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2 In 2020/ Games/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

3 Fun Backyard Games to Play with Family and Friends

Are your kids saying “I’m Bored?” 

Are you needing to ‘de-stress’ a little? 

Here’s an idea for you: Take your kids to the backyard and play a GAME together.

Playing with your kids lowers your stress level and strengthens the bond with your kids!

Here are 3 games to play:

  1. Select one person to be Mr. or Mrs. Fox. This person will stand with his or her back to the rest of the players.
  2. All other players line up on the other side of the yard/field. The players take turns asking Mr. Fox what time it is. The fox will then respond with a time, such as 3 o’clock. The players must then take the same number of steps forward (in this case, 3 steps). These steps may be as large or small as the players wish, no matter how close they get to the fox.
  3. Whenever the fox decides, she or he may yell in response to the question, “It’s LUNCHTIME!” When this happens, the fox will turn around and begin chasing the players with the intent of tagging one.
  4. The players should run back to the starting line where they are safe. Once the fox tags someone, that person becomes Mr. or Mrs. Fox.

Optional Twist: Similar to Sharks and Minnows, after each round, the person who gets tagged JOINS the first Mr. Fox. The number of foxes chasing players increases until there are no longer any players. Then it’s time to start the game with a new fox!

See my kids playing in the video below!

Thanks for the game idea Homefront Magazine.

  1. Two teams line up opposite each other.
  2. The first team agrees to call one player from the opposite team, and chants, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send (player’s name) on over!”
  3. The person called runs to the other line and attempts to break the chain (formed by the linking of hands).
  4. If the person called fails to break the chain, this player joins the team that called Red Rover. But, if the player successfully breaks the chain, he may capture either of the two players whose link was broken by the dash, and bring them back to his original team.
  5. Teams take turns calling out Red Rover and challenging a player on the opposing team.

Alternately – if they break the chain, they join hands with that line. We played this version in the video below.

  1. “It” holds the ball and all the other players circle around him. 
  2. “It” then throws the ball straight up in the air while calling out a name. 
  3. While the player is catching the ball, all other players scatter and get as far away as they can from the person catching the ball. 
  4. The player whose name was called must catch the ball and yell “SPUD!” 
  5. The players who are running away must then stop in their tracks when they hear the word SPUD.
  6. The player with the ball takes 3 steps in the direction of any person, then tries to throw the ball and hit one of the other players. 
  7. If the player hits someone, then that player he hits becomes “It,” if he misses, he is “It.”


  • If a player who’s name was called catches the ball without letting it bounce, they can then throw the ball in the air and call another name. Then that player must run back and try and catch the ball. 
  • If the person takes 3 steps and misses someone, they can take 4 more steps and try and hit another player.  

Here’s a video of all three games. Stay tunes for some silly scenes at the end!

Click here to see 55 activities to do with your kids in quarantine!

7 In 2020/ Family/ Free stuff/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Colorado/ Things to do in Minnesota

Summer Fun Unleashed: Beat Boredom with These 55 Kid-Approved Activities!


🌞☀️ Summer Fun Alert! 🌞☀️ Are you ready to banish those dreaded words, “I’m bored,” from your kids’ vocabulary this summer? 🎉 I’ve put together the ultimate list of activities guaranteed to keep young minds engaged, bodies moving, and creativity flowing all season long! From outdoor adventures to indoor escapades, there’s something for every kid to enjoy. Let’s dive in and make this summer the most memorable one yet! 🚀


Note: I put this list together during the 2020 lock down and it came in handy when my son and got Covid and had to spend two weeks in quarantine. When we were finally ‘free” he said:


“Mom, I’m sad that quarantine is done. We made so many memories.”

Luke, age 7


Thankfully, the lockdown is long gone, but this list remains incredibly useful for those moments when boredom strikes and you’re in need of some inspiration! Plus, it’s an added bonus that you’ll make ‘so many memories’ along the way!!



1. Draw a Picture and/or write a letter


Set out Pencils, markers, water color, or crayons and blank paper or coloring books.

Draw pictures and write letters to family and friends!

Click here to purchase a “How to Draw” book on Amazon.



