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6 In Family/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

Life through the lens of a 5 year old

It seems like Luke Washington was born 5 minutes ago…but somehow, it’s been five YEARS!

On the night before Luke turned five, he asked if his daddy would be there for his birthday. I reminded Luke that Ted was working in Colorado but couldn’t wait to give him a BIG Hug and Kiss when he got home.

“Dad probably won’t even know me because when I turn five, I’ll be SOOO big!” Luke said enthusiastically. ‘Is it bedtime now? I want to go to sleep so I can be five!’

Luke showing that he is four one final time!

When Luke woke up on the morning of his fifth birthday I asked, “How does it feel to be five?”

“Perfect,” he responded…”PROFESSIONAL.”

Luke and I ran some errands after his brothers left for school. As we passed complete strangers in the store, he asked me why people weren’t wishing him a happy birthday.

“No one knows it’s your birthday unless you tell them,” I answered.

For the rest of the day, he told everyone it was his birthday and was rewarded with endless smiles and birthday greetings.

We joined his brothers at their school for lunch. His brothers and their friends were SO happy to see Luke. Everyone asked for Luke to sit by them and the ENTIRE cafeteria sang Happy Birthday to Luke! He was so embarrassed he climbed under the table. However, he had the BIGGEST smile on his face and loved all the high fives from the ‘big kids!’

After school we invited the neighborhood kids over for cake and games. I honestly wasn’t planning a party for Luke because we had a “family” party last weekend. However, Luke was inviting nearly everyone he knew to come to his house on his birthday for his “party”…apparently he would have a party with or without me…So, I got a cake and the neighbors came!

At bedtime Luke realized that dad was almost home and it triggered his memory of “growing so much dad won’t recognize me.”

“MOM!!! Why haven’t I gotten any bigger today!?”

Luke’s 5th birthday is a little bittersweet. Luke isn’t a baby anymore. I’ll miss those baby snuggles I’ve enjoyed over the last decade! I’ll also miss the hilarious thoughts and questions that come out of the mouths of our little ones.

However, I’m looking forward to the adventures we will take now that he’s a little bit bigger. I also love that I have four boys who put on their own shoes, buckle themselves in the car, and SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT!

0 In Faith/ Family/ Inspiration/ Joy/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Traveling

Leaving Hawaii, Keeping Aloha

Today I have a guest post by my sister Krista!

Krista is a loving mom to four beautiful kids, a wife to her childhood sweetheart, and an Interior Designer in Indiana.

Krista and her husband Nate

Since arriving home after our family vacation in Hawaii, I’d been feeling a sense of longing for something I can’t put my finger on. I am sure the gray weather hasn’t helped, but it’s something more. While away, I had many awakening moments, and felt so much joy and peace. Even simple things like driving a Jeep with the rag top off, my hair blowing in the wind, the sun warming my skin and the tunes lifting my soul, felt almost supernatural; especially with the backdrop of the Hawaiian scenery unfolding before me with each twist and turn of the road! I had a few ‘once in a lifetime’ adventures like hiking 8 miles along one of the most majestic and rigorous coasts in the world, to a breathtakingly beautiful waterfall; it seriously did take my breath away for a moment. Another incredible moment was when my daughter Kate’s prayer was answered. Since the moment Kate heard we’d be visiting Hawaii, she’d been praying each night for God to let her meet one of her role models: Bethany Hamilton. God answered her prayer when we happened to be in the SAME place at the SAME time as Bethany!

Kate is SO happy to be meeting Bethany Hamilton!
Krista and the waterfall
The green church we visited on Easter Sunday

I can remember sitting in a quaint green church on Easter morning trying to hold back tears. I was feeling a sense of awakening to how I was made, how God made me, as well as what makes me feel alive and engaged with who I am and the life around me. It also was an awakening to some ways I’m conforming that aren’t really true to how I am made – conforming to my environment and people for one reason or another.

 Back at home, I was cleaning up breakfast, doing laundry, and picking up toys (that were just picked up). I felt a since of sadness and frustration wash over me. I thought, “Is this all I’m ever going to do?”  I turned to Nate sighing. He asked what was wrong and what was fluttering through my mind. I told him how I wanted to feel the way I did in Hawaii. In Hawaii, the mundane chores were enjoyable. I wanted to go back to the way we were in Hawaii-completely natural-with no make up and no hair brush. I loved how I could let the ocean water and air style my hair, and it was beautiful. We could walk barefoot almost everywhere, even shopping!  I felt a sense of belonging and at home in a place I’d never been.

