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Raising boys

1 In Raising boys/ Review

10 Best Gifts for Boys ages 10 and under


1. Racing Motorcycles

We’ve had this toy for about 8 years and it still gets used on a regular basis. No batteries are required, and it brings joy to boys and girls of all ages. You ‘rev up’ or crank the motorcycles, push a button and they race. My boys like to choose a color and see which will win. This toy works on carpet, hardwood and tile floors. It’s small enough to take with you to the park or to their grandparent’s house.


2. Nerf Gun and extra bullets

Do boys ever outgrow nerf guns? All the men in my house love them. I recommend including extra bullets and protective eye gear.

A larger gun with extra bullets, click here.

Protective face mask, click here.

Protective eyewear:

Exta bullets:



3. Rocket Balloons

This is an entertaining toy for all ages. The set comes with 100 long balloons and a pumper. You or your kids can blow up the balloons and watch them fly around the room and do tricks. Great for cold days when you are stuck inside. Again, NO batteries required and the balloons can be re-used once or twice.





4. New Running Shoes or a Sports Jersey

Do your kids go through shoes as fast as mine? And if they don’t need shoes this Christmas, you can’t go wrong with a jersey from their favorite team!



5. Megablocks for littles (1-5) or Legos for bigs (6-12)

A classic toy!



6. Play-doh

A fun activity for all ages.

My nine-year-old builds bunkers for his army guys, while my 6-year-old creates letters to spell his name. This is an ideal activity to pull out if you are trying to get your boys to LISTEN to a chapter book. Otherwise, they will be wrestling on the floor and only hear every fifth word.




7. RC Car

My boys, young and old, love their remote control cars.




8. A ball – soccer/Kickball/football

You can never go wrong with ANY type of ball for a boy.



9. Plasma Car

This bike gets used more than any other in our home. Great for ages 1-12.



10. Ride on Car

Great for ages 2-8. I avoided ride on toys for so long because I want my kids to RUN and burn energy. However, we were given one, and my boys have loved it, and so do all their friends.

For additional Christmas gift ideas, click here!

For the best INEXPENSIVE stocking stuffer ideas, click here!

For an amazing Christmas on a budget, click here!

The links above are Affiliate links. If you choose to purchase an item I’ve recommended, I will earn a small commision at no extra cost to you.

0 In Faith/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Who am I?

In the Bible, in the book of Exodus, Moses asks God, “Who should I tell the people who sent me.” In other words, ‘What’s your name?”
In Exodus 3:14 God answers Moses by saying,
I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
Have you considered that because God calls himself, “I AM,” we could be using God’s name in vain by saying “I am ____” and filling in the blank with something negative.
Exodus 20:7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.”
I still believe that we shouldn’t use God’s name as a swear word, but perhaps we should also avoid calling ourselves something that contradicts who God made us to be!
When my children say something negative about themselves, it hurts this mama’s heart. I immediately correct them. How much more does it hurt God’s heart when we talk negatively about ourselves – His Creation…His child?

Who does God say that you are?

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

You are righteous Romans 3:22

You are loved Jer 31:3, Ephesians 3:18, I John 3:1

You are created with a purpose Jeremiah 29:11

You are chosen, special, royalty 1 Peter 2:9

You are protected Psalm 121:3, 2 Thessalonians 3:3

You are strong 1 Peter 5:10, 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 41:10

You are a child of God 1 John 3:1

You are Holy and Blameless Ephesians 1:4

You lack nothing Psalm 23:1

You are honorable Psalm 8:5

“Our minds will be influenced either by our Father’s affirmations of us revealed in the Scriptures or by the negative thoughts and images that continually try to cripple us through feelings of rejections, loneliness and shame.” -SJ Hill, What’s God Really Like?

Let’s help our children remember who they are and WHOSE they are.
When they are talking negatively, have them REPLACE their words with truth.
Change “I can’t do this” to “I can’t do this, YET!” (or “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me Strength” Philippians 4:13)
“I am afraid” becomes “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of LOVE, power and a SOUND mind” (1 Timothy 1 :7)
“I’m a failure” to “I was chosen by God!” (John 15:16)
“No one likes me” to “I am loved by the Creator of the Universe!” (1 John 3:1) 
Take a minute, close your eyes, and let God tell you who you are!

You are LOVED!

Click here for a POWERFUL Daily Declaration to speak over yourself and your family.

Click here for 12 verses to reduce your fear and build your FAITH. 

