybe I can meet him and talk to him in real life!

What have you been up to? Leave me a comment by clicking that tiny “comment box” beside the title!

2 In Family/ Marriage/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

Peek into our week(s) – Back to school


First day of school!

The boys started 5th grade, 3rd grade, 1st grade, and preschool! They weren’t looking forward to going back (who wants summer to end?), but they are doing great! They have good teachers and are meeting new friends. Luke loves his new preschool. It’s only 2.5 hours, 3 mornings a week…so it goes by REALLY fast (for both of us!)


Weekend on the lake:

Some friends invited us to join them at their cabin on a lake in Wisconsin and I was surprised at how relaxing and soul-filling it was to get away for a couple of days. I got a glimpse of why so many locals have “cabins on the lake!” It was Clark’s 9th birthday. He and his brothers fished, swam, went tubing, and made s’mores by the fire, and ended the night with sparklers!

My favorite part was watching the sunset on the lake…it was one of the prettiest things I’ve seen in a long time! I was surprised at how much Paul loved it too. The sunset lit up the lake with vibrant color and Paul exclaimed, “Mom! Do you see this? It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!! The lake is orange!”

Then, at night, George and I went back to the dock and stared up at the sky. There were more stars than he had ever seen in his life. He thought it was AMAZING! (So did I!) We could even see the milky way!!!

Time with my dad (aka Poppy) at Mall of America:

My dad came in for a short visit. We had dinner together on Monday night, then went to Mall of America on Tuesday. Tuesday is the BEST day to go…I’ll tell you why in a future post! He celebrated his grandson’s birthdays with rides and lunch…then we took him to the airport.

George’s birthday:

Somehow, our oldest son is now 11! He didn’t want a cake but asked for DONUTS and Portillo’s or Chipotle. Well, he got all of that.

A new Chipotle just opened in our town last weekend and it’s been crazy busy. I told George we could try to go on his birthday, but it may be too busy. We show up (on a Friday night at 6) and there is only one person in line ahead of us! George looks at me and says, “Mom, God answered my prayer. I asked him to make the line short so we could have dinner here and he answered my prayer!!” As soon as we ordered, the line was OUT THE DOOR and didn’t stop the entire time we were there!

Sunday Ted took him out for some father/son time at his other favorite restaurant – Portillo’s.

He also got a new Lego set that he’d been wanting for a long time. I thought it would take him a month to put together, but he finished in two days. He’ll gladly tell you all about it if you ask him.

Date Night:

Ted and I got to sneak away for a couple of hours and have dinner at Maynard’s on Lake Minnetonka! It was a perfect night to sit outside by the lake, eating, chatting and watching the boats.

That’s what we’ve been up to! What’s your week been like? Leave me a comment!

4 In Minnesota/ Motherhood

LICE – Everything you need to know…and how to PREVENT it!

Recently I got something I never wanted. Something I’ve, somehow, avoided my entire life.


Yes ….lice. Ew. Yuck. Ugh. Awful. (Insert all the bad words here)

If you just want to unsubscribe right now and never be friends, I get it. I wanted to unfriend myself when I discovered I had a community of bugs building a homestead on my scalp.

September is the time when lice spreads the fastest. Kids start school without even realizing they have lice – and share it with the class before they get treated. Kid’s put their heads, their jackets and backpacks right next to each other, and lice spreads.

I’d assumed that we’d be fine. I have boys. Boys have short hair and aren’t sharing hair brushes and hair accessories. I was raised in a family with four sisters and if I could avoid it then, I could avoid it forever!

But no. I was wrong.

Here are some “Facts vs. Fiction” about head lice:

Fiction: Boys with short hair don’t get lice.

Fact: Unless you are bald, you can get lice.

Fiction: You start itching immediately after getting lice.

Fact: It may be more than a month before you realize you have lice. You’ve probably shared it by then.

