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0 In 2019/ Book Review/ Product Recommendations

What I’m loving on Amazon right now

Here are a few of my favorite things from Amazon this week. Most of these would be great CHRISTMAS gifts if you are planning ahead! Each item is an affiliate link. That just means that if you make a purchase, I’ll earn a few cents without any additional cost to you!

Winter hat and neck warmer for kids – This hat and neck wrap is so warm and cozy! My son George loves it. The neck wrap is large enough to cover his neck, as well as most of his face too – which is perfect for the really cold days we have in Minnesota. And step #1 for how NOT to HATE winter is to DRESS FOR IT!

Pretty lap top cover – Since breaking my computer, I’ve been borrowing Teds. His one request was that I get a cover for it first, since I’m not as…”careful” as he is :). I love this cover – it’s like a piece of art. It’s pretty, but not TOO feminine.

Reusable food covers – My friend introduced me to these and I am in LOVE! I have one set and use them to cover anything from leftover brownies, to dinner. You can rinse and reuse and use less plastic wrap/aluminum foil. These make a GREAT gift.

This new book by Bob Goff – His books are some of my favorites. Live in Grace, Walk in Love was just released and has a little inspiration for every day of the year.

I love this 5 year journal!

One line a day journals are an easy way to capture life. There is space to summarize your day in one paragraph. I love it because I can record funny things my kids said, or places we went, or an accomplishment I want to remember. It will be fun to compare year-to-year because this book will hold FIVE years worth of journal entries!!

Photo Albums – My Grandma June used to have matching photo albums, and I loved going through them and looking at all the people and places. I print my favorite photos and have albums that my kids and I enjoy.

Help Club for Moms Christmas edition

I just got this book in the mail and am so excited about using it over the holiday season. Not only is it a Bible Study, but it’s a full holiday resource as well! It’s a guide for planning and keeping Jesus the center of your holiday!

Thanks for reading and please subscribe!

You may also be interested in the following blog post:

0 In Book Review/ Inspiration

5 Fantastic Books for Summer

I’ve read about 40 books so far in 2019. I’ll share the entire list near the end of the year, but highlight a few of my favorites throughout the year. Here are 5 books I’ve read this summer that I would recommend.

(Each book has a direct affiliate link to Amazon. If you choose to buy a book, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you)

1. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

This is the memoir of Dr. Paul Kalanithi and has essentially 3 parts:

  • one part is his story of growing up, becoming a brain surgeon, and taking care of patients,
  • the second part is his cancer story and him BECOMING a patient,
  • the 3rd part is a touching story written by his wife.

It was one of those books that was hard to put down. I stayed up way too late trying to get through the entire story and really loved it. If you enjoy memoirs or have interest in the medical field – I recommend this book for you!

Disclaimer – After devouring this book, I was left feeling sad. It gave me a glimpse into how FRAGILE life can be. As a mother with young children, I found myself awake at night worrying about the future. I’m learning that some books may not be good for me during this season of my life.

2. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

My friend lent me this book and once I started reading, I didn’t want to stop. It made me wish I could skip all responsibilities for 24 hours so I could just READ!

The author is a fantastic writer and made the story and characters, come alive. I’d recommend this book to an adult looking for a great summer read.

Disclaimer – I recommended “adult” because there were a couple parts about the main character and her relationship with a man that were a little graphic. I still loved the book, but felt that a few details could have been left out.

3. Play: How it shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown

This book brings to light all the benefits of PLAY! If you are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and disconnected – take a break and PLAY. The author believes that PLAY is the cornerstone to happiness. He shares the science, and real life stories, to support his beliefs.

As a mom, I’ve found that taking a few minutes to play with my kids helps us stay connected.

What I hadn’t thought of (but the author pointed out) was how play can also bring life and joy back to a marriage. When was the last time you and your spouse played something together? If your marriage needs a little pep, sign up to do something fun together – mini-golf, axe throwing, or an escape room.

I’d recommend this book to any parent or married person!

4. Relational Intelligence by Steve Sacconne

I read this book several years ago, but picked it back up recently now that I’m in a season of meeting so many new people and beginning new friendships.

I pulled out a few of my favorite quotes from the book here:

Relationships have a direct correlation to the quality of our lives… Our day to day human interactions will determine the quality of our lives more than the tasks of work we do.

By cultivating relational intelligence, we can enhance our ability to affect the people around us more positively. 

To be human means to be imperfect and flawed, while simultaneously being God’s unimaginable masterpiece and treasure. This journey involves beginning to fully embrace ourselves as God does, in our beauty and our brokenness, in our goodness and our deficiencies, in our light and our darkness.

