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0 In 2022/ Inspiration/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

15 Old-fashioned ways to stand out – in business and in life

Ted found this list on Twitter, copied it to a word document and printed it out for each of our boys. After they read it, we talked about what stood out to them. We also discussed which of these we do well, and which ones we could work on.

I thought you might enjoy reading this, and perhaps you’ll want to print it to read and discuss with your family. Feel free to share this post!


15 “old fashioned” ways to stand out in life:


1. Handwritten Notes:

Handwritten notes have sadly become a rarity in the digital age. Emails and texts lack personality—handwritten notes exude a raw authencity that fosters connection. Use them for: Thank yous, follow ups, letters to loved ones…AND nice penmanship is a plus!


2. Be True to Your Word: 

When you say you’re going to do something, follow through. Being true to your word builds trust and deep relationships—personally and professionally. The recipe is simple: 

(1) Say what you’re going to do 

(2) Do it 

(3) Repeat 

Your word is your bond.


3. Be on Time (or early):

Take pride in punctuality. Being on time (or early) for your commitments is a clear show of respect to the other people involved.


4. Good Posture:

Strong posture is a physical and mental unlock for life. It’s linked to a variety of health benefits, including healthier muscles and joints, higher energy levels, and more. It also improves self-confidence—and how others perceive us. Stand tall to stand out.


5. Smile at Strangers:

It used to be considered common courtesy to smile and say good morning to people on the street. But somewhere along the line, it became “weird” to do so. Smile at people, say hello, give a warm head nod. It might even make them more likely to pass it on.


6. Hold the Door:

Holding the door for others was a simple point of good manners taught to many of us as children. Sadly, it seems like a lost art. It’s a habit worth reviving: When you go through a door, hold it for the next person—smile and say hello. Small acts go a long way.


7. Express Gratitude:

Life gets so much better when you really lean into gratitude. Create a daily gratitude practice—write down 3 things you’re grateful for every night before bed. Tell someone how much you appreciate them. Don’t wait to show gratitude until it’s too late.


8. Help Someone in Need:

When I was a kid, I was always taught to offer up my seat for anyone in need. The lesson extended to other areas of life. It’s easy to do—and so important. Help someone with their suitcase, walk someone across the street, buy someone a donut and coffee. (Click here to read 21 small ways to make a big difference)


9. Listen More than You Speak:

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” — Epictetus

If you want your words and ideas to be heard, start by talking less and listening more. You’ll find more power in your words. Talk less to be heard more.


10. Say Someone’s Name:

Calling someone by their name is an easy way to build a bond. When you meet a new person, make a point to remember their name. If it’s a difficult one, ask how to pronounce it. Say it back in conversation so it sticks.


11. Eye Contact:

Eye contact builds trust. When you’re listening, look them in the eye. It shows presence, focus, and respect. When you’re speaking, eye contact can be organic (to avoid being intense). It’s ok to gaze off to think, but use eye contact to emphasize key points.


12. Apologize Effectively:

When you screw something up, be accountable and own it. Admit you’re wrong and apologize. All apologies should be direct and specific—acknowledge exactly what you did, why it was incorrect, and how it will be remedied. It’s the only way to move forward.


13. Work Hard:

Hard work stands out in a world where everyone wants to call it overrated. Take pride in working hard—show up and do what you say you’ll do. Always look for ways to work smarter, but if you’re striving for great things, you have to work hard.


14. Confident Handshake:

Handshakes fell out of favor due to COVID—some said they would never return. I don’t believe it. If handshakes are a trust-building part of your culture, take pride in them. Look the person in the eye, smile, and deliver a confident (but not hard) grip.


15. Be Kind:

Kindness is somehow severely underrated. It fosters relationships, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves overall happiness. When you are consistently, genuinely kind, you become a magnet for the highest-quality people.


Questions to consider:

  • Which are your currently doing well?
  • Which do you want to try today?

0 In 2022/ Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

How to Raise a Jerk!