Fiction: I have an allergic reaction, not lice. I thought I had an allergic reaction to hair products. My scalp itched all over, and I felt tiny little bumps on the back of my neck.

Fact: That’s what lice feels like – an allergic reaction. And they bite all over and leave tiny bumps.

Fiction: I can go to the walk-in clinic or a hairdresser for help.

Fact: The walk-in clinic and all hair dressers will ask you to leave … right away. (Keep reading for WHERE TO GO!)

Fiction: I can just use a special shampoo and they’ll all be gone.

Fact: I do keep lice removal shampoo on hand now, but you MUST have this special comb to remove ALL nits. The combs that come in the kits are useless! Combing out every nit is the key to getting rid of lice. The comb pictured here is something you should order and keep on hand:

Fiction: The term “nitpicking” comes from people who are picky.

Fact: The term “nitpicking” comes from tediously picking out little lice nits.

Fiction: Dirty people get lice.

Fact: Lice like clean hair.

Fiction: It will be easy to know if I have lice.

Fact: I couldn’t see anything in my hair. Nits look like a little speck of pepper and if you have dark hair or dark roots, they are camouflaged! I actually found a full-grown bug in my hair (almost threw up) googled what lice look like, and knew I was infected. This is a bug I found on my head, which meant I’d had it for a couple of weeks by this time.

Fiction: There is no way to prevent lice.

Fact: There are several things you can do to help prevent lice.

  1. Lice do not like mint.

I purchased little spray bottles and mint essential oil to make my own water/mint mixture (you can also buy it pre-made). Spray a little on your child’s hair and on their backpack before they leave for school or camp.

Mint Spray helps prevent lice


3 bottles for $1.97

Also, put a few drops of mint essential oil in any shampoo/conditioner that you use. (Or buy some shampoo that already contains mint.)

Lice prevention shampoo 

2. Tell your kids NOT to share hats, brushes, hair accessories and jackets/clothes.

3. Camp is where most kids get lice.

When going to overnight camp, you may have your kids wear a little cap to protect them. Comb their hair with the nit comb as soon as they get home!

4. Comb your child’s hair after their bath/shower every week with the nit comb to remove any nits.

Nit comb. No nits, no lice.


Fiction: Swimming or washing my hair will kill them or get them out.

Fact: Swimming and regular shampoo do not kill lice.  Lice create a sticky glue near your scalp that hold the little nits FIRMLY in place. Water and shampoo do not wash it out. It’s nearly impossible to get them out without a very sturdy steel comb (as seen above), or literally picking out each one, hair by hair (be a nit picker!).

Fiction: There’s no one who can help me with this.

Fact:  There are people who go to SCHOOL to learn how to remove lice! You can find a professional in most cities nationwide that will help you get rid of lice. I’m so grateful that I found a registered nurse who opened the Lice Studio to check for and remove lice.  If you are in the Minneapolis area, they can help you. If you are anywhere else, google “lice removal” plus the town/state where you are located.

Fiction: Lice live in carpet/beds/furniture for up to 30 days.

Fact: Lice that are not on the head die within 24 hours.

FACT: Typing this up is making my head itch. Is yours itching too?

If you do have lice here are some tips:

  • Use a sticky lint roller over fabric seats in the car and over car seats and couches to pick up any stray ‘nits.’
  • Put a sheet over fabric chairs and couches for 24 hours. Nits die in 24 hours.
  • Change sheets and pillowcases before bed. I changed their pillow sheet every night for 3 nights after treatment.
  • Put combs and brushes in the freezer overnight.
  • Re-comb hair every couple of nights for a week, then once week, then once a month.

That’s everything I know right now, but feel free to ask questions and I’ll try to find an answer!

5 In Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Our visit to Minnehaha Falls and the Minnesota State Fair

Minnehaha Falls!