2. Read a book

  • Go to the library and allow your kids to explore!
  • Find books that will pique your child’s curiosity.
  • Most early readers (and pre-readers) enjoy comic-strip style books. 
  • Set a timer so your kids know that it’s “reading time.”
  • Ask an older child to read to a younger child  – or –
  • Read a few pages of a chapter book to your kids. The “Who Was” series is great!
  • My 12 year old son and I recently finished Front Desk and he LOVED it and kept asking me to read more.
  • We read Little House on the Prairie in 2020 and laughed at how similar the “little house life” and “quarantine life” are!



3. Tell/ write a story

  • My fourth grade teacher once gave us the title “The Entire City Lends a Hand” and had the class each write their own story. Read a rendition of that here.
  • Give your kids a title and let them write! 
  • Title ideas: The first day of school! Best Vacation Ever, If I were President, Undersea Adventure, You Won’t Believe what Happened! 



4. Make a book

Buy blank books from amazon or use a notebook you have on hand.

Have your kids write a little each day about what they are doing during the summer. (It will be interesting to look back on these journals in the future!)

Another option: Have your kids write 1 thing they are grateful for each day. 

Be sure to have them add the date and their name.


5. Start a Gratitude Journal

Thinking about our blessings and what we are grateful for is extremely helpful in building resiliency! I researched journals a few months ago and decided to purchase this simple one for George. I’ve loved watching him open this up (without prompting), and write what he’s grateful for!

Research suggests that keeping a gratitude journal can boost your health and happiness.



6. HOME EC – Cook together 

Making pancakes with Paul
George making his favorite treat!
  • My boys love helping make any type of dessert. But they are also good “sous” chefs – peeling potatoes and carrots, etc.
  • Teaching kids how to cook builds confidence in them and is a huge help once they know what to do.
  • Here is an easy recipe for – Personal Pizzas

Here’s a post about the benefits of cooking together



7. Balloon games

  • It’s crazy how much joy a simple balloon can bring.
  • Blow up balloons and work together to keep them from touching the ground.
  • Use a string/rope/crepe paper across the living room and play “tennis” or “volleyball.”
  • Use a tennis racket outside with a balloon.
  • My son’s love this balloon rocket from amazon!



8. Go Park Hopping!



9. Clean together

My sister’s daughters (ages 4 and 7) – She says the girls enjoy the tactile nature of finding the clips, reading them, and then putting them in the container when completed.
  • There are so many benefits to giving your kids household chores and teaching them to clean! 
  • Some bigger things we are working on together – the basement, baseboards, and cleaning our cars.
  • Smaller things the kids can do – a junk drawer, the pantry, baseboards, wiping lower cabinets, all door handles, appliance handles, pulling weeds, folding and putting away laundry, bathroom, bedroom, their closet, and loading/unloading dishwasher.
  • I offered my kids a quarter to whoever could wipe down the baseboards and bring me back the dirtiest wet wipe.

Click here for a “chore chart” idea!



10. Dino Dig

My boys love uncovering a treasure, your kid will too!



11. Make some homemade gifts

Friendship bracelets are back! (Thank you T.Swift)



12. Play Hide and Seek

Take turns hiding – or – Hide a stuffed animal. Say “hotter/colder” when they are getting closer or further.



13. Play bean bag games

  • Toss back and forth
  • Toss in buckets, pans, or boxes
  • Play “keep away!”
  • For bean bag toddler games, CLICK HERE.



14. Scavenger hunt



15. Puzzles

  • Do a Puzzle together
  • Puzzle races: 1. Time your kids and see how fast they can put a small puzzle together. 2. If you have two 50-100 piece puzzles, race to see who can put them together faster.
  • Optional Money-saving tip: Trade puzzles with your neighbors or buy some used ones! Dollar store sells some too!
  • Get a new puzzle from Amazon, or trade with friends.



16. Paint by Sticker

This sticker book has over 5000 5-star reviews! I got this for my son for Christmas and I see why it has so many positive reviews. We love it! The pictures turn out so pretty you could frame them!



17. Sidewalk chalk

  • Lay down and trace each other – then decorate with clothes, faces, etc.
  • Write a verse or word of encouragement for passers-by
  • Use tape and color in the spaces like stained glass (pictured above)
  • Color rocks around your house



18. Create an Indoor or outdoor Obstacle course



19. Have a Spa Day!

Facials, paint nails, do hair, etc.



20. Spot It

This is a fun game for kids ages 4 and up!