15 ways to raise a jerk from


Here are a few ideas to help you effectively raise a jerk:


  • Protect them from the consequences of their own mistakes.
  • Make sure you do whatever they can do for themselves.
  • Keep them away from anyone who thinks differently than they do.
  • Try to give them everything they want.
  • Tell them over and over you just want them to be happy.
  • Convince them that they are more special than other kids.
  • Always take their side when they get in trouble with their teacher at school.
  • Always take their side whenever they are in a conflict with a friend.
  • Don’t give them consistent opportunities to help or serve other people.
  • Never require them to do chores.
  • Reinforce their prejudices about people from different cultures or backgrounds.
  • Make your relationship with them more important than your relationship with your spouse.
  • Rarely express genuine gratitude to those who help you.
  • Teach them to talk more than they listen.
  • Never let them hear you say “I was wrong. I am sorry.”


I loved this and hope you do too! What would you add or change? Leave a comment.


I use the free Parent Cue app because it provides simple ways to connect with and influence my kids. Click here to check it out.


Thanks for reading. Please consider subscribing.

0 In 2022/ Motherhood

How Parents of Special Needs Children Can Diagnose and Manage Caregiver Fatigue by Janice Russell


Parenting is a tough job, and for a parent with a special needs child, it comes with an extra set of challenges. When caring for a special needs child, it is not uncommon to overlook your needs. Thus, you may experience parental burnout. You cannot give your child the best care when you are physically, mentally, or emotionally drained. Therefore, it is essential to know how to spot signs of fatigue and schedule time for self-care. If you are a parent of a special needs child, read this guide for tips on diagnosing and reducing fatigue.


Diagnosing Caregiver Fatigue

You should be able to recognize signs of fatigue to take the appropriate actions to manage them. Check the following to assess your fatigue levels:

Your and Your Child’s Sleep Quality

How is your sleep quality? Do you go to bed and stare in the dark for hours, unable to sleep, or feel like you are always sleeping? Either of these experiences indicates fatigue. Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep. However, if you have a special needs child, they may interrupt your sleep. If this happens often, you will likely suffer fatigue with time.

Your Marital Satisfaction

If you are married, does your spouse help with childcare? If you have no respite or are frustrated at your spouse because they don’t help you enough, your fatigue levels are likely high.

Your Caregiving Burden

Does taking care of your child feel like a 24/7 job? Do you have time for yourself? How much physical activity outside of childcare do you get? You may have high fatigue levels if taking care of your child consumes all your time. In this case, you likely have no time for self-care, including wellness checkups when you are ill or visits to the salon.


Managing Caregiver Fatigue

Here are some effective ways to manage fatigue among parents of special needs children.

Make Time for Your Goals

Pursuing your goals is an essential part of self-care. So if you have put your dreams aside to take care of your child, consider picking up one to work on and schedule time for it. For instance, studying for an online education degree could pave the path to your dream career and allow you time to care for your child.  

Improve Your Home Environment

Did you know that introducing some changes to your home can help you reduce stress and manage fatigue? Removing clutter creates a less stressful environment, allowing you to focus on your needs. The presence of nature also reduces stress levels. So, you might want to get a houseplant. 

Address Possible Hurdles

When you often ignore your needs, you may need time to adjust to a self-care plan. Sometimes, you may go overboard and burden your support system. Other times, you may downplay your fatigue symptoms. A support group provides you with people to keep you in check.


Prevent Caregiver Fatigue

Child care should not cost you your well-being. Follow the above tips and explore more advice on parenting without burnout.


Cheering you on,

Janice Russell of

0 In 2022/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Mother’s Day 2022 Recap

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms, Step-moms, Foster-moms, Grand-moms, Dog-moms and Ladies who are Like Moms to us all.

I hope you got to call in some reinforcements and relax on Mother’s Day:


I’m in a really sweet stage of motherhood. All my babies are potty-trained and sleep through most nights.

Though I know didn’t ‘earn’ my coffee on Mother’s Day, my husband still brought me coffee in bed. (“Earn” is a joke – since I’m no longer up at night with kids, I don’t feel like I ‘earn’ the coffee I drink in the morning – but I LOVE it just the same!)

I’m one of those weird people who gets nauseous if I drink straight black coffee without eating something first, so I asked Paul to bring me up some almonds.

Paul ran downstairs and came back up and handed me TWO almonds and said:

“Sorry mom, I got hungry on the way up.”

I laughed and ate my two almonds. Then he opened his other hand…and gave me a bunch more.