Self awareness means consistently investing in our internal growth potential …an unexamined life is an ineffective life.

I’d recommend this book to someone who wants to strengthen their relationships with others.

5. The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha

This book is a super easy-read filled with stories that will make you smile! The whole book is written about things that are AWESOME. I loved how the author pointed out SOOO many things that I take for granted and forget to be grateful for.  

Things like:

  • free samples,
  • tripping and realizing NO ONE SAW YOU!
  • Shopping for a specific item and finding it on SALE!
  • Your colon, lungs, and other body parts that work hard every day to keep you healthy without you even noticing or having to ask 

If you are in a need of a reason to smile … I recommend this book or the blog

Do you have a book you would recommend? Leave a comment and let us know!

3 In Book Review/ Inspiration/ Things to do in Colorado/ Things to do in Minnesota

Little ways to make a BIG difference

Each of us are here for a reason. We have opportunities, every day, to make an impact on people and our world. Usually it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Little bits of kindness add up to a whole bunch of goodness.


Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.

Robert F Kennedy


Keep doing little things, and together, we can make a big difference.


Here are 21 fun and easy ways we can make the world a brighter place. Perhaps you can add one of these to your calendar, or set a reminder on your phone to do one small act of kindness this week.

1. Smile and brighten someone’s day.

When I walk past a stranger who is smiling, my mood lifts. Imagine the impact if we all smile and say hello to every person we encounter today. 

Did you know that smiling not only has a positive impact on others, it positively impacts YOU too. Smile and your body responds accordingly.


2. Leave a dollar bill at the Dollar Store for someone to joyfully discover.

Oh the happiness that fills a child who has a dollar to spend at the Dollar Store! You could even hide out and wait for someone to find the dollar you left behind :).


3. Pray for a foster child by name.

(Click here to see Minnesota foster kids)

Pray that God’s love would permeate every part of their lives. Pray that they would have positive influences in their lives. Pray for their foster parents and teachers to have patience, wisdom, and unconditional love for them. Pray that they would find a permanent home and family.


4. Buy an extra item at the grocery store and drop it off at a food pantry.

Did you know that families in the suburbs are often struggling more than inner city families? Items of greatest need: Peanut Butter, Canned Meat and Toilet Paper.

Click here to see what and where to give:


5. Drop a penny into the McDonald’s Ronald Mcdonald donation box.

If every customer in the US donates just ONE PENNY every time he or she visits Mcdonald’s, more than $62 Million dollars would be collected to support children and families in need. Wow!


6. Provide a meal or groceries for a single mom.

When I was young, there was a season when my mom was trying to provide for 5 young girls as a single mom. I remember what a delight it was when someone left a bag of groceries for us. Many single parents are living on a very slim budget and every bit helps.



7. Donate snacks or make a donation to an organization that gives children food to eat over the weekend.

There are children in each community who don’t have enough food to eat over the weekend.

Many local schools and churches collect snacks to give to children in need – ask your child’s school and church. If you live around Lakeville, Minnesota, here are three places that collect and provide snacks for kids:

  • Hosanna church, 9600 163rd Street West Lakeville, MN 55044
  • 952.435.3332
  • Kenwood Middle school -17630 Juniper Path 
    Lakeville, Minnesota 55044  Phone: 952-232-3800
  • Edge Real Estate Services at 18472 Kenyon Avenue (near 185th &35W)

Another organization is The Sheridan Story – a project designed to fight child hunger by providing a weekend’s supply of food to hungry children.


8. Keep $5 gift cards to Walmart or McDonalds to give to a needy person you pass on the street. Or bring an extra sandwich to share.


9. Invite someone to church

9 out of 10 unchurched people said that they would come if someone invited them. My friend, Terri, buys pizzas from Little Caesars every Wednesday. She invites the neighbors over for pizza and takes a car load to youth group on Wednesday nights. The teenagers in her neighborhood know if they want to have dinner and go to church, she’s the one to see. She’s also built a mentorship and rapport with these teenagers. Every neighborhood needs a “Terri!”

10. Look for an opportunity to help ONE person today! 

Every person you encounter is fighting some sort of battle. It may be a new mom who needs a NAP! Someone else needs a hug. Another person needs you to ask them how they are REALLY doing. Create margin in your day to be able to help someone.

My friend Nanette told me she invited a recently widowed father and his children to eat with her family on Valentine’s day. What would normally be a hard holiday for this hurting husband was a night filled with joy, laughter, and happy memories.