21. Don’t Eat Pete Game

Click here for instructions



22. Play games with a Jump Rope

  • Do competitions to see who can go the longest without tripping. It’s great exercize and FUN!
  • I definitely recommend you purchase the segmented jump ropes (pictured above). We bought several so we could all jump rope together.



23. Build with legos or megablocks



24. Do a craft together



25. Memorize a poem or verse together.



26. Build an arcade game out of boxes.

Clark created a game called “Hit It” – Targets for Nerf Guns



27. Play with Cheerios

  • Allow your kids to string Cheerios or Fruit Loops for an edible necklace
  • Stack cheerios on Spaghetti noodles
  • With older kids – turn this into a race!



28. Play a board game  



29. Spike Ball

spike ball
  • My son Clark just got this game for his 11th birthday. My boys love it. It’s best for ages 8 and up.
  • When it’s too cold to play outside, this game can be played in a living room or basement.



30. Play charades or download the HEADS UP app

  • Even little ones can play this game. Whisper what you want them to “act” out and let the sibling(s) guess.
  • The Heads Up app is lots of fun.



31. Build a fort

  • Put blankets over your dining table – or
  • Use boxes, or pillows and blankets.
  • Read a story in the fort!
  • Go on a Bear Hunt
  • Decorate with Christmas lights!



32. Create or Buy Kinetic Sand or Play Doh



33. Exercise! 

  • Follow a youtube exercise video
  • Family Bootcamp
  • Run around your house for 5 or more minutes. I don’t know about your kids – but my kids NEED to burn energy in a healthy way or they start getting mischievous!
  • If we are outside, I challenge my kids to a foot race so that we can BOTH burn energy and get exercise.



34. Play some backyard games

  1. Duck Duck Goose 
  2. Balloon Bounce – Kids lay down (or sit down) and have to work together to keep balloon(s) in the air. 
  3. Red Rover, Red Rover
  4. Red Light, Green Light
  5. Tag



35. Have a unique conversation

conversation starters

Has months of summer left you with nothing else to talk about than how bored you are? Then you NEED this set of cards.

Each card asks interesting questions for your family to answer or discuss. My kids ask for us to pull the cards out whenever we sit down to eat. One time my kids were eating alone and my oldest son pulled the questions out to ask his little brothers. I LOVED listening to their conversation!



36. Have a “What’s in the Box?” Challenge

what's in the box
  • Cut holes a in box
  • Choose an item to put inside
  • Allow someone to reach their hand inside the box and “guess” what it is.
  • Take turns finding items to hide, then guessing “What’s in the Box?”

Click here to watch the Egly boys’ challenge. They’d love for you to subscribe to their channel.



37. Homemade Tap Shoes

Sorry parents, this one’s noisy! It’s so easy, though, and will keep your kids busy.

Simply tape coins to the bottom of your child’s shoe. Voila, homemade tap shoes.

Get them to come up with a tap-dancing routine, rehearse it and record their final performance (bring your own earmuffs).



38. Look at old photos

Take out your photo albums or pull up pictures on your computer and enjoy!



39. Build a Marble Maze / Labrynth

Your kids can use an empty box.

Glue straws to the bottom to create a maze.



40. Card Games

Playing “Garbage”
RataTat Cat – fun family card game!

Play “War” with the classic deck of cards.



41. Play “Minute to Win It”

Click here for 10 fun games to play with your family



42. Practice an instrument

Piano, keyboard, xylophone, harmonica, recorder or drums…make it a family band. Look on Youtube for free lessons.



43. Blow bubbles


Make some bubbles using dish washing soap, water, and sugar (for consistency).

Or check out these “bubble gloves” on amazon.



44. Make a flip motion animation book

Kids can learn how to make a flipbook animation in less than 5 minutes. All you need is a pen and a stack of notecards, paper, or a sticky note pad. This video is a great and very quick tutorial.



45.  Play Simon Says or Follow The Leader

  • Have each child take a turn being the leader
  • Walk all around your house 
  • Do jumps, turns, stop to hug dad, etc.



46. Ice excavating

Place some toys in a bowl of water and Freeze. Let the kids dig them out.



47. Build a volcano

Click here for instructions



48. Make Ice Cream

If you have milk and sugar, your kids can make their own ice cream! Click here for the recipe!



49. Nerf guns

Shoot at targets – I made some targets with construction paper and held them in place with play doh.