We ticked an item off our Minnesota bucket list with a visit to Minnehaha falls. You can park pretty close to the Falls and hike as much or as little as you want to. The stairs are steep and rugged…but besides that, this area is fun for all ages. The waterfall is BEAUTIFUL but my favorite part was a huge open swimming area! We didn’t bring towels or suits…so we did not “swim” but we did play in the water for a little while.  Minnehaha Falls reminded me of Colorado, with the interesting trails and rocks to climb.

We also found an abandoned railroad track and a ‘secret garden’ across the street from the Falls.

Minnesota State Fair

We also visited the Minnesota State Fair. Minnesotans truly love their fair. As I asked locals what should go on my Minnesota Bucket List, many people recommended the Fair. I decided to check it out and see for myself if it lives up to the notoriety. Here are my thoughts …


  • Really Good food! I tried the elote corn and a frozen mojito-like drink. Both were amazing. I wanted to get the fried pickles but it was in a crowded area and since my kids were tired … I decided I’d pass. We were happy to find a stand that had icees for $1! Score for my wallet!

  • Time with friends! We met some friends at the fair and enjoyed being with them – eating, exploring and catching up.
  • The Fair Map: Don’t forget to ask for a map when you get to the ticket booth. Since this was my first time at the fair, I had NO IDEA where to go or what to do. The map was very helpful!
  • Dairy Barn – Look for the butter carving and try the ice cream! Delicious!!!
  • Random entertainment: You may see a parade, street entertainers, a butter carving, or even a live birth – who knows what will happen at the fair!

We watched a parade and fun street performer!

  • SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO!!! There are hundreds of booths, barns, and exhibits to explore. Our favorite was the “Miracle of Birth” center. It was filled with adorable baby animals. We watched chicks pecking their way out of their eggs!


  • Parking: Crazy and expensive! We waited in a line that was over two miles to get into the parking lot (cost: $14). Others recommend taking the shuttle (cost $5 per person); or parking in the nearby neighborhoods to avoid some of the traffic going in and out (cost $20).
  • Crowds: I went on a Wednesday, so it wasn’t even the busiest day, but there were parts of the fair that were just a sea of people. Thankfully, I only took two of my boys. It’s hard to just ”relax and have fun” in the scene pictured below:

The Wednesday crowd

  • LOTS of walking: If you have kids – bring a stroller or a wagon, or plan on giving some piggyback rides. My eight year old did fine, my 6-year-old did a lot of complaining that his feet hurt.
  • The cost: You can easily drop $100 without even knowing where your money went. BRING LOTS OF CASH!!! Most places are CASH ONLY!
    • Entrance fee: $10-15 per person
    • Parking: $14 minimum
    • Ear of corn: $7
    • Rides: $5 per person, per ride
    • Drinks: $5 and up

I told the boys we may wait a couple years before I’ve worked up enough energy (and saved up enough money!) to go back with them.

If you love the fair, tell me what you love about it!

River Valley Church

One morning, I walked into Caribou Coffee and saw some ladies chatting. They had their Bibles with them and were leaving at the same time as me, so I asked them if they belonged to a local church. They said they all went to River Valley Church and invited me to come! This is the church that had been recommended to us before we moved here, and a place I had already planned to visit. One of the ladies I met used to live in Colorado Springs and we discovered we had mutual friends (thanks to Facebook)!

We visited the church and the kids LOVED it! They come home with little study guides, asking if I could read the Bible with them. They are counting down the days until we go back.

4 In Faith/ Family/ Finding our place/ House Hunting/ Minnesota/ My Journey

Miracles in Moving

Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you’ve got all the answers, then don’t call what you do faith.” — Dr. Brené Brown

I’m so thankful that I have a God I can trust.  I look back on my life and see His faithfulness over and over.

However, entering new territory, heading toward the unknown, is still hard. Every time.

Why? Why do I fear? Why don’t I rest in the fact that the same God who provided for me throughout my life, will continue to be by my side?

He is faithful, so why do I worry?