11. Visit a nursing home

Have your kids draw pictures, sing a song, play an instrument, or just give a hug to the elderly.


12. Provide respite care for foster families

Give foster parents a break for the weekend or occasional help when needed.


13. Volunteer at a Food bank

You can volunteer once a year or once a week. If you are in the Minneapolis suburbs, click here to volunteer at The Open Pantry Food bank in Eagan or Apple Valley.


14. Donate needed supplies to a woman’s shelter

Call your local women’s shelter and see what their needs are. Click here to find a women’s shelter near you.

In my area, Dakota Woodlands Women’s Shelter is currently needing baby items, personal items, and waterproof mattress pads!


15. Donate diapers to a pregnancy clinic


16. Do you have a friendly pet? Consider taking it to the hospital to cheer up sick patients.


17. Donate toiletries to a homeless shelter

I always grab the extra shampoo and soap from my hotel rooms. These are the perfect size for donations to your local homeless shelter.


18. Play with your kids or spend time with your grandkids!

For parents – take just 5 minutes to PLAY with your kids! The benefits of PLAY are endless – two benefits include improved behavior and learning. Play Tag, a board or card game, chase, throw a ball…anything! Play creates incredible bonds between you and your kids. Click here to read about more benefits.

For grandparents – There are ENDLESS benefits to the child/grandchild relationship – reduced depression and improved immune system are just a couple. Click here to read an awesome article for more on the topic of benefits of being a grandparent.

I remember a time in my life when I thought to myself: My grandmother is the only person in this universe who loves me. Obviously, that wasn’t true but I’m grateful that when everything hit the fan, I knew I was unconditionally loved by my grandmother.

I have so many good memories with each of my grandparents and am grateful my boys have amazing grandparents who love them and invest in them.

Click here for a list of fun activities to do with your kids or grandkids!


19. Donate feminine products to a high school.

The Open Door Food Pantry delivers donated feminine products to a local alternative high school. The girls who are given these items often cry in gratitude because they have no money and no one to purchase these for them. Call your local high school to see if there are girls in need. I imagine that every middle or high school has girls that will be completely grateful for this simple donation.


20. Provide clean water.

Did you know that 80% of illnesses in developing countries are caused by lack of clean water? A gift of $10 to provides clean water for one person for 10 years!


21. Pick up trash

What’s the #1 thing our kids say when we ask them to pick something up around the house?

“I didn’t do it” – or – “It’s not mine!”

Guess what? We, as adults, do the SAME THING when we walk by a piece of trash on the ground and ignore it. Imagine if each of us picked up not only our own stuff, but random pieces of trash we see along sidewalks or in parks? Our homes and communities would be so much cleaner.

Each of us can make a little difference that will add up to a big change.

I’ve provided twenty ideas for you! If you have an idea I haven’t mentioned, leave me a comment and share it with us! What is ONE little thing you will do THIS week that could make a big difference?

I’m currently collecting:

  • snacks for kids,
  • peanut butter and other food items,
  • diapers and wipes.

I’ll be donating them to the organizations listed above on June 10. Send me a message if you have something I can give on your behalf!! I’d be happy to come pick it up if you live in my area.

Thanks for reading all the way to the end… ideas for this post came from the book: A Cup of Cold Water in His Name: 60 ways to care for the needy.

4 In Book Review/ Product Recommendations

Books I’m reading – and a Giveaway!

Links below are Affiliate links. If you choose to purchase an item, I will receive a small commotion at no extra cost to you.

Here are some books I’ve been reading lately, and you must read to the end to find out how to win a copy of one the following books see who won!

I’m usually reading two to four books at a time. I have one by my bed, one by the couch, one in the car, and another I’m listening to on my phone with the free Hoopla App. Here are my thoughts on the books I’m currently reading, or recently finished.

The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey

I’m not a helicopter parent, but this book did shine light on areas where I could back off to allow my kids grow. It made me realize that some of the strength and confidence I have, comes from being put in really challenging situations as a young adult, and figuring out my way through it (I’ll write about this in a future post). I would recommend this book to parents who have children 7-17. The book has a few really great sections, and other parts were repetitive that I skimmed through. I’d rate it a 4 out of 5.  

Capital Gains by Chip Gaines

I mentioned to a friend how much I loved The Magnolia Story, so she recommended I read Capital Gains. It’s basically Chip Gain’s biography and shows how hard work and a good attitude (plus a smart spouse) can lead to incredible success. Their family has turned the town of Waco from a place you’d just drive through to get from Dallas to Austin, to a destination city. I liked The Magnolia Story better, but would still give this a 4 out of 5!