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2 In Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

Peek into our Week – Family Pics, Ikea, and Hand-me-downs

Family Pictures:

We weren’t going to do any family pics this year, but then I met a girl at church who is raising money to do mission work by taking pictures. I saw some of her work and was HAPPY to help her in exchange for family photos. We will use one that she took for our Christmas card…but you won’t get to see that one until Christmas!


New Book Shelves:

Ted put together two new Ikea shelves, then I took time to arrange his books. The shelves had been PACKED full from top to bottom – packed full with no space for the books to ‘breathe.’  After Ted built the shelves, I could spread some things out and make them look nicer and more organized again.


Reclaim the Table:

River Valley Church began a series called Reclaim the Table” – focusing on the importance of spending time together as friends and family around the table. This is the time that we, as parents and friends, can invest in and teach our children. Pastor Rob stated that 90% of Amish children continue in their parent’s faith – and the Amish eat together around the table two times each day. Currently, most American families eat together once a week. Our kids received “place mats” with questions for kids to ask parents and parents to ask kids. We’ve all enjoyed eating together and sharing stories and laughter.

One of the questions on Clark’s “Reclaim the Table” place mat was: “What do you wish your parents would do more with you?” Clark said, “I wish I could cook more with you!” So… we’ve been cooking dinner together this week.



It’s that time of year when I put away summer clothes and clothes that are too small, and pull out winter clothes and clothes that are the next size up. It looked like an explosion of clothes went off in the boys’ bedrooms last week as I went through their closets and drawers – pulling out the old and putting in the new. Having FOUR boys is super convenient when it comes to hand-me-downs, but it can be a challenge keeping it all organized and moving from one kid to the next. One full year I kept wondering why Paul had hardly any clothes…and then found the “size 5” bin in the basement – it had never been opened. I didn’t find it until he was turning six.


Afternoons with the Neighbors:

I’m so grateful for a neighborhood full of families. After school, the kids all run around and the parents come out to watch and chat.  It’s one of the highlights of our day!



What I’m loving this week:

My new Bird Feeder! Oh my goodness. It’s been so fun watching the birds from our living room windows. We love to see what birds stop by throughout the day. It has inspired us to learn about the birds that live in our region. Our favorites are the Cardinals. We’ve also spotted a set of Blue Jays and a large hawk that hangs out in the trees behind our home. I just purchased some binoculars so that we can get a closer look.

3 In Faith/ Family/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

How to Find Joy in the Mess of Motherhood


As a mother, I’ve experienced the incredible joy and fulfillment of raising children, but also the intense challenges and stress that come with it. I try to keep the house picked up, but sometimes it feels like a hurricane has swept through. Breakfast dishes pile up, spills happen, and my sons love to make forts out of all our pillows and blankets. In those moments, I feel overwhelmed.


Some thoughts that run through my head are:

  • I’ll never have a clean house.
  • I’m depressed.
  • I can’t do this.

I give myself about 60 seconds to think this way, then I purposefully stop myself. When I choose to think different thoughts, my mood immediately changes.


I’ve learned that I have a choice in how I respond to the thoughts. I choose to focus on gratitude and joy instead of stress and negativity.

When I start to feel down, here are two things I’ve found that are helpful.


  • “I can’t do this” is replaced with: “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).
  • “I am depressed” is replaced with “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24 ESV).


  • Replace “I’ll never have a clean house!” with this thought: I have young children, but I will eventually have a clean house again and may even miss their messes. Messes means life is happening here.
  • Replace “Look at the messy kitchen!” with this thought: My children aren’t hungry. They have food to eat.
  • Replace “The living room is a mess!” with this though: My children are creative. They are playing together.


Feeling stressed is a choice. Joy and gratitude are choices too.

I’m choosing joy one day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time.


Motherhood is a journey that requires us to let go of our own desires and priorities and focus on our children. It’s a tough but rewarding path, and we can choose to find joy even in the midst of messes and chaos.

If you’re struggling to find joy and gratitude as a mother, I encourage you to ask God for help. You can also start a gratitude journal and write down five things you’re thankful for each day. And don’t forget to involve your children in household chores! Even young children can help pick up toys or set the table, and older children can do more advanced tasks like laundry and cooking.

Remember, joy is a choice, and it’s one we have to make every day. Let’s choose wisely and embrace the challenges and joys of motherhood together.



Thanks for reading! If you found this post helpful, please consider subscribing for more tips and encouragement.

Want more on Motherhood?