Nate reminded me of what the Hawaiian pastor taught one Sunday in a Hawaii…  

Pastor Steve, in a small tent with maybe 100 people, taught from a passage in Philippians. This passage talks about praying with joy. He went on to describe how amazing it is when you think about Paul and all he went through. Paul wrote about JOY while in prison! Throughout Paul’s life, he had times where he was in need, and other times when he had plenty, he experienced the best and worst of life. Paul encourages us, as believers in Christ Jesus, to choose contentment and joy in all things, situations and places. Paul tells us to count it “all” joy. Pastor Steve paralleled this all to the deeper meaning of Aloha.

Aloha means ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye,’ but it also mean SO MUCH MORE. Aloha means joy, and more specifically, finding joy in the mundane…maybe even choosing joy in the mundane. It is being in harmony and unity with your REAL self, with God and mankind. It involves being honest, truthful, patient and humble. Aloha (joy in the mundane) isn’t just something to experience in Hawaii, it’s found…WITHIN!! Even though I experienced it in such a deep way on an island in the Pacific, it doesn’t stay there. I can experience “Aloha” wherever I am! Joy is on the inside of me and I will CHOOSE it!

There is a part of me that wants Heaven on earth and life to be easier than what it is, for me and for others. I’m beginning to see that the longing itself is beautiful. We were made to long for more. The longing actually leads us to “Aloha”. It can lead us to unity and harmony with our real self, God and humanity. I am a living example that He does satisfy, amaze, and leave us at peace like nothing else when we seek Him in what He is saying and doing in the mundane. I believe true Aloha only comes from Him and is also a journey with Him. 

So I leave you with a heart full of Mahalo. Mahalo simply means “Thank you!” However, the deeper meaning involves thankfulness to God for our past, present and future. I’m hoping it touches a part of your heart and awakens you as it did me!

Krista and her 3 oldest kids – Kate, Mason, and Jack
2 In Faith/ Family/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

8 habits that lead to a healthy, long life


As a mom, there are two things I want for my kids:

One, that they know and love God.

Two, that they live long, happy, healthy lives.

I was so excited to read an article in Parents magazine about some research that was done on how our kids can live the best, longest life. I’ve captured what I learned here.

8 habits that lead to a healthier, longer life.

  1. Spending quality time with friends and family
  2. Daily Physical activity
  3. Engaging in Nature
  4. Consuming water and vegetables
  5. Getting enough sleep (13 hours for kids ages 3-5, 9 hours for kids 6-12)
  6. Attend church or temple
  7. Having a positive mindset and believing that positive actions today will result in a better future
  8. Volunteering, performing charitable acts and practicing selflessness  

Study done by Dr. Rhonda Spencer-Hwang, PhD, associate professor at Loma Linda University

Read my post about Volunteering entitled “17 Reasons to Serve” by clicking here 

0 In Colorado Springs/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

6 Simple Steps to make a Great First Impression

Recently I was asked to interview a handful of 5th grade students in preparation for an upcoming field trip. The students were going to BizTown where they would have a “job” to do.

Before I asked the first interview question, I was to watch for and answer this question:

“Did the student come in and shake your hand, make eye contact and state their name?”

Honestly, most 5th graders came in and looked down, nervously. They didn’t know how to introduce themselves.

However, I watched as George came in, reached out his hand, gave a firm hand shake, made eye contact, and stated his full name with a smile on his face.

This simple action made my heart swell – I was so proud of him and I know he made a great first impression!

However, I can’t take the credit for teaching him how to do this. My husband, Ted, started teaching our boys how to introduce themselves from the time they started talking. George also learned and practiced simple manners, like introducing himself, in Cotillion.

Ted or I will often remind our boys how to meet new people before we enter a building where they may encounter strangers or new friends. The morning before his “interview,” I practiced with George and reminded him how to introduce himself.

Parents, it’s really easy to teach our kids how to make a GREAT first impression. This is NOT something that our children inherently know how to do, but we get to teach them how to do it! This simple lesson will be a GIFT to them!

A proper introduction is a tool they will use, and benefit from, their entire lives!

A fun book to read with your kids about manners:

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0 In Faith/ Inspiration/ Motherhood

God-propelled vs. Self-propelled

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

Every day…every moment of every day…we get to choose to be SELF-propelled or GOD-propelled. We can live solely on our own energy, patience and wisdom…or tap into God’s LIMITLESS energy, patience and wisdom.

As Christ-followers, we get access to the unlimited power of God!