Sacred Ground, Sticky Floors by Jami Amerine

I heard the author speak in an interview/podcast with Crystal Paine so I purchased this book on Amazon. After reading the first couple of chapters, I didn’t think I was going to like it…but by chapter 4, I was all in. I loved the author’s honestly, vulnerability, and HUMOR. The tag line is: “How less than perfect parents can raise kind of great kids” … and I would recommend it! Rating: 4/5

Educated by Tara Westover

I neglected all household chores for about 24 hours to devour this memoir. I couldn’t put it down. Tara Westover shares her fascinating story of growing up completely sheltered and was not allowed to go to school. Without any formal education or GED, she earned a Doctorate from Harvard!  Rating: 5/5

A Cup of Cold Water by Lorie Newman

This is an incredible book with tons of suggestions on how we can make the world a better place. I heard the author speak on a podcast and purchased her book right away. I’ll share more in a future post about what I’m doing with what I learned in this book. I highly recommend it! Rating 5/5

Talking to your Kids about God by Natasha Crain

Once again, I heard this author speak on a podcast and decided to purchase her book. I had just finished reading “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” and I was inspired/convicted about how well Muslim parents instruct their children in their faith. I was excited to read this book about how to teach our children about God. Natasha Crain discusses the evidence for the existence of God, how science confirms the God of the Bible, how Christianity is different from other religions, and how all these things apply to us and the world around us. I’m not finished yet, but I’m REALLY loving it. Rating: 5/5

Help club for moms: The Wise Woman Grows

This is a Devotional I’ve been reading through this semester with a group of women from around the world. If you are a woman, join our group on Facebook, and pick up a copy of the book on Amazon. Rating: 5/5

Another Man’s War by Sam Childers

I received this book as a gift from my father-in-law and loved it! It’s an amazing true story about a man who goes to the most dangerous parts of Africa to find orphaned children and then provides a safe place for them. Rating 5/5

I want to give my copy of Another Man’s War to one of you! To win…

Do any of the following between now and May 1, 2019

  • Comment on this post (use the little text box icon beside the title)
  • Share this (or any) post on Social Media, through text or email! Let me know you shared it.
  • Every share and comment will receive you an entry to win the book. The drawing will be on May 2, 2019.

WINNER is Annie! Congratulations Annie!

Thanks for reading!

1 In Book Review/ Faith

Is there evidence to support the Christian faith?

Today is Easter Sunday and as I scrolled through Instagram, I noticed many people celebrating the “Resurrection” today. They even posted: “Happy Resurrection Day!”

What is the Resurrection and is it really worth celebrating?

The Resurrection means going from death to life. We, as Christ followers, celebrate Easter as a way to remember that Jesus conquered death and came back to LIFE.

Is there evidence of this? Yes. There is.

Let me introduce you to a guy named Lee Strobel. Lee graduated from Yale with a Law degree and then became a journalist and legal editor for the Chicago Tribune

He was also an atheist. 

One day his wife came home and told him that she had become a Christ Follower. 

Lee describes that day as one of the worst in his life. The first word that came to his mind was DIVORCE.

He was trained to research, investigate, and pursue truth and he was sure that his legal and journalism training could be used to disprove the Christian faith.  

He started with Easter and the Resurrection. He knew that Jesus claimed to have been raised from the dead. If he could PROVE that this did not happen, he could prove to his wife that there was no basis for her faith.

He thought it would just take a couple of days of investigation and research to disprove the Resurrection, but after a year and nine months of research and study – he realized that the evidence for the Resurrection was clear and compelling. He could not deny the truth of the Resurrection of Jesus … and chose to become a follower of Christ. 

Here are four E’s he found that summarize the truth of the Resurrection:


  1. Execution – No one has ever survived a crucifixion. Jesus was Dead. The death of Jesus by crucifixion is indisputable.
  2. Early accounts of Jesus’ resurrection – Some people think that the story of Jesus’ Resurrection is a legend.  However, legends take time to develop but we have written evidence of Jesus’ death and Resurrection written within months of the event. 
  3. Empty tomb – Even the opponents of Jesus admit that the tomb was empty after 3 days. So HOW did it get empty? 
  4. Eye witnesses – We have many ancient chronicled witnesses that all confirmed that they saw Jesus after his death. 