Read this:

Finding Peace of Mind: Advice for Anxious Moms

2 In Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Peek into our week – Fall is Here!


There’s always a little dread in my heart when Fall arrives. It means I will soon be FUH-REEZING. But this fall I’m living in the moment, LOVING all the GORGEOUS fall colors and enjoying every sip of my pumpkin spice lattes!


Visit to Minneapolis

Our kids got their first trip to the Big City! Ted had to grab something from his office on  Saturday, so we all went along. The boys loved exploring the SKYWAYS. Have you heard about the Minneapolis Skyway system? It’s 13 MILES of enclosed walkways. You can live your entire life in Minneapolis and never have to go outside. There are coffee shops, nail salons, restaurants, grocery stores and pharmacies on along the Skyway!

We parked and walked from the Target Center where the Timberwolves play, past a donut shop, to Ted’s office. The boys begged for a donut and we promised them one after lunch. We ate lunch at an amazing place called Roti Modern Mediterranean.

On our way out, we walked past the donut shop again…and it was CLOSED! So, Ted found another place a couple of miles away that was still open – GLAM DOLL DONUTS. The donuts were GLAM! They looked delicious but were quite pricey and did NOT taste as amazing as they looked. But, it was fun to check this cute 50s style diner/donut shop!

Backyard Jackpot

Ted was playing in the backyard with the boys and George accidentally kicked his balls into this “nature preserve” space behind our house. He commented that it smelled SO good back there. Ted went to look at what he was talking about and discovered MINT! Lots and lots of MINT!

Computer CRASH

I purchased my Mac about 7 years ago and it’s been VERY well loved…by me AND our four sons. Last week I went to turn it on and the screen was completely black. I made an appt at Apple and hoped they could just push a button or charge me for a new light bulb. But know, they wanted about $600 to fix it. Sooo, I’m currently using Ted’s computer.

It was NO FUN losing my computer like that. They WILL be able to get all my stuff off the old computer (for $100)…but I need to get a new one first.

Birthday party

Our neighbor, Ellie, Clark and George all have birthdays close together so we did a joint party at Lifetime Gym. The kids all loved the Rock Climbing wall and group games.

Next up:

I’m going to a Women’s Conference this weekend where I’ll get see and hear from Lisa Bevere and BOB GOFF!! I’m so excited! I did try calling Bob but it went to his voicemail and his voice mailbox is fulll….so maybe I can meet him and talk to him in real life!

What have you been up to? Leave me a comment by clicking that tiny “comment box” beside the title!

1 In Raising boys/ Saving money/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

Best day to visit Mall of America (with kids) is ….


Tuesday is the BEST day to visit Nickelodeon Universe at Mall of America.

First of all, no crowds (except in December).

Second – Toddler Tuesday

This name is deceiving. It’s not just for “Toddlers” … it’s open for anyone!

Nearly every Tuesday throughout the year, there is a special performance or activity for children in the Rotunda. There are also discounts on food and entertainment. Click here for the schedule of events.

I took my boys (ages 11, 9, 6, and 4) to Nickelodeon Universe on a Tuesday and they all got the special wristbands that cost $14.99 each, which includes unlimited use of 16 rides for 5 hours! Plus, parents with little ones can ride along for free! I got to be a “chaperone” for my four year old on nearly every ride.

Here are some pictures and information on what’s included with this wristband:

1. Pineapple Popper (Jumpy Castle)…all four of my boys LOVED it! It was in their top five favorite attractions. BRING SOCKS! You must be wearing socks or you CAN NOT jump!

Pineapple Popper – Super fun for all four boys!

2-3. Crazy Cars and Rugrats Reptarmobiles: We ALL loved the bumper cars! There are two different “bumper car” rides. The Crazy Cars are larger “two-person” bumper cars that are faster and more fun for the bigger kids – and adults! (Adults ride free on the large bumper cars if you have little ones). The Rugrats Reptarmobiles are smaller, slower, one person bumper cars. Luke preferred the small one because he could drive! My boys all rode both of these rides over and over.

Luke's favorite ride!

4. Back at the Barnyard Hayride – A small roller coaster that’s moves pretty fast around the track and just has a “little” drop – everyone enjoyed this!

5. Swiper’s Sweepers – My boys called this the “cars that drift” and thought the ride was awesome – they wanted to ride it over and over!

6. Diego’s Rescue Rider – fun for the kids

7. Big rigs – Semi trucks that go around the track. Luke liked this the most because he thought he was really driving!

8. Train (aka: La Aventura De Azul) – All four of my boys rode this, but Luke was the only one who liked it – because #tooslow.