There’s a story in the Bible about the Israelites traveling to an unknown place.  I can’t imagine being a mama back then – with no restaurants or grocery stores – no guarantee of food for my children. However, day after day, God miraculously provided food for them. Each morning, there was fresh “manna” on the ground. They ate all they wanted.

However, they weren’t sure the food would always be there. God provided yesterday, He provided today, but would He provide again tomorrow? And after that?

Would He always be this good?  

Since they weren’t sure, they began to gather as much as they could and store it in their tent for the days to come. However, the food they stored would be rotten by morning. They’d go outside to discover that God had, once again, provided fresh “manna” for them to eat. They slowly learned to trust Him, one day at a time. You can read the story in Exodus 16.

This season has a made me realize – I’m just Iike those Israelites!

I can look back and see how God provided for me (over and over) but I STILL say: “God, will you do it again? Will you be as good tomorrow as you were today?” In my heart, I know He will. But the trusting day-by-day is so hard.

 I reflected back on how God miraculously provided for us in Colorado, but wondered if He would do the same in Minnesota?!

For instance, we had to sell our house in Colorado before we could make an offer on a house in Minnesota.

The waiting, day after day.

Will we get an offer…WHEN will we get an offer…PLEASE someone…give us an offer!

The waiting, the trusting…was HARD.

We DID get an offer –  A FULL PRICE OFFER!

However, the family who wanted our home, wanted it in less than 30 days.

We had not yet decided on a house OR a mortgage company.

Ted and I talked, prayed, and chose our home Minnesota home, while I interviewed mortgage companies to find the best rate.

Once those big items were decided, we had only 2 and a half weeks before we had to be out of our Colorado house. The mortgage company needed almost 30 days to close on our loan. We’d be in limbo for about 10 days.

Ten days where we’d be ‘homeless’ – 10 days between the time we needed to be out of our Colorado home and close on our Minnesota home.

We asked the Minnesota homeowner if we could get a ‘pre-occupancy’ agreement – letting us move in early. We’d essentially “rent” the home from him until we close. This would save us from having to stay in a hotel for those 10 days, and even more important, we wouldn’t have to move our things TWO TIMES (from our Colorado home to storage, then from storage to our Minnesota home). That would be a lot of extra effort and EXPENSE!

The homeowner said NO. He’d had a bad experience with this before and he would not let us in early, even though he was no longer in the house – the house was EMPTY!

We asked the family purchasing our Colorado home if we could stay for 10 extra days. They said, “no, we have everything on a specific timeline.”

This was so discouraging.

So I prayed. I asked a few others to pray. Ted talked to our realtor to see if he could get the Minnesota homeowner to change his mind.

We waited.

I tried not to get anxious as our moving day approached.

Well, moving day came. Our movers asked us where they’d be taking our stuff. I gave them our new Minnesota home address…in faith, praying we’d have favor and could move our stuff in.

As our movers were finishing and Friday was coming to a close…we heard back from the Minnesota homeowner.

He would let us into his home early!!!

The movers left our home Friday and we met them at our new home on Monday morning at 7:30 AM!

Our Miracle Home in Minnesota!

Thank you God for answered prayer.

Thank you to our realtor who negotiated on our behalf.

Thank you to those who encouraged and prayed for us!

I’m thankful that I follow a God who provides, day after day, year after year, generation after generation.

If you are going through a tough situation, and wondering if God is with you, read this verse:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 NIV

PS – The homeowner really DID have a BAD experience and it’s a MIRACLE he let us in early! Someone had moved into this home a year earlier, requesting a “lease-to-own” deal. After moving in, he didn’t pay rent and did damage to the home and he couldn’t get the renter out. The floors had to be refinished, carpet replaced and walls painted.  What a mess! Somehow, in spite of this, we were allowed in early! Amazing!

Feel free to leave a comment about how you’ve seen God provide for you!


4 In Family/ Friendship/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Traveling

Peek into our week(s) in Minnesota * Indiana * Illinois


My first couple weeks in Minnesota were uneventful….it was a whole lot of digging out from underneath a mountain of boxes. Moving is a LOT of work, but our house is beginning to feel like home!