Further proof of Jesus is that we have tons of ancient literature that predicts the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. It would be mathematically impossible to fulfill all of those predictions. Yet, they are fulfilled.

The evidence is there…will you open your heart to believe these truths?

To all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

John 1:12

So if you believe in Jesus based on the historical data, the next step is to receive the free gift of God’s grace. A gift of forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus purchased on the cross when He died for our sins as our substitute.  

When we receive the gift … we become sons and daughters of God!

I am grateful to be a Child of God! It has forever changed my life.

A prayer for you if you’d like to become a child of God:

Jesus, as best I can I believe, you are the Son of God. I want to receive your free gift of eternal life. Thank you for dying for me and for paying for the things I’ve done wrong. Today I choose to follow you. 


If you’ve made a decision to become a Christ follower, send me a message!

If you want to hear Lee Strobel share this story and more, you can listen here: Lee Strobel Podcast

To read more about the evidence he uncovered, you can read his best-selling book, The Case For Christ.

Thanks for reading and Happy Resurrection Day!

Click here for a fun and unique way to teach kids about the resurrection.

0 In Book Review/ Family/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

Peek into our winter week(s)

Mom’s Morning Out

I had just started writing for the Colorado Springs Mom Blog when I found out we were moving to Minnesota. I subscribed to the Twin Cities moms blog right away because I knew it would be a helpful resource and a good way to connect with other moms. It’s been all of that! Last weekend I gathered with other moms from around the Twin Cities to create something original at a place called Projects in Person. If you are a mom who is looking for a helpful resource and connection with other moms, click here to find out if there’s a City Moms Blog Network in your area.

Daddy Day at Preschool!

Luke woke up saying “TODAY IS DADDY DAY,” with a big smile on his face. Ted comes downstairs a few minutes later and says, “Today is Daddy Day!” Luke smiles and says, “I JUST said that!” And they both laughed.

Luke really pays attention, because when describing his dad, he was pretty accurate…

He knows his dad works on the computer (that’s what he SEES him do…though that’s only a small part of Ted’s job), he likes to eat Salad (YEP!), and he knows Ted loves him SO much!

But he must also think Ted has a really big nose….:)

Clark breaks his thumb

During our super cold spell in February, we were cooped up inside for four straight days. We were all going a little stir crazy. On the fourth day, Clark was doing a fancy jump trick off the couch and landed on his thumb. At first I just thought he’d just bruised or jammed it, but the next day it it was getting worse, so I took him to the doctor. He had a broken thumb and had to wear a cast for 3 weeks.

Draw your favorite book

It was Read Across America last week at school, and the boys had to do a drawing of their favorite book. Clark and Paul chose our book, and I think they did a great job re-creating the cover of Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore! Paul also mentioned to his teacher that his dad’s book is also one of his favorites. Paul hasn’t read it, and could not remember the title, but he did a good job remembering what it looked like!

Clark’s Drawing of Climb, Soar, Swim, Explore

Paul’s drawing of my book and Ted’s book

My Goodwill find

I’d been watching for a good deal on hiking shoes the entire time we lived in Colorado. I finally found a GREAT deal. Goodwill had a pair of Merrel hiking shoes that were practically brand new and only cost $2.50! The same ones are currently selling for $99!

What I’m loving right now:

Playing games with my boys…

This super fun snow ball maker...

A great book….

The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines – This book was absolutely delightful! Chip and Jo share stories about their lives growing up, how they met, and the hilarious story about how their show Fixer Upper almost didn’t happen. If you need an easy, entertaining, funny, and fun-to-read book, this is the one!

1 In Book Review/ Product Recommendations

9 books to read in 2019

Here are 9 of my favorite books from 2018, if you haven’t read them…add them to your MUST READ list of 2019!

The one book you should read this year!
  1. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp – An incredibly well-written book that reminds the readers of how gratitude can positively change your life.

2. UnSuperMommy by Maggie Combs – This is a must read for moms with young children.

3. What’s God Really Like? by SJ Hill – Each page made me smile as I was reminded of how GOOD our God really is!

4. Conversations with a Billionaire by Ted W Egly – A truly inspirational book filled with tons of great stories. An easy-to-read book that will leave you feeling encouraged and challenged…get a glimpse into the book by clicking here.

5. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver – An awesome book if you like food and are interested in finding out more about what you eat. This book is also inspiring for gardeners (or wannabe gardeners, like me).

6. Love Does by Bob Goff or his next books which was equally Awesome:

7. Everybody Always – I was nervous to read this book because I didn’t know if it would be as good as his first…but it was amazing!