9. Ghost Blaster – I’m not a fan of ‘ghost’ anything, but my 9 and 11-year-old LOVED shooting the “bad guys” (ghosts). This was their favorite ride because they got to use guns and earn points for each thing they shot. I wish they’d switch this up to something less creepy because it did make my little guys a little scared. Legoland in the Chicago suburbs has a similar ride called “Kingdom Quest” where you are challenged to shoot the ‘non-creepy’ lego villians in order to save the princess . The one at LegoLand is better, but they both have the same concept – and are super fun for those 6 and up. I even had fun shooting!

10. Ferris Wheel (aka: el Circulo de Cielo) – We all enjoyed this. It’s fun to see the mall from the top of the Ferris Wheel. You get great view!

11. Carousel/Merry-go-round – Classic ride. Only my little guys wanted to ride this.

12. Rock bottom Plunge – Mixed reviews from my 3 oldest. I think they are still a little young to enjoy this! However, I’m a grown adult and don’t like the dropping rides!

Paul’s face … I’m not sure he’s liking it!

Paul smiling at the end!

13. Blue’s Skidoo – Simple kids ride that goes around and up and down. Fun for the younger kiddos!

14. Adventure Bay Playground – this is not a ride, but an open play area similar to what you find for free at many malls. My four year old enjoyed this play area.

15. Bubble Guppy Bubbler – My kids LOVED this ride but I hated it. Next time, I’ll let them ride alone. The ride goes up and has spins and I got so sick that I almost threw up. Don’t ride it if (or your children) don’t like spinning, get nauseous easily, just after eating, or you have a weak stomach.

16. Wonder Pets FlyBoat – This ride lifts you 20 feet, then bounces you up and down until you make a soft landing. My kids enjoyed this one. It’s much more kid-friendly than the ‘rock bottom plunge.’

Overall, the wristband was well worth the cost. We all had SO MUCH FUN!

Here are other things to look for:

  • Special performances for kids! Every Tuesday, there is some sort of “show” and activities for kids in the Mall’s Rotunda.
  • The characters are out to say ‘Hi,’ pose for pictures and give high-fives!

  • Home Plate! Did you know that before Mall of America, there was a baseball field on this property? Mall of America is built on the site of the former Metropolitan Stadium. Try to find HOME PLATE somewhere in Nickelodeon Universe. Clark found it!


  • The Mall of America coupon book – This can be found at any Information Counter in the mall.  The book is similar to an “Entertainment Book” and filled with valuable coupons for the Mall – including shops, food and attractions!

Includes more than 200 coupons for the mall!

Use this coupon and the coupon book will only cost $4.95!

  • Parking: Parking is FREE and each parking lot section has a different name. Take a picture of where you park, as well as the first store you see when you walk into the mall. After shopping for several hours, it’s easy to forget which door you came into and what lot your car is in!

Click here to read my FLYOVER AMERICA review!

Click here to read my Minnesota Bucket List! 

Click here to read my review of the Crayola Experience!

Have you been to Mall of America? Leave a comment with what you like about it!

7 In Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

15 ways to BOND with your BOYS!

I’m a mom with four boys – that’s ONE mom and FOUR boys. I’m completely #outnumbered.

Since my sons are only young once, I want to make memories with them! One way we do this is by spending one-on-one time with each of them.  If I have $20 to spend – I’d rather buy a MEMORY rather than a TOY!  I treasure these memories, and my boys always get excited when it’s their turn for a “date with mom!”

Found George’s favorite hamburger spot in Minnesota – Portillo’s

All dressed up for our ‘date!’

Me and Luke exploring together

Here are some suggestions for connecting with your son:

  1. Take him out for food – just the two of you! Let him pick his favorite spot for ice cream, lunch or dinner – have some questions or ideas for conversation planned in advance. My boys love the ‘would you rather‘ questions.

  2. Go shooting at a local gun range.

  3. Hang out at Buffalo Wild Wings and watch a ball game.

  4. If you have a membership at a gym, work out together.

  5. Go fishing (make sure you have a license, if needed).

  6. Hike together.

  7. Go camping. Help them pack and prepare.

  8. Work on a simple project together – whether it’s building a lego set, cleaning out the car, building a fort in the living room or putting together something you’ve purchased from Ikea – do it together!