Self- propelled

Self-propelled looks like:

  • Limited focus, energy, and strength.
  • Short-tempered and impatient
  • Harsh words.
  • Frantic or angry.


God-propelled looks like what the Bible calls the fruit of the Spirit. It means going about our day with LOVE, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self –control.

We can’t control what happens throughout the day:

  • Our kids will keep us up at night,
  • The baby will have a blow out at a totally inconvenient time and place,
  • Our kids will fight or they will break something…

We can’t control what happens, but we can control our response to what happens!

Tapping into the power source allows us to keep our joy in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Each day, each hour, each minute is an opportunity to chose either “Self-propelled” or “God-propelled.”

How do you stay God-propelled?

For ME, it means that I’m talking to my Father God throughout the day.

I usually start the day with a prayer before I get out of bed.

The prayer can be as simple as “HELP!”

I love this verse:

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

James 1:5

I ask for wisdom THROUGHOUT the day. Why not? Scripture encourages us to do that!!!

Also, this is my favorite book regarding prayer:

Each chapter contains a different topic and a prayer. It also includes Scripture verses regarding that topic.

Staying tapped in to God, or living “God-propelled” means that:

  • If I’m tired, I ask God for strength.
  • If I’m feeling angry, I ask for help and/or patience.
  • If I need to have a tough conversation, I ask God for wisdom.
  • It means I’m praying for people as they come up in my mind.
  • It means stopping to pray with my kids when they have a concern or when they get hurt.
  • It means pointing out where I see God throughout the day. Do you notice a beautiful flower, bird, sunset? An answered prayer? Talk about it!
  • It means asking my kids, husband, or someone else to forgive me when I mess up.
  • It means keeping a heart of thankfulness. “Thank you for food to feed my children.” “Thank you for a washing machine.” “Thank you for eyes to see my child play and ears to hear their laughter.”
  • It means open communication with God throughout the day.
  • It means taking time to read my Bible, to then think about it, and memorize specific verses.

Do I do ALL of this everyday? No!

Am I self-propelled at times! YES!

I, too, have to choose every day, each hour, and minute-by-minute, to be God-propelled and not self-propelled!

I encourage you to try ONE thing from the “God-propelled” list above and do it today.

Each day brings a new opportunity to give Him thanks and invite Him to empower us.

There’s a popular verse in the Bible that says:

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

I love this verse and say it often when I’m feeling weary…but I also want to point out that it doesn’t say that we are to do ALL THE THINGS ….sometimes we try to do too much and we are left feeling exhausted.

Seek God before you add another thing to your ‘to do’ list.

Being a parent is challenging. Marriage can be challenging. However, we DON’t have to do it in our own strength. Rely on God to make you the wife and parent He wants you to be…Give HIM your weaknesses and burdens and let Him carry those for you and then go about your day in peace and joy!

When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you. So I am very happy to brag about my weakness. Then Christ’s power can live in me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

If you have prayer requests … leave me a comment. I want to pray for you.

Let me leave you with this:

May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the POWER of the Holy Spirit!

Romans 15:13

Important Note: I am NOT a parenting/marriage expert. I am a guinea pig and mess up every single day (you can ask my husband). I’m on this journey right along with you. When I write about something, it’s NOT because I’ve mastered the topic but because this is what I’m learning. Thanks for joining me in the journey. Leave a comment and let me learn from you too!

1 In Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Peace Begins with a Smile


Mom, why are you mad? Luke asked from across the room.

“I’m not mad,” I responded.

“But you have a mad face.”

I paused and realized whatever I was thinking about must be causing me to have a “mad” face, so I turned to Luke and gave him a BIG Smile.

“Now that’s my Boy,” he responds, “Wait…no…”

“Now that’s my GIRL! … Wait….um…

“Now there’s my mom!” he finally says.


Our kids are always watching us. They read our faces. They feel what we feel.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and angry? They can sense that.  Are you mad, disappointed…They can see it and feel it.

I’m reading a woman’s devotional and each week there’s a section called  “Mom Tips.” This week’s tip was to SMILE MORE! In fact, it recommended writing a reminder note to SMILE! 

So that is exactly what I did. 

I put a reminder note by the kitchen sink and another as a “bookmark” in the book I’m reading. 

  • Smiling at our kids fills them with confidence and peace and is a simple way to show our love for them. 
  • Smiling also calms us. Try smiling when you are upset…you can’t stay mad when you’re smiling! 
  • Free beauty tip: Smiling makes us prettier!!
  • Free health tip: Smiling keeps you healthier! Research shows that joy lowers stress and increases immunity and even lengthens your life! Smiling leads to JOY! Thus, smiling leads to health!