50. Jokes

Get a joke book from Amazon, or search for kid’s jokes on the internet and entertain each other!



51. Create Salt Dough Figures

Click here for instructions



52. Play “Would you Rather?”

Click here for questions!



53. Create “Ramp Races”

A really fun and simple activity that can act as a physics lesson and opportunity for an experiment. Make a simple ramp using cardboard or a piece of wood, and roll different objects down: measure how far they go, how fast they roll, or hold races between different kinds of balls to see which wins!



54. Leaf or Texture rubbings

Find leaves, grass, and other flat-ish items and put them under paper. Color over them.



55. Take an aimless drive.

  • Listen to a podcast or the radio.
  • Go through the drive through for ice cream or dinner.


CLICK HERE FOR 20 more ideas

Bonus Idea: Create a “I’m Bored” Jar:

  • Print the 55 options listed above, cut apart each idea, and put them in a container. If your kids say ‘I’m Bored’ – have them pull a paper from the jar and complete that activity.
  • It’s OKAY for your kids to be bored and figure it out too! Boredom leads to creativity! Clark was bored when he created his own Cardboard Arcade!
  • Boredom leads to new inventions. I look forward to what will be thought up during this quarantine!



Do you have an idea? Leave a comment!

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*I am an Amazon Affiliate, so I make a small percentage off of Amazon links I share if you click through and purchase, without any additional cost to you.  Thank you for your support in this way! 

3 In 2020/ Family/ Free stuff/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Don’t Eat Pete!

Here’s a fun and easy game to play with your children or grandchildren.

It’s also an activity I leave out for the babysitter.

What you need:

Any small snacks (cereal, candy, tiny crackers, peanuts, raisins)

1 piece of paper and a writing utensil

To do:

  1. On a sheet of white paper, draw a large grid – nine squares.
  2. Put a number on each square.
  3. Put a small snack on each square.
  4. Have ONE person leave the room.
  5. Have another person choose which square is “Pete.”
  6. Ask the person who left the room to come back. He or she eats one snack at a time. When they grab the snack that is “Pete,” everyone screams:


Their turn is over.

Repeat as many times as your kids are interested!

Parenting tip:

Are you having a hard time getting your kids to eat certain foods? Cut it into SMALL pieces and use it on the game board.

You can turn this game into LUNCH!

  1. Cover the game board with a piece of plastic wrap.
  2. Cut up small pieces of a protein of your choice, fruits, and vegetables.
  3. Play!

Interested in more games for kids?

Click here for a WOULD YOU RATHER game!

Click here for many more ideas!

3 In 2020/ Family/ Free stuff/ Games/ Motherhood/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

Would you Rather?

Here’s a fun game to get your kids talking! My boys love this game and ask me to play when we are having dinner together or driving.

Because this game needs NO SUPPLIES, you can play during dinner, on a walk, or anytime you want to engage with your kids.

Would you rather….

Be Superman or Batman?

Eat Pizza or Hotdogs?

Ride a roller coaster or a water slide?

Go to Target or Walmart?

Laugh or cry?

Jump high or run fast?

Have summer all year or winter all year?

Be really smart or really funny?

Drive a truck or a sports car?

Go back in time or go to the future?

Be able to fly or be invisible?

Have ONE great friend or 20 pretty good friends?

Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?

Take a ride in a speed boat or helicopter?

Go Skydiving or Swim with Sharks?

Build a Sand Castle or Play in the Waves?

Go Skiing or Ride a bike?

Watch a Movie or Read a Book?

Go Rock climbing or Swimming?

Own a Cat or a Dog?

Write a Story or a Draw picture?

Clean the Bathroom or Vacuum the carpet?

Ice Skate or Roller Skate?

Drink Pop or Water?

Play Inside or Outside?

Take a Shower or Bath?

Take a trip to Australia or Italy?

Go Fishing or Make slime?

Play a Video game or Board game?

Have more time or more money?


If you’d like to play this game with more than one child, call it: VOTE WITH YOUR FEET! Kids have to vote for which one they’d rather do by WALKING to one side of the room! This gets kids moving and allows them to see that they have something in common with another person.

Click here for lots of game ideas for kids!

Give us another ‘Would You Rather?’ Add a comment below!

Please subscribe!