8. Speak Life by Brady Boyd – Our words shape our life. This book contains great examples on how we can improve our communication and challenges us to speak life-giving words.

9. Strong mothers, strong sons: Lessons mothers need to raise extraordinary men by Dr. Meg Meeker – A book that every boy mom would benefit from!

(Books above are affiliate links which means if you choose to purchase one, I may make a small commission without any additional cost to you.)

To read reviews of the other great books I read this year, click here.

Here are my TOP TEN favorite books of 2019!

Please subscribe so you don’t miss a post!

0 In Book Review/ Faith/ Memories/ Motherhood

From Assignment to Revelation: Discovering God’s Love


As a college freshman, my first assignment was to write a paper on any ‘classic’ book. Innocently, I asked my English professor, “Can I write my paper on the Bible?” To me, there was no more classic book than the Bible.

“Yes,” my professor replied, “but the Bible is a long book with many different topics. Choose one topic.”

I chose the topic of LOVE, unaware of the depth and breadth of what the Bible has to say on the subject and how much I would need to study it.

I had felt God’s love throughout my life, but stopping to study it was a magnificent experience. As Ann Voskamp beautifully writes in One Thousand Gifts, “The only thing that can change us, the world, is this – all His love.”


“The only thing that can change us, the world, is this – all His love.” – Ann Voscamp, 1000 gifts


I’ve hesitated to write this post for two reasons:

  1. I can’t find my original college paper. It’s probably saved on a floppy disk at the bottom of a box in my basement.
  2. Tying to capture the essence of God’s love in one post is like trying to explain the ocean by showing a single drop of water.



I remember the college assignment forcing me to dig into God’s Word and discover what it says about His love. The more I studied, the more my heart filled with His goodness and awe! While other freshmen sought significance in temporary fixes, I found lasting significance within the pages of my Bible. I grew in my awareness of being unconditionally loved by the Creator of the Universe. I was His beloved daughter.


‘See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!’ 1 John 3:1



The Creator of the universe loves you exactly as you are, with all your faults and inadequacies—He thinks you are worthy of love!


Becoming a mom deepened my understanding of God’s love. Having children opens up a new kind of love: a sacrificial love. I had no idea I could love someone who requires so much of me. This made me see, at a deeper level, how much God loves me. He gave everything for me, even His life.

I can see how He still loves me when I mess up because I love my children that way. I’m disappointed when they make wrong choices because I know it hurts them. When they hurt, I hurt. But my love for them doesn’t change.

Although I understood God’s love more after becoming a mother, my love for my children doesn’t compare to God’s love for us. God’s love transcends human love. It is unconditional—not based on feelings or actions. He doesn’t love us because we’re lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love.

Take a minute and learn from your children. Matthew 11:25 says: 


“At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.’”


Children never turn down a gift. When you give a child something, they receive it immediately, with no questions asked! They don’t wonder if they’ve earned it or if they deserve it. They just take it. We must learn from our children and receive God’s love like that. It’s a gift!

If you’ve never received the GIFT of God’s love, stop now and tell God that you want to know Him and receive His love!




Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us:

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”


God’s not in love with a future version of you; He is in love with you just as you are.


If you have difficulty accepting or understanding God’s love, pray Ephesians 3:17-19 over yourself right now, and again each morning:

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”




Begin to search the Scriptures for what it says about love. Read each verse and let the truth of God’s Word fill your heart with comfort, confidence, peace, joy and love.


“I have loved you with an everlasting love;    I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3


God desperately wants you to rest in His love. He wants you to live your life knowing you are loved.

Close your eyes and imagine this…

Imagine yourself curled up in your Father’s lap. 

Listen to Him tell you that He loves you.  

Bask in the safety of His love.


Now, go about your day knowing you are loved and showing that love to each person you encounter.


Questions for further study:

  • How does the Bible describe God’s love, and what are some key scriptures that illustrate its depth and nature?

  • In what ways can we practically experience and share God’s love in our daily lives?

  • How does understanding God’s unconditional love change our perspective on self-worth and identity?


Here are some “next steps” you can take after reading this post to further explore and experience the love of God:

  1. Daily Scripture Reading: Commit to reading a portion of the Bible each day, focusing on passages that speak about God’s love. Consider starting with the Gospel of John, 1 John, and Psalms.

  2. Prayer and Meditation: Spend time in prayer, asking God to help you understand and feel His love more deeply. Meditate on key verses about God’s love, such as Ephesians 3:17-19 and 1 John 4:9-10.