Stop right now and smile at whoever is close by.



When I posted this suggestion on Facbeook, my mom added this: 

A smile is a very powerful thing. It can help brighten someone’s day, show someone how much you care for them, or even change your entire mood. Smiling is also good for the soul, and it helps put your mind completely at ease.

Smiles make everyone else smile. Even the grandkids like it when I have a smile on my face! I know my hubby does! 😀😊😍

Rebecca Bornman


“A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.” Proverbs 15:13 MSG


Here are 15 BENEFITS of a Simple SMILE!

0 In Book Review/ Family/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

Peek into our winter week(s)

Mom’s Morning Out

I had just started writing for the Colorado Springs Mom Blog when I found out we were moving to Minnesota. I subscribed to the Twin Cities moms blog right away because I knew it would be a helpful resource and a good way to connect with other moms. It’s been all of that! Last weekend I gathered with other moms from around the Twin Cities to create something original at a place called Projects in Person. If you are a mom who is looking for a helpful resource and connection with other moms, click here to find out if there’s a City Moms Blog Network in your area.

Daddy Day at Preschool!

Luke woke up saying “TODAY IS DADDY DAY,” with a big smile on his face. Ted comes downstairs a few minutes later and says, “Today is Daddy Day!” Luke smiles and says, “I JUST said that!” And they both laughed.

Luke really pays attention, because when describing his dad, he was pretty accurate…

He knows his dad works on the computer (that’s what he SEES him do…though that’s only a small part of Ted’s job), he likes to eat Salad (YEP!), and he knows Ted loves him SO much!

But he must also think Ted has a really big nose….:)

Clark breaks his thumb

During our super cold spell in February, we were cooped up inside for four straight days. We were all going a little stir crazy. On the fourth day, Clark was doing a fancy jump trick off the couch and landed on his thumb. At first I just thought he’d just bruised or jammed it, but the next day it it was getting worse, so I took him to the doctor. He had a broken thumb and had to wear a cast for 3 weeks.

Draw your favorite book

It was Read Across America last week at school, and the boys had to do a drawing of their favorite book. Clark and Paul chose our book, and I think they did a great job re-creating the cover of Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore! Paul also mentioned to his teacher that his dad’s book is also one of his favorites. Paul hasn’t read it, and could not remember the title, but he did a good job remembering what it looked like!

Clark’s Drawing of Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore

Paul’s drawing of my book and Ted’s book

My Goodwill find

I’d been watching for a good deal on hiking shoes the entire time we lived in Colorado. I finally found a GREAT deal. Goodwill had a pair of Merrel hiking shoes that were practically brand new and only cost $2.50! The same ones are currently selling for $99!

What I’m loving right now:

Playing games with my boys…

This super fun snow ball maker...

A great book….

The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines – This book was absolutely delightful! Chip and Jo share stories about their lives growing up, how they met, and the hilarious story about how their show Fixer Upper almost didn’t happen. If you need an easy, entertaining, funny, and fun-to-read book, this is the one!

11 In Minnesota/ Motherhood/ My Journey/ Things to do in Minnesota

How to Not HATE Winter!


I’ve hated winter my entire life.

In fact, I’ve never fully enjoyed FALL because I knew that winter was lingering just around the corner.

The day after I graduated high school – my first day of ‘freedom’ – I moved from my home state of Indiana to Florida to avoid winter. I spent five glorious years there – THAWING OUT. I also earned my bachelor’s degree…but mostly just enjoyed the warmth and sunshine.

After college…life kept moving me north…and further north.

When my husband and I talked about moving to Minnesota, I’m not sure if I cried or laughed when I discovered that moving to Minneapolis is NORTH OF Toronto, CANADA! Okay, I cried. I literally cried.


I didn’t know anything about Minnesota except that it was cold – really, really cold. Have a mentioned that I hate the cold?

However, I finally decided that I will NO longer live in survival mode. I simply got tired of hating winter – when that’s a big chunk of my life now. I’ve actually learned to not hate winter.

To help with this mindset shift, I did lots of reading, some research, and asked so many people how to not only survive winter, but thrive through winter.

It is possible to not hate winter!!

Winter can actually be…dare I say it…DELIGHTFUL!?!?!

So …

HOW do you ENJOY winter? Even a really COLD, really LONG winter?

Here is what I’ve learned:



I realized that I hated being COLD more than I hated winter. If I wear the right things…I can begin to ENJOY winter!

My sister gave me a fur-lined trapper hat and it is heavenly. Thank you Krista!