We met lots of our new neighbors and couldn’t ask for a better neighborhood.


We had dinner at a restaurant on a nearby lake with the ONE family we know in Minnesota! It was so nice to spend time with great friends in our new state.


We piled in the car and drove to Indiana.

The kids were so excited to see their cousins, and equally excited to see the kittens that were just born.

Sunday’s drive was long. What was supposed to take eight hours, took ten. The traffic and tolls going through Illinois reminded us why we moved away 3 years ago.

When we finally arrived, my mom had a delicious dinner waiting for us (thank you mom!)!

Clark, Kate and KITTENS!


Ted worked and I got to spend time with my mom and sister.

Our kids had an amazing day together on the lake where my mom and sister live. Some of my favorite childhood memories were spent on the lake, and I’m glad my kids get to experience this too!

They are so creative when they are together …. they imagined that the paddle boards were their “ships” and spent the day finding treasure on the bottom of the lake. They were convinced that the sticks and rocks they found were extremely valuable and would make them millionaires!

That night, my sister and her husband hosted a dinner at their house and we enjoyed catching up with old friends.



George woke up covered in toilet paper and “duct taped” to his bed. Since he is the one that likes to sleep the latest, his cousins and brothers thought it would be hilarious to play a trick on him. He woke up with a sweet note and a struggle to get out of bed.

“Love ya George, with a lot of toilet paper.”

After that shenanigan, the kids walked to grandmas (next door!) for a donut, then spent more time on the lake – swimming, paddle boarding, looking for treasure, and riding the wave runner with Ted.

Donuts at Grandmas

That night, Ted and I got to go out on a double date with my sister (Krista) and her husband (Nate).  We took their boat to dinner – making two stops, the first one was for appetizers and the second was for dinner at one of their favorite restaurants.


We took the kids to a classic rootbeer stand for lunch and my brother-in-law took them tubing.

Rootbeer at Shopoff’s Drive-in

That evening we spent time with my dad’s side of the family – grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.



Ted’s 40thbirthday

I had been so busy with the move, I hadn’t spent as much time as I needed to planning for Ted’s milestone birthday. However, once I got Nate and Krista involved…they moved mountains to make sure Ted had a memorable day. I’m so grateful for them!

My mom kept our four boys so that Ted, Nate, Krista and I could spend the day and night in Chicago.

My sister (Krista) and brother-in-law (Nate) at Buckingham Fountain in Chicago


The view from the condo we stayed in for the night

It was a perfect day! We walked, visited our favorite sights, got Sprinkles cupcakes, then rented bikes to ride along Lake Shore Drive. The day ended with an UH-mazing dinner at the Girl and the Goat. The owner and chef, Stephanie Izard, was the first female winner of Top Chef. Everything she makes is delicious!



We met up with our boys and drove to stay with friends for a couple of days.

My friend Stacey and all of our boys!

We had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants – The Turf Room – then came back to the house to eat some Portillo’s cake and sing Happy Birthday to Ted! We loved spending time with the friends who were able to come and celebrate him.

Dinner at The Turf Room. I’m holding a gift that my friend Lisa made for our new home.


In the morning, Ted met up with a book club group that he used to be a part of when we lived in Illinois. The guys just finished reading his book and Ted got to meet them for breakfast, answer questions and hear from them what they learned from his book.

That afternoon, we took the boys to Geneva, IL – a quaint town with beautiful old homes, unique stores and a delicious ice cream shop. Then we went to a new park to play.

A cool OLD tree we found at the park

That night we went on a boat ride with friends. There’s a new music venue along the river, and One Republic was playing that night. We anchored the boat and enjoyed a free concert!


We said good-bye to our friends and drove home. We had a fabulous time away. We all agreed that we LOVED our time with family and friends.

We are settling back in to our new home in Minnesota and excited to begin planting roots and building community.