0 In 2020/ Family/ Minnesota/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

Peek into our winter weeks

The winter of 2019 was so cold we didn’t get to spend a lot of time outside. 2020 has started much more MILD and we’re all happy about that. “Mild” in Minnesota means the temperature is a “warm” 30 degrees.

Here are some fun things we’ve been doing this winter:


Luke learned to ski! I signed him up for a 90 minute class, and 6 hours later…he still didn’t want to stop skiing!

George and Clark joined the Ski Club at school. Once a week they go directly from school to the ski hill with their classmates.

I was just there for the hot chocolate! 🙂


We found a huge sledding hill near our home!


George and Clark are earning extra money by shoveling for neighbors.


Christmas was a fun family day with just the 6 of us. We made pancakes and played lots of games.

A Visit from Family

My sister and her family came to visit from Indiana. We got to go out to dinner, swimming, sledding, and visited Mall of America. This is their second annual trip to Minnesota. They come up and spend the New Year with us – and we spend 4th of July with them in Indiana.


George, Clark and Paul are finishing their first season of basketball and they’ve loved it. We were all surprised how much fun this sport it. They’ve enjoyed playing, and the rest of us have enjoyed watching them play

Winter is for watching Movies:

Little Women – A friend invited me to go see this with her. It’s nominated for a bunch of Oscars and now I know why – it’s an INCREDIBLE movie! Watch it!

Where’d you Go, Bernadette? I really enjoyed the book and thought the movie was fantastic! (Get it from Redbox or the library)

Something we have NOT enjoyed this winter: The FLU 🙁

It started with Paul, jumped to Luke, and then to Ted. Thankfully, I only had one rough night! We are all better now!

He had the flu, so I probably shouldn’t be this close…but look at him. You’d hold him too, wouldn’t you?

What have you been up to this winter?

Click here to read my Minnesota Bucket List!

Click here to read How Not to Hate Winter!

Please subscribe so you don’t miss a post!

0 In 2019/ Family/ Minnesota/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

We toured the US – without leaving our state!

Minnesota is a beautiful place, but I’d like to see what the rest of the country looks like too! How about you?

With four young boys in tow – we don’t get to see as much of the world as we’d like to. However, at Mall of America, you can see the most beautiful parts of the U.S. when you experience FlyOver America.

Our family of six visited this attraction during Christmas vacation and we LOVED it! It was an incredibly unique way for all of us to see parts of our great country that we have not seen before.

Each picture on this wall is a location that you fly over during your ride!

It’s a 4D/Virtual reality ride that makes you feel like your soaring through the open air (yet seated) with a giant screen and 180 degree views! The seats move up and down and sway to the side.

When you fly over the pine trees, you feel the wind in your face and SMELL PINE!

When you fly over the ocean towards Hawaii – you get spritzed with WATER!

During the holiday season, your trip also takes you to the North Pole. If you have children, visiting in November and December will be extra fun because there are “elves” that pop up throughout your travels. My boys got excited when they’d spot an elf. If the adventure wasn’t entertaining enough, adding silly elves certainly keeps kids engaged!

Here’s what I heard from my boys as we walked out of the FlyOver attraction:

George, Age 12: It was really cool! It gave me good memories.

Clark, Age 10: That was so good! I liked the blowing wind, smelling stuff, and splashes of water.

Paul, Age 8: I liked finding the elves and seeing them do funny things.

Luke, Age 5: That was SO fun! Can we do it again?!

And Ted, parent: Better than I expected.

Tickets are $19.99 for adults and $15.99 for children (12 and under). Discounts can be found online.

It’s absolutely worth a visit and will delight EVERY age group. You must be 40 inches to ride (which is about 4 years old).

For insight into the Best Day to Go to Mall of America with kids – click here.

For a peek into the Crayola Experience, click here.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for a future post that will include 30 things to do at Mall Of America besides SHOP! Subscribe so you don’t miss that one!

1 In 2019/ Family/ Minnesota/ Peek into our Week/ Things to do in Minnesota

Getting Creative at Crayola

The boys and I spent the day at the Crayola Experience at the Mall of America and wanted to give you a peek inside!

Because the kids were out of school, it was a little bit crowded. However, there are SO many different activities to do inside, it never felt “OVERLY” crowded.

I honestly wasn’t sure how my four boys (ages 5 to 12) would do at the Crayola Experience. They aren’t really into ‘crafting’ and ‘coloring.’ However, I was surprised by how much fun we all had. It was actually ‘soul-filling’ to spend the day creating, painting, crafting and coloring. Bonus – there was no prep work or clean up involved!