I went shopping on Amazon and bought a hat for every person in my home. We LOVE them!



It was in Kindergarten that I was taught to wear a hat on cold days, and all these years later…I finally learned that my kindergarten teacher was right.

Even the ornaments know how to dress to be warm in winter.




Go sledding, skiing, ice skating! Make snowmen, snow angels, and snow slushies!

Learn how to do things that you can only enjoy in winter.

When your kids ask to go sledding, say YES and then JOIN THEM. You won’t believe how much fun you’ll have. I know, it takes lots of effort to get everyone bundled up, but it’s worth it! You will feel like a kid again – laughing and enjoying every second. Sledding down and then climbing back up those hills is great exercise and invigorating.


Ice skating and snow skiing are fun winter sports.



Even taking a walk on a cold winter day can be amazing. Just after it snows, put a child on a sled and go for a walk – it’s good for you and great fun for them!


Bonus tip – There are things you DON’T have to do in the winter – yard work! No weeding, no trimming, no mowing!



When the snow falls…everything is pristine and beautiful. The leaves are off the trees and you can explore areas you’ve never seen before.

Winter is not something you need to dread. It can be enjoyable, fun, and something you can actually look forward to!

So who’s with me? Who is going to stop hating winter and instead, find the joy in the season?



Click here to read this post: Minnesota (a.k.a. COLD WEATHER) Must Haves!

What you’ll need to wear to stay warm so that you can truly ENJOY winter!

And if you haven’t already, please consider subscribing!

Click here to find Winter/ Minnesota MUST HAVES!

3 In Faith/ Family/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Do this ONE THING to change the future!

We are ALWAYS looking for ” things” to improve our children’s lives:

💥A new toy ….

💥Education …

💥Sports …

💥Hobbies …

What about nurturing the INSIDE of your child? Our lives are formed with WORDS!😍 

Words Kill, Words Give Life. They are either poison or fruit. You choose.

King Solomon

Before your kids leave for school, or before they go to bed, are prime opportunities to speak LIFE over them! To declare TRUTH for their future.

Positive Affirmations build your character and attitude. Affirmations retrain your inner dialogue (self talk) to help build your faith and joy. Your words are seeds that grow and shape your world.

Below is the declaration we’ve created for our family .. feel free to copy or adapt and use for your family – or yourself!

Share this with a parent, grandparent, and any person who could benefit from speaking these words over themselves and their children each day!

0 In Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Peek into our Fall, Christmas, & New Year!

(This post was written just after the New Year and it never got posted…so here it is now!)

The weather outside is frightful, but my snowsuit is so delightful!

Oh how I love the (vintage) snow suit from my mother-in-law! It’s the ugliest, warmest, softest thing I’ve ever worn and I’m in love.  This thing makes playing in the snow with my kids not only bearable…but fun! Ya’ll need to find yourselves one of these!

Pass the Popcorn

I’ve probably been to the movie theater 5 times in the last decade. However, I now have four boys that will all sit through an entire full-length movie!! We’ve celebrated by spending three cold days this fall/winter viewing THREE different movies –  Small Foot, The Grinch, and Ralph Wrecks the Internet. All were cute movies but my favorite was Ralph Wrecks the Internet. Our local theater has $5 tickets on Tuesdays – and free popcorn!  What should we see next?

17 years and counting

Ted and I celebrated our Golden Anniversary – 17 years on November 17th!  Our tradition each year is to try a new restaurant we’ve never visited before. A friend watched our boys and made cookies with them while Ted and I went to dinner (Thank you Corey!)

California Dreamin’

Ted and I spent a long weekend in California. We got to rest, relax, read, eat good food, explore new places, connect with old friends and meet new friends. Thanks to my in-laws for watching our boys so we could get away! Early Christmas with Nana and Papa

How did Christmas come and go so quickly?

When I was a child, it seemed Christmas would NEVER come. Now that I’m an adult, it comes and goes WAY too quickly. Every Christmas with our boys is magical. I LOVE experiencing the season through their eyes. I was so sad that Christmas day came and went so quickly. However, the sadness ended quickly when my mom, step-dad, sister, brother-in-law, nieces and nephews all came for a visit!

My family visits Minnesota for the first time!

We loved having our Indiana family stay with us for a few days after Christams. We made the most of our time together – ice skating, sledding, cooking, eating, laughing, and playing/shopping at Mall of America. We also got to go on a double date (thanks Mom and Chris) and rang in the new year together!

Happy 2019 everyone! May this be your BEST YEAR YET!