I try to make Mother’s Day a ‘no cooking’ day, so the boys grabbed a banana on their way out the door to church. Our church always has FREE donuts available – which makes Sunday mornings a little easier. Today, they also had cake pops for Mother’s Day. I’m not a cake pop fan, but my boys were thrilled.

At church, they sang “Talking to Jesus.” Clark and I looked at each other and smiled because that song has a special meaning to us. If my boys have a bad dream, that’s a song that I play for them to help them get back to sleep. Clark will sometimes request the “Grandma song.” (lol)

You can listen here:




After church, Ted took us to a delicious Mother’s Day Brunch. I LOVE brunch. According to my mom, I always have. Brunch means you get to try a little bit (or a lot) of everything, and you don’t have to wait for your food.

My boys are just like me.

  • Luke called it the ‘best day ever.’
  • George asked how many times he could go back for more food. When he found out it was unlimited – he asked why we can’t do this more often.
  • Paul agreed with George and asked if we could do this every week.
  • Clark loved every bite and even, somehow, took food to go.

After lunch, we came home and the boys gave me some handmade cards – my favorite kind.



Clark and I are wore thrift store shirts on Mother’s Day. Both were brand new, with tags, and we only paid a few dollars for them. Mine was originally $70 from Evereve. His was originally $60.


I wasn’t planning to cook dinner, but I was craving Broccoli Cheddar soup. So, I broke my “no cooking” on Mother’s Day rule, and I am happy I did. The soup was perfect on our wet, chilly Mother’s Day evening. Bonus: I have lunch ready for the week!


I usually pray over the kids at bedtime, but tonight Paul asked to pray. He prayed that dad would have a good week as he taught the Target leaders, and that the members of the Supreme Court would have courage to make the right decisions. (my heart melted)

I am so grateful for this stage of motherhood. I wish I could freeze my kids at these ages. They are are fun and funny. They are helpful, kind, and creative. I’m truly grateful to be their mom!



If you are in that “tough” stage of motherhood where all you want is a good night’s sleep or a ‘break’ from the demands of motherhood – I’ve been there! Just do the next right thing. It WILL get easier.

Happy Mother’s Day to every mom reading this.

Click here to read about my Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Mother’s Day.

0 In 2022/ Motherhood

4 Tips for Remote Workers With Young Kids

Guest post by Janice Janice Russell of


According to a study by Owl Labs, 62 percent of American workers between the ages of 22 and 65 say they work remotely at least some of the time, and that number is only expected to rise as more companies innovate and technology advances. Many work-from-home employees have young children who spend at least part of their day at home during their parent’s work hours. Because parenting and job duties can sometimes cause conflict in your life, it’s important to seek resources that help you establish a productive work-life balance.


1. Stick to a Schedule

If you’re scheduled to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. as a condition of your employment, it’s essential that you keep those hours. If your children are old enough to care for themselves in a separate part of your home, then you can provide them with age-appropriate activities, and stress that they should only interrupt you if there’s an emergency. For babies and toddlers, you should arrange reliable child care that can support your family during work hours.

When you work from home, it can be easy to feel like you’re always at work. If you spend every extra minute checking emails or trying to get ahead, you’ll miss out on precious moments with your little ones, and they’ll notice. Therefore, it is imperative to establish and commit to family time every day. Playing outside, eating meals as a family, or reading together before bedtime, are wonderful ways to cultivate meaningful relationships with your young children.


2. Create a Distraction-Free Workspace

To ensure your kids understand your boundaries during the workday, you should have a designated workspace in your home. It may be a spare bedroom that you convert into an office or a corner of your dining room set up with your laptop and headset. Either way, make sure your children understand that when you’re in this space, you are working and not to be bothered. If you have an in-home helper for child care, you can ask him or her to pretend as though you are not home during your work hours.


3. Get Comfortable

Parenting is full-time work, and so is your actual job. Therefore, though many remote employees are still expected to dress in business casual attire, you should prioritize your comfort. A soft knit blazer, flats with microfiber insoles and a quality pair of leggings that look like work pants, keep you looking professional but allow you the comfort and flexibility you need to chase your little ones around.