  3. Join a Study Group: Find or start a Bible study group focused on exploring the love of God. Discussing with others can provide new insights and deepen your understanding.

  4. Read Further: Read books on the love of God, such as “The Ragamuffin Gospel” by Brennan Manning, “The Pursuit of God” by A.W. Tozer, or “What’s God Really Like” by SJ Hill.

  5. Serve Others: Put God’s love into action by serving others in your community. Volunteer at a local charity, help a neighbor in need, or participate in a church outreach program.

  6. Reflect and Journal: Keep a journal to reflect on your journey of understanding God’s love. Write down your thoughts, prayers, and any revelations you receive during your study and meditation.

  7. Practice Gratitude: Make a daily habit of thanking God for His love and the ways you experience it in your life. Gratitude can help reinforce your awareness of His love and presence.


Have you encountered God’s Great Love for you?  If so, leave me a comment and share how that has impacted you? (Leave a comment by clicking on the little comment graphic by the title of this post)

Thanks for reading and please subscribe so you don’t miss a post.


Here’s a song about God’s love for you.

2 In Book Review/ Product Recommendations

The ONE book you should read this year!

If you only read ONE book in 2019, I recommend …

The one book you should read this year!

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp was truly a GIFT to me. It was the most beautifully written book I’ve ever read – and so full of truth and light. The book made me cry, laugh, think, and smile.

When I read a book, I underline all my favorite parts. If it’s a book that has stuff I that I don’t want to forget, I enter everything I’ve underlined into my computer. For this book, I had SIX TYPED pages of notes and quotes from the book! Six pages of words from the book that I didn’t want to forget. That’s a record!

This is a book I’ll come back to over and over. I’m also going to read the study guide that goes with this book:

The premise of One Thousand Gifts is about how to find gratitude in the mundane days of life. Finding gratitude leads to a full, joy-filled life.

Here are some quotes from the book:

It’s easy to speak the language of discontentment, self-condemnation, and dissatisfaction…but it’s worth learning how to speak a new language.

Why not let ALL life be penetrated by JOY and gratitude!?

Do yourself a favor and READ THIS BOOK!

Have you read One Thousand Gifts? If so…leave me a comment. Also, if you have a book I MUST read this year, let me know!

Have you read One Thousand Gifts? If so…leave me a comment. Also, if you have a book I MUST read this year, let me know!

Have you read One Thousand Gifts? If so…leave me a comment. Also, if you have a book I MUST read this year, let me know!

If you’d like to read reviews of all 40 books I read last year, click here.

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2 In Book Review

2018 Book Reviews and Recommendations


Scroll to the bottom to read what I think are the BEST BOOKS of 2018!

40 books I’ve read in 2018:

1. Money-making mom – (4/5) This book had some different ideas about how a mom can earn some extra money while raising kids. Written by Crystal Paine who created

2. Girl Wash your face by Rachel Hollis – (4/5) Read my review by clicking here.

3. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver (5/5) – Fascinating book, and I highly recommend it. Read my full review by clicking here.

4. Mother & Son: The Respect Effect by Emerson Eggerichs. (5/5)  Read my review by clicking here.

5. Conversations with a Billionaire by Ted Egly (5/5) Awesome book! Get a glimpse into this book by clicking here.

6. An American Marriage by Tayari Jones (3/5) Read my review here.

7. The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah (3/5) – Read my review here.

8. Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud (5/5) – Loved this book and HIGHLY recommend it if you are going through any transitions. Read my full review here.

9. Breathing In, Breathing out by Ralph Fletcher (4/5) – Read my review here.

10. Love Does by Bob Goff (5/5)  – I read this a couple years ago, and downloaded the audiobook to hear the author read it! This is one of my favorite books ever.

11. Everybody Always by Bob Goff 5/5 (Review here)

12. Wise Woman Abides from The Help Club for Moms – 5/5  – Fall Bible Study book. Click here to read an excerpt.  My favorite Bible study for women.

13. Wise Woman Stays from The Help Club for Moms 5/5

14. Wise Woman Loves from The Help Club for Moms – 5/5

15. Fervent by Priscilla Shirer – (5/5)  read my review here.

16. Indescribable by Louie Giglio – (5/5) We aren’t finished yet, but the kids and I love this Devotional Book for Kids. Read my review here.

17. My Bible – (5/5) I did not read the ENTIRE Bible this year, it’s just something I read from most days.

18. Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson – (5/5) Great Book!! Read my review here.