  9. Go for a bike ride.

  10. Cook a meal together. Have them choose the menu; you can buy the ingredients.

  11. Play with remote controlled cars.

  12. Go to a local go-kart racetrack.

  13. Play their favorite video game with them.

  14. Play a card game, board game, or backyard game together – my boys still love Tag, soccer, and sharks & minnows.

  15. Play a sport together – basketball, wrestling or hockey – my kids LOVE competing against my husband or me!

Here are some questions you could ask to get to know your child better:

Read this post next. A powerful tool to use with your kids: CLICK HERE!

2 In Family/ Marriage/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

Peek into our week(s) – Back to school


First day of school!

The boys started 5th grade, 3rd grade, 1st grade, and preschool! They weren’t looking forward to going back (who wants summer to end?), but they are doing great! They have good teachers and are meeting new friends. Luke loves his new preschool. It’s only 2.5 hours, 3 mornings a week…so it goes by REALLY fast (for both of us!)


Weekend on the lake:

Some friends invited us to join them at their cabin on a lake in Wisconsin and I was surprised at how relaxing and soul-filling it was to get away for a couple of days. I got a glimpse of why so many locals have “cabins on the lake!” It was Clark’s 9th birthday. He and his brothers fished, swam, went tubing, and made s’mores by the fire, and ended the night with sparklers!

My favorite part was watching the sunset on the lake…it was one of the prettiest things I’ve seen in a long time! I was surprised at how much Paul loved it too. The sunset lit up the lake with vibrant color and Paul exclaimed, “Mom! Do you see this? It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!! The lake is orange!”

Then, at night, George and I went back to the dock and stared up at the sky. There were more stars than he had ever seen in his life. He thought it was AMAZING! (So did I!) We could even see the milky way!!!

Time with my dad (aka Poppy) at Mall of America:

My dad came in for a short visit. We had dinner together on Monday night, then went to Mall of America on Tuesday. Tuesday is the BEST day to go…I’ll tell you why in a future post! He celebrated his grandson’s birthdays with rides and lunch…then we took him to the airport.

George’s birthday:

Somehow, our oldest son is now 11! He didn’t want a cake but asked for DONUTS and Portillo’s or Chipotle. Well, he got all of that.

A new Chipotle just opened in our town last weekend and it’s been crazy busy. I told George we could try to go on his birthday, but it may be too busy. We show up (on a Friday night at 6) and there is only one person in line ahead of us! George looks at me and says, “Mom, God answered my prayer. I asked him to make the line short so we could have dinner here and he answered my prayer!!” As soon as we ordered, the line was OUT THE DOOR and didn’t stop the entire time we were there!

Sunday Ted took him out for some father/son time at his other favorite restaurant – Portillo’s.

He also got a new Lego set that he’d been wanting for a long time. I thought it would take him a month to put together, but he finished in two days. He’ll gladly tell you all about it if you ask him.

Date Night:

Ted and I got to sneak away for a couple of hours and have dinner at Maynard’s on Lake Minnetonka! It was a perfect night to sit outside by the lake, eating, chatting and watching the boats.

That’s what we’ve been up to! What’s your week been like? Leave me a comment!

5 In Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Our visit to Minnehaha Falls and the Minnesota State Fair

Minnehaha Falls!

We ticked an item off our Minnesota bucket list with a visit to Minnehaha falls. You can park pretty close to the Falls and hike as much or as little as you want to. The stairs are steep and rugged…but besides that, this area is fun for all ages. The waterfall is BEAUTIFUL but my favorite part was a huge open swimming area! We didn’t bring towels or suits…so we did not “swim” but we did play in the water for a little while.  Minnehaha Falls reminded me of Colorado, with the interesting trails and rocks to climb.

We also found an abandoned railroad track and a ‘secret garden’ across the street from the Falls.

Minnesota State Fair

We also visited the Minnesota State Fair. Minnesotans truly love their fair. As I asked locals what should go on my Minnesota Bucket List, many people recommended the Fair. I decided to check it out and see for myself if it lives up to the notoriety. Here are my thoughts …


  • Really Good food! I tried the elote corn and a frozen mojito-like drink. Both were amazing. I wanted to get the fried pickles but it was in a crowded area and since my kids were tired … I decided I’d pass. We were happy to find a stand that had icees for $1! Score for my wallet!

  • Time with friends! We met some friends at the fair and enjoyed being with them – eating, exploring and catching up.
  • The Fair Map: Don’t forget to ask for a map when you get to the ticket booth. Since this was my first time at the fair, I had NO IDEA where to go or what to do. The map was very helpful!
  • Dairy Barn – Look for the butter carving and try the ice cream! Delicious!!!
  • Random entertainment: You may see a parade, street entertainers, a butter carving, or even a live birth – who knows what will happen at the fair!