Here are some of our favorite things from the day:

Crayons with our own names!
Creating coloring pages of ourselves!!

Each of us got modeling dough. I forgot how relaxing it is to be creative with play dough.

We created our own puzzles!

The boys loved decorating a paper car – then seeing it come to life on the big screen!

A crayon “mimicking” Luke’s movement
Paul playing!

All the boys enjoyed the 2-story playground. If I had season passes, I’d let them play and burn some energy every time we came to the mall.

We took a break to go eat at Chick Fil A in the food court, but since our passes were good all day, we came back to continue our fun.

We watched a live show about how crayons are made, painted with watercolors, created creatures that “danced,” colored mini ‘pets’ that we got to bring home…and more!

At first I thought the admission price was a little high. However, once we had the “Crayola Experience,” the price seemed fair. The admission price includes all of the activities and stations, the play area, the live show, the ‘mini-pet,’ a crayon that you create, and modeling dough.

The regular admission price is $17.99. You can save on the admission price through:

With a season pass, you can stop in any time for an entire year to create and play. It also includes other perks as well, which you can read about by clicking here.

Parking Tips:

Parking is free at Mall of America. I recommend parking in the EAST lot. Take a picture of your spot so that you can find your car at the end of the busy day!

Another tip: Because the mall is so big, it’s easy to forget which door you entered. When I walk into the mall, I take a picture of the first store I see. When it’s time to leave at the end of the day, I use the mall directory to find the quickest way back to that store, which will lead me to where I parked!

Thanks for reading about our day! We hope you get to experience the fun at Crayola too!

Other posts you might enjoy (just click to read):

The Best Day to visit Nickelodeon Universe!

My favorite things to do in Lakeville, MN

My Minnesota Bucket List

A Peek inside the Mill City Museum

How to Not Hate Winter

2 In Finding our place/ Minnesota/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

10 things to do in Lakeville, Minnesota

When we decided to move to Minnesota, we had NO IDEA where to plant our roots. There are hundreds of towns within a 30 mile radius of Minneapolis and we checked out MOST of them. Nearly every person we asked would tell us why their city was the BEST one in Minnesota. That made our decision extremely difficult, but we finally settled in Lakeville …and we LOVE it here!

Did you know that Lakeville was rated one of the best places to live according to Money Magazine?

I’ve explored this city and have ten reasons for YOU to come visit.

1. Lakeville is known for their excellent sports programs. Visit Lakeville NORTH High School and… Lakeville SOUTH High School to cheer on our young athletes!



2. Eat at one of the many fabulous restaurants!



3. Get ice cream at the historic Dairy Delight, fill your own cup at Cherry Berry, or try delicious waffles and ice cream at the Waffle Bar!



4. Have an Ax-throwing competition –



5. Hike and explore at Ritter Farm or Murphy-Hanrehan Park



6. Watch a live show at the Lakeville Arts Center



7. Go Fishing at one of the many lakes around town: Lake Marion or Orchard Lake



Quaint Main Street Lakeville

8. Explore the historic buildings and quaint shops along Main Street in Downtown Lakeville.



9. Play at one of the incredible parks for kids!



10. Enjoy the beach and swim at Antlers Park or Orchard Lake



Other things you won’t want to miss:

Applewood Farm/Orchard in the Fall

Skiing at Buck Hill in the winter

(Buck hill is on the border of Lakeville and Burnsville)

Luke loves to Rock Climb!

Lifetime Gym – We are spoiled with a REALLY nice Lifetime Gym in Lakeville! Not only is it a great place to exercise, but we also love the Rock Climbing area (included with membership), Parents Night out (included with Membership!) and Swimming (awesome outdoor and indoor pools with waterslides)!

Consider subscribing so you don’t miss a post!

Click here to read How to fit in as a Minnesota Newbie

Click here to read: How I learned to not HATE winter!

Click here to read about The Mill City Museum in Minneapolis.

Click here for our Minnesota Bucket List!