4. Leave Your House

When you went to an office every day, chances are you took breaks, left for lunch, or took short walks to stretch your legs. Now that you work from home, it’s important to retain that personal time and space so you can remain focused and avoid burnout. If you are the sole child care provider during your work hours, you can use this time to let your toddler expend some energy at the neighborhood playground.

Many work-from-home parents struggle with self-care. If you have a family member, friend, or hired help who can take over for a while, you should use that bit of time for rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.

Working remotely with young children can be challenging, but if you incorporate these tips with a bit of planning and consistency, you can thrive in your career and family life.

– Janice Russell


I hope you found this guest article helpful! Find more from Janice at

0 In 2022/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

A Fun and Yummy Easter Activity: Resurrection Rolls


One of our family’s favorite Easter traditions are making Resurrection Rolls together. Not only is it a fantastic object lesson, it’s DELICIOUS!

Making the rolls together is a fun and tangible way to teach your children about the Resurrection. They make a wonderful treat for Easter weekend.


George, Paul, and two friends.


This year, I was making rolls early to take pictures for this post, and only two of my sons were available. When the other two heard we did this without them, they were disappointed. I gladly promised we’d make another batch before Easter.



Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 8 large marshmallows
  • 1/2 stick of butter, melted
  • Crescent Roll Dough
  • 2 Tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • Cooking spray
  • Tin pan


What You’ll Do

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Read John 19:38-42 to your children. Explain to them what each ingredient represents.
3. The butter represents the embalming oils. Put butter in a shallow dish in the microwave for 20-30 seconds to melt.
4. The marshmallow represents Jesus, white and pure because He was without sin. Dip the marshmallow in butter.
5. Pour some cinnamon sugar in another shallow dish. The cinnamon sugar is like the spices they used to prepare His body for burial. Roll the marshmallow in the spices.
6. Spread out one section of the crescent dough on a plate. The crescent dough represents the linen cloth they wrapped Jesus in. Place the marshmallow in the triangle of dough and wrap the marshmallow completely. 
Option – Dip it in the butter again to keep it from sticking to the pan. Or place directly in a muffin tin covered in cooking spray.
7. Place the rolls in the ‘tomb’ – (the oven). Bake for 12-15 minutes.
8. When the muffins are barely brown on top, take them out of the ‘tomb’ and let them cool for about 5 minutes.
9. Let your kids open up their roll and discover what happened. (Spoiler alert) The roll is empty!



Here’s a short video showing you what to do:

Thank you for reading and Happy Easter!

Are you wondering what RESURRECTION means and what it has to do with Easter? CLICK HERE!

0 In 2021/ Christmas/ Family/ Food/ Inspiration/ Joy/ Minnesota/ Motherhood/ Peek into our Week/ Raising boys

These are a Few of My Favorite Things: Winter Edition


Christmas lights, music, & cards

Thanks to every single person who took the effort to put up Christmas lights this year or send out cards. It definitely brought Christmas JOY to our family.

My favorite tree!
And this house!



The new Hawkeye series on Disney Plus

When Ted asked me to come watch Hawkeye with him and the boys, I brought a book to read. I’m not really in to the “Hawkeye” character, and didn’t want to watch this new show, but I did want to hang with the boys while they watched it.

Little did I know how much we would ALL enjoy it. The storyline was so engaging and the characters were endearing. We just finished the final episode on Disney. I said to Ted. ‘Let’s watch that series again’ (I never say that. It was truly THAT GOOD)!


Good and Gather Kettle Chips and Everything Dip

If you are near a Target – get THESE CHIPS and THIS DIP. Thank me later.


The Heads Up app


In The Wild sticker book

This sticker book that makes the most beautiful creations. It’s fun for kids ages 6-10 (and their moms).



Lactaid Egg Nog

Fun fact: I never tasted Egg Nog until college. Since then, I’ve tried lots of different flavors, and this one is my favorite. Have you tried it?


The Fa La Latte from Caribou

It’s an egg nog latte

The Fa La Latte is an egg nog latte. It’s SO good. I’m making the most of the season with all this EGG NOG, and making up for lost time I suppose?!


Luke’s drawing

I read the Christmas story from Luke 2, and asked Paul and Luke to draw what they thought the story looked like. I’m saving this one!


Wrigley in the snow

Wrigley is a kid in a candy store when there is fresh snow on the ground. I can hear him thinking: BEST DAY EVER!!!