We watched a parade and fun street performer!

  • SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO!!! There are hundreds of booths, barns, and exhibits to explore. Our favorite was the “Miracle of Birth” center. It was filled with adorable baby animals. We watched chicks pecking their way out of their eggs!


  • Parking: Crazy and expensive! We waited in a line that was over two miles to get into the parking lot (cost: $14). Others recommend taking the shuttle (cost $5 per person); or parking in the nearby neighborhoods to avoid some of the traffic going in and out (cost $20).
  • Crowds: I went on a Wednesday, so it wasn’t even the busiest day, but there were parts of the fair that were just a sea of people. Thankfully, I only took two of my boys. It’s hard to just ”relax and have fun” in the scene pictured below:

The Wednesday crowd

  • LOTS of walking: If you have kids – bring a stroller or a wagon, or plan on giving some piggyback rides. My eight year old did fine, my 6-year-old did a lot of complaining that his feet hurt.
  • The cost: You can easily drop $100 without even knowing where your money went. BRING LOTS OF CASH!!! Most places are CASH ONLY!
    • Entrance fee: $10-15 per person
    • Parking: $14 minimum
    • Ear of corn: $7
    • Rides: $5 per person, per ride
    • Drinks: $5 and up

I told the boys we may wait a couple years before I’ve worked up enough energy (and saved up enough money!) to go back with them.

If you love the fair, tell me what you love about it!

River Valley Church

One morning, I walked into Caribou Coffee and saw some ladies chatting. They had their Bibles with them and were leaving at the same time as me, so I asked them if they belonged to a local church. They said they all went to River Valley Church and invited me to come! This is the church that had been recommended to us before we moved here, and a place I had already planned to visit. One of the ladies I met used to live in Colorado Springs and we discovered we had mutual friends (thanks to Facebook)!

We visited the church and the kids LOVED it! They come home with little study guides, asking if I could read the Bible with them. They are counting down the days until we go back.

4 In Family/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

Our “FREE” trampoline that cost us $150

I was out running when I noticed a mini-trampoline sitting by the side of the road with someone’s trash. I went home and got my car, loaded it in the back of my van, and brought it home.

My boys were delighted.

They carried it to the backyard and let the neighbors know: “WE GOT A TRAMPOLINE!”

The kids came over and LINED UP to take a turn!!

Note: There is a FULL-SIZE trampoline that they can all jump on TOGETHER right next door, but Clark had everyone excited about this LITTLE trampoline. So, that day, they all jumped, one-by-one.

(I REALLY wish I had taken a picture of them LINED UP while ONE kid jumped.)

After the first day, the newness and “excitement” wore off, and the little trampoline doesn’t get used very much. My plan was to bring it in the basement to use on rainy days or during the long Minnesota winter. However, Ted noticed that a couple of the springs were missing and warned me that someone would probably get hurt jumping on it. He asked me to set it out with the trash when it came last week.

Unfortunately, I forgot.

About two hours after the trash was taken, Clark was jumping on the little trampoline.

He was trying to complete a JUMP – SPIN – NINJA Kick.

The jump was high… the spin was good……the kick, great…


He landed on the side of his foot.

It hurt so bad he came in and laid on the couch. He wouldn’t play or even walk on it.

Clark doesn’t complain very much. So, after a couple hours of him laying on the couch and refusing to put pressure on it,  I decided to take him to Urgent Care to get an X-ray.

Thankfully, there was no broken bone, but the doctor said that she thought it was a sprained ankle and he should stay off of it for up to two weeks!

Telling Clark to stay off of his feet is like telling a bird not to fly.

We paid for the urgent care visit and for crutches.

Total: Almost $150

(I never should have picked up that FREE trampoline!)

It is now sitting out by the trash, a little too late.

We prayed for him that night for Clark to have a quick healing and miraculously, 24 hours later, his foot was feeling all better. We made him stay off of it for nearly 3 days – just to make sure he didn’t re -injure it. By Sunday, he was 100% back to himself.

You may (or may not) have noticed a DONATE button on the right side of my blog. I’m now accepting any and all donations from those who enjoy the blog and want to give to the #boymom fund.

Boymom fund includes: 

  • Keeping 4 (constantly hungry) boys fed, plus
  • all the doctor visits,
  • coffee for mom to keep up with it all!

Thanks for reading, and for all the love and support!