19. Adamant: Finding Truth in a Universe of Opinions by Lisa Bevere – (4/5) Good book full of truth.

20. Volunteer Revolution by Bill Hybels (2nd reading) (5/5) A great book to read if you work with volunteers. Read my review here.

21. Family Ministry Essentials– (4/5) Great book for anyone serving in children, family, or student ministry. Review here.

22. Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine – (3/5) There were some sweet parts to the story, but overall sad.

23. Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris – (4/5) Funny stories from David’s life. It has some inappropriate parts (TMI).

24. Volunteer Engagement 2.0 – (2/5) Skimmed this book and because it’s more of a textbook and not one I’d read for “enjoyment.”

25. Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems – (5/5) Awesome book about an incredible missionary! Great gift for a high school student.

26. Hallelujah Anyway by Anne Lamott – (4/5) Anne is an entertaining writer – good book!

27.  Encountering our Wild God by Kim Meeder – (5/5) This book is full of fascinating stories of what God has done in and through people. Loved it!

28. Fully Alive by Ken Davis (4/5) – Funny and interesting. Feels like it’s written for an older age group, but overall enjoyable.

29. The Path between Us by Suzanne Stabile – (3/5) Enneagram book. How to have a relationship with people of different personalities. I listened to the audiobook and think it was too much info to ‘listen to.’ I’d probably give it a higher rating if I’d read the book.

30. 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman (5/5) I’ve read this a long time ago but this is one you could keep coming back to. The book discusses different ways our children receive love and how to provide that love.

31. What’s God Really Like? by SJ Hill (5/5) Outstanding book on our amazing God and his incredible love for YOU! This book reminded me of all the ways God SHOWS his love for me! Wow, so so good.  READ THIS BOOK!

32. Of Mess & Moxie – 4/5 Entertaining and FUN to read with lots of truth nuggets.

33. Love Does for Kids -(5/5) I LOVED the grown-up version of this book, so I was really excited to get this and read it to my kids. It’s a great book, but I may have enjoyed it more than the kids. I’m still trying to figure out how to get four boys to sit and listen. The book is FULL of great stories, and each connects with a lesson from the Bible.

34.  Strong mothers, strong sons by Dr. Meg Meeker (5/5) A book that every single mother of sons should read. Absolutely fantastic. So many scenarios with recommendations of what is normal and how to respond, what to do, etc. Really good for me in a house full of boys! I’ll be reading this again in two years when I have a teenager. This would make a great gift for the mother of pre-teens or teens.

35. The Middle Place (3/5) – This book came recommended so I had high expectations. I usually enjoy memoirs, but this book did not deliver. I felt like it was more of a letter to her own family and too personal. The book’s title: “The Middle Place” refers to being in that place of raising children and still being someone’s child. I skipped through a few parts and kept hoping it would get better. It didn’t.

36. Speak Life by Brady Boyd- (5/5) An amazing book about the power in our words. My review here.

37. The Remarkable Ordinary  – (3/5) I downloaded this audiobook because of the interesting title. There were some enjoyable parts to the book, but overall, I wasn’t crazy about it.

38. Unsupermommy by Maggie Combs (5/5) – A book every single mom should read. She speaks truth. LOVED IT and plan to give a few as gifts!

39. Cultivate by Lara Casey (3/5) – About “cultivating” the life you want. Decent book but the book was a little flat for me. However, I was “listening” to this book and may have been distracted. It has great reviews on Amazon.

40. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp – 5/5 This is one of my TOP FIVE books of the year! Ann is probably one of the most gifted writers I’ve ever read. This is a book on the power of gratitude. This would be a PHENOMENAL gift for any person you know.

Of the 40 books listed above, here are my Top 8 Favorite Books of 2018:

  1. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp – An incredibly well-written book that reminds the readers of how gratitude can positively change your life.
  2. UnSuperMommy by Maggie Combs – This would make a great gift for any new moms or moms with young children.
  3. What’s God Really Like? by SJ Hill – LOVED this book. It would make a good gift for anyone wanting to be reminded of how GOOD our God really is!
  4. Conversations with a Billionaire by Ted W Egly – I LOVED this book and think it would be a great gift for anyone needing a little inspiration.
  5. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver – So interesting. A great gift for any gardener or foodie!
  6. Love Does by Bob Goff
  7. Speak Life by Brady Boyd
  8. Strong mothers, strong sons by Dr. Meg Meeker

(Books above are affiliate links which means if you choose to purchase one, I may make a small commission without any additional cost to you.)

What were your favorite books this year? Leave me a comment!