Click here to read Gifts that Minnesota Gave the World

0 In Family/ Friendship/ Memories/ Minnesota/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota/ Traveling

The Best Thing About Memories is … Making Them

Summer is for making memories! Here’s the highlights:

A visit from Mom

Grandma came for her first summer visit in Minnesota! We got to spend a few awesome days together, which included knocking an item off the Minnesota Bucket List – a visit to Mill City Museum (click here to read about it). Then she graciously watched ALL FOUR boys so I could go to Florida for my second favorite memory of the summer…

My Cousin’s wedding in Florida

I spent four wonderful days with family in Sarasota, Florida to celebrate the wedding of my cousin (who’s like a little sister to me). My uncle rented a big house that used to belong to Flavor Flav and I spent 3 nights with family there – and one night with my sister on Long Boat Key. It’s the first time I’ve been back to Florida in SO long and forgot how much I love it there.

There’s something soul-healing about walking on the beach, soaking in some sun, and playing in the waves.

My cousin’s wedding was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and I’m grateful I could be there!

A Unique Birthday

I learned how not to dread turning a year older – make it about OTHERS! This year my boys and I researched ways to give back to our community. On my birthday, we spent the day making a difference!

My baby sister’s wedding in Oklahoma

Another whirlwind weekend with family in another part of the country. I loved spending time with family, celebrating Brooke and her new husband, Jeff!

She had the sweetest wedding, surrounded by big trees, on a beautiful lake.

Fourth of July in Indiana

We spent several days with our Indiana family – boating, tubing, fishing on the Lake. We also explored Amish country in Shipshewana, Indiana.

On our way home from Indiana, we stopped for an…

Adventures in Illinois

We visited two places I love… Bien Trucha for the world’s best tacos and…

Blackberry Farm – A fun spot we’ve been visiting since the boys were babies!

We came back home to spend the rest of the summer at home. Some of the highlights for July and August are…

Exploring the Twin Cities

We went fishing, explored parks and beautiful spots around the Twin Cities.

Egly Burger Challenge

We are on the hunt for the best burgers in the Twin Cities. This summer we tried FIVE different burgers places. When we finish, I’ll blog about what we discovered!

Mall of America

We love having Mall of America just a few minutes away. George and Clark did a free video editing camp at the Apple Store and all four boys tried their first roller coaster.

Back-to-School Ice cream party

We texted our neighbors, set out ice cream and toppings and 30+ people showed up in our front yard for a back-to-school ice cream party. Super easy and fun for everybody! I wish I would have snapped a picture of the crowd gathered in our front yard – but I didn’t, and it is one of the sweetest memories of the summer.

The Minnesota State Fair

I was going to skip the fair this year, but a friend gave me four free tickets so I took Clark, his friend Sam, and Luke.

We tried some new foods, rode the Giant Slide, enjoyed the Fair from up above on a ski-lift type ride called the Sky Glider and played some games. It was the last thing we did before school started and Clark called it his “favorite thing” all summer…well, “and cousins.”

The Difference a Year Makes


One year ago, I attended a ladies night (Sisterhood) at our church alone. I sat by myself and chatted with complete strangers. This year I came with this group of phenomenal women.

I’m shocked at what a difference a year can make. Last summer we did some grieving and moving – this summer was filled with friends and happy memories.

It’s been fun to go back and reflect on the summer and see the generosity of friendship, the beauty of nature, and the Goodness of God in all of it.

Thanks for joining me on the summer road trip down memory lane.

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0 In Family/ Raising boys/ Things to do in Minnesota

An Easy way for a Parent to Invest in your Child

Written by my husband, Ted:

Today I had father-son time with my oldest, George, who is going into middle school next week. I used our time together not only to have fun at the Mall of America, but also started a tradition with my boys who are going into middle school (and in a few years, high school). I was able to capitalize on this transition as an opportunity to invest in him, and talk about leadership and many other topics.

During lunch I shared (or re-shared) with him:

* Picking quality friends. We become like those we surround ourselves with, for better or for worse

* The power of a growth mindset (Instead of “I can’t”… “I can’t, YET”)

* The value of integrity

* The importance of kindness

* Going first (e.g. saying hi…first; smiling first; encouraging first)

* That his mom and I are always here for him (during good and bad times)

* The power of courage and taking action when you are afraid. Action cures fear.

At one point I teared up during our time (I know…I know…a little sappy), realizing I have the wonderful privilege to father him and his brothers.  

Cheers to a great year, George!

Ted Egly is my awesome husband and father to our four cowboys. He loves good books and adventure races. He does Executive Development for Target.