This miraculous e-collar

Wrigley is the SWEETEST DOG. However, when he’s outside and not on his leash, he doesn’t always come back when you call him. If he’s not done playing, he will run AWAY from you when he sees you coming toward him.

This became a HUGE problem two times in December. Once when I had to go to work and couldn’t get him inside. Another time when he ran onto the pond and we weren’t sure if it was thick enough to hold him. Paul was a wreck thinking his dog might go through the ice and there was nothing we could do.

Enter the world’s best invention. A collar that beeps, vibrates or shocks. (We don’t use the shock)

The very first time I gave Wrigley a gentle vibrate and beep and said “COME,” he immediately came and sat next to me. I was shocked and overjoyed how well it worked then, and how will it continues to work. I only needed to use the vibrate twice, and now he obeys when he just hears the BEEP!

This device is usually $50, but they are currently 20% off. This was the best $40 I ever spent.


YouTube videos the whole family can enjoy


There are so many ANNOYING YouTube Channels. However, there are a handful that we can all enjoy together.

  1. Mark Rober – a former Nasa scientist who makes entertaining videos by creating gadgets and fun experiments.
  2. Dude Perfect – a group of guys that met at church and now make trick shot videos and a ‘game show’ called Overtime.
  3. Fantastic 2 – I can’t NOT mention the channel my son’s created. 🙂


The Love of a Dog

Sweet Wrigs loving on Paul when he was sick

Click here to read the story of how we got our dog.


And most of all…spending time with my family!

Thanks for reading! Happy New Year to each of you.

0 In Christmas/ DIY/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Product Recommendations/ Raising boys

5 Cute and Easy Ornaments to Make with your kids!


Have you put up your Christmas tree yet?

We put ours up over the weekend, and as we hung the ornaments, the ones that made us smile and brought back the sweetest memories were the ones we made together.


Hanging new ornaments they received for Christmas


Here are five fun holiday ornaments my boys enjoyed making, and I think your family will have fun with it too.

You can keep them for your own tree, or gift them to loved ones.


1. Hydro-Dipped Painted Ornament

Click here for instructions!


2. Hand-Print Ornament

This is a precious way to capture that sweet tiny handprint. These make me smile every time I hang them on my tree.


  1. Paint your child’s fingers.
  2. Help them press their ‘painted’ fingers on the ornament.
  3. Clean your child’s hand.
  4. Let the paint dry.
  5. Use permanent markers to turn the fingerprints into snowmen.
  6. Add the date.

Click here to buy white acrylic paint and colorful markers.


3. Perler Bead Ornaments

This takes time and patience, but it can be calming and relaxing.

Click here to purchase Perler Beads.


Perler Beads make a great Christmas gift for children ages 6-9.


4. Popsicle Stick snowman


Set out paint, buttons, stickers, string, and construction paper and see what your kids create! The possibilities are endless.

Add your child’s name and the date to the back of the stick.

Click here for popsicle sticks.


5. Salt Dough Ornaments

These are a classic. We enjoyed making these so much last year, my boys are already asking if we can do it again this year.

Salt Dough Snowman

Click here for instructions.


Which one of those I listed is your favorite? Leave me a comment.

Send me a picture of your family’s favorite homemade ornament.

Enjoy the holiday season!




Disclaimer: The items I recommended from Amazon are affiliate links. If you purchase an item I recommend, I may earn a commission. Thanks for your support!

0 In 2021/ Family/ Free stuff/ Games/ Memories/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

Five Free Ways to Have Fun with your Family this Fall

Most of our kids are back in school, sitting 8 hours a day, often times wearing a mask. Getting out in the backyard, enjoying fresh air and family time is perfect for fall.

The temps are more mild and kids are ready to burn some energy after a long school day. Playing together not only helps you and your children ‘de-stress,’ but also strengthens the bond with your kids!

Here are FIVE free games to play with your family! 

1. Dog tail:

  • Pull out the longest socks you own.
  • Everyone tucks one sock into the back of their shorts, like a dog tail.
  • The object is to grab everyone else’s “tail” (or sock) while keeping your own.
  • Say GO and the last one wearing a sock wins! 


2. Mr. Fox, what time is it?

  • Select one person to be Mr. or Mrs. Fox. This person will stand with his or her back to the rest of the players. 
  • All other players line up on the other side of the yard/field. The players take turns asking Mr. Fox what time it is. (“Mr. Fox, what time is it?)
  • The fox will then respond with a time, such as 3 o’clock. The players must then take the same number of steps forward (in this case, 3 steps). These steps may be as large or small as the players wish, no matter how close they get to the fox.
  • When Mr. Fox is ready, he will respond to “What time is it?” with “LUNCHTIME!”
  • When the kids hear ‘lunchtime,’ they will run back to the starting line and try not to get “tagged” by Mr. Fox.


3. Create an Obstacle Course

Work with your kids to design an obstacle course in the backyard and time each other to complete the course.

4. “Vote with your Feet!”

This is a take on the “Would you rather?” game, except your kids have to run to one or the other side of the yard.

If they “vote” for the first one, run to the right. If they vote for second, run to the left. 

Would you rather….

Be Superman or Batman?

Eat Pizza or Hotdogs?

Ride a roller coaster or a water slide?

Go to Target or Walmart?

Laugh or cry?

Jump high or run fast?

Have summer all year or winter all year?

Be really smart or really funny?

Drive a truck or a sports car?

Go back in time or go to the future?

Be able to fly or be invisible?

Have ONE great friend or 20 pretty good friends?

Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?

Take a ride in a speed boat or helicopter? 

Go Skydiving or Swim with Sharks?

Build a Sand Castle or Play in the Waves?

Go Skiing or Ride a bike?

Watch a Movie or Read a Book?

Go Rock climbing or Swimming?

Own a Cat or a Dog?

Write a Story or a Draw picture?

Clean the Bathroom or Vacuum the carpet?

Ice Skate or Roller Skate?

Drink Pop or Water?

Play Inside or Outside?

Take a Shower or Bath?

Take a trip to Australia or Italy?

Go Fishing or Make slime?

Play a Video game or Board game?

Have more time or more money?


5. Be creative with sidewalk chalk:

  • Lay down and trace each other – then decorate with clothes, faces, etc.
  • Write a word of encouragement for passers-by
  • Use tape and color in the spaces like stained glass 


What game will YOU play outside this fall? Leave me comment!

Thanks for reading!

Kathryn Egly

0 In 2021/ Family/ Motherhood/ Raising boys

5 Tips to Start the School Year Strong!

This post was originally written for the Help Club for Moms group, but I thought I’d share it with you as well!

Starting the new school year can be a little crazy if you are a ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants’ or overly laid back person like me. Lots of rushing, perhaps some yelling, maybe tears, and forgetting important things (like lunch) have all been a part of our mornings because we had no systems or routines.

So, here are some changes I’m making this year to start the school year strong.

1. PRACTICE your Morning Routine.

If you want to prevent a super stressful first day of school, begin your ‘back-to-school’ routine a few days beforehand. Slowly start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. In the morning, “play” like you are going to school. Work out the kinks and see how long it takes everyone to get ready. Mom tip: Take the kids to the park when everyone gets ready on time!

2. Prep the Night Before

Have your children get in the habit of prepping for school the night before:

  • Clothes laid out?
  • Ipads charging?
  • Backpacks and shoes by the door?

3. Get out the calendar

Whether you use a paper calendar (like me) or a digital one, take time to add activities right away – school breaks, conferences, parent-teacher night, and even testing dates. Put important dates on the calendar NOW, so you have time to plan ahead.

4. Email the teacher

As soon as you get the teacher’s email address – send him or her a short and quick note, letting them know how thankful you are that he/she will be investing in your child this year!

The benefit of this is two-fold:

– You establish a positive relationship from the beginning.

– The teacher’s email is now in your contacts, so when you need to email the teacher during the school year, you aren’t scrambling to find the paper that contains the email address.

5. Set the Tone

You set the tone for the attitudes in your home. If you keep a positive attitude, it’s more likely that your child will as well. Focus on the positive and share what you are excited about regarding the new school year. If your child is feeling stressed or anxious, listen to them and pray with them. Remind them that you are available, and God is always with them.

Hope those tips will help you this year! Praying this year is a great one for